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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2012, 04:14:39 PM »

Chapter Nine (cont.)

“Captain, long-range sensors have detected a Kraal vessel patrolling their border,” said Amanda from her Science station.

“Hail them, Mister Shrak.”

“No response, Sir.”

“Very well.  Miss Biddle, what is our current time from the border?”

“Two minutes at Warp 8, Sir.”

“Miss Montoya, plot an intercept course to the Kraal vessel, Warp 8.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.  Coming to heading 092, Mk 002.  Accelerating to Warp 8.”

“Mister Shrak, set Yellow Alert throughout the ship, and raise shields.”

“Yellow Alert set in all compartments, Captain Dahlgren.  Shields are now active.”


Matt swiveled to face his Science Officer.  “Yes, Miss Tsien?”

“I am detecting a number of small buoys paralleling the borders claimed by the Kraal.  They appear to be generating a sensor net of some kind.”

“Are the buoys armed?”

“No sir.”

“Well, let’s ring their door bell then.”

“The Kraal vessel is turning to intercept us, Sir,” Pavel Roshenko called out from tactical.  “Shall I arm phasers?”

Matt considered and then he shook his head.  “Not yet, Mister Roshenko; but keep your crews on standby.”  The Captain paused for a second.  “Load torpedoes into the ready magazines, but do not arm.”

“Initiating torpedo load sequence, Sir,” the tactical officer paused, “ready magazines are now loaded, torpedoes are not armed.”

“We are now crossing the Kraal border, Captain,” Grace sang out.  “Sensor beams from the buoys are probing us—and they are transmitting an encoded sub-space signal.”

“Steady as she goes, Miss Montoya.  Time to intercept?”

“Thirty seconds, sir,” replied the operations officer.

“Drop to sub-light, Miss Montoya.  Mister Shrak, hail them again.”

Republic quivered as the mighty starship bled speed and decelerated to impulse power.

“Still no response from the Kraal vessel, Captain Dahlgren,” Chan answered.

“She’s dropped out of warp, Sir,” offered Amanda Tsien.  “She’s raising shields and arming weapons; they will enter weapons range in one minute, seconds, mark.”

“What is you tactical analysis of that ship, Mister Roshenko?”

“She’s roughly comparable with a Valley Forge-class, circa 2223, Captain.  Armament consists of low-powered disruptors and photon torpedoes, with first generation shields.  Her impulse engines are sub-standard for her mass, and I doubt she can achieve 0.1c even at full power.  She poses little threat to us, Sir.”

“Hold our current position, Miss Montoya, let her come to us.  How does she compare to the Lorsham ships, Pavel?” Matt asked.

“Aye, aye, sir, thrusters set to station-keeping, maintaining our position and orientation.”

“She’s bigger, faster, and twice as weapons, more efficient and powerful weapons.  Her shields are weaker—the Lorsham ships are roughly equal in that area to a Constitution-refit or early Miranda-class.  One on one, the Kraal vessel would probably win—and their Fleet outnumbers the Lorsham, according to our data.”

Amanda cleared her throat.  “Speaking of which, I have detected three additional vessels of this class approaching at Warp 5.8, Captain.  Their emissions indicate they are at maximum warp power.  ETA is forty-two minutes.”

“And yet, despite that tactical advantage, the Kraal are here, deployed in a defensive posture instead of striking at Hak’ta-thor.  Does that strike you as odd, Chan?”

“Very, Captain Dahlgren. 

“She’s locking us up with disruptors and torpedoes!” Roshenko yelled.

Matt turned back to the screen and spotted the ovoid ship swoop down and release energy beams and torpedoes, and then Republic rocked.

“Forward shields holding at 97%, Sir; no damage to the primary or secondary hull,” the tactical officer crisply reported.

“Mister Roshenko, arm torpedoes and load tubes One through Four.  Launch a spread to bracket her and set the photons for detonation at 1,000 kilometers distance from her hull.”

The tactical officer tapped in a series of commands, and then he looked back up.  “Torpedoes loaded and armed in Tubes One through Four; target is locked.”


Republic shivered as four torpedoes left the forward tubes in sequence, streaking out to surround the Kraal ship, and then exploding a thousand kilometers distant at the same moment, the sub-space shock waves buffeting the ship, but causing no damage.

“Mister Shrak, hail the Kraal vessel.”

“Sir, they are how hailing us.”
« Last Edit: February 10, 2012, 04:15:00 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2012, 05:35:36 PM »

I don't think the Kraal are the problem here. Somebody else is committing hostile acts against the Lorsham.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #47 on: February 10, 2012, 09:39:40 PM »

I don't think the Kraal are the problem here. Somebody else is committing hostile acts against the Lorsham.

I don't think we have to look anywhere but squarely at the Lorsham themselves. 

Point one:  The appear to be religious fanatics of some stripe.

Point two:  Said religion appears at first glance to claim that the Lorsham's god-figure gave THEM the Cauldron as their property.

Point three:  The Kraal apparently dispute this, and have sufficient force available to them to fend off the Lorsham.

Point four:  If you accept the first two points, it isn't a stretch to say that a fanatical religion just MIGHT be willing to sacrifice large numbers of their own people in order to draw in a potential dupe Ally, to assist them in driving the Kraal out of what they consider THEIR god-given territory.

My take is that the Lorsham bombed their own colonies, and are pointing the finger squarely at the Krall, hoping that Star Fleet is sufficiently gullible as to accept the story and offer military/technological assistance.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2012, 12:05:34 PM »

Chapter Nine (cont.)

“On screen.”

Matt stood and took two steps forwards as the main viewer blanked and then revealed an image of the interior of the Kraal ship.  The lighting was low, but he could clearly see the other captain:  a grey-skinned humanoid who lacked any visible hair and an elongated face and jaw, sloping to a high bony crest sweeping back over his brow, several shades darker than his flesh.

“I am Captain Matthew Dahlgren, of the Federation starship Republic.”

“You have violated the territorial integrity of the Kraal Hegemony, Federation!  Withdraw at once or we shall use lethal force to make you regret this incursion!”

Matt frowned at the screen.  “You have already attempted to use lethal force against my vessel, Captain.  It failed.  And you have witnessed precisely the level of lethal force that I can use in kind, should you press me too hard.”

The alien on the screen blinked, and the flaps of skin that covered his nasal passages opened and closed several times.

“Why are you here, Federation?” he finally asked.  “We have told you, time and again, we desire no contact with you or any other outsider!”

“I have questions, questions which the Kraal might be able to assist me in answering.”

“Questions?  You cross our marked borders, you fire upon my vessel, for questions?”

“I think you can recall that it was you who first fired into me.  And my torpedoes never touched your ship, did they?  Of course, if you had simply responded to our hails, we would never have crossed your border.”

“If your questions are answered, you will depart?”

“I shall.”

The Kraal raised his head, breathing deeply, and then he lowered his head, the color of his crest lightening.


“My ship was dispatched to Cauldron after the Lorsham asked the Federation for assistance—they claim that you have attacked their colonies.”

The Kraal’s crest lightened still further and the nasal flaps snapped shut; he leaned forward, with his eyes growing wide.

“You are allied with the Lorsham, then?” he whispered.

“No.  This ship is here to mediate the crisis and avert any further casualties—on either side.  We have heard Vorshun’s truncated version of the events that lead to the attacks on his worlds, and we would hear what the Kraal have to say in answer.”

The alien began to breathe again, and his crest slowly regained some of its color.  “Do you know Ordan, Federation?”

Matt paused, carefully choosing his words.  “I am aware that the Lorsham considers Ordan an angelic being; I do not know Ordan.”

“Tell me, Federation; you appear to be injured.  Is that a recent injury—one since you visited Hak’ta-thor?

“It is an old wound.  From before I arrived at the Cauldron.”

“You have not received medical assistance from the Lorsham, then?”

“I have not, nor has any member of my crew.”

The Kraal sat back and he looked off screen, he appeared to be considering his next words, and then he lowered his head, the counter-balanced crest rising in unison.

“We attacked the Lorsham colonies, Federation; we attacked in retaliation for Lorsham interference with the Kraal people.”


“For many decades, the Lorsham and the Kraal have bickered amongst ourselves.  They are deluded, putting their faith in myth and legend.  We have had . . . skirmishes in the past.  But always have we settled our differences in a fashion that both our peoples could agree was just.  Until now.”

The crest began to darken again.  “Recently, our scientists have discovered an ancient device, left behind on one of our worlds by space-farers from long ago.  The Lorsham are convinced it is a relic of Ordan—and they demanded it from us.  We refused.  It is ours to study and learn from, dug from the soil of our worlds, not the Lorsham’s.  They grew angry with us, and then they struck.”

“Forgive me, Captain, but I have seen the Lorsham ships—and your own.  I cannot believe that the Lorsham posed such a threat militarily that you would have to respond as aggressively as you did.”

“Their ships are mere toys, Federation!  But their knowledge of bio-chemistry is unsurpassed.  They subverted a portion of the Kraal, through their missionaries devoted to spreading the word of Ordan—they enslaved them to their will, making them betray every being they owed their allegiance to, forsaking their loyalty to the Kraal, to their families, to their oaths, for blind faith in Ordan.  The Lorsham do not dirty their hands, Federation; they have their thralls do so for them.  Thousands upon thousands of Kraal died, as those converted to the worship of Ordan fought brother and wife, father and daughter.”

“Did they retrieve the relic?”

“No.  And we destroyed their colonies as a warning.  And now they seek to use you, Federation.  To take what is not theirs.”

“The Federation does not lightly side with any race that asks, Captain.  We seek the truth, and we would see justice done.”

“Ahhhhh,” the Kraal hummed, the crest quickly blending back into the creature’s skin color.  “If it is justice and truth you seek, Federation, then know that the Kraal have spoken true here today.  We will defend ourselves, and our actions against the Lorsham were that—self-defense of our own wills.”

“How did the Lorsham turn your people into these . . . thralls?” Matt asked.

“The Lorsham might trail behind the Kraal in propulsion and weapons, but they are masters at molecular chemistry and genetics.  Their biological scientists—their doctors—have gleaned much knowledge of this ancient being they call Ordan.  From scattered and broken pieces of its technology.  They tailor their medicines for each individual, crafting them so that they rewrite the genetic code to repair damage suffered.  We were not aware that they could rewrite one’s personality and beliefs through these drugs as well.  And we suffered for accepting their aid.”

“How did you manage to overcome this conditioning?”

The Kraal looked down, his crest blanching, and Matt could hear a low moan, a keening croon, from off the screen of the Kraal ship.  The alien Captain’s nasal flaps flared and he breathed heavily.

“It cannot be removed, Federation.  Those infected by Ordan are now dead.”

“Might I request a copy of your records of these events; so that my people can study them and stop this war from escalating further?”

The Kraal turned off screen and barked a command.  “Our files will transmitted now, Federation.  What are your intentions?”

Matt looked down at the deck, and then he turned to Chan.  “We are receiving their records, Captain Dahlgren.”

“To go in peace, and leave your territory.”

“And the Lorsham?  What will your Federation about them?”

Matt frowned.  “That is a matter for the Federation Council to decide.”

The Kraal rocked his head back and forth.  “Then go in peace, Federation.  And beware the manipulations of the Lorsham.”

The screen blanked.

“Miss Montoya, plot a course back to Hak’ta-thor, Warp 9,” he said as he limped back to his chair.  “Miss Tsien, I want Science and Medical to thoroughly study the medical records.  Go over every bit of data the Kraal have transmitted and see if you can find out what exactly the Lorsham have managed to do.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” a chorus of voices answered.  Chan walked over next to Matt, and shook his head.  “If they have used this on the Klingons, Captain Dahlgren . . .” his voice trailed off.

“Yes,” Matt answered quietly.  “The Lorsham may be planning to send Captain Krull after this artifact—and if that happens . . .”

Both officers grew silent as Republic came about and surged into warp.”


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2012, 03:34:03 PM »

Interesting, using others as their agents.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2012, 04:16:19 PM »

Sneaky, be interesting to find out how they managed to do that to the Klingon Captain though.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #51 on: February 12, 2012, 11:11:53 AM »

Chapter Nine (cont.)

“The data received from the Kraal clearly indicates that this agent is tailored for specific individuals, not at the DNA level, not at the chromosomal level, not at the individual protein level, but at the sub-protein pattern, bypassing the normal immune system, and then self replicating throughout the patient’s cellular structure,” Amanda said as she shook her head.

“But that is impossible,” Dr. Janice Morgan said, as her eyes grew wide.  “You are talking about retrograde genetic engineering on the macro level.  It’s never been done; it’s never been attempted!”

“Not by the Federation, or the Klingons, or the Romulans, or any other race that we have encountered,” Amanda answered, “but the Lorsham appear to have that technology.”

“It gets worse,” Quincy added.  “Somehow, the Lorsham drug also encodes memory ingrams into the sub-structure of the proteins, like a virus.  The encoded ingrams than overwrite the patient’s own personality center like it was an organic computer receiving a software upload.”

“Memory ingrams are unrelated to physiology, Doctor Talbot!” One of the Betazed scientists from Amanda’s Biological Sciences Division protested.  “My people and the Vulcans have worked with memory ingrams for decades:  they can be recorded, they can be restored, they can even be altered, but not through purely biological and physiological means.”

“Nonetheless, Dr. Tan,” the lone Vulcan scientist at the table said, “the data appears to support that the Lorsham have—despite their otherwise primitive levels of technology—managed to achieve precisely that.  The implications, and the potential for abuse of this pharmaceutical, are staggering.”

Quincy nodded.  “IF, that is, we discover how they encode ingrams on the sub-protein pattern in the first place.  And I am not all that certain we are advanced enough to do so; or that we would have any business attempting to unlock that knowledge in the first place.  This is a real Pandora’s box.”

“That’s beside the point,” Amanda said.  “Can we update the transporter biofilters to screen out this agent?”

Slowly the Vulcan shook his head.  “The sub-protein pattern is far smaller than any virus or parasite we have ever encountered, we would have to increase the transporter buffer resolution by a factor of at least two orders of magnitude.  Further, there is no specific viral configuration for which to search; each individually tailored agent, for every infected individual would have to be programmed into the biofilters in order for the transporter to detect its presence.  Even then, removing the agent might not reverse its effects, which have been transferred to the patient’s cellular and neurological structure.  Perhaps, in its earliest stages before it has successfully replicated itself . . . perhaps not.  There is insufficient data to draw a conclusion, Doctor Tsien.”

The doors to the Medical conference room whistled open and Matt limped in.  “Stay seated,” he said as the doctors and scientists began to rise.  “Quincy, what have got for me?”

“This is so far past current Federation technology, Captain, that I’m not sure where to begin.  It’s the most dangerous drug I’ve ever encountered.”

“We’ll be in orbit in just over an hour, gentlemen, ladies.  How grave a threat does this pose to the crew, the ship, and the Federation?”

The Vulcan cleared his throat, and Matt nodded.  “Go ahead, Dr. Turovik.”

“The limiting factor appears to be that the agent must be tailored to a specific individual; which would imply that a DNA sample, at the very least, must be necessary to craft it.  Without a sample of the DNA to create the agent for each individual, I believe the agent is useless.”

Matt saw that each officer at the table slowly nodded in agreement.  “And delivery systems?”

Quincy frowned.  “The Kraal recovered injected, inhaled, ingested, and contact samples when they overran the Lorsham compound on their homeworld.  The agent itself is odorless, tasteless, and can be administered without the knowledge of the pat . . . the victim.”

“Can the Lorsham be producing this through their own technology?  They don’t even have replicator units.”

“No,” answered Amanda firmly.  “Without replicator technology, they could not craft this agent.”

Matt considered.  “Did the Kraal include any information on previous artifacts recovered, artifacts linked to this Ordan?”

Dr. Turovik raised an eyebrow.  “Actually, yes.  Are you suggesting that the Lorsham are using alien technology to produce this agent, Captain?”

“It is the only logical solution, correct Doctor?”

“There are other logical solutions, but in this particular circumstance, your particular supposition is highly probable.”

“I want a complete analysis on the artifacts themselves; let’s see if we can dial in the sensors to detect any particle or substance they might emit.”

“And if they do, and we can adjust the sensors to detect those particles, Captain, then what?”

Matt stood a bit straighter.  “In that case, ladies and gentlemen, I will beam down an away team to destroy the artifacts.”

And chaos erupted.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #52 on: February 12, 2012, 02:26:06 PM »

Somebody is toying around with something very very dangerous.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #53 on: February 12, 2012, 02:28:43 PM »

Chapter Nine (cont.)

“Captains Log, Stardate 53750.6, USS Republic.  We are preparing to reenter the Hak’ta-thor system after our meeting with the Kraal.  The information we received on this mind-altering agent of the Lorsham is extremely . . . disconcerting.  I fear that the Klingon reaction to the use of this drug on Captain Krull will be extreme, to say the least.  And the possibility that the Klingons might obtain the technology for themselves puts me in a difficult position here in the Cauldron.”

“Neither the Lorsham or the Kraal are members of the Federation, and thus by the letter of the Prime Directive I am forbidden from interfering with the internal workings of either race.  And yet, I believe that this agent is potentially far more destabilizing in the long-term than the awareness of the penetration of our government by the Dominion Founders.  The use of a drug that can completely and—to the best of knowledge—unalterably change the basic loyalty and belief system of an individual is . . . repugnant at best.  It holds the potential for abuse on a massive scale, should this technology spread beyond the Cauldron.”

“That the creation of this agent is not an offshoot of Lorsham technology, but instead is a result of salvaged alien highly-technology, is a supposition which all of my officers agree with.  It is a technology beyond the native capacity of the Lorsham, beyond that of the Federation, and it is a technology that I believe is simply too advanced for our society to cope with.  It is a technology that I feel I cannot, in good conscience, leave in the hands of a race of beings who have used it to force other races to do their bidding.”

“By the letter of Federation law, I cannot interfere with a non-aligned race with whom the United Federation of Planets remains at peace—but I intend to do so nonetheless.  This decision is mine, and mine alone—my officers have not been consulted or their opinions asked.  Should we be able to pinpoint the location of the artifact that allows the Lorsham to create this mind-altering agent, I fully intend to see it destroyed.”

“Several members of my science and medical departments were aghast at the mere suggestion of taking such an action.  They believe that the if the Federation is allowed to study this technology it might revolutionize medical treatments.  It might.  But in this instance, I believe that I am using the Prime Directive in the manner which it was intended:  by keeping a society, a culture, from having access to technology that it does not understand and has not yet obtained the knowledge to use wisely.  I believe that destroying this artifact will protect the Federation—from itself, as well as from external threat that the misuse of this technology might bring to its member systems.”

“What will happen if the Klingons or the Romulans or the Gorn or the Tholians or any of a thousand other species that we have encountered in our expansion; what happens if they learn that the Federation is now possessed of this mind-altering agent—and has the capacity to manufacture it?”

“What would the Federation Council do if we discovered that a race not friendly towards us possessed such a technology?”

“We are neither ready nor prepared for this—and neither are the Lorsham.”

Matt stopped.  “Computer save log, and seal the record under my personal authorization.  Access to this log is hereby granted only to the Chief of Star Fleet Operations, personnel authorized by him, and the Federation Council.”

“Log saved and sealed.”

Republic slowed to impulse speed, and the stars visible through the window in Matt’s ready room were reduced from streaks to single brilliant points of light.

“Bridge to Captain Dahlgren,” Matt heard his XO over the ship’s intercom.

“On my way, Chan,” he answered as he hit his comm badge and stood, grasping his cane firmly as he limped towards the bridge.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #54 on: February 12, 2012, 02:34:33 PM »

and here we go.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #55 on: February 12, 2012, 08:08:08 PM »

Chapter Nine (cont.)

“Sick Bay to Captain Dahlgren,” the intercom in the turbolift broadcast.

“Go ahead, Doctor,” he answered tapping his comm badge.

“Matt, I think I know what they mean to do, with their drug,” the ship’s surgeon said rapidly.  “I didn’t put the pieces together, under I brought Commander Malik in to help look through the data-banks for emissions profiles.  They mean to infect our ships.”

“Stop,” Matt ordered the turbo-lift.  “Our ships?”

“The bio-neural gel-packs, Matt.  They are biologically based systems, they have their own DNA—the same DNA sequence in every pack—Matt, and they can become infected.  If the Lorsham have managed to get one that the Ferengi stole, or that the Klingons ‘acquired’, they have the template to infect every single Intrepid- or Sovereign-class starship in Star Fleet.”

“And the Luna-class, and the Prometheus-class, and the Bradbury-class, and all the older ships we are converting to the more efficient computer systems,” Matt whispered.

“We have evidence,” the Doctor continued, “that our computer cores are complex enough to assume personalities under the right conditions.  Suppose this agent wakes up the core and gives it the personality of a fanatical zealot devoted to Ordan?”

“Thank you Quincy, for adding to my nightmare scenarios.”

“Matt, the damage an infected ship could do before it gets put down . . .”

“Understood.  Quincy, I think you need to prepare to receive casualties.  I’ve got a bad feeling about this.  Dahlgren out.”

“Resume,” he ordered the turbolift.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #56 on: February 12, 2012, 08:33:12 PM »

Wow, didn't think about that. Yikes bad news for the Federation.


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #57 on: February 12, 2012, 09:01:45 PM »

Yikes is an understatement. Think of the M-5 on 100's of ships. They would need to bring That Kick-A** Captain named Kirk to save the Day
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #58 on: February 13, 2012, 04:42:54 PM »

Chapter Ten

The turbolift doors whistled open and Matt limped out onto the bridge.  Chan immediately stood.  “We have assumed standard orbit, and Premier Vorshun has already hailed us, demanding to speak with you.”

“Well, let’s not keep the Premier waiting, shall we?  I have the conn,” he said as he sat, rubbing his sore leg.

“Captain has the conn,” the XO answered as he assumed his standing station behind and to the left of the Captain’s chair.

“Status of the Klingons?”

“Their battlecruiser remains docked at the Lorsham shipyards, Captain Dahlgren.  She does not appear to be prepared for battle.”

“On screen, Miss Biddle.”

The red-furred Lorsham head of state appeared on the main viewer, and his lips parted in a snarl.  “I have already formally protested your ship’s intrusion into Lorsham space without the permission of this government, and without a Lorsham observer on board, Captain Dahlgren.  Such sudden and precipitous actions have resulted in far worse than a mere reprimand, if I may remind you.”

“My apologies, your Excellency.  I was given the impression at our meeting that you desired for Star Fleet to see the devastation of your colonies for ourselves.  It was quite distressing, I assure you.”

“Yes, so your Ambassador has stated.  Your ship has been to Gelast II and Shirdon IV, then?”

“We have, and we have also documented evidence of the attacks on your colonies to be included in our recommendations to the Federation Council.”

“And that recommendation will be?”

“Your Excellency, I would prefer to discuss the matter first with Ambassador Sepak, before I give you my own views on the situation.  I am, after all, only a Star Fleet officer and not the accredited representative of the United Federation of Planets.”

“I see, Captain Dahlgren.  Unfortunately, your Ambassador has taken ill.”

Matt raised one eyebrow.  “Really?  That is unfortunate.  Have you physicians not been able to treat him?”

“They say he is in perfect health, but he does not respond; to me, to his aides, to any attempt to elicit a conscious answer.   We are baffled by this,” the Premier answered warily.

“I’d like to beam him and his party back aboard ship, with your permission, your Excellency.  Our ship’s surgeon is quite familiar with Vulcan physiology and might be able to treat the Ambassador.”

The Lorsham paused for several moments, and then he slowly nodded.  “Yes.  It would be best if the Ambassador was restored to full function.  Regardless, I would like to meet with you and your staff; tomorrow, perhaps?  After you have been able to see that your Ambassador has received proper care.”

“I would be delighted, your Excellency.  Until tomorrow then,” Matt finished as the transmission suddenly cut off and then his forced smile faded.

“Sickbay, bridge.”

“Sickbay here.”

“Doctor, something has happened to Sepak on the surface; he will beamed directly to the Quarantine Bay.  I’ll be there in a few moments.”

“We’ll be ready to receive him.”

“Transporter Room One, bridge.”

“Transporter Room One.”

“Prepare to beam Ambassador Sepak and his party aboard; I want them held in transporter stasis until a full scan has been completed.  Any foreign objects or substances not in the possession of the away team at the time they beamed down to the surface are to be held in transporter confinement.  Once you have removed those objects, Chief Sandler, beam the Ambassador directly to the Medical’s Quarantine Bay and his aides to the brig, directly into the secure cells.  Understood?”

“Aye, aye, sir.”

“Security, bridge.”


“Prepare to receive the Ambassador’s aides in the brig, Lieutenant Beck.  Isolate them; they are not to have physical contact with any member of this ship’s crew.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

Matt stood.  “Mister Chan.  You have the conn.  Rotate the crew on the four-hour shifts and keep every station manned.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” the XO answered.

Matt limped over to the turbolift and entered it.  “Deck Three,” he said quietly.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 07:44:24 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Star Trek: Republic
« Reply #59 on: February 13, 2012, 07:43:55 PM »

Chapter Ten (cont.)

The armed Marine stationed on the opposite side of the transporter room from the doors (offset to one side of the doors, as well) snapped to attention as those doors slid open and Matt limped into Transporter Room One.

“Sir,” the transporter chief said.  “I have acquired the Ambassador’s party and his aide just requested that we beam them aboard.”

“Proceed, Chief Sandler, as you were, Corporal Danton.”

James Sandler quickly set the controls and then trigger the transporter, causing the pads to flash and columns of shimmering light to appear.  “Transport suspended; scanning personnel now,” he said to himself, and then he frowned as a red light began to flash.  “The two aides are carrying several small foreign objects that the database does not recognize, Captain—and they are both armed.  The Ambassador is carrying nothing.”

“Hold the weapons and objects in the buffer, Chief, and then go ahead and send them through.”

Once again the specialist tapped at the controls, and slowly the lights diminished and went out.  “Transport successful, sir.”

“What were the weapons?”

“Klingon infiltration disruptors, Sir.  Their version of our crickets.  I’ve tied the main computer into the scan, but the other objects are unknown to our database.  Shall I transport them into an isolation unit?”

Matt considered and then he shook his head.  “No, Mister Sandler.  Beam the weapons and the objects into deep space, maximum transporter range, maximum dispersion.”

The NCO’s eyes grew large.  “On my authority, Chief.”

Sandler slowly nodded and reset his controls, triggering the rematerialization sequence.  “Objects have been dispersed across forty thousand square kilometers of space, Captain.”

“Remove the patterns from the buffer, Chief; I’ll be in sickbay,” Matt said as he limped out.

"Aye, aye, sir," Sandler said as he erased the buffer patterns that the computer automatically stored.  "What the HELL is going on, Max?" he asked the Marine.

"Don't know, don't want to know, Chief," the Marine answered with a shrug.  "I discovered a long time ago, that officers and NCOs get ulcers from dealing with shit like this; me?  I'll just do my job and let them worry themselves to death.  Then go drink a beer before I turn in for the night."

Sandler shook his head, and then he chuckled to himself.  Yeah, a cold frosty ale sounded rather good right about then.
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