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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2012, 04:52:07 PM »

There, all 1000+ units and WarShips mapped, now to do very basic state stats and away we go.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2012, 05:30:38 AM »

Inner Sphere News - May 6th, 3067

Sources in the Irece Prefecture, the Nova Cat administered section of the Combine/Dominion border, have been reporting the massing of Nova Cat naval assets in the Mualang for several days now.  Bt May 5th, there were a reported 11 combat JumpShips at the systems nadir jump point, with rumours of additional vessels in nearby systems.

However, early this morning, nine of the eleven vessels jumped out of the Mualang system, not to the Ghost Bear Dominion, but to other systems in the Prefecture.  This sudden massing and dispersal of forces has eerie parallels in Operations GOTTERDAMMERUNG and GALAHAD, with observers interested to see if such an event occurs again.

Despite the apparent exercise, or stand down, persistent rumours are coming from Combine sources close to the Nova Cats, stating that the sudden stand down was unexpected and that the DCMS fully expected a heavy foray by Nova Cat forces against the Ghost Bear Dominion.  Why the Nova Cats opted to call of any potential assault, or why the assault was planned in the first place, is not clear, only adding to the deeper mystery of these enigmatic Clansmen.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2012, 04:34:43 PM »

Inner Sphere News - May 7th, 3067

The Arc-Royal gossip circuit is in full swing today, as specualtion flies as to the purpose of the meeting on Tharkad, attended by the Wolf Clan's Loremaster and Delta Galaxy Commander, Katya Keresnky.  Kerensky is widely acknowledged as the leader of the remaining Wardens within the Wolf Clan, widely respected by her peers, but limited in her power due to the Wolf Clan's heavy Crusader bent.

Kerensky has met with Wolf-in-Exile Khans Phelan Kell and Marco Hall, in a meeting that was also attended by Grand-Duke Morgan Kell and the young Lyran Archon, Peter Steiner-Davion.  What was discussed at the meeting is not clear, however, several sources state that although both the Grand Duke and Archon are not pleased with the outcome, they have had to agree with whatever was proposed to them.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 02:50:52 AM »

Report Name:      State of Clan Forces Fleeing Homeworlds
Date:         12th February 3072
Author:   Colonel Sally Jacka, Commander, Wolfnet Clan Analysis Division

The following report outlines what we now know of the Inner Sphere Clan’s assets that relocated from the Clan Homeworlds over the course of 3070-3072.  Wolfnet gained this information through contacts we have cultivated with Clan Diamond Shark, but the reasoning behind the relocation is still not clear.  Our sources continue to remain quiet regarding what has happened in the Homeworlds and we will continue our ongoing investigations into this matter.

Clan Diamond Shark had a total of twenty Clusters and eight WarShips in the Homeworlds in 3070, with what appears to be extensive preparations for a Ghost Bear style relocation, allowing a large percentage of these units to escape.

Alpha Galaxy lost two clusters, but was able to get nearly 200 000 civilians and the Clan’s Genetic assets off Babylon.  The remaining strength of the Galaxy is two weak Clusters, but other forces will likely be transferred to rebuild the Galaxy.

Lambda Spina was the core of the successful evacuation of Paxon, where over 600,000 civilians were rescued.  Although the Galaxy took heavy damage, it remains operational.
Rho Spina assisted nearly 500,000 civilians evacuate Barcella, but suffered the loss of its command Cluster in the heavy fighting there.  It is possible that the Galaxy will be disbanded and folded into Alpha Galaxy.

Sigma Galaxy was spread across three worlds, assisting with the successful Paxon operation, as well as over 200,000 civilians of Delios.  However, on Strata Dominigo, the 73rd Striker was destroyed along with the Diamond Shark enclave there.  Sigma remains operational, but only in a limited sense.

Spread across 4 worlds, Zeta suffered the worst damage of all Shark Galaxies.  With two clusters gone and two more in poor state, it is likely that Zeta will be used to fill holes in Sigma’s roster.

All in all, eight clusters were lost or severely damaged, with two more heavily damaged and the remaining ten in some semblance of order.

The Diamond Shark fleet assets in the Homeworlds had been augmented by the Cache fleet, as had many Clans in recent years, with the CDS Deep Strike (McKenna), CDS Diamond Will (Cameron), CDS Piranha (Lola), CDS Quick Death (Vincent) and CDS Thresher (Congress) joining the fleet.  These ships became the margin of error that allowed the Sharks to evacuate so much from their Homeworld enclaves.

The entire fleet assembled in the Paxon system, where the various civilian convoys rendezvoused prior to the final evacuation.  The combined Adder/Viper/Cobra fleet attempted to destroy the Shark super-convoy in one battle, but was thwarted due to the heroic actions of the fleet.  The CDS Diamond Will (Cameron), last ship to be recommissioned was barely able to function and was left behind, with CDS Piranha (Lola) heavily damaged and left adrift.  The CDS Bloodlust (Aegis), CDS Swiftstrike (Fredesa), CDS Devourer (Carrack) and CDS Bloodletter (Carrack) were all lost over Paxon, with the CDS Star Swimmer (Carrack) and CDS Tracey (Essex) barely able to make it out of the system.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2012, 02:52:03 AM »


Clan Hell’s Horses left only seventeen clusters in the Homeworlds following the Clan’s invasion of the Inner Sphere in November of 3070.  These forces were moderately well prepared for the assaults that fell upon them as, like the Diamond Sharks, they were preparing for a wholesale transfer to the Inner Sphere by 3075.

As the core of the Homeworld defences, Beta Galaxy saw heavy action, loosing one Cluster and seeing two others heavily damaged, with the semi-attached Omega Keshik also taking heavy damage, as it escorted the Horse’s genetic legacies off Strana Mechty.
The three second line Galaxies – Eta, Iota and Kappa – were the sacrificial lambs of the operation, with the three Galaxies reduced to less than a third of their pre-departure strength.  For their valour and service, it is likely that the shattered remnants of these three Galaxies will bring Beta Galaxy back up to strength.

All together, 7 clusters were lost outright, with another 3 severally damaged and the remainder mauled.  Despite this, these units managed to evacuate over 1.5 million Horse civilians.

The Horse fleet had opened its own caches in the Homeworlds, adding the CHH John Fletcher (Black Lion), CHH Protector (Carrack), CHH Justice (Carrack), CHH Destrier (McKenna) and CHH Charger (Sovetskii Soyuz) to the fleet.  The John Fletcher was scuttled over Niles, after protecting that world’s evacuation and the Protector was blasted to scrap over Kirin.  The only other shipping loss was the CHH Black Knight (Lola) over Tokasha, after covering that world’s civilian fleet.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2012, 02:53:21 AM »


Clan Ice Hellion, with most of the Clan’s main combat formations in the Inner Sphere, and never being noted for thinking too far ahead, was unprepared for the savagery of the assaults that fell on the Hellion Homeworlds.  With only seven Clusters and nine Flurries to defend their civilians, the Ice Hellions were only able to evacuate 735,000 of the lower castes.

Delta Galaxy, long a pariah in the Clan, saw savage action on Barcella and Hector, with only a single Cluster escaping the carnage.  Theta suffered the same fate, with only one of its Clusters escaping.  The Flurries suffered just as much as their more honoured brethren, with five Clusters destroyed outright and barely one and a half Clusters of equipment evacuated.

The Hellion Homeworld fleet was in the process of fitting out its remaining cache ships when the other Clans struck.  The CIH Savage (Essex), CIH Hector's Shield (Lola), CIH Hector's Sword (Lola), CIH Icehold (McKenna) and CIH Great Den (Potemkin) were all in varying states of readiness when attacked, with only the Great Den suffering much damage and the Hector's Sword only just functional enough to jump out of its refit station.  Several other ships were lost with the CIH Pack Leader (York) lost over Hector and the CIH Maker (Carrack), CIH Moore’s Honour (Essex) and CIH Impaler (Lola) lost over Tamaron.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2012, 02:55:15 AM »


As the first target of Steel Viper aggression in November of 3069, the Jade Falcons were surprisingly well prepared and resilient against the strikes made against them, with over 800,000 lower caste members rapidly evacuated by a limited number of Clusters.

The Falcon Sigma and Zeta Galaxies, with a total of twelve Clusters, undertook a series of heroic defensive stands, loosing five clusters outright, another four shattered, with the remainder left in a poor state.  In all, a little less then three Clusters of ground troops remained once the Flacon Fleet jumped from Ironhold.

Following the sacrifice of the Falcon ground forces on their various holdings, the fleet assembled above Ironhold, where the cache ships were used as an Omega Fleet by the Falcons to delay the Viper onslaught.  The CJF Red Aerie (Black Lion), CJF Tukina's Strength (Cameron), CJF Jade Hawk (Essex), CJF Jade Nest (Potemkin) and CJF Emerald Cyclone (Whirlwind) sold themselves dearly, with only the Emerald Cyclone managing to jump away with the fleet.  Additionally, the CJF Janice Hazen (Aegis) CJF Gold Talon (Aegis) and CJF Kerensky’s Pride (Congress) were also lost in the huge naval engagement.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2012, 02:57:14 AM »


Clan Snow Raven had seen the writing on the wall in 3071, doing its best to prepare itself for an eventual evacuation from the Homeworlds.  Although not a noted ground power, the Raven’s Ground forces proved more than enough force when covered by the guns of the Raven Fleet.

On Bearclaw, Beta Galaxy was able to get 350,000 civilians away, with moderate to heavy losses, mainly to the 9th Wing and Beta Solahma.  Lum saw Delta Galaxy loose the 4th Garrison Cluster, but manage to evacuate nearly 400,000 from the Raven Capital.  Hellgate was completely evacuated, but at a severe cost to Epsilon Galaxy, as the Vipers hit hard and fast.  Brim saw heavy fighting, but a successful evacuation offset the heavy losses suffered by Gamma Galaxy.  However on Circe, Kappa Galaxy was brutalised, with little more than 250,000 civilians evacuated before Kappa was routed from the field.  Spread across four worlds, Zeta Galaxy was all but wiped out, with only remnants of one Cluster still operational.  There seems little chance of Kappa or Zeta remaining active, with their remaining forces likely to go to shoring up heavily damaged formations like Gamma Galaxy.  The additional loss of the Corvus Keshik was a blow, but their actions protected the genetic legacies of the Clan.

The Raven fleet proved the difference for the safety of the Clan, with only the CSR Black Beard (Fredesa) and CSR Treachery (Potemkin) lost over Circe, the CSR Corvidae (York) and CSR Currawong (Aegis) lost over Lum, the CSR Blue Quest (Aegis) and CSR Snow Raven (Nightlord) lost at Strana Mechty.  Additinally, the CSR Cold Hunter was lucky to escape Hellgate after taking significant damage.  These losses were offset by the commisioning of the following ships over the previous three years: the CSR Currawong (Aegis) CSR Silver Shield (Cameron), CSR Grey Roost (Carrack), CSR Nighthawk (Essex) and the CSR Saladin (Sovetskii Soyuz).
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2012, 02:58:36 AM »


Clan Wolf had been planning for an eventual relocation along Ghost Bear lines for some time, however, the Refusal War and subsequent events had delayed those plans many times.  Few expected a full Wolf relocation until the mid-3070s and the reunification of the Clan in 3063 had further caused delays. 

Khan Katya Kerensky had initially expected the Homeworld Clans to strike at the Wolves first, but the Vipers actions against the Falcons, Sharks and Ravens gave her some breathing room to prepare the Clan for evacuation.  Although Clan Wolf tried to pull out as many civilians as possible, there was also a concerted focus to get as much critical infrastructure out of the Homeworlds as possible.

The 4th Striker Cluster struck a quick blow, retrieving the Kerensky and Winson Blood Heritages and then escorting the other genetic rescue units off Strana Mechty.  Tau Galaxy sold itself dearly, ensuring that over 340,000 civilians were rescued, but the Galaxy has two barely functional Clusters left.  Likewise, Theta Galaxy fought bloody rearguard actions, seeing that another 500,000+ lower caste members were taken from Wolf enclaves under its care, but being left with only two operational Clusters.

The Homeworld fleet, strengthened by the newly refurbished CW Night Stalker (Essex), CW Night Prowler (Essex), CW Arkela (Lola), CW White Moon (Vincent) and CW Black Moon (Vincent), was able to cover the evacuation.  However, the CW Black Moon was lost along with the CW Nature’s Wrath (Lola) and the CW Dire Wolf (Sovetskii Soyuz).  The loss of the CW Dire Wolf, long the Clan flagship was a heavy blow, however the ship was acting as a decoy, with the Khan and Clan genetic legacies onboard the CW Night Prowler.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2012, 03:00:01 AM »

Although a report from 3072, and me planning in 3067 at the moment, that should give an idea of how the Wars of Reaving effect this AU.  Attached is the above posts with a little more detail.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2012, 10:56:04 PM »

Liking it, even if I'm a bit biased.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2012, 08:28:47 PM »

Here is a quick export showing the Falcon/Lyran border, with units shown.  Should work well.
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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2012, 02:40:37 PM »

Why every time you look at the CBT Universe, things are beginning to explode in the whole galaxy?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2012, 03:25:17 PM »

Second Law of Thermodynamics?
"...but if evil men were not now and then slain it would not be a good world for weaponless dreamers."  From Kim, by Rudyard Kipling, 1901


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Re: A World Without Wobbies
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2012, 03:35:26 PM »

Second Law of Thermodynamics?

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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