Currently in the works is the explanation of the map above. You'll notice some borders above and this should start to expound on some of them.
Terran Regions (March 15, 3058)
Popular uprisings in support of the new Union have appeared in varying strength throughout the ancient Terran nation. One hundred and twenty-nine (129) star systems in all are affected by this discontent which directly affects all of the Great Houses. Eleven unique stellar regions have been identified over the course of this year based on recent political affiliations and local astrography whose worlds share much in common.
Terran Extent is the border of this map based on current popular uprisings and historic claims of the Hegemony prior to the Amaris Uprising of 2766.
Core Worlds (3 – Terra, Outreach, and Northwind)
The core of the new Union was formerly at the center of the old Terran Hegemony and lay either in or near the Chaos March. These star systems have been controlled solidly by the Big or Founding Three Mercenary Units (Illician Lancers, Wolf Dragoons, and Northwind Highlanders) of the new Terran nation since early March 3058.
Dieron Salient (14 - AI Na'ir, Altair, Asta, Athenry, Deneb Algedi, Dieron, Fomalhaut, Kervil, Nirasaki, Pike IV, Quentin, Saffel, Styx, Telos IV and 1 - shared by the Hegemony and Combine = Nashira)
Since the start of the 1st Succession War (circa 2788) the Draconis Combine has forcefully reasserted what is it pre-existing claim to Dieron and the surrounding worlds here. While the Alliance of Galedon did manage to ‘trick’ Dieron into joining its pre-Draconian successor state long ago this planet and others were part of Terra far longer (circa the early 2300s). This four-hundred-and-fifty-year history has led many on these solidly controlled Kurita worlds to rise up in the past year. Still the Dragon has a sheer force of arms here as well as two-hundred-and-sixty years of almost unfettered military occupation.
Lyons Thumb (7 occupied by DCMS - Atria, Dyev, Imbros III, Ko, Lambrecht, Sabik, Yorii, 1 occupied by DCMS shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth – Moore, 1 shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth – Nusakan, 1 Lyran Alliance – Lyons)
Long dominated by the Draconis Combine this astrographic region was largely created by the War of 3039. More than two hundred years of Kurita rule came to an end when the Federated Commonwealth liberated these worlds. The breakup of the Commonwealth during the Liao-Marik Invasion of 3057 caused Archon Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion to allow the Dragon to station non-BattleMech equipped peacekeepers here. Draconis military control generally prevails but Terran Uprisings along with dueling Lyran and Davion claims make for quite a confusing situation.
Tau Ceti Corridor (8 – New Earth, Rigil Kentarus, Muphrid, Zollikofen, Chara, Lipton, Thorin, Zavijava)
Absorbed by the Lyran Commonwealth early in the 1st Succession War (circa 2790) these worlds have long been Steiner held territory. While usually linked with Skye thanks to this two-hundred-sixty-year regional association flowing the fall of the Hegemony their origins have not been forgotten. Some attribute the success of Terran Uprising here to the breakup of the Federated Commonwealth and ties to the Free Skye Movement but the massive patriotic showings for the new Union seems genuine.
Denebola Badlands (4 - Alioth, Milton, Wyatt, Summer; 6 - shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth = Alchiba, Cor Caroli, Mizar, Galatea, Syrma, Zebebelgenubi; 1 - Denebola = a contested world administered by the Hegemony)
This historically disputed area has been controlled by the Lyran Commonwealth since the 1st Succession War. However, many of its worlds were at least in part shared possessions with the Terran Hegemony and in one case (Denebola) the Free Worlds League as well. These eleven (11) worlds which have been fought over by House Steiner and House Marik for the past twenty-seven-decades now is seeing some new adversaries. More recently two Free Skye Rebellions in 3034 and 3056 squared off against united Federated Commonwealth forces only to be followed today by Terran Uprisings and the ComStar Civil War.
Sirian Triangle (10 - Sirius, Procyon, Graham IV, Pollux, Alula Australis, Oliver, Devil's Rock, Castor, Zosma, Marcus; 1 - Callison = historically shared Terran-Marik world)
The wedge that Kenyon Marik seized from the dying Hegemony at the start of the Succession Wars was largely unchanged up till the 4th Succession War. While possession of these worlds was challenged by the Lyrans and Capellans over the next two hundred and forty years. It wasn’t until the Lyran Commonwealth and the Tikonov Free Republic took many of these systems in 3029 that the situation changed. Two years later the dissolution of that new nation ushered in the emergence of the Terran Corridor of the now fully united Federated Commonwealth. Recently, Operation Guerrero restored these territories to the Free Worlds League but the advent of the Terran Union has challenged this status once again.
Marik Frontier (7 - Berenson, Bordon, Connaught, Menkalinan, Talitha, Van Diemen IV, Wasat; 5 - Dieudonne, Dubhe, Wing, Zion, Chertan = joint Terran-Marik worlds during the Star League era)
These dozen worlds made up the edge of the Free Worlds League space since the days of the Amaris Coup. Nearly three centuries of uninterrupted Marik rule have suddenly seen Terran revolutionaries appear on ancient Hegemony possessions surprising many. While protests and this insurgency continues local authorities seem to have things in hand for now a situation which will not change without reinforcements. Both SAFE and the FWLM are also assisting as Parliament has already passed a resolution stating it is entirely unwilling to concede this region.
Chaos March (20 - Acamar, Bryant, Carver V, Caph, Capolla, Elgin, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon Indi, Fletcher, Hall, Hsien, Ingress, Keid, New Canton, New Home, Saiph, Sheratan, Small World, Tall Trees, Terra Firma)
The largest and most unstable region near Terra was formerly part of the Federated Commonwealth’s Sarna March for the last twenty-five (25) years. Before that all of these former Terran worlds fell to the Capellan Confederation in the early days of the 1st Succession War. Unfortunately, House Liao didn’t have the military strength to completely displace the disintegrating AFFC in 3057 causing this area of anarchy to appear near Terra which setup much of today’s current events.
Nanking Pocket (12 - Arboris, Azha, Basalt, Bharat, Genoa, Hamal, Kawich, Nanking, Nopah, Ruchbah, Woodstock, Zurich; 4 - Slocum, Yangtze, Aldebaran, Ningpo = jointly owned Terran Hegemony planets with the Capellan Confederation)
These former Terran worlds remain largely under the authority of House Davion were absorbed into House Liao during the 1st Succession War (circa 2800). For over two hundred years they remained under Capellan aegis until the 4th Succession War (circa 3028) when they fell to the Federated Commonwealth. This astrographic area has been split between the Draconis (Nopah, Kawich, Basalt, Ruchbah) and Capellan Marches since the collapse of the Sarna March in 3057.
Addicks Zone (13 - Achernar, Addicks, Ankaa, Deneb Kaitos, Errai, Hean, Helen, Murchison, Ozawa, Ronel, Tigress, Towne, Tybalt)
All of these worlds are part of the Federated Commonwealth’s Addicks PDZ and have recently been reinforced by the entire Deneb Light Cavalry. Davion territory since it was reconquered during the 2nd and 3rd Succession Wars many planets have deep ties to New Avalon. However, all thirteen-star systems were once part of the Terran Hegemony and the populace has demonstrated strong support for the new Mercenary led nation. Duke Sandoval has been steadfast in cracking down on Terran protests even if the Archon Prince might be supportive of the Union.
Elbar Expanse (4 -Angol, Galatia III, New Rhodes III, Rio; 5 - Elbar, Mallory's World, Mara, Mirach, Schedar = Terran-Davion shared holdings; 1 – Tikonov = jointly owned Hegemony world with the Capellan Confederation)
Laying at the extreme edge of the old Hegemony are these ten (10) worlds which currently all governed by the Federated Commonwealth rump state. Possession of these systems has fluctuated between the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns during the Succession Wars. Their distance from Terra has thus far limited the size and scope of uprisings against a mostly benevolent Davion regime.