Sorry this took so long to evaluate gang been very busy as of late with happy real-life events so BattleTech is taking a bit of a back seat. Reviewing the five existing canon configurations, seventeen different entries, the ‘Mech of the Week article, and masterarminas As They Should Have Been was a tall order but a lot of fun. Initially I choose eight winners then went back eliminated three and finally decided on a total of ten configurations for the upgraded Fire Moth (Dasher). I am going to go by the configuration and spell out my reasoning a little. Hopefully you agree with the final product but if you don’t please let me know!
Primary Configuration – Here is one I went back and forth a bit. The existing canon loadout just did not do it for me with its different types of SRM launchers it seemed like an odd ball rather than the base for the OmniMech. marauder648 cut out the SRM-4 for 2 Medium Pulses which was interesting as I was looking for a Pulse config but ultimately, I passed because it just didn’t do enough for me. First time around I chose drakensis Primary entry which mounted three SRM-6s which I think is a great concept. However, each launcher only has ten shots a piece and it proved too radical a departure for me to endorse (stay tuned). This left Abele’s rather conservative replacement of the SRM-6 with another SRM-4 and the addition of an ER Small as my choice for the upgraded Primary Configuration for the Fire Moth. Score 1 for Abele.
Alternate Configuration A – The Fire Moth’s canon support configuration needed some work in my eyes and we had plenty of contenders. The Jump Configurations submitted by drakensis and marauder648 quickly earned a spot of their own but I wanted a premier recon asset with all the electronic bells and whistles the Clans could muster (ECM Suite, Active Probe, and TAG). So, stay tuned for jumpers in another configuration to come while we stay focused on configurations that featured those surveillance items. Abele’s A entry was a good one which I considered but unfortunately this ‘on the bubble’ (near winner) design didn’t quite make the grade. Instead drakensis’ D was the one I picked with its anti-infantry weaponry (4 Machine Guns, 2 Flamers, ER Medium Laser) and complete scout package. It was the clear winner to me and my choice for the new Alternate A, score 1 for drakensis.
Alternate Configuration B – For this selection I wanted something with twin Medium Pulses like the canon configuration which I decided after some contemplation needed an upgrade. Unfortunately, I had to immediately disqualify marauder648’s B entry as it featured a Light Active Probe. Please make sure that all future entries for these challenges feature Clan Tech from the Invasion era which is the early 3050s before Heavy Lasers, ATMs, and Light Active Probes. With my Pulse preference which was a late consideration only a couple of Abele designs were so qualified. None more so then Abele’s B entry which got rid of canon’s ECM and A-Pod for three ER Smalls which provided more offensive punch especially against infantry. Score 2 Abele!
Alternate Configuration C – The LRM Fire Moth struck me as something that would mount four or maybe even five LRM 5s with the rest as ammo but the math was tough to make work with just 6.5 tons. The canon version left me unsatisfied and thankfully all three contestants took a shot at replacing it. Abele’s C consolidated the 10 LRMs of the canon design into a single launcher with a ton of ammo and removed the AMS for 2 ER Mediums and a Small Pulse. Despite a good loadout I wanted more LRMs so I went to marauder648 who had the most LRMs with two 10 launchers. Only a dozen shots though between two systems meant six shots and your done plus a Flamer which just didn’t do it for me. This bought me to drakensis’ entry whose LRM-15 with Artemis IV FCS and two tons of ammo was the most efficient long range fire support in my opinion. Score 2 drak!
Alternate Configuration D – My favorite canon Fire Moth (Dasher) configuration was this one which featured 5 ER Medium Lasers tied to a Targeting Computer along with a Flamer. While everyone stepped forward with a challenge I ultimately choose to keep the existing package. marauder648’s B was his closest comparable entry with 6 ER Smalls and 2 Small Pulses all tied to a Targeting Computer. While it was DQ’d I did consider it along with Abele’s D which pulled an ER Medium from the canon loadout and replaced it with two ER Smalls. For me the closest was drakensis’ B which added a Heat Sink to deal with all the high heat generated by the ER Mediums and swapped out 3 of those for 5 ER Smalls. Almost bud but not quite, we will stick with the canon D here.
Alternate Configuration E – For the first expanded configuration, number six, is appropriately an Extended Range sniper which marauder648 came up with. An ER Large Laser tied into a Targeting Computer gives the Fire Moth incredibly accurate long-range firepower. Be hard to hit this one moving so fast at a distance just wearing down opponents with an inexhaustible arsenal. An ER Small provides close in support when necessary while an ECM Suite insures that its Targeting Computer can not be jammed. Very nice work! Score 1 for marauder648.
Alternate Configuration F – Going back to the Primary entries drakensis three SRM-6 entry was just too good to pass up even though it has a limited ammo supply. This machine would have its uses on the battlefield allowing for the utilization of special warheads if so desired. I liked it enough to give it seventh place in our competition. #3 for drakensis.
Alternate Configuration G – Perhaps standing for Big “Gun†this loadout by Abele features the largest main gun of any entry. Bjarni A has an ER PPC which can knock out any Mech opponent with a hit to the head making it a formidable fast striker. Backed up by an ER Small for in close defense I always am I fan of these big gun entries. Bjarni B was somewhat less desirable to me but substituting a Large Pulse Laser is conceivable. That too might receive an honorable mention in the final accounting for ‘G’. #3 for Abele.
Alternate Configuration J – Jump Jet entries seem only too appropriate to place here for the Fire Moth and we had two good ones which I really liked. marauder648’s entry featured 8 jump jets and so had another ton for an ECM Suite which drakensis did not. Both had an Active Probe and an ER Small but what stood out to me was the maximized jump ability of drak’s. With ten Jump Jets his entry impressed me the most and won another spot in the upgraded Fire Moth. Four for drakensis!!
Alternate Configuration K – Finally for the tenth and final configuration I wanted to put in an idea floated by Bosefius in the Mech of the Week article on the main BattleTech forum into practice. Imagine 10 ER Smalls tied into a Targeting Computer! With a half a ton left over why not put in an A-Pod? This “mini-Nova†would be aptly termed a Knife Fighter for its need to close with opponents to deliver 50 points of possible damage in a single round! I am thinking Goliath Scorpion or Hell’s Horses is the Clan who originally come up with it. Too good a concept for me to pass up so I hope you will all accept it.
So with 4 winning configurations the win goes to drakensis with Abele in second place with 3. marauder648 got on board with one winning entry himself so congratulations everyone, well done! I am thinking about putting this all in Technical Readout 3050: The Quicksilver Upgrades which will be a supplemental fanbook to my first TRO which is still in the works. The next challenge should be up tomorrow night and it probably won’t surprise a lot of you so go and get ready. I’ll see you tomorrow!!