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Author Topic: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)  (Read 17672 times)

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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #45 on: December 03, 2012, 02:53:19 PM »

I am loving these writeups by the way. I'd love to see more detailed rundowns of your jumpships as I've always felt there was a derth of jumpships and love to see more.

Ask and ye shall receive.  All of them have heavy armor (for JumpShips), are lightly armed, have HPGs and Lithium-Fusion Batteries.  The Hunter has one collar, the Aggressor has two collars, the Discovery three, the Odyssey four, and the Voyager six.  I might add a five-collar ship, but if I do, I will edit it into the thread above.  Really, though, it is hard to go over six collars if you want LFBs.  Seven MIGHT be doable, but it will cut fuel, food/water, and cargo to the bone.

EDIT:  Went ahead and added the five-collar Traveler-class.  And the seven-collar Wanderer-class, but it was tight.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 04:36:45 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2012, 04:03:52 PM »

I didn't realize that the York was Burrock designed; I thought it was based on the SLDF Riga (III)-clas Destroyer/Carrier, with new hulls being built by the Ravens.  Sure.

I just checked up and i cannot back my call up with any cannon material.  It might be me getting the KU and cannon confused.
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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2012, 04:07:58 PM »

Cloud Cobras - I see what you did there :)

The Cobras seem to be a close fit for the canon Clan, but with the concentration of assets we spoke about.

Any thoughts on how that woud mesh with the various Cloister training methods?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2012, 04:21:44 PM »

Cloud Cobras - I see what you did there :)

The Cobras seem to be a close fit for the canon Clan, but with the concentration of assets we spoke about.

Any thoughts on how that woud mesh with the various Cloister training methods?

Hmmmm?  I've always seen the Cloisters as being more oriented towards philosophy and religion than to having their own training programs for Warriors.  In my view (and this is only my view), the basic martial training of all Warriors is uniform across the Clan, but each sibko also presents each of the various Cloisters viewpoints over the span of time as the sibkin mature.  Of course, depending on the cadre of each sibko, some might be presented more . . . shall we say forcefully, than others.   ;D  Upon graduation, each newly minted Warrior has the opportunity to join the Cloister of his choice, and probably many of the Clusters have a tradition of accepting only members from that Cloister.

That is just how I have always seen it.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 04:23:07 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2012, 05:16:13 PM »



Alpha Galaxy (Sight of the Coyote)
Golden Keshik (Guardians of the Prophecy) (Veteran/Fanatical)
Silver Keshik (The Chosen) (Elite/Reliable)
Bronze Keshik (The True Vision) (Regular/Reliable)
38th Assault Cluster (The Faithful) (Veteran/Fanatical)
72nd Battle Cluster (Guardians of the Pack) (Veteran/Reliable)

Beta Galaxy (Heart of the Coyote)
67th Assault Cluster (The Devastators) (Veteran/Fanatical)
19th Battle Cluster (Long Fangs) (Veteran/Reliable)
44th Battle Cluster (Hard Eights) (Elite/Fanatical)
9th Strike Cluster (The Pack) (Veteran/Reliable)
34th Strike Cluster (Rabid Coyotes) (Elite/Reliable)

Epsilon Galaxy (The Stalking Coyotes)*
50th Assault Cluster (Creeping Death) (Elite/Fanatical)*
12th Battle Cluster (Shadow Coyotes) (Regular/Fanatical)*
49th Battle Cluster (Midnight Assault) (Veteran/Questionable)*
95th Strike Cluster (Black Coyotes) (Regular/Reliable)*
55th Strike Cluster (Double Nickel Demons) (Veteran/Reliable)*

Zeta Galaxy (Swift Coyotes)
101st Battle Cluster (Assault from Above) (Elite/Fanatical)
8th Recon Cluster (Eyes of the Coyote) (Veteran/Questionable)
69th Strike Cluster (Lightning Coyotes) (Regular/Reliable)
80th Strike Cluster (Swift Retribution) (Veteran/Fanatical)
81st Strike Cluster (The Exterminators) (Regular/Reliable)


Omicron Garrison Galaxy
98th Coyote Regulars (Rogue's Gallery) (Regular/Fanatical)
246th Coyote Regulars (The Coyote Irregulars) (Regular/Fanatical)
509th Coyote Regulars (The Centurions) (Regular/Reliable)
990th Coyote Regulars (Best of Both Worlds) (Regular/Questionable)

Lambda Garrison Galaxy
7th Coyote Regulars (Carnage Incarnate) (Regular/Reliable)
10th Coyote Regulars (Chaos Unleashed) (Regular/Reliable)
100th Coyote Regulars (Bloody Hundredth) (Regular/Reliable)
202nd Coyote Regulars (The Partisans) (Regular/Reliable)

Nu Garrison Galaxy*
92nd Coyote Regulars (Fire on High) (Regular/Reliable)*
120th Coyote Regulars (Unchained) (Regular/Reliable)*
330th Coyote Regulars (Iron Guard) (Regular/Reliable)*
403rd Coyote Regulars (The Legionnaires) (Regular/Reliable)*

Rho Garrison Galaxy*
18th Coyote Regulars (Coyote Grenadiers) (Regular/Questionable)*
58th Coyote Regulars (Last Chance) (Green/Questionable)*
397th Coyote Regulars Cluster (Point of No Return) (Regular/Questionable)*
444th Coyote Regulars (Scavengers) (Green/Reliable)*


Coyote’s Honor Naval Star
Texas-class Battleship (Ancestral Home-Flagship)
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Howling)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Courage)
Essex-class Destroyer (Windrunner)

Star Stalker Naval Star*
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Blood of the Coyote)*
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Steel Fang)*
Lola III-class Destroyer (Honor of Ages)*
Essex-class Destroyer (Spirit in the Sky)*

The Long March Transport Star
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Midnight Star; Morning Star)
Carrack-class Transport (Solar Blaze)
Vincent Mk. 42-class Corvette (Coyote Spirit)

Units marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

Clan Totals
Front Line Clusters:  20
Garrison Clusters:  16
WarShips:  12

Coyote Touman Organization and Overview
Although no longer the powerhouse that they were during the Golden Century (relatively), the Coyotes remain a force that is not advisable to trifle with.  In recent years, the Clan has stagnated and stopped expanding, even to the point of losing their enclave on New Kent.  However, that loss spurred the Clan into a momentous wake-up, and while they haven’t (yet) expanded their Touman, the Coyotes have spent the past decade rebuilding and reorganizing their strength.

The Coyotes use a uniform organization throughout their front line Clusters, differing only in weight.  Assault Clusters field heavy and assault weight design; Battle Clusters and the Keshiks field medium and heavy weight designs; Strike Clusters field light and medium weight designs.  Each Cluster is comprised of a Command Star of five OmniMechs, two Trinary with fifteen OmniMechs each, a Supernova Trinary with fifteen OmniMechs and 75 Elementals, and a Binary of twenty OmniFighters, for a total strength of 50 OmniMechs, 75 Elementals, and 20 OmniFighters.  Each front-line is assigned a Traveler-class JumpShip for transport, along with five DropShips:  two Union-C class, two Carrier class, and one modified Overlord-C class that serves as the Cluster Headquarters and carries the Command Star, Supernova Trinary, and additional parts and munitions for the entire Cluster.

The second line/garrison forces are built around a Command Star of five BattleMechs, two Trinary with fifteen BattleMechs each, two Trinary with 10 vehicles and 250 conventional infantry each, and one Binary of twenty Aerospace Fighters.  This gives each Cluster of Coyote Regulars a force of 35 BattleMechs, 20 vehicles, 500 conventional infantry, and 20 Aerospace Fighters.  Second line/garrison forces consist of mostly medium and heavy designs, but assault weight units are not unknown.  No JumpShips are provided, but the DropShip assignments are the same as front line Clusters, except that the Overlord-C is modified to transport 5 BattleMechs, 20 vehicles, and 500 conventional infantry.

The Coyote Naval Reserve is organized into three Naval Stars:  one transport and two powerful task forces built around a battleship or battle cruiser.  Each docking collar on all but the Potemkin- and Carrack-class vessels is filled with an assortment of Assault DropShips; and both Potemkins carry five as well, reserving the remaining twenty collars for other DropShips (military or civilian) as needed.  The Coyote Merchant Fleet is rather uniform; early in the Golden Century, the Khans of Clan Coyote decided to design and construct the Traveler-class JumpShip (a 415,000 ton JumpShip with an HPG, Lithium-Fusion Batteries, and five docking collars).  This design has replaced all others in their military and civilian Fleets.  The Merchants field 70 Travelers on active duty and have an additional 30 mothballed in the Naval Reserve Cache orbiting Tamaron.

Total Coyote forces are thus 12 WarShips, 120 JumpShips (120 Traveler-class), 208 military DropShips (including 28 Assault DropShips), 542 civilian DropShips, 1000 OmniMechs, 560 BattleMechs, 540 OmniFighters, 320 Aerospace Fighters, 320 vehicles, 1975 Elementals, and 8000 conventional infantry.

Operation Revival
The Coyotes have committed well over half of their Touman to Operation Revival.  Sharing Idrmach with the Wolves, the Coyotes have assigned their Omicron and Lambda Garrison Galaxies to bringing the new subjects within that enclave fully in line with the ways and customs of the Clan.  It has been a difficult process, with flaring tempers on both sides.  But the Coyotes have learned much in breaking the people of Idrmach to their rule, and because of that the Coyote Khans are worried.  They fear that they do not have enough second line/garrison troops at their disposal, even with two Garrison Galaxies nearby.  But they dare not reduce their forces in the Homeworlds any further.

Epsilon Galaxy (a front line formation) has been charged with defending Tamaron and Strana Mechty.  This leaves the Coyote enclaves on Babylon, Delios, Foster, and Londerholm defended by just two Clusters from Nu and Rho Galaxies each.  Although the Clans have agreed—in principle—not to launch major Trials in the Homeworlds during Revival, the Khans are well aware that it only takes one Clan breaking that agreement to put their enclaves at risk.  Still, the Coyotes retain the powerful Star Stalker Naval Star in the Homeworlds as well which they hope will cause any potential attackers to consider such an action twice.

Blood Spirit: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 81 JumpShips, 1395 'Mechs, 400 ASF, 930 vehicles, 1425 Elementals, and 5625 Conventional Infantry.

Burrock: 18 Front Line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 143 JumpShips, 1345 'Mechs, 660 ASF, 640 vehicles, 2300 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

Cloud Cobra: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 15 Warships, 120 JumpShips, 915 'Mechs, 2010 ASF, 480 vehicles, 1675 Elementals, and 3000 Conventional Infantry.

Coyote:  20 Front line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 12 WarShips, 120 JumpShips, 1560 ‘Mechs, 860 ASF, 320 vehicles, 1975 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 05:17:01 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2012, 05:41:29 PM »

Interesting that you have the Coyote Regulars, whereas in cannon, all Coyote forces are Ass/Bat/Str etc.

Also, as to Cobra training, this was from FM:WC

In most respects, our training customs differ little from those of other Clans. Our training cycle lasts somewhat longer than the average, as our warriors generally do not see their first Trial before the age of twenty-two standard years. As a result, we graduate a higher percentage of warriors. A few of our most powerful Cloisters administer their own primary training camps. There, sibkos bred from a select reserve of exclusively controlled legacies learn to become warriors in a strict theological atmosphere.

The warriors of the Way must possess finely honed skills, a noble spirit and the highest of virtues. Those who wish to gain warrior status must prove much more than combat prowess. During a candidate's martial training, he or she is under constant evaluation. The candidate must continually demonstrate integrity, fidelity, fighting ability and an unswerving devotion to the Clan. Finally, the candidate must also make an act of selfsacrifice, a deed freely done in hopes of bettering the Clan and advancing the Way.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2012, 06:02:57 PM »

Interesting that you have the Coyote Regulars, whereas in cannon, all Coyote forces are Ass/Bat/Str etc.

I did it to distinguish between front line and second line/garrison forces.  And to make the 'Yotes a bit more stand out, with units bearing their own designation instead of the bland assault/battle/strike.

Also, as to Cobra training, this was from FM:WC

In most respects, our training customs differ little from those of other Clans. Our training cycle lasts somewhat longer than the average, as our warriors generally do not see their first Trial before the age of twenty-two standard years. As a result, we graduate a higher percentage of warriors. A few of our most powerful Cloisters administer their own primary training camps. There, sibkos bred from a select reserve of exclusively controlled legacies learn to become warriors in a strict theological atmosphere.

The warriors of the Way must possess finely honed skills, a noble spirit and the highest of virtues. Those who wish to gain warrior status must prove much more than combat prowess. During a candidate's martial training, he or she is under constant evaluation. The candidate must continually demonstrate integrity, fidelity, fighting ability and an unswerving devotion to the Clan. Finally, the candidate must also make an act of selfsacrifice, a deed freely done in hopes of bettering the Clan and advancing the Way.

I had forgotten that.  Thanks.  I don't see how it would make that much of difference. Warriors would still be trained in flight (Pilot), 'Mechs (MechWarriors), or Infantry (Elementals), just with a more intensive Cloister related indoctrination.



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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2012, 09:32:47 PM »

And here are Takiro’s favorite Diamond Sharks!



Clan Command
Diamond Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
1st Marine Elemental Cluster (The Devil Sharks) (Elite/Fanatical)
Nightlord-class Battleship (Terror of the Deep-Flagship)

Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike)
Sapphire Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
21st Assault Cluster (Nagasawa's Sharks) (Elite/Fanatical)
27th Cruiser Cluster (Flashing Ivory) (Elite/Fanatical)
39th Strike Cluster (The Frenzy) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (Predator)
Pearl Skate (Elite/Reliable)
7th Cruiser Cluster (Riptides) (Elite/Reliable)
6th Strike Cluster (Blood Hunters) (Elite/Reliable)
42nd Strike Cluster (Gnashers) (Elite/Reliable)

Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws)
Emerald Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
8th Assault Cluster (Rogue Hunter) (Veteran/Reliable)
28th Cruiser Cluster (Strum Wache) (Veteran/Fanatical)
31st Strike Cluster (The Merfolk) (Veteran/Reliable)

Zeta Galaxy (Territorial Waters)*
Agate Skate (Elite/Fanatical)*
57th Assault Cluster (Devil's Chum) (Veteran/Reliable)*
15th Cruiser Cluster (Slashing Spines) (Veteran/Reliable)*
11th Strike Cluster (Depth Charge) (Veteran/Fanatical)*


Lambda Garrison Galaxy
13th Shark Guardians (Poisoned Spine) (Veteran/Fanatical)
17th Shark Guardians (Bloody Seas) (Veteran/Reliable)
44th Shark Guardians (Land Sharks) (Regular/Reliable)
51st Shark Guardians (Diamond Hide) (Regular/Reliable)

Rho Garrison Galaxy*
4th Shark Guardians (Unblinking Eyes) (Regular/Questionable)*
10th Shark Guardians (Diamond Torpedoes) (Regular/Reliable)*
33rd Shark Guardians (Aqua Marines) (Green/Questionable)*
61st Shark Guardians (Death from Below) (Green/Reliable)*

Omega Garrison Galaxy*
35th Shark Guardians (The Urchins) (Green/Questionable)*
37th Shark Guardians (Free Air) (Regular/Questionable)*
83rd Shark Guardians (Cutting Pace) (Regular/Reliable)*
101st Shark Guardians (Maine's Marauders) (Green/Reliable)*

Sigma Garrison Galaxy*
14th Shark Guardians (Arctic Fox) (Regular/Questionable)*
18th Shark Guardians (Fire Fox) (Regular/Questionable)*
23rd Shark Guardians (Red Fox) (Green/Reliable)*
79th Shark Guardians (Sand Fox) (Green/Reliable)*


White Shark Naval Star
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Nagasawa)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Predator)
Essex-class Destroyer (Sharon)
Fredasa-class Corvette (Swift Strike)

Thresher Naval Star*
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Bloodlust)*
Lola III-class Destroyer (Space Hunter)*
Essex-class Destroyer (Tracy)*
Fredasa-class Corvette (Devourer)*

Kraken Transport Star
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Kraken; Red Tide)
Volga-class Transport (Bold Venture)

Tsunami Transport Star
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Titanic; Tsunami)
Volga-class Transport (Star Swimmer)

Poseidon Transport Star*
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Bloodletter; Poseidon)*
Volga-class Transport (Speculator)*

Units marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

Clan Totals
Front Line Clusters:  18
Garrison Clusters:  16
WarShips:  18

Diamod Shark Touman Organization and Overview
Although there are some who deride the Diamond Sharks as the merchant Clan, they remain accomplished (and lethal) Warriors.  Their sharp business dealings are backed up by deadly formations well able to hold their own against any of the Clans of Kerensky.

The Diamond Sharks diverge from more traditional Cluster formations, hosting a disparity of units and being over strength compared to other Clans.  But this gives the Sharks options when they must resort to combat that other Clans frequently do not have.  Diamond Shark front line Clusters are built around eighteen Stars, whereas a ‘normal’ Cluster has fifteen:  a Command Star with 5 OmniMechs, two Trinary with 15 OmniMechs, two Supernova Binary each with 10 OmniMechs and 50 Elementals, and a Trinary with 30 Aerospace Fighters, giving each Shark front line Cluster a strength of 55 OmniMechs, 100 Elementals, and 30 OmniFighters.  Each Cluster has five Union-C class (two standard, two modified for the Supernovas, and one modified as a Cluster command ship for the Command Star) and one Charybdis class DropShips. All front-line Clusters except for the Diamond Skate (the Clan’s Command Keshik) are assigned a single Voyager-class JumpShip for transport.  The Diamond Skate is embarked aboard the Clan Flagship, the Nightlord-class Terror of the Deep, modified for five docking collars.  In addition, the Terror of the Deep has had the internal ‘Mech deployment bays removed for an extensive Clan Command facility.  The flagship still carries a full complement of 500 Elemental Marines (organized as the 1st Marine Elemental Cluster, with six Trinary of 75 Elementals each and a command Binary of 50 Elementals), however, and expands the fighter complement from 20 to 30, while adding 10 Small Craft that can be used to quickly deliver the Elemental force from the ship to the surface if the Diamond Skate needs reinforcements.

Second line/garrison Clusters differ slightly.  Each contains three Trinary built around 10 BattleMechs and 10 combat vehicles, two Infantry Trinary with 10 combat vehicles, 125 Conventional Infantry, and 25 Elementals each, and one Aerospace Trinary with 30 Aerospace Fighters.  Transport is three Lion class DropShips (rebuilt to handle 10 BattleMechs and 10 vehicles), 2 newly built Seeker-C DropShips (for each Infantry Trinary), and one Charybdis class DropShip.  Unlike most other Clans, every second line/garrison Cluster is supplied with their own Voyager-class JumpShip for strategic mobility.

The majority of the Diamond Shark Fleet is assigned to three separate Transport Stars, but the Clan retains a formidable force in the two Naval Stars, exclusive of the battleship Terror of the Deep.  The Shark Merchant Fleet is the single largest among the Clans, with over 220 active duty and reserve JumpShips.  The active duty fleet contains 5 Wanderer-class (500,000 design with an HPG, Lithium-Fusion Batteries, and seven docking collars), 8 Voyager-class, 20 Traveler-class, 30 Odyssey-class, 30 Discovery-class, 30 Aggressor-class, and 20 Hunter-class, for a total of 143 JumpShips on active service.  The reserve Fleet mothballed over Tathis contains an additional 80 ships:  5 Wanderer-class, 10 Voyager-class, 10 Traveler-class, 10 Odyssey-class, 15 Discovery-class, 15 Aggressor-class, and 15 Hunter-class. 

Total strength of the Shark Touman consists of 18 WarShip, 223 JumpShips (10 Wanderer-class, 50 Voyager-class, 30 Traveler-class, 40 Odyssey-class, 45 Discovery-class, 45 Aggressor-class, and 35 Hunter-class), 176 military DropShips (including 11 Assault DropShips), 1072 civilian DropShips, 935 OmniMechs, 480 BattleMechs, 800 Vehicles, 3700 Elementals, 4000 Conventional Infantry, 690 OmniFighters, and 480 Aerospace Fighters.

Operation Revival
Winning an enclave on Syrstart (shared with the Hell’s Horses), the Sharks have invested considerable time and effort in building up a massive industrial complex on that world.  Defended by Lambda Garrison Galaxy, Syrstart is currently home to Alpha, Beta, and Delta Galaxies, as well as the Clan Command Keshik and a large portion of the Shark Fleet.  For good or ill, whether the other Clans win, lose, or draw during this Invasion, the Shark Khans plan for their Clan to profit from this adventure.  Accordingly, the Sharks have made known to every Clan that they have supplies stockpiled that are available for trade—but the Sharks plan on negotiating from a position of strength when Clans that haven’t planned for the events to come arrive at their door seeking parts, equipment, and weapons.

Back in the Homeworlds, the Sharks have already experienced a windfall from Revival.  In return for the entire Goliath Scorpion enclave on both Marshall and Tokasha, the Sharks contracted back in 3029 to begin transporting the vast majority of the Scorpion civilian castes from the Homeworlds to Rondane.  Twenty years later, on the eve of the Invasion, over 80% of the entire Scorpion civilian population (42,000,000) have been relocated to Rondane in the Chainelane Isles, along with virtually all of the Scorpion manufacturing facilities (excepting only factories on Marshall and Tokasha which were turned over to the Sharks).  Although several Clans have taken exception to this mass exodus (only 11,000,000 remain on Dagda, Roche, and Strana Mechty), the Sharks are very pleased with the bargain they struck.

Still, the increase in Shark holding has only strained those forces left behind.  Zeta Galaxy (the only front-line formation remaining in the Homeworlds) has been assigned to garrison the Shark capital of Tathis and their enclave on Strana Mechty.  Two Clusters each from Rho, Omega, and Sigma Galaxies are stationed on Babylon, Delios, Priori, Marshall, Strata Domingo, and Tokasha.  The Thresher Naval Star and Poseidon Transport Star have remained behind as well to support the Shark forces in the Homeworlds.

Blood Spirit: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 81 JumpShips, 1395 'Mechs, 400 ASF, 930 vehicles, 1425 Elementals, and 5625 Conventional Infantry.

Burrock: 18 Front Line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 143 JumpShips, 1345 'Mechs, 660 ASF, 640 vehicles, 2300 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

Cloud Cobra: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 15 Warships, 120 JumpShips, 915 'Mechs, 2010 ASF, 480 vehicles, 1675 Elementals, and 3000 Conventional Infantry.

Coyote:  20 Front line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 12 WarShips, 120 JumpShips, 1560 ‘Mechs, 860 ASF, 320 vehicles, 1975 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

Diamond Shark:  18 Front line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 18 WarShips, 223 JumpShips, 1415 ‘Mechs, 1170 ASF, 800 vehicles, 3700 Elementals, and 4000 Conventional Infantry.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 12:55:53 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #53 on: December 03, 2012, 11:48:21 PM »

Yuppers, enjoying this very detailed thread MA!


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #54 on: December 04, 2012, 12:04:48 AM »

And here is my little list of what Clan worlds are controlled and by whom.


Blood Spirit (4):  Arcadia (20%), Chaine Cluster (50%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), York* (100%)

Burrock (7):  Albion* (100%), Dagda (15%), Haublan (50%), Horde (25%), Paxton (45%), Priori (45%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Cloud Cobra (7):  Alexandria (100%), Babylon (25%), Brim (20%), Homer* (100%), Ingvolstand (50%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Tanis (100%)

Coyote (7):  Babylon (30%), Delios (35%), Foster (30%), Idrmach (50%), Londerholm (25%), Tamaron* (100%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Diamond Shark (9):  Babylon (20%), Delios (20%), Marshall (15%), Priori (55%), Strato Domingo (65%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Syrstart (50%), Tathis* (100%), Tokasha (20%)

Fire Mandrill (7):  Atreus (30%), Dagda (20%), Chaine Cluster (50%), Foster (35%), Marshall (15%), Shadow* (100%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Ghost Bear (5):  Arcadia (30%), Bearclaw* (100%), Paran (50%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Tokasha (40%)

Goliath Scorpion (4):  Dagda (25%), Roche (75%), Rondane* (100%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Hell’s Horses (7):  Eden (20%), Kirin (45%), Niles* (100%), Strato Domingo (35%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Syrstart (50%), Tiber (50%)

Ice Hellion (8 ):  Atreus (25%), Babylon (25%), Far Reach (50%), Foster (35%), Hector* (100%), Hoard (40%), New Kent (20%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Jade Falcon (9):  Dagda (15%), Eden (30%), Gatekeeper (35%), Glory (100%), Ironhold* (100%), Marshall (15%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Tokasha (40%), Vannes (100%)

Nova Cat (8 ):  Circe (25%), Barcella* (100%), Brim (30%), Delios (45%), Far Reach (50%), Gatekeeper (65%), Hoard (35%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Smoke Jaguar (11):  Atreus (45%), Circe (20%), Eden (20%), Fredotto (100%), Huntress* (100%), Kirin (55%), Londerholm (75%), Stacha (100%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Tranquil (50%), Vinton (60%)

Snow Raven (5):  Brim (25%), Circe (30%), Lum* (100%), Paran (50%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Star Adder (6):  Arcadia (25%), Brim (25%), Ingvolstand (50%), Marshall (45%), Sheridan* (100%), Strana Mechty (5.8%)

Steel Viper (7):  Arcadia (25%), Haublan (50%), Hellgate (100%), Marshall (10%), New Kent* (80%), Strana Mechty (5.8%), Vinton (40%)

Wolf (9):  Circe (25%), Dagda (25%), Eden (30%), Grants Station* (100%), Idrmach (50%), Paxon (55%), Roche (25%), Tiber (50%), Tranquil (50%)

*Worlds marked by an asterisk (*) are the official capital of that Clan.  Yes, I know that the Wolves capital was Strana Mechty, but really it would not have been allowed.  Strana Mechty is the capital of all the Clans, not an individual Clan.  Since the Wolves didn't seem to have a world it owned 100% I gave them Grants Station and made it their capital.

Yes, it is different (slightly) from canon.  I tried to work from canon, but this is how it turned out.  But I think it is a good spread of exclusive and shared worlds and it provides every Clan (except Steel Viper) with capital that is shared with no one.  (And yes, the Vipers are quite pissed about that.)  The Scorpions declared on the very eve of the Invasion that they were moving their capital from Roche to Rondane—although this provoked consternation, the launch of Revival has set back any immediate challenges.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 01:04:00 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #55 on: December 04, 2012, 09:37:15 PM »



Clan Command
Fireborn Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)

Alpha Galaxy (Battle-Hardened)
53rd Mandrill Cataphracts (Stalwarts) (Elite/Fanatical)
3rd Mandrill Dragoons (Banner-Bears) (Elite/Fanatical)
7th Mandrill Dragoons (The Fire-Eaters) (Elite/Fanatical)
14th Mandrill Light Horse (Burning Brands) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (The Gift of Foresight)
16th Mandrill Cataphracts (Silent Sentinels) (Elite/Fanatical)
1st Mandrill Dragoons (The Howling) (Elite/Fanatical)
13th Mandrill Dragoons (The Valiant) (Elite/Fanatical)
12th Mandrill Light Horse (The Keystone Cluster) (Elite/Fanatical)

Gamma Galaxy (Strength of Will)
2nd Mandrill Dragoons (The Lionhearts) (Veteran/Reliable)
4th Mandrill Dragoons (Embers of Warfare) (Veteran/Fanatical)
11th Mandrill Light Horse (The Fire Dancers) (Veteran/Fanatical)
19th Mandrill Light Horse (Fire-Born) (Veteran/Reliable)

Delta Galaxy (Up and Coming)*
61st Mandrill Dragoons (The Brimstone Cluster) (Veteran/Reliable)*
71st Mandrill Dragoons (Dante's Torment) (Veteran/Reliable)*
202nd Mandrill Light Horse (The Furies) (Veteran/Reliable)*
301st Mandrill Light Horse (Citizens of Hades) (Veteran/Reliable)*


Epsilon Garrison Galaxy
20th Mandrill Guards (The Dragon Mandrills) (Veteran/Reliable)
24th Mandrill Guards (Cassandra's Folly) (Veteran/Reliable)
33rd Mandrill Guards (The Guardians) (Regular/Reliable)
97th Mandrill Guards (Vulcan's Chariot) (Regular/Reliable)

Zeta Garrison Galaxy
17th Mandrill Guards (Maginot Line Cluster) (Regular/Questionable)
31st Mandrill Guards (The Barnburners) (Regular/Questionable)
42nd Mandrill Guards (Groundfire) (Veteran/Reliable)
87th Mandrill Guards (Red Dawn Cluster) (Veteran/Reliable)

Eta Garrison Galaxy
21st Mandrill Guards (Hade's Gate) (Regular/Questionable)*
27th Mandrill Guards (Steel Mandrills) (Veteran/Reliable)*
32nd Mandrill Guards (Hell's Wind) (Regular/Questionable)*
45th Mandrill Guards (The Fire Ants) (Regular/Reliable)*

Theta Garrison Galaxy*
5th Mandrill Guards (The Breakers) (Regular/Questionable)*
10th Mandrill Guards (The Phoenix Cluster) (Veteran/Reliable)*
23rd Mandrill Guards (Amber Five) (Regular/Questionable)*
44th Mandrill Guards (The Watchmen) (Regular/Reliable)*

Iota Garrison Galaxy*
6th Mandrill Guards (The Blood Aces) (Veteran/Reliable)*
8th Mandrill Guards (Firewalkers) (Veteran/Reliable)*
15th Mandrill Guards (Angel's Six) (Regular/Questionable)*
18th Mandrill Guards (Mandrill Rage) (Regular/Reliable)*


Firestarter Naval Star
Liberator-class Cruiser (Reaver)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Anathema; Rage; Rancor)

Fire-Eater Naval Star
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Fire-Eater)
Congress-class Frigate (Monkey Shines)
Vincent-class Corvette (Firetender; Howler)

Units marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

Clan Totals
Front Line Clusters:  17
Garrison Clusters:  20
WarShips:  8

The Fire Mandrill Renaissance
The fractious nature and disunity of the various Mandrill Kindraa worried the Khans of the remaining Clans, but it widely recognized that the Mandrills would—could not—accept a solution imposed upon them from without.  What change could come would have to come from within the ranks of the Clan itself . . . which many of the Khans feared was an impossible task.  But that suddenly changed in 3017 when the Mandrills selected Thomas Malone for the rank of Khan.  Malone, a Warrior of a minor Blood-name became the titular head of the Clan, but in reality, it was the Kindraa who retained the authority and power.  Malone was selected because the leaders of the Kindraa viewed him as a weak and easily swayed Warrior, one who would pose no threat to them.  That was their mistake.

Disgusted with the constant bickering and infighting between the Kindraa—including that of his own Mattila-Carrol, Malone set about trying to put aside the differences between the Kindraa.  He was rebuffed at every turn and even threatened with removal from office.

After three years of being stonewalled and blocked at every turn, Khan Malone announced that he was calling for a full Conclave of every Blood-named Warrior of the Mandrills.  To take place in early January of 3021 on Shadow (the Mandrill capital world), this Conclave would determine the future path of the Clan.  Although the Kindraa leaders were shocked that Malone had dared to order such an assembly, they also saw the Conclave as an opportunity to get rid of him.

At the Conclave, Malone made an impassioned argument that the Kindraa were what was keeping the Mandrills from achieving true greatness among the Clans.  He argued for two hours, while many of those Bloodnamed present howled their displeasure—and the Kindraa Leaders smiled knowing that he was done for.  They did not seem to realize that the more discontented Bloodnamed (some two hundred in all) were absent.  At last, the Khan realized that the system could not be changed.  Turning to Joan Lloyd (his saKhan), Malone nodded.  From dozens of entrances, hundreds of armed Mandrill Warriors entered the Conclave.  The Bloodnamed, having been disarmed before entry, stood mute and stunned at the sight.  Shaking his head, Malone said just four soft words that echoed throughout the chamber:  “Let it be done.”  And with that, Lloyd gave the order that massacred the Bloodnamed Warriors of the Kindraa of Clan Fire Mandrill.

Moving quickly, the remaining Bloodnamed, all as eager as Malone and Lloyd at the prospect of restoring their Clan to power, set out and purged the Clan of all of those who owed their first loyalty to the Kindraa rather than to the Clan.  With the bulk of the Kindraa assembled on Shadow for the Conclave, the purge—which caught all of the Mandrills by surprise—was carried out swiftly and without remorse.  In the end, some forty percent of Clan Fire Mandrill died in the seventy-two hours following those four words being uttered.

Khan Malone then addressed the Mandrills who remained on Shadow . . . a full three-quarters of the surviving Warriors.  He announced the end of the Kindraa and a massive reorganization of the Clan that would break their power forever.  And he revealed that he had planned for this event for the past three years, when hundreds of Mandrill free-births, tested as Warriors but assigned to police duties were installed into the Touman.  Moving quickly, hand-picked Cluster loyal to Malone then embarked to Atreus, Dagda, Foster, Marshall, and Strana Mechty where the remaining elements of the Touman were quietly purged.

The secret could not be kept forever, and by the autumn of 3021, Khan Malone and saKhan Lloyd had been summoned to Strana Mechty where his actions were the subject of an emergency meeting of the Grand Council.  Despite significant unease over his actions, a vote on the issued determined that the Mandrill Khan did indeed have the right to declare elements of his own Clan as dezgra and treat with them accordingly.  None of the leading Clans (Jade Falcons and Smoke Jaguars included) wanted to set the precedent that the Grand Council of Khans could deliver judgment on them for purely an internal action.

But that was not the end of it.  The Coyotes launched an assault against Foster where they expected to easily overcome the understrength garrison—but Khan Malone had anticipated that and stationed his best units on Foster.  The assault was defeated with painful losses for the Coyotes, and the other Clans took a second look at the Mandrills that were emerging.

Malone stayed in office until 3044, spending twenty-seven years as Khan before he stepped down, claiming that Revival needed younger blood.  Over that time, he rebuilt his Clan into a powerful force upon which the Crusaders can rely.

Fire Mandrill Touman Organization and Overview
The Mandrills who passed through the Fire on Shadow were reorganized strictly upon traditional lines:  each front-line Cluster consisted of three Trinary of OmniMechs, one Trinary of Elementals, and one Trinary of OmniFighters.  Transport was provided by a single Voyager-class JumpShip and five DropShips (three Union-C class, one Sassanid class, and one Charybdis class).  The sixth docking collar is normally filled with a cargo vessel.

A significant second line/garrison force of five Galaxies has been raised to date:  many of these formations remain second line/garrison solely because the Mandrills lack the number of OmniMechs, Elemental Battle Armor, and OmniFighters to upgrade them at this time.  Each is equipped with two Trinary of BattleMechs, two Trinary of ten vehicles and 250 conventional infantry each, and one Trinary of Aerospace Fighters, with a Voyager-class JumpShip and five DropShips (two Union-C, two Triumph-C, and one Charybdis), with a cargo vessel filling out the collars.

The Mandrill Fleet is small, but well motivated and highly trained at the moment.  It is divided into two Stars, one of which normally has transport duties but can serve in an offensive role if necessary.  Unfortunately, the Purge of 3021 caused much of the Merchant caste to abandon the Clan and flee to others for refugee.  Accordingly, the Mandrills have one of the smallest Merchant Fleets in the Homeworlds, with 3 Voyager-class and 40 Discovery-class.  The Mandrills retain no JumpShips in their Clan Naval Cache at Shadow, having used them to rebuild their Fleet to its current level.

The Mandrills currently have a Touman that includes 8 WarShips, 80 JumpShips (40 Voyager-class, 40 Discovery-class), 193 military DropShips (including 8 Assault DropShips assigned to the Mandrill Fleet), 87 civilian DropShips, 765 OmniMechs, 600 BattleMechs, 590 OmniFighters, 600 Aerospace Fighters, 400 vehicles, 1500 Elemental Infantry, and 10000 Conventional Infantry.

Operation Revival
The Mandrills are stationed in the Chaine Cluster, where have assembled their entire Fleet and five Galaxies (three of them front-line) for the coming Invasion.  Sharing the worlds with the Blood Spirits, the Mandrills have managed to eliminate resistance to rule in a very brutal fashion . . . that may well be leaving the seeds of future revolt.  For the moment, however, the Chaine Cluster is peaceful, although the native population is barely at 50% of the levels it had before the Clans arrived.  The influx of settlers from the Homeworlds have ensured that the overall population has increased, but the raw statistics would shock many of the more liberal Clans.

Back home, the Mandrills have retained one front line Galaxy and three second line/garrison Galaxies to retain their grip on their enclaves.  With the entire Mandrill Fleet in the Isles, Delta Galaxy remains on Shadow ready to respond to any incursion with the second line/garrison forces of Eta, Theta, and Iota tasked with delaying any attacker.

Blood Spirit: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 81 JumpShips, 1395 'Mechs, 400 ASF, 930 vehicles, 1425 Elementals, and 5625 Conventional Infantry.

Burrock: 18 Front Line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 8 Warships, 143 JumpShips, 1345 'Mechs, 660 ASF, 640 vehicles, 2300 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

Cloud Cobra: 17 Front Line, 15 2nd line/Garrison, 15 Warships, 120 JumpShips, 915 'Mechs, 2010 ASF, 480 vehicles, 1675 Elementals, and 3000 Conventional Infantry.

Coyote:  20 Front line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 12 WarShips, 120 JumpShips, 1560 ‘Mechs, 860 ASF, 320 vehicles, 1975 Elementals, and 8000 Conventional Infantry.

Diamond Shark:  18 Front line, 16 2nd line/Garrison, 18 WarShips, 223 JumpShips, 1415 ‘Mechs, 1170 ASF, 800 vehicles, 3700 Elementals, and 4000 Conventional Infantry.

Fire Mandrill:  17 Front line, 20 2nd line/Garrison, 8 WarShips, 80 JumpShips, 1365 ‘Mechs, 1190 ASF, 400 vehicles, 1500 Elementals, and 10000 Conventional Infantry.

Note:  I need to thank Blacknova for the name Fireborn for the Clan Command Keshik.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:56:44 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #56 on: December 04, 2012, 09:50:31 PM »

You're welcome.  Nice way to unite them, very different from the KU, but more effective really.
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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2012, 10:00:14 PM »

You're welcome.  Nice way to unite them, very different from the KU, but more effective really.

Well, we have examples of similar action in canon:  the Falcon Culling, the Coyote Reaving, and the Ice Hellion internal war to name the three most well known.  I figured it fit the Clans.



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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #58 on: December 04, 2012, 10:03:56 PM »

I'm liking the looks of this so far.  Can't wait for the invasion to start :)


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #59 on: December 04, 2012, 11:56:45 PM »

A sweeping change for the Mandrills. I have to say I approve. I'd like to come up with a ape name for the whole action and also I'd keep some fractious element to the Clan. Maybe their bloodname houses remain powerful or they are all true independents who find team work distasteful. The ultimate glory to the individual. Just spit balling here.
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