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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2015, 12:52:05 AM »

Well, good luck.

Still hoping to see more of the KU someday.


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2015, 02:22:40 AM »

ComStar Fleet

ComStar has maintained a fleet since the Exodus, however, it was not until the period following the 4th Succession War that the ComGuard Navy truly began to take shape.  In the last twenty years, the ComStar Fleet has grown into a potent if still relatively small war fleet, however, considering the industrial strength of Terra, the numbers of ships in service could rapidly climb.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

ComStar possessed 12 WarShip when Kerensky departed and managed to bring together numerous hulks, wrecks and reserve ships.  The total fleet by 2800 amounted to 105 WarShips, however, most were old, dilapidated and with patchwork repairs.  No more than twelve to fourteen vessels were in service from 2800-3025 and as a ship began to age, it was retired to the bone yards and another brought on line.

Seeing the policy of keeping over 100 out of date ships as an expensive waste, Primus Julian Tiepolo commissioned the navy to produce a series of new designs to fit out the ComStar fleet.  These classes went into production from 3018 and following Myndo Waterly’s elevation to Primus, production has steadily increased.

There is currently a fierce debate over the fate of the reserve WarShips within the First Circuit, as some wish to dump the vessels into Sol, whilst others see selling off the old hulls as a chance to recover some of what has been spent on the relics over the years.  These seventy seven hulls could be a highly destabilising force if sold or given to various factions across the Inner Sphere.

Myndo Waterly has declared that she wishes to see the fleet expand into a force of 350 WarShips, however, though the yards at Terra could manage such a feat, manning and managing such a number of vessels is probably beyond the current capabilities of ComStar.

Terran Fleet Plan (10) – 350 Ships
10 Fleets with
3 Terra-class Battleships
6 Trafalgar-class Cruisers
12 Sabre-class Destroyers
9 Triumph-class Corvettes
5 Hegemony-class Transports

The CSF Today

CSF – Current Construction Program

Current nominated production for the Terran system sees all twenty four building slips assigned active building programs, however, it is not clear if this is simply forward planning or actual current production.

Terra-class Battleships         Terra (2)
Trafalgar-class Cruisers         Terra (2)
Sabre-class Destroyers         Terra (5)
Triumph-class Corvettes         Terra (5)
Hegemony-class Transports      Terra (10)

CURRENT FLEET – 131 (54 Active, 77 Reserve)

Battle Line – 5 Ships
5 Terra-class Battleships
Cruisers – 9 Ships
9 Trafalgar-class Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 14 Ships
14 Sabre-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 15 Ships
15 Triumph-class Corvettes
Transports – 11 Ships
11 Hegemony-class Transports


The entire ComStar Fleet is currently located in the Terran system and divided into the 1st Terran Fleet, as per the new plans for fleet organisation and the forming 2nd and newly raised 3rd Fleets.

1st Terran Fleet (35 ships)
CSS Terra   Terra-class Battleship
CSS Jupiter   Terra-class Battleship
CSS Venus   Terra-class Battleship
CSS Trafalgar   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Nelson   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Téméraire   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Neptune   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Conqueror   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Africa   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Sabre   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Simoom   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Scimitar   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Scotsman   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Scout   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Senator   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Sepoy   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Shark   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Sparrowhawk   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Splendid   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Success   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Shamrock   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Triumph   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Thetis   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Trident   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Taku   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Tarpon   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Thistle   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Truant   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Talisman   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Tetrarch   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Raymond Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Richard I Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Jacob Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Theodore Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Deborah Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport

2nd Terran Fleet (18 ships)
CSS Mars   Terra-class Battleship
CSS Mercury   Terra-class Battleship
CSS Victory   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Leviathan   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Britannia   Trafalgar-class Missile Cruiser
CSS Saladin   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Seraph   Sabre-class Escort Destroyer
CSS Triton   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Tribune   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Trenchant   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Tigris   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Triad   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS Tuna   Triumph-class Corvette
CSS James McKenna   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Michael Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Brian Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Judith Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport
CSS Elizabeth Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport

3rd Terran Fleet (1 ship)
CSS Margaret Cameron   Hegemony-class Transport

Disposal Fleet (77 ships)
1 Farragut-class
1 McKenna-class
1 Texas-class
4 Black Lion II-class
3 Cameron-class
9 Aegis-class
3 Sovetskii Soyuz-class
2 Congress-class
1 Quixote-class
3 Riga I-class
3 Baron-class
3 Carson-class
16 Essex-class
9 Lola III-class
6 Naga-class
2 Whirlwind-class
1 Bonaventure-class
7 Vincent Mk.39-class
1 Potemkin-class
1 Volga-class

Fleets are based at:
•   HQ ComStar Fleet – Terra
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2015, 04:56:35 AM »


I've found this threat only now and couldn't stop myself from reading each of your posts so far without interruption.

Must be quite the naval arms race in that alternate universe of yours....

But the part I enjoyed the most was chapter one. That banter between Issola Chandra and Natasha Kerensky....


P.S.: And a map too....woohoo!



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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2015, 03:01:01 PM »

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2015, 03:55:25 AM »

Taurian Concordat Navy

The Taurian Concordat Navy (TCN) is if not the best, then equal to the best navy in the Inner Sphere.  The pride, esprit de corps, tactics, strategies and designs of the TCN are envied and copied by many, but never with the panache that the Taurians bring to the sphere of naval warfare.  Despite these advantages the TCN has been reduced to ruins time and again, as larger foes swarm it under with sheer numbers.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

The Taurian Navy, like those of the other Periphery powers did all it could to rearm following the departure of Kerensky for the Rim Worlds and Terra.  Limited production of small vessels was restarted deep in the Hyades and wrecked hulls were repaired as best the TCN could.  By the outbreak of the 1st Succession War, thirty one WarShips were on the line, though their state and size was in no way what the TCN truly needed for its defence.  Over the course of the war, the Hyades yards managed to produce another twenty-four vessels, but fighting against Davion and Liao incursions and the occasional spat with the Canopians cost the TCN all but six ships.  However, all six were built during the war, with the earlier vessels all lost, a clear testimony to their lack of effectiveness.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

The shipyards at Illushin and Sterope were able to assist in building for a limited time during the lull between the wars, helping to rebuild the TCN into a force of sixteen WarShips, however, material shortages saw their production halt again late in the 2nd Succession War.  However, this allowed the TCN to commission thirty more vessels during the War, but it was almost too little.  By 2864, only a single TCN vessel could be considered to be truly operational, though several more were listed as “combat ineffective” but kept on the rolls.  The TCN had continued to give sterling service and keep both Capellan and FedSuns probes at bay.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

The 3rd Succession War was a blessing for the TCN, as it was able to slowly rebuild its numbers, ending the war with thirty active hulls, having built sixty during the war.  By 3025, the TCN was again able to operate in squadron strength and began to undertake active operations beyond its traditional defensive roles.
Since 3025, the TCN has lain low, apart from the occasional raid and response but has added ten more ships to its active roster and maintaining another fifteen in reserve, providing the fleet with a strength of 55 Warships, almost as many as the Capellan Confederation.  When coupled with excellent vessels and the best crews in the Inner Sphere, the TCN is now a truly credible determent to any who might wish to bring harm to the Taurian Concordat.

Master Fleet Plan 3100 – (4) – 100 Ships
4 Fleets with
1 Meteor-class Battleship
2 Richelieu-class Battle Cruisers
3 Winchester-class Heavy Cruisers
4 Dart-class Light Cruisers
9 Orion-class Destroyers
6 Wildcat-class Corvettes
Reserve of 21 older vessels
Total strength of 121 ships

The Master Fleet Plan 3100 seeks to return the TDF to a level approaching its high point in numbers, which was reached just prior to the Reunification War.  This has given the Concordat’s neighbours pause, as a TCN with 120 ships of the line is a potent and clear danger to all its neighbours.

The TCN Today

TCN – Current Construction Program

The Taurian Concordat still has a strong shipbuilding industry, nearly equal to that of the Capellan Confederation and rumours are that it may expand soon.  The TCN has three separate shipyards with six building slips between them.

Meteor-class Battleship         Taurus
Richelieu-class Battle Cruiser      Taurus
Winchester-class Heavy Cruisers      Illushin
Dart-class Light Cruisers         Sterope
Orion-class Destroyers         Taurus
Wildcat-class Corvettes         Taurus

CURRENT FLEET – 55 (40 Active, 15 Reserve)

Battle Line – 4 Ships
1 Meteor-class Battleship
3 Richelieu-class Battle Cruisers
Cruisers – 9 Ships
5 Winchester-class Heavy Cruisers
4 Dart-class Light Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 15 Ships
5 Wagon Wheel-class Frigates
5 Orion-class Destroyers
5 Concordat-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 12 Ships
5 Wildcat-class Frigates
7 Pinto-class Frigates
Reserve – 15 Ships
5 Wagon Wheel-class Frigates
5 Concordat-class Destroyers
5 Pinto-class Corvettes


The TCN is divided between the four Unions of the Concordat, with most firepower distributed to the fleets facing the Federated Suns or concentrated in and around the Hyades Cluster.  The fleets are primarily defensive weapons but are able to undertake offensive action as needed, exercising twice yearly against other Taurian formations and sometimes against units from the Magistracy and in the past from the Outworlds.

4th Fleet (13 ships)
TCS Meteor   Meteor-class Battleship
TCS Jean Bart   Richelieu -class Battlecruiser
TCS Sterope   Winchester-class Heavy Cruiser
TCS Illiushin   Winchester-class Heavy Cruiser
TCS Vanguard   Dart-class Light Cruiser
TCS Dumassas   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Micros III   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Pleiades   Orion-class Destroyer
TCS Hyades   Orion-class Destroyer
TCS Badlands   Orion-class Destroyer
TCS Wildhunt   Wildcat-class Corvette
TCS Wilddog   Wildcat-class Corvette
TCS Wildfire   Wildcat-class Corvette

6th Fleet (12 ships)
TCS Richelieu   Richelieu -class Battlecruiser
TCS Taurus   Winchester-class Heavy Cruiser
TCS Vengeance   Dart-class Light Cruiser
TCS Hawktor   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Orion   Orion-class Destroyer
TCS Carina   Orion-class Destroyer
TCS Samantha Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Wildcat   Wildcat-class Corvette
TCS Wildsky   Wildcat-class Corvette
TCS Saint Philippe   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Royal Louis   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Ile de France   Pinto-class Corvette

9th Fleet (8 ships)
TCS Clemenceau   Richelieu -class Battlecruiser
TCS Pinard   Winchester-class Heavy Cruiser
TCS Victory   Dart-class Light Cruiser
TCS Mas   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Sandra Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Daniel Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Vendôme    Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Dauphin Royal   Pinto-class Corvette

12th Fleet (7 ships)
TCS Perdition   Winchester-class Heavy Cruiser
TCS Valiant   Dart-class Light Cruiser
TCS Aea   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Timothy Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Richard Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Monarque   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Royal Duc   Pinto-class Corvette

14th Fleet (15 ships)
TCS Mithron   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Renfield   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Tirabad   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Amber   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Diik   Wagon Wheel-class Frigate
TCS Sigur Fonn   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Amanda Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Amalthia Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Caterina Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Mitchell Calderon   Concordat-class Destroyer
TCS Couronne   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Paris   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Henri   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Soleil Royal   Pinto-class Corvette
TCS Sceptre   Pinto-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ TCN – Taurus
    4th Fleet – Ishtar – Hyades Union
    6th Fleet – World – Sterope – Perdition Union
    9th Fleet – World – Illushin – Brinton Union
    12th Fleet – World – Sterope – Farseer Union
    14th Fleet – World – Taurus – Hyades Cluster, training command and reserve units
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 07:15:38 PM by Blacknova »
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2015, 11:51:00 AM »

...I don't recognize most of these designs - is there a topic with KU ship types?


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2015, 02:48:51 PM »

Most are here but have different names.  I'll try and dig them all up.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2015, 04:04:21 PM »

Thanks.  Maybe wait until the final entry, then group them by nation.  I'm in no hurry.

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2015, 04:43:27 PM »

Richelieu like the Richelieu?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2015, 12:08:31 AM »

Yep, the very same you planned to build for the KU Taurians.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2015, 02:51:52 PM »

Yep, the very same you planned to build for the KU Taurians.

And that I (or rather Knightmare) built for the Star League  ;D

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2015, 07:17:43 PM »

Magistracy of Canopus Fleet

Never a powerful fleet, the Royal Canopian War Fleet (RCWF) has been destroyed four times in its history, each time rebuilding and continuing its role of defending the Magistracy.  Recent years, since the mid-30th Century, have allowed the RCWF to rebuild to a size not seen since the highs of the reunification war and the 2760s.  Should the current trend continue, the RCWF will become a real fleet for the first time in its history.  However, this growth is not without its problems, as the case of the recently designed and poorly received Union-class Pocket Battleship attests.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

Twenty two ships in various states of repair were on hand when the 1st Succession War broke out and the Canopians were able to launch another five during that brutal war.  However, predation by the League and Confederation, spats with the Taurians and pirate attacks cost the RCWF every one of it ships.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

Only two new WarShips were built before the 2nd Succession War erupted, with another ten launching during the war however, there were several periods where the RCWF had no operational ships and by 2864, this had been the case for seven years.  The RCWF and the Dunianshire yards continued to struggle on, but a new vessel would not launch until 2875.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

Over the course of the 3rd Succession War the RCWF launched forty seven vessels, managing to keep eighteen of them operational by 3025.  This was no mean feat for the Canopians, who had often become the target of opportunistic League and Capellan raids.
Kyalla Centrella saw an expanded fleet as exactly what the realm needed and in the late 3020’s six more vessels were launched, all of which saw active service during the invasion of Capellan space in company with the Duchy of Andurien.  The overall disaster that the campaign was cost the RCWF three vessels with nearly every other ship suffering moderate to heavy damage.

3040-3048 Expansion

Since the rise of Emma Centrella, three new WarShips have joined the fleet, with the strength of the RCWF now 24 active WarShips and seven in reserve, it most powerful roster since 2765-2770.  Emma Centrella, though not the warmonger her mother was is a supporter of an expanded fleet and has put in train plans to more than double the size of the existing fleet.  However, although the Union-class is technically meant to be part of the future fleet, rumour is that a different design might be produced instead due to the Union’s shortcomings.

Luxen Fleet Conference Plan (3) – 63 Ships
3 Fleets with
1 Union-class Pocket Battleship
2 Athena-class Heavy Cruisers
4 Dart-class Light Cruisers
6 Concordat-class Destroyers
8 Magestrix-class Corvettes
21 reserve ships
84 WarShip total strength

The MCF Today

MCF – Current Construction Program

The single building slip at Dunianshire is the single biggest bottleneck for fleet expansion, meaning that the fleet plan may take as long as two centuries to complete.

Union-class Pocket Battleship      Dunianshire – shared single yard
Athena-class Heavy Cruiser      Dunianshire – shared single yard
Dart-class Light Cruiser         Dunianshire – shared single yard
Concordat-class Destroyer      Dunianshire – shared single yard
Magestrix-class Corvette      Dunianshire – shared single yard

CURRENT FLEET – 31 (24 Active, 7 Reserve)

Battle Line – 1 Ship
1 Union-class Pocket Battleship
Cruisers – 5 Ships
2 Athena-class Heavy Cruisers
3 Dart-class Light Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 8 Ships
4 Wagon Wheel-class Frigates
4 Concordat-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 10 Ships
4 Magestrix-class Corvettes
6 Pinto-class Corvettes
Reserve – 7 Ships
3 Wagon Wheel-class Frigates
4 Pinto-class Corvettes


The RCWF assigns squadrons on an as needed basis, with most deployed to Dunianshire, Canopus, Luxen or Detroit.

Royal Canopian War Fleet Type (31 ships)
MCS Kyalla Centrella   Athena-class Corvette
MCS Crystalla Centrella   Athena-class Corvette
MCS Drake   Dart-class Corvette
MCS Dromeda   Dart-class Corvette
MCS Demon   Dart-class Corvette
MCS Canopus   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Luxen   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Dunianshire   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Detroit   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Marantha   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Cranston   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Luxani   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
MCS Freedom   Concordat-class Corvette
MCS Unity   Concordat-class Corvette
MCS Discovery   Concordat-class Corvette
MCS Hope   Concordat-class Corvette
MCS Magestrix   Magestrix-class Corvette
MCS Duchess   Magestrix-class Corvette
MCS Countess   Magestrix-class Corvette
MCS Marquessa   Magestrix-class Corvette
MCS Agile   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Expedient   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Ranger   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Diver   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Excellent   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Tempest   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Squall   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Adamant   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Stealthy   Pinto-class Corvette
MCS Hunter   Pinto-class Corvette

Fleet is based at:
•   HQ RCWF – Dunianshire
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2015, 07:31:55 PM »

Outworlds Alliance Navy

The Outworlds Alliance Navy (OAN) has often been derogatorily reoffered to as the Pinto Squadron, a title it had some claim to for many years.  More recent developments shave seen the OAN build up a heavier base for its fleet, despite using old designs to do so, making the OAN a far more credible deterrent.  However, the split with Wynn’s Protectorate, though costing the fleet no ships, did cost it half its yard space and the Protectorate has demonstrated what the Alliance could do if properly motivated.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

 â€œA fleet full of Pinto’s is a fleet full of targets…” was Admiral Hiroyoshi Nishizawa’s comment regarding the rebuilding OAN in 2785.  This comment proved prophetic as the fifteen Pintos then in service and the fifteen others built during the war were all destroyed.  These losses rarely occurred in groups, as OAN vessels were picked off by the various powers and pirates surrounding the Alliance.  One of the major problems the Alliance had to face was the aggressive raiding that the Mican Star Empire undertook in the Rimward areas of Alliance space, an issue that would grow worse in years to come.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

The one advantage of the Pinto is that it is cheap and easy to produce, allowing the Alliance to use the lull between the 1st and 2nd Succession Wars to build or rebuild ten Pintos.  The Alliance’s shipyards actually hit peak production during the 2nd Succession War, as the fighting in the Alliance had been limited and this allowed the OAN’s yards to build a strong supply chain.  However, this all ended in the late 2850s when a series of devastating DCA and DCMS raids crippled both the fleet and Alliance heavy industry.  The entire Alliance Navy was destroyed over the course of ten weeks and it would take three decades before another ship could be launched.  On the back of these losses the Mican Star Empire launched its first full scale attacks into the Alliance, taking several worlds where the OAN had no vessels with which to challenge the Empire’s fleet.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

WarShip construction in the Alliance did not restart until 2688 and over the course of the 3rd Succession War, forty-four new ships would launch.  However having learnt its earlier lessons, the OAN began producing larger designs in addition to the Pinto, namely Dart and Wagon Wheel-class vessels.  This policy worked until the shattering defeat delivered by the Micans over Onverwacht, that cost the Alliance the world and eleven others around it in 2987.  The Empire was unable to immediately capitalise on this triumph, but would later expand across half the Alliance, nearly taking Wynn’s Roost in 3024.  This would lead to the declaration of Wynn’s Protectorate in 3025, when Protector Simon Avellar-Stevens seceded from the Alliance to combat the Micans on what he called “Terms of true war.”  The defection of many Alliance systems cost it no additional WarShips, leaving it with twelve vessels as the 3rd Succession War ended.

4th Succession War and The Rebuilding

Since 3025, only four ships have been added to the OAN as the Alliance struggles with the issues of the Micans, the Protectorate and the success of the latter against the Micans where the Alliance failed for so long.  Despite these issues, the Alliance and the OAN may be turning a corner, as parts and schematics for the Prince-class Destroyer were provided to the Alliance in 3046.  The opening of the lines of supply into the Protectorate have enabled long closed Alliance heavy industries to begin production again and the recent words of Protector Candice Avellar-Stevens point towards a potential reunification of the Alliance.  If this were to happen the OAN would expand to twenty seven ships.  However, if that does not happen, the Alliance plans, should the supply line to Protectorate factories remain open, to grow the fleet to fifty-four vessels by 3100.

National Defence Plan (4) – 52 Ships
4 Fleets with
1 Dart-class Light Cruiser
2 Wagon Wheel-class Cruiser
4 Prince-class Destroyer
6 Pinto-class Corvette

The OAN Today

OAN – Current Construction Program

Most production at Cerberus’s is devoted to light vessels, with heavier ships built as one offs when required.  Cerberus, always more of a hull builder and outfitter’s yard has suffered long closures with the loss of the Nerum parts yards to the Protectorate, however, whilst the lines of supply are open, the yards are working all out.

Dart-class Light Cruiser      Cerberus as needed
Wagon Wheel-class Cruiser    Cerberus as needed
Prince-class Destroyer      Cerberus
Pinto-class Corvette      Cerberus

CURRENT FLEET – 16 (16 Active, 0 Reserve)

Cruisers – 3 Ships
3 Dart-class Light Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 7 Ships
5 Wagon Wheel-class Cruisers
2 Prince-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 6 Ships
6 Pinto-class Corvettes


The OAN divides itself between the four Alliance Provinces, however, this model is criticised for diluting the strength of the fleet and preventing decisive action to be taken against the Micans.
Balligora Provincial Fleet (4 ships)
OAS Pitcairn   Dart-class Corvette
OAS Alpheratz   Dart-class Corvette
OAS Outworlds Pride   Prince-class Corvette
OAS Outworlds Hope   Prince-class Corvette

Alpheratz Provincial Fleet (4 ships)
OAS Avellar   Dart-class Corvette
OAS Freedom   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
OAS Swallow   Pinto-class Corvette
OAS Sparrow   Pinto-class Corvette

Cerberus Provincial Fleet (4 ships)
OAS Independence   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
OAS Justice   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
OAS Hawk   Pinto-class Corvette
OAS Lark   Pinto-class Corvette

Ramora Provincial Fleet (4 ships)
OAS Equality   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
OAS Reason   Wagon Wheel-class Corvette
OAS Tern   Pinto-class Corvette
OAS Petrel   Pinto-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
•   HQ OAN – Cerberus
o   Balligora Provincial Fleet – Balligora
o   Alpheratz Provincial Fleet – Alpheratz
o   Cerberus Provincial Fleet – Cerberus
o   Ramora Provincial Fleet – Ramora
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2015, 07:45:46 PM »

Wynn’s Protectorate Navy

The Wynn’s Protectorate Navy (WPN) though small, has proved itself to be a potent force over the last twenty-five years, leading the charge across occupied Mican space and having lost only a single ship during the Reconquista.  More importantly, the fleet built itself from nothing to a force two thirds as large as the OAN, but with similar firepower in only two decades.  The WPN has shown the rest of the Alliance what can be accomplished when it properly harnesses the people and resources of the state.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

Forming during 3025, the WPN was told by Protector Simon Avellar-Stevens to design a vessel that “…could bring pride to those of the Outworlds and strike fear into those who sought prey upon it.”  The resulting Prince-class Destroyer was a revelation for those from the former Alliance used to manning the smaller Pinto-class Corvettes.  By 3040, four ships were in service, with one of the original five built having been lost in action against the Micans.

Production continued to build over the 3040s, with seven more Prince’s joining the fleet.  Every single ship saw extensive action against the Star Empire and despite some vessels taking heavy damage no further losses were suffered.  The ongoing campaign and the overtures to the Outworlds Alliance may mean that this young navy may soon become part of a larger Alliance fleet in the future.  Should the reunion of the Alliance not occur, the protectorate plans to produce another seven Destroyers for the fleet.

Protectorate Defence Plan (2) – 18 Ships
2 Fleets with 9 Prince-class Destroyers

The WPN Today

WPN – Current Construction Program

The yards at Nerum, whilst also supplying specific parts to the Alliance yards at Cerberus, focus on the production of the Prince-class.

Prince-class Destroyer      Nerum

CURRENT FLEET – 11 (11 Active, 0 Reserve)

Frigates and Destroyers – 11 Ships
11 Prince-class Destroyers


The fleet is divided between the two Protectorate Provinces and ships are assigned to each depending on operational tempos and other needs.

1st Fleet (5 ships)
WPS Prince Phillip   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Carlos   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Ferdinand   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Diego   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Phillip II   Prince-class Corvette

2nd Fleet (6 ships)
WPS Prince Henry   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince John   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Henry II   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Alfonso   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince John II   Prince-class Corvette
WPS Prince Charles   Prince-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
•   HQ WPF – Nerum
o   1st Fleet – Nerum
o   2nd Fleet – Blommestein
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2015, 08:54:51 PM »

Fleet of the Mican Star Empire

Erica and Damon Glythe refused to take part in Kerensky’s Exodus, instead setting themselves up as petty dictators and founded the polar opposite of the Star League Protectorate: the Mican Star Empire.  The ex-SLDF General and Admiral took a Mechanised Infantry Division and WarShip Squadron, along with several mobile facilities that the Exodus Fleet could not move in time and set themselves up in the Mica system.  The Imperial War Fleet (IWF) descends from this beginning, though it rapidly lost the basis of the SLN and became more of a glorified pirate and terror fleet over the course of the Succession Wars.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

Nineteen ships were in Erica Glythe’s fleet when the Glythe’s arrived over Mica and during the course of the 1st Succession War, an additional twenty-one wrecks from various sources salvaged and sent into action, whilst the mobile shipyard that came with the Empire’s founders prepared to produce new ships.  These floating wrecks rarely lasted more than an engagement or two, but were enough to terrorise large parts of the Federated Suns and Outworlds, or blunt Davion reprisals.  By the end of the 1st Succession War, opportunistic raiding of the Outworlds, Combine and Federated Suns led to several heavy reprisal strikes that all but eliminated the ships that had been salvaged or accompanied the settlement of Mica.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

Finally operational, the mobile yard, taking advantage of Mica’s mineral wealth, began producing vessels.  Five WarShips, mainly Vincent-class Corvettes and the occasional Quixote-class Frigate were produced there.  During the war, fifteen more ships launched, but this effort did not stop the Federated Suns smashing the fleet in 2861.  The effort to build the fleet ruined the economy and saw the Glythe’s nearly lose their hold on power.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

Elias Glythe, 3rd Imperial Commander of Mica turned his attention to the outer worlds, rather than the Inner Sphere and over the course of fifty years expanded the Mican Empire across ten systems.  This growth was the springboard for Damon Glythe II to launch his invasion of the Outworlds Alliance in 2987, spearheaded by a rejuvenated fleet.  The Empire built thirty-one WarShips over the course of the 3rd Succession War, loosing twenty three.  However, the drive across the Outworlds by the fleet, though it cost Mica seven ships, saw fifty-eight systems fall by 3025.

4th Succession War

The period leading up to the 4th Succession War was one of unrest for the Empire as it tried to digest its conquests whilst Damon III and Amber Glythe, twin heirs to Damon II fought for control of the throne.  This infighting cost the Empire dearly once Wynn’s Protectorate formed in 3025 and began the Reconquista of the lost Outworld’s territories.  Five WarShips were lost by the Empire, though three more launched during the war, however, the Protectorate’s offensive was never completely stopped.  Thirty eight conquered worlds were lost to the Protectorate and two to the Alliance, until Imperial Commander Erica Glythe II, a cousin of the warring siblings deposed both and stabilised the front.

3040-3048 Expansion

Since the ascension of Erica II to the throne, further losses to the Protectorate and Alliance have stopped and two new WarShips have joined the fleet.  Additionally, the Imperial Commander, through her marriage to Prince Phillip Grimm of Oberon, has secured the specifications to the Stefan Amaris-class Battleship, though it will be difficult for the small nation to build the vessel.  In an act of pure propaganda, the Imperial Commander has stated that three Battleships will be constructed along with sixteen other vessels.

Imperial War Fleet Plan (3) – 27 ships
3 Fleets with
1 Imperial (Stephan Amaris)-class Battleship
2 Quixote-class Frigate
6 Vincent Mk.52-class Corvette

The IWF Today

IWF – Current Construction Program

The old SLDF mobile yard over Mica continues to produce WarShips at a slow rate and is currently attempting to tool up to build its first Battleship.
Imperial-class Battleship   Mica – shared single yard   
Quixote-class Frigate      Mica – shared single yard
Vincent Mk.39-class Corvette   Mica – shared single yard

CURRENT FLEET – 8 (8 Active, 0 Reserve)

Frigates and Destroyers – 3 Ships
3 Quixote-class Frigates
Light Escorts – 5 Ships
5 Vincent Mk.39-class Corvettes


The “Grand Fleets” are deployed to each Province and come together to support major offensive or defensive actions.

Grand Fleet Imperial (3 ships)
MSES Imperious   Quixote-class Corvette
MSES Imperial   Quixote-class Corvette
MSES Adarga   Vincent Mk 39-class Corvette

Grand Fleet Mica (3 ships)
MSES Imperium   Quixote-class Corvette
MSES Adamant   Vincent Mk 39-class Corvette
MSES Admonitor   Vincent Mk 39-class Corvette

Grand Fleet Colonial (2 ships)
MSES Accuser   Vincent Mk 39-class Corvette
MSES Adjucator   Vincent Mk 39-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
•   HQ FMSA – Mica
o   Grand Fleet Imperial – Onverwacht
o   Grand Fleet Mica – Mica
o   Grand Fleet Colonial – Cephei
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