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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2013, 12:27:16 PM »

Hope it is a kill shot. I would say aim for the heart but the b**** does not have one.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2013, 01:03:36 PM »

TCJS (Taurian Concordat JumpShip) Patrick Flannagan
The Gateway, Hyades Cluster
Taurian Concordat
November 1, 3025

Aramis Hall sighed as he considered the meager number of ships at his command—a mere dozen.  He had been assigned just twelve JumpShips to search for the Lost Exiles of Taurus in the trackless wastes of deep space beyond the Taurian Rim.  “You are certain that this is the intended route that they took?”

Helena shrugged on the monitor screen.  “It was the planned course, Master Hall—whether or not the Flotilla followed that plan . . .,” she shrugged again, “c’est la vie.  Still,” she continued, “unless circumstances forced a radical change, “they should have proceeded along this route—with the intended destination of this small cluster of stars here, one thousand, five hundred and fifty-four light-years beyond our borders.  Analysis of those stars indicated there should be at least three—perhaps four—planetary bodies capable of supporting human life.  And being so far distant, we doubted that even the Star League would pursue us so far.”

“Fifty-two jumps minimum,” Hall mused, “it will take a full year just to get there—another to return.”

“And you have supplies and fuel for three years,” Helena added.  “Look on the bright side, Master Hall—you will go farther than any recorded expedition in the history of the Concordat.  The data that you return with should establish jump coordinates for many systems rather closer for your Far Lookers to begin a colonization effort.”

“If we survive this Interdiction,” Aramis sighed again.  “Still, you are correct.  One way or another, we will make history on this expedition,” he straightened up and saluted the older woman—after all, like the majority of Far Lookers, Aramis maintained a Reserve commission in the Taurian Concordat Navy.  “Request permission for the Task Force to depart, Marshal Vickers.”

“Permission granted, Master Hall—good hunting,” she replied as she returned the salute.  “And vayo con dios.”

“Gracias, senora Vickers,” Aramis answered in the Third Language of the Concordat—after English and French.  Helena nodded and the image faded from the screen.

“All vessels—prepare to make Jump One.  Set and confirm coordinates and make certain everyone has been to the bathroom and has all their luggage,” Aramis ordered with a grin.  “We aren’t coming back because someone forgot their teddy bear—or something more important.”

One by one, each of the eleven other ships reported in and the board slowly turned green.  “Initiate Jump Number One in . . . thirty seconds . . . MARK!” Aramis commanded, and then he sat back in his leather-clad command chair.  And so it begins, he thought.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:42:03 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #62 on: June 24, 2013, 02:07:42 PM »

What now the Vorlons are here
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #63 on: June 24, 2013, 03:16:43 PM »

Gracias, señora  ;)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2013, 03:45:33 PM »

General Headquarters, McCarron’s Armored Cavalry
Douala, Menke
Capellan Confederation
November 2, 3025

“Audacious, Duchess Liao,” Archibald McCarron said as he closed the manila folder atop of his desk and turned his gaze to the youngest child of Maximillian Liao.  “I do not, however, see your father’s seal upon those orders—could there be a reason for that?”

“Father does not wish to be seen as overly aggressive, Colonel McCarron,” Romano answered in a bitter tone—she did not care for being questioned, Archibald thought.  Not one whit.  “That no longer matters; we have been given an opportunity here—the Concordat lies under Interdiction and we have the current Taurian Defense Force deployments.”

“And today, my Armored Cavalry is present on Menke in full strength—which gives you an opportunity to show that you are Candace’s equal, at least, in the realm of military operations . . . am I right, Your Grace?” Archibald drawled with a narrow smile on his face.

“Laconis and MacLeod’s Land lies defenseless before us, Colonel McCarron!” she snapped.  “Only their Constabulary and a handful of Noble’s Regiments stand against restoring these worlds to their legitimate Liao rule.”

“Legitimate?” the mercenary laughed.  “Your Grace, those worlds NEVER belonged to the Confederation.”

“History is written by the victors, Colonel,” Romano answered coldly.  “They will become Liao worlds in truth—the Home Guard, the Maskirovka, and our police forces stand ready to aid you; they will garrison the worlds once you conquer them.  And then we can turn our attention to the two largest prizes outside of the Hyades—Pinard and New Vandenberg.”

Archie inhaled deeply.  “Those worlds are not undefended, Your Grace.  Or even lightly defended.  And I will guaren-fucking-tee-you that the Taurians will fight tooth and nail for both of them.”

“Which is why the 5th Reserve Cavalry will be supporting your operations on Pinard as will Warrior House Fujita on New Vandenberg.”

“And the rumors that the Bulls have managed to salvage an honest-to-god WarShip, Your Grace?  What happens if that thing manages to crawl into orbit above a pair of my Regiments?”

Romano smiled.  “This operation will give our operatives a better chance to either . . . secure that vessel for ourselves or see it destroyed.  Of course,” she said with a sniff, “I can always let it be known that Archibald McCarron has become too cautious and unwilling to assume risks of war.  Jaime Wolf might well favor a new contract with the Liao, after all.”

“Don’t push me,” Archie growled, and he nodded as Romano drew back in sudden fright at his expression.  “You might well be the child of Maximillian Liao, but you are a LONG way from home, girl—and on this world, I make the rules.  So stop trying to play me,” he barked, and then he looked at the map and the closed folder and he sighed.  “Triple pay—no less, and we get 100% salvage.  Plus command rights over the entire operation.”

“THAT IS OBSCENE!” Romano howled.

“Then get your FATHER to affix his SEAL OF STATE to that order, girl!  Triple pay, ALL OF THE FUCKING SALVAGE, and TOTAL COMMAND RIGHTS, or you can get your ass on that DropShip and run back home to DADDY!”

Romano’s eyes flashed, but then she nodded.  “Fine,” she spat.  “I will remember this, McCarron.”

“See that you do, girl—and bear in mind, so will I.”

The youngest child of Maximillian Liao turned on her heel and she strode—almost ran—from the office.  Archie stood there for a moment and then he nodded.  He lifted the phone.  “Brett?” he asked as a voice on the far end answered.  “Leadership meeting—all five regiments—thirty minutes, in the main briefing hall.  And upload all of our maps on Laconis, MacLeod’s Land, Pinard, and New Vandenberg.”  He winced as the voice on the far end came through much louder.  “Yeah, the Taurian Concordat—load them!” Archie ordered and then he slammed down the phone.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:42:33 PM by masterarminas »

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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #65 on: June 24, 2013, 04:04:45 PM »

What the hell is McCarron planning?
I really doubt that he will follow Romano's "orders".

(And with the Dragoons on their way to the Concordat and the FedSuns planning to ally themselves with the Concordat, it looks as the the Fourth Succession War starts soon than the Fox has planned.)

BTW what are the Lyrans doing?


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #66 on: June 24, 2013, 04:18:31 PM »

 :)  very nice update! 


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #67 on: June 24, 2013, 05:01:51 PM »

The Obsidian Fortress
Sosa, New Syrtis
Federated Suns
November 2, 3025

“Hanse will blow a blood vessel!” sputtered Tamara Hasek, the commanding Marshal of the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT.  “Michael, he will demand your head if you go off half-cocked!”

Michael Hasek-Davion smiled.  “Will he?  New Ganymede is THE major source of Taurian germanium.  Taking that system will ensure that our yards at Panpour and Galax will have ample reserves—our information shows that only Taurian militia are garrisoning that world,” Michael snorted.  “Between your 5th, Tamara, and Robert’s 1st Capellan Dragoons, you should have no problem taking and holding New Ganymede.”  Colonel Robert Johnstadt nodded his agreement.

“True enough, cousin,” muttered Iona Hasek, “but New Vallis is a Corps Headquarters for the TDF!  They have almost two regiments of regulars and mercs there, PLUS all of those Constabulary and militia units.  I know that with the 6th and 8th going in there together, we should have enough to take the system but . . .,” she winced, “Michael, what if the Bulls break out their nukes?”

“New Vallis and New Ganymede are valuable—but not that valuable.  Now, if this was New Vandenberg or—God forbid—Taurus, yeah, I’d lay even odds that the nukes would fly.  But not even Thomas is crazy enough to nuke his own people if WE don’t start atrocities,” Michael said with a grim smile.

Colonel Stephan Cooper shook his head.  “And then you want ME to move the Assault Guards—on my own authority, no less—and hit Jansen’s Hold?  Your Grace, I know that Marshal Ashley is on leave, but you can’t think that I would be willing to launch an attack without authorization from New Avalon!”

“Coop,” Michael said fondly, “of course you wouldn’t do any such thing.  Just as, if I had in my possession . . . audio and video recordings of . . . certain behaviors made by prominent officers assigned to the Davion Brigade of Guards,” Michael smiled as the regimental commanders face drained of blood, “such as the dreadful things that the said officer enjoys doing to prostitutes of Capellan origin and the lengths he goes to make certain that their . . . tongues will never render testimony against him.”  Michael tsk-tsked at the man.  “If I had such, then I would turn them over to the High Command of the AFFS at once!  Certainly, Hanse’s reaction to one of his own chosen few being such a . . . perverted and criminal soul,” and Michael bared his teeth as Cooper wilted, “would be rather . . . extreme?”

No one spoke for several moments, and then Michael nodded.  “You do have the authority to order the Assault Guards RCT to move—if you deem it necessary for the Federated Suns, Colonel.  I suggest you discover that this move to Jansen’s Hold is necessary.  Otherwise, who knows what information will wind up in the hands of Quintus Allard.”  Michael paused, and then when Cooper slowly nodded, he smiled.  “The New Syrtis March Militia will hit Jansen’s Hold alongside your Guards, Cooper—this first wave should take and hold all three worlds from any possible counter-attack which the Taurians can organize while under Interdiction.”

“FIRST WAVE?” blurted Stephan Cooper.

“It all depends, Coop,” Michael said with a chuckle.  “On how weak the Taurians actually are; if we CAN go farther—say to Sterope or Illiushin or Perdition—then I might just do that.  But I might not.  New Ganymede is the prize here—and a valuable one it is.  New Vallis and Jansen’s Hold will protect the flanks of our new system, and if that is as far as we dare push, then I will be satisfied.  Once the First Prince learns of it, he will have no choice but to support me—he won’t dare make me hand it back to the Taurians.”

“What about the Cappies?” asked Cooper.  “We are out here to watch them, not to invade the Concordat.”

“I imagine they will be busy gobbling up systems of their own—but knowing Max and his spawn as I do,” Michael smiled again, “they will go directly for Pinard and New Vandenberg.  No, the CCAF will be embroiled in a fight that I wouldn’t wish on Takashi Kurita for those two systems.  We can safely count them out of this.”

“But it all depends on us attacking before the First Prince can shut this down,” Tamara pointed out.  “Just one agent reporting to Quintus and this is over, Your Grace.”

“Oh, dear,” Michael said in a hurt voice, “did I forget to mention that Precentor New Syrtis has been kind enough to schedule the HPG here on planet for a major overhaul?  We cannot receive or transmit orders for the next ten days—luckily, I have all of your regiments present here now.  You lift tonight—you will avoid all systems with HPGs and you will take your objectives before any such order can arrive to stop you.  Is that understood?” Michael asked.

One-by-one, each of the Marshals and Colonels nodded, and Michael smiled again.  “Good.  Then, ladies, gentlemen—a toast!  Victory!”

« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:43:00 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #68 on: June 24, 2013, 05:52:19 PM »

What a great summer read!

Myndo dead, thank Blake! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Looks like Mori has secured a seat on the new First Circuit. I wouldn’t be surprised if one or two of the original Circuit backed ROMs move and/or was captured only to see the light.

The search for the Lost Taurians begun. Did you have a destination in mind MA? Like one appearing on the maps in ISP3??

Big Mac attack the Concordat. I don’t know if things don’t go just right the Capellans will disavow the entire operation. It wouldn’t surprise me.

There goes Michael being an ass again. So much for an alliance if this boob attacks.


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #69 on: June 24, 2013, 05:58:46 PM »

I hope Hanse sticks Michael's head on a pike for this.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2013, 07:24:37 PM »

General Headquarters, Taurus Defense Force
Mount Santiago Defense Complex, Taurus
Taurian Concordat
November 4, 3025

Thomas Calderon leaned over the table-sized map showing the systems of the Taurian Concordat and those which surrounded them; he leaned and he frowned.  “You are leaving the entire eastern-half of the Concordat virtually undefended!” he bellowed.  “Only Perdition and Sterope have been provided with any of our BattleMech forces!”

“Yet every single one of your worlds has at least one battalion of armor and more than a regiment of infantry—some of those worlds have divisions of tanks, Protector Calderon, and entire corps of infantry, supported by artillery and conventional aircraft.  Plus the Constabulary units,” Helena said.  “Right now, at this moment, the entire TDF BattleMech reserve—including mercenary units—consists of forty battalions.  Forty.  Sure, our battalions are larger—but we still have just forty of them.”  She paused as Thomas glared at her, and then she sighed.  “Protector,” she said, “just what does those systems out towards Badlands have that Davion wants?  Other than Perdition and Sterope and their factories?”

Thomas stood silently as he fumed and considered the map, and Helena nodded.  “Exactly.  They have nothing that Hanse Davion wants or desires—NOTHING.  The prize that our enemies desire is HERE,” she said as she pounded the western-half of the table.  “Pinard.  New Vandenberg.  The mines at New Ganymede.  The Hyades.  If we lose New Vandenberg alone, we will have lost more people and industry than Amber Grove, Sterope, Euschelus, Perdition, Grossbach, Logan's Land, Norman's World, Dicallus, Celentaro, Organo, Cyrton, and Althea's Choice combined.”  She paused as the military officers at the table slowly began to nod their heads.

"Flaum, Burton, Illiushin, Renfield, and Camadeierre are too far distant from Davion or Liao to be of great concern, and they are lightly populated with little industry of any note," Helena continued.  "That leaves us with Mithron, Atreus Prime, New Ganymede, New Vallis, Jansen's Hold, MacLeod's Land, Laconis, Brisbane, Pinard, New Vandenberg, and Landmark . . . plus the worlds here in the Hyades."

She took a deep breath.  "Atreus Prime and Landmark are close enough for a deep-strike to hit . . . but they have little of value.  And Brisbane, while home to rather stunning waters and beaches, has little industry to offer a conqueror.  We have EIGHT systems, plus the Hyades to concentrate our forces on.  That will allow us to put four battalions each on New Ganymede, New Vallis, Jansen's Hold, MacLeod's Land, Laconis, Pinard, and New Vandenberg, with three more on Mithron—an unlikely target, but one we can still cover—and that accounts for thirty-one battalions with two more in the eastern sectors . . . leaving seven battalions in reserve here on Taurus for rapid deployment anywhere we need them.  And ALL of deployments are within one or two jumps of the capital.  So if we HAVE to, we can shift troops quickly and in CONCENTRATED FORCE."

Helena sighed as Thomas still glared at her and shook his head defiantly.  Cursing under her breath, she circled the table and grabbed his jaw, jerking his head up and around to stare directly in his one natural eye.  “Listen to me, Protector Calderon!  We cannot be strong everywhere!  We made that mistake in the first decade of the Reunification War—and we fucking LOST because of it!  Yes, the eastern systems are extremely vulnerable, but that is the price we have to pay to hold onto what we have!”  She stepped back and released Thomas as astonished Marshals and Colonels just stared at her—and a shocked Thomas Calderon sputtered and gawked, unable to form words.

“If necessary to make the point, I will hand you my resignation, Protector Calderon, effective as of this moment,” she said, laying her baton upon the table and letting it roll.  “This deployment scheme—arrived at by your officers and my staff—gives us absolutely the best damned chance of stopping any invasion of our CRUCIAL systems dead cold!  If you insist on defending everything, everywhere, we WILL lose it all—and Sir, I won’t watch that happen again.  I won’t.”

Henri licked dry lips and he began to open his mouth—at the same time as Brenda Calderon; but both were interrupted as Thomas Calderon began to laugh.  He laughed and he slammed an open palm upon the table.

“THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how you fucking tell me NO when I am wrong.  All right, Marshal Vickers—issue the orders for redeployment.”

Helena smiled.  “The couriers left three days ago, Sire,” she said, and Thomas began to chuckle again.

“You and I—we have got to play some poker together one afternoon, Marshal,” the Protector said.

“Poker?  What’s that?  A game?  I love trying new games,” Helena asked innocently as she batted her eyelids, and the senior military officials of the Concordat began to laugh.

“Very well,” Thomas said after a moment, when he finished laughing and shaking a finger at Helena Vickers.  “I don’t like it—but as Marshal Vickers points out, we don’t have all that many options,” he finished sourly.  “Approved.  And gentlemen?  Ladies?  Let your Brigadiers know that if an invasion comes I don’t want a single one of those son-of-a-bitches to get away.  Not one.”
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:43:33 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2013, 10:02:41 PM »

General Headquarters, Taurus Defense Force
Mount Santiago Defense Complex, Taurus
Taurian Concordat
November 4, 3025

“Marshal Vickers,” Henri said with a smile as the other officers followed the Protector from the room—leaving Helena alone with the Intelligence Minister of the Taurian Concordat and Marshal Brenda Calderon.  “May I say again, how much I appreciate your blunt character?”

Helena’s nose flared and she shook her head.  “Quit blowing smoke up my ass, Messer Jouett,” she hissed.  “I would appreciate instead if the two of you—and those ‘officers’ who just left—would start doing your jobs.”

“Now wait just a damn minute, Helena,” Brenda snapped.  “You don’t understa-. . .,”

“I don’t understand?  Marshal Calderon, I was in this room on the day that Mitchell Calderon was told about Forlough’s attack on New Vandenberg—three hundred and seventy four million Taurian citizens died when that fiend rendered an entire continent lifeless!  I stood right here when David Santos had to tell the Protector that we simply no longer had the strength to launch a counter-attack—when the Protector was so furious that he was ready to fire EVERY single officer in this room.”

“That’s not fair!” Brenda said hotly.  “It was our damn plan!”

“Yes, yes it was,” agreed Helena.  “But not a damn one of your officers was willing to tell Thomas Calderon—they were frightened of being fired.  He isn’t almighty God, Marshal Calderon; he is just a mortal man—who happens to be our Protector.  Protectors make mistakes, they make the wrong decisions, because they are only human.  That man,” she said, pointing her finger in the direction of the door where Thomas had exited the room, “just as much as Mitchell Calderon.  He needs officers who will tell him the truth—regardless of whether or not he wants to hear it.  That is your job, Brenda Calderon.  It is your job, Henri Jouett.  It shouldn’t have to be mine.”

“We tell Thomas the truth, Helena,” Henri said quietly, “we just don’t pull him up as short as you did in public.”

“That wasn’t public, Messer Jouett,” Helena answered.  “It was supposed to the senior officers of this realm giving that man—who is under more pressure than any ONE of us—the best possible advice we can.  Instead, you people just stood there—and depended on me to hammer home to Thomas that he needs to let go of the illusion that he can protect EVERYONE.  He can’t.  And he needs to realize that before it drives him mad.”

“Helena,” began Henri Jouett, but Brenda Calderon held up her hand.  Henri closed his mouth and sighed.

“Different times,” Brenda whispered, “and we haven’t been through the twenty years of hell that you have.  Alright, I’ll light a fire under my people—and make damn sure that they start acting like Taurian officers of old.  But you have to understand this isn’t the Reunification Wars we are fighting again, Helena.  Today—in this day and age—we have rules that are followed very strictly.  And if you don’t, I’ll fire your ass.  Comprende?”

Helena chuckled.  “Si.  And that’s how I expect a Taurian officer to act, Brenda.  Take no shit from anyone—and do your damn job, regardless of the consequences.”

And with that, the old woman turned and she walked out of the room.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 11:44:02 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2013, 11:48:11 PM »

I love her. That is an officer that my clan would love.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #73 on: June 25, 2013, 07:21:33 AM »

You always create such wonderful characters MA, great story so far. Keep it going.


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Re: By the Horns (A BattleTech Alternate Universe)
« Reply #74 on: June 25, 2013, 07:24:33 AM »

MORE MORE MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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