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Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:41:55 AM »

First Succession War

In the aftermath of the liberation of Terra from Stefan Amaris, the SLDF began - even before the Star League Council could be reconvened - to make plans for the future. The military industries of the Terran Hegemony had been used to support Amaris and had often been badly damaged in the fighting. At the same time, although military production in the other Member States was high, it was unreliable and much of their output was going to House armies that couldn't be relied on to support the SLDF. That might actually be the SLDF's next adversaries.

As a result, despite the very limited resources available to them - for the Star League's financial had been shattered by the coup and largely liquidated by both sides to fund the war - the SLDF began several crash projects to develop new and advanced technologies that could leave them with a further qualitative edge over the Great Houses, as well as to restore factories that could construct those technologies in deployable quantities.

Graham IV had been badly damaged by the fighting to liberate it in 2776. Mitchell Vehicles, a significant military manufacturer, received substantial support in attempting to restore and improve upon their production lines for the Mercury, one of the SLDF's standard light BattleMechs. The Mercury used an innovative modular weapon mount, an extension of the standardised weapon systems that had been introduced two centuries before for the Reunification War.

Mitchell's engineers now took this one step further. The MCY-101, they claimed, would not only be able to field replace the Martell medium and Hessen small lasers with unprecedeted ease - or even with similar lasers from other manufacturers. It would be possible, in times measured in minutes not hours, to replace the lasers with entirely different weapon systems.

The Mercury had very little tonnage to work with in this regard but the concept of what was dubbed 'omni-weapon-technology' or later, omnitech, was clearly one with enormous potential. The first prototypes were to be shipped to Terra for presentation to General Kerensky himself in early 2785. By this date, however, the SLDF had embarked upon their Exodus and General Kerensky was unavailable. Mitchell soldiered on, even as Graham IV fell into the control of the Free Worlds League and an initial production run was ordered by and delivered to House Marik who were delighted with their new light 'Mechs.

The other great houses were less pleased and in 2790 the Stealths, a mercenary regiment in the employ of House Steiner, made a visit to Graham IV with a specific goal of destroying strategic military industries on the world. Mitchell's factories were among the first targets and many of the skilled workers died alongside the facilities when they worked. Overnight, Mitchell was unable to continue production of the Mercury.

Hoping to restore their fortunes, the company's directors concluded that omnitech was an asset that could be sold on to finance rebuilding, or at least to secure their other facilities. Whule they were reluctant to sell Terran Hegemony military technology to outsiders, the board justified their decision on the grounds that the SLDF had never formally accepted the technology. Licensing discussions opened with several League military manufacturers and in 2792 a deal was struck with Kallon Industries.

Unfortunately for the fortunes of Mitchell the revenue couldn't save them, as their other facilities were prominent targets throughout the First Succession War. By 2820, no active factories remained and licensing revenue was devoted to wrapping up the once mighty corporation's financial obligations. The MCY-101 Mercury was apparently dead, but omnitech would live on.

Although formally part of the Earthwerks Incorporated conglomerate, the schisms that opened up between the Star League's states opened up the opportunity for Kallon to exert independence from their owners. The licensing of omnitech came on the heels of a ruling by the Free Worlds League courts that formalised the separation but before Earthwerks' legal counter-attack, which successfully had Kallon identified as a foreign corporation and forced Kallon to pay import duties even on production which took place inside the Free Worlds League.

Kallon chose to apply omnitechnology to the Wolverine medium Battlemech, a well-established design for which they foresaw difficulties in obtaining the Whirlwind autocannon that served as its primary armament. The autocannon's mount was already incorporated into a hand acutator which made replacement easy. Kallon's upgraded version replaced this and other weapon mounts with Mitchell's new system.

The resulting WVR-6O sold successfully to the FWLM with the factory on Thermopolis well placed to send replacement machines to regiments fighting all along the border with the Lyran Commonwealth. Glowing reports reached the Captain-General who pushed for the technology to be shared with other corporations so that it could become the standard for all FWLM Battlemech forces. While not inherently opposed to this, Kallon took a hardline on bargaining which may have been partly sparked by the League government's position on their quarrels with Earthwerks.

Kallon's advocates' decision to associate with elements in Parliament opposed to Kenyon Marik's increasingly autocratic powers (following Resolution 288) was largely intended to maximise their profits from sharing their license and their development work on omnitech. The Captain-General responded by coordinating an extra-legal solution through Earthwerks Incorporated and Brigadier Corporation. Data leaked to Lyran agents spurred an objective raid against the Thermopolis construction site. While FWLM defenders successfully beat off the attack, significant collateral damage was caused to the factory's perimeter and secondary buildings, opening the opportunity for corporate operatives to enter Kallon and secure both samples and a significant amount of design data.

Armed with the products of this technology, both corporations began work on their own OmniMechs. Kallon's attempts to seek legal redress were blocked by the Captain-General until his death in 2804 and Kenyon's son Thaddeus Marik cemented the split with the aforementioned identification of Kallon as a foreign corporation. These struggles left Kallon in significant financial difficulties, exacerbated by further Lyran raiding of Thermopolis, a factor which profoundly delayed their second OmniMech project.

With the need for a sophisticated gyro to manage the varying weight distributions, both Earthwerks and Brigadier elected to build designs in the same tonnage as the Wolverine. Brigadier focused on trying to use omnitech to rehabilitate their Scorpion quadmech while Earthworks modified the Shadow Hawk into an OmniMech. Although the new gyro did address some of the issues that had plagued the Scorpion, the 'Mech's reputation meant that only the insatiable demands of the First and Second Succession Wars ensured that production runs were bought.

Meanwhile Earthwerks enjoyed much more success. The destruction of Lang Corporation's factory on Caph left them the only Shadow Hawk manufacturer in the Inner Sphere and the SHD-2O complemented the WVR-6O successfully on the frontlines of the First Succession War. A significant number of both fell into the hands of the CCAF and LCAF, who appreciated the fact that their salvage was easier to put back into service than other designs.

The Capellans were able to take more advantage of this than the Lyrans, for in 2811 Kallon Industries's began producting the WVR-6O from their Nanking facility in the Confederation. The discovery of this was a minor scandal inside the League and Kallon barefacedly declared to the Captain-General that the proliferation 'must be the result of corporate espionage'. Thaddeus Marik had successfully weathered the early years of his reign, with major clashes with House Allison almost crippling the Capellan front, and although triumphant, he was more inclined to be concilatory.

This didn't save fourteen Kallon executives who were indicted on charges of treason, but the corporation as a whole emerged largely unscathed despite the revelation that in addition to the Capellan leak there was also OmniMech production about to begin at the Kallon factory on Talon in the Federated Suns. What may have saved Kallon was the unveiling of their new OmniMech line, the RFL-3O Rifleman. Rather than nationalise Kallon or hit them with major fines, Thaddeus settled for the treason trials and also for forcing them to assist Earthwerks in developing the gyro for their own heavy OmniMech project. This decision emerged even after it was clear that the RFL-3O was also being built on Nanking and Talon.

The Rifleman was the first major success for omnitech as a basis for customised configurations. Both the WVR-6O and SHD-2O had focused on the utility for battlefield repair and salvage but the RFL-3O quickly saw a diversification of roles as users found it practical to configure it for roles as divergent as urban combat, indirect fire support and even submarine operations. Previously considered a humble workhorse design, the Rifleman now had evident star quality on the battlefield.

This sparked significant investment into omnitech by House Davion. Resurgent since Kentares, the Federated Suns badly needed to rebuild its military forces. To feed this, Kallon had rebuilt a disused Hornet production line to build an updated Mercury (the MCY-1O1D) but now they received a specific request directly from the young First Prince, Paul Davion: redevelop the Griffin as an OmniMech.

Since the Griffin was of a similar mass to the Wolverine, there proved to be few complications with this development of the design and the first GRF-3O was completed in 2817, allowing Prince Davion to point to the AFFS having a 'full range' of light, medium and heavy OmniMechs at its disposal, a technical truth even if the Mercury was of limited flexibility and the Rifleman was only barely large enough to be classed in the heavy weight-class. The Griffin also suffered in that almost the first demand from AFFS mechwarriors was to swap the PPC out for an autocannon, something that cut heavily into the payload (although heat efficiency rose) and objectively reduced firepower. Mercenary units keen to buy from Kallon found it more effective to customise the torso bays, replacing the missile launcher with a range of options.

The GRF-3O only entered production a few days before Earthwerks' second OmniMech design was completed and this was a far more radical development. Built on Calloway VI next to the existing Shadow Hawk production, the ARC-3O was the heaviest OmniMech to date, built on the chassis of perhaps the most successful 'Mech design of all time. The Archer was the benchmark for fire support platforms but it also had the armour protection of a frontline machine. This gave it far more flexibility than even the Rifleman and it quickly promoted itself to the most sought-after OmniMech that the Free Worlds League possessed. Thaddeus Marik formally warned Earthwerks-FWL that any leak of the Archer's development data would be treated far more harshly than Kallon's lapse.

None of this stopped the proliferation of omnitechnology. The AFFS had liberated Marduk from a twenty year occupation by the Draconis Combine in 2818 and in the process of restoring Victory Industries' Wolverine production lines, it was decided to refurbish the factory to build a licensed copy of the WVR-6O in the belief that Marduk would be a frontline stronghold of the Federated Suns. The work wasn't entirely complete in 2820 when an unexpected local counter attack tipped the balance and Marduk was lost to the DCMS, giving the Combine its first source of OmniMechs when the Victory Industries lines went back into service.

The loss of investment, not to mention face, by his government forced Paul Davion to take steps to mitigate the damage. Opening negotiations with Archon Richard Steiner and later with his son Marcus, the First Prince secured a deal to exchange badly needed goods with the Lyran Commonwealth, sealing the deal by selling them Kallon Industries' GRF-3O. What the inexperienced Marcus Steiner didn't realise that Paul Davion had also been negotiating in parallel with Charles Marik, Captain-General since the death of Thaddeus Marik at the end of the First Succession War. By the outbreak of the Second Succession War, both Defiance Industries and Earthwerks had converted their Griffin production to the GRF-3O and the design would feature on both sides of Lyran-League clashes through the Second Succession War.

Although the SCP-1O Scorpion hadn't been the success that they had hoped for, there had still been enough income from it for Brigadier to gradually develop their own heavy OmniMech design. The CRD-3O was a development of the Crusader, long an SLDF workhorse design. However, the development wasn't without cost: the challenges of a heavy OmniMech forced Brigadier to look for partners. In a startling reversal, Kallon Industries stepped in. The Crusader had originally been their design and they still manufactured it on two sites.

With the RFL-3O demoted to second place by Earthwerks' ARC-3O, Kallon wanted a new heavy design and the Crusader seemed ideal - more than worth compromising with one of the corporations to steal their development data a generation before. The CRD-3O would enter production in 2825 at no less than three factories, challenging the slightly larger ARC-3O by the sheer numbers that could be built.

In the longer term this would save Brigadier, for in 2837 the loss of their Scorpion factory on Oliver left the corporation with few resources to work with except their share of the CRD-3O manufacture. The SCP-1O, having served its purpose, was quietly abandoned.


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2016, 03:42:35 AM »

Second Succession War

The outbreak of the Second Succession War largely prevented any further projects from being initiated as reseources were focused on keeping the economy, which had by no means recovered from the previous four decades of war, producting the existing weapons of war. This didn't prevent a few developments already underway from being brought into service.

One of the most notable of these was the VND-1O, a Capellan development. Rather than adapting an existing design to use omnitech, the Vindicator was the first 'Mech developed from the ground up as an OmniMech. Ceres Metals obtained the technology from Kallon largely by the demand of the Capellan government and the resulting design, while hardly a match for the larger and more powerful designs fielded by the Confederation's rivals, proved an able 'Mech when used correctly.

Capellan doctrine for the OmniMech was highly pragmatic and would spread to the other Successor States in time. Rather than replacing the existing armies of BattleMechs, the Capellans felt, the expensive OmniMechs were better suited to be spread through their forces to provide specialist functions. Unlike the SLDF, it wasn't practical for any of the House Armies to field dedicated designs for niche functions, but OmniMechs such as the Vindicator could be reconfigured easily to fill specialist roles and then modified again when the need passed. As such, the Vindicator's base model VND-1R was built alongside the VND-1O and both models would have long and respectable careers in the CCAF.

Meanwhile, using the proceeds of his double-dealing with House Marik and House Steiner, Paul Davion had learned from his mistake in having the WVR-6O built in such a vulnerable location. Archenar BattleMechs, with their factories on New Avalon, accepted a commission to convert the Dervish into an OmniMech. As with several other designs of the early omnitech era, the design was partly chose because the gyro would be essentially identical to that of the WVR-6O.

The Dervish had much in common with the Rifleman but it was intended as a medium fire support platform with much more mobility than the larger 'Mech. With other Dervish factories destroyed in the First Succession War, only House Davion still had the capability to replace their losses and the 'Mechs had increasingly been used to counter the DCMS' fast heavy 'Mechs on the battlefield. However, the Dervish was a very old design while the Dragon was more recent.

While the tonnage available on the DV-6O was limited, the internal volume was excellent and provided a lot of flexibility for varying payloads. Although the majority were sent to rebuild the battered and depleted regiments in the Draconis March, a number were found in the Capellan March and proved themselves to have not only more firepower but also superior mobility compared to the Vindicators, forcing the CCAF to depend more on their WVR-6O complement to hold them back while the VND-1O was assigned to support heavier units.

Other than their captured WVR-6O factory, the Draconis Combine had very limited sources of OmniMechs until well into the Second Succession War. The concept wasn't initially favoured by the samurai mechwarrior culture who largely believed that their 'Mechs should have a single, optimised or 'balanced' form. The idea of reconfiguring regularly was akin to redesigning the katana between battles.

The initial proposals for a Combine OmniMech were sponsored by Coordinator Zabu Kurita but the support waned after Zabu's seppuku in 2838. The idea was revived by the People's Reconstruction Effort under Roweena Kurita during the reigns of her brothers Yoguchi and Miyoji, working with Luthien Armor Works where the engineers were interested in the technical challenges.

LAW presented several proposals, of which two were approved for development. Firstly, the QKD-4O was selected over redesign of the Dragon as the repercussions of any failure working on the Combine's premier heavy 'Mech would be devestating on a political level. Secondly, the opportunity was seen to develop a truly effective light OmniMech, which was a previously undeveloped area save for the MCY-101. The Jenner had gone out of production in 2848 but was highly valued so it was felt the DCMS High Command would be more likely approve the JR7-O as a chance to gain a new supply of the chassis.

The QKD-4O was the first to enter production, in 2863, and shortly afterwards entered deployment alongside the Dragon in DCMS cavalry lances. While mechwarriors remained uncertain of the merits commanders quickly found them invaluable, quite often building fast task forces around four Dragons and a Quickdraw to anchor their advances.

In 2869 the JR7-O joined its older and larger brother design on the battlefields. Both the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth were concerned about the influx of new Jenners and the proliferation of different configurations quickly put them on the backfoot until they could adjust their tactics. Typically assigned to younger and more aggressive mechwarriors, the Jenner quickly won over the DCMS. Over the next generation, the OmniMech concept won acceptance as these warriors matured into senior officers.


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2016, 04:08:30 AM »

Third Succession War

Across the Inner Sphere the general loss of resources and intelligentsia during the Second Succession War and early Third Succession War had slowed and stopped technological advancement in many areas. Kallon Industries were commited to retaking the lead in omnitechnology after stiff competition from Earthwerks Incorporated and other companies. The opportunity to make their mark again arise in 2881 when Captain-General James Marik asked Earthwerks-FWL to design a new battle tank for the FWL after the loss of the  last Tiger medium tank factory, Vickers-Shellingford's Bainsville facility.

While not well-known for vehicle manufacture, Kallon had historically built the Gallant Urban Assault Tank which saw service in the Reunification War only to be discontinued in the early days of the Star League. The Gallant had never been entirely satisfactory but the basic data remained available. Although no such design had been solicited, Kallon Industries revised the Gallant and in 2892 they offered the first Omnitank to James Marik's successor Elisabeth Marik.

Initially the Gallant Omnitank was rejected by the FWLM and received only approval for sale to mercenary commands. However, as Earthwerks' Åžoarece was increasingly delayed by new demands from the LCCC, the FWLM's tank forces were increasingly finding it hard to replace their losses. In 2899, Elisabeth Marik reversed her previous decision and the Gallant entered service. Five years later, when the Åžoarece was formally brought into service, it's slow speed and an engine that while innovative wasn't in line with FWLM logistics led to considerable dissatisfaction. Only limited numbers of the Åžoarece would be adapted and once Shiro III's Grumman Amalgamated factory fell to the FWL, it was replaced as a heavy tank by the Ontos.

The Gallant survived this transition, matching the Ontos in speed but also adding flexibility. While it couldn't handle difficult terrain as well as tracked vehicles, it boasted exceptional armour for its size and was strategically mobile where roads were available. Various configurations moved out of the previous urban roles.

Several Gallants fell into Capellan hands in the early 30th century and they instructed Kallon Industries to put the design into production on Nanking. The prospect of other omnitanks was considered but the relatively low cost of vehicles made them low prorities since it was felt that specialist vehicles were more affordable than the specialist BattleMechs which had been displaced by OmniMechs.

The Gallant did however spur action from the Inner Sphere's largest BattleMech manufacturer. Defiance had been looking at expanding their omnitech range beyond the GRF-3O since Luthien Armor Werks unveiled their updated Quickdraw, but Archon Elizabeth Steiner had kept a tight hand on the purse strings and declined to make investment in Defiance's projects. Her son Eric, who ascended to the throne in 2895, was far more interested in military reforms and the fact that the Lyrans had the least omnitech was a matter of concern to him, particularly after Kuritan omnimechs played a visible role in the invasion of Skye in 2893 and 2894.

Surprising precisely nobody, Defiance decided to take the plunge and build the first assault OmniMech. Rather than an entirely new chassis, they elected to develop the Zeus -  a design exclusive to them which they'd been building for over a century and could be confident they understood completely - to use omnitech. Completed in 2909 under tight security, the ZEU-6O was first assigned to the Hesperus Defence Brigade and then to regular Lyran regiments as they rotated through the garrison.

The secret couldn't be kept for too long however and while details weren't available, the ISF reported an omni-assault project was being carried out before the ZEU-6O was even ready for production. In a rare error, however, they reported that the 'Mech being adapted would be based on the legendary Atlas. In one of his last orders, Coordinator Taragi Kurita directed that Yori MechWorks cooperate with Luthien Armor Works to determine the likely capabilities of such an OmniMech.

The report, presented to Taragi's successor Shinjiro in 2910, was that the Atlas' massive weapon payload could result in a very flexible and dangerous OmniMech. The engineers met the concerns of the DCMS high command with a simple proposal: as a result of their analysis they were in a position to present a detailed proposal to build an omnitech Atlas themselves. Naturally, the Warlords appealed to the Coordinator, who approved the project immediately. The most feared BattleMech of the Succession Wars would become even more powerful as a tool of House Kurita.

The Atlas project consumed vast resources, with Luthien Armor Works' own factories having to short their maintenance as parts were sent to Al Na'ir to support Yori's efforts. Towards the end of the project in 2923 - by which time the ISF had had to confess their error when agents in Lyran logistical command identified that omni-pods were being directed to Zeus battlemechs rather than Atlas 'Mechs - Yori even closed down all their production lines for almost twelve months in order to make the necessary upgrades.

In contrast to the secrecy around the Zeus, the Atlas was announced in a blaze of publicity. The DCMS had been making great progress against the Lyran Commonwealth of late but with priorities focused there, the Federated Suns front was far less successful and several worlds had been lost. While an influx of fresh assault machines had little material effect on the grand scale, the Combine's media made much of local victories won when the AS-7O was committed against the surprised AFFS.

Concerned that this might indicate a shift in DCMS priorities just as he was considering refocusing his own energies into a major offensive against the Capellan Confederation, Prince Joseph Davion ordered a moderation of the AFFS' offensive actions and moved them into a more defensive posture. Combine authorities were ecstatic: the AS-7O had brought their most dangerous enemy to a standstill.

With this victory to boast of, other potential uses for omnitech were solicited by the DCMS. The sheer expense of the AS-7O made the Coordinator wary of further Omni-Mechs but Omni-Vehicles offered a less expensive alternative. The DCMS' armored battalions had long since used hover-tanks from Scarborough Ltd as the backbone of their fast-strike capacity and all three designs (Saladin, Saracen and Scimitar) shared a large number of components, while the production lines were on Al Na'ir, with ready access to the engineers of Yori Mech Works.

The Sharif omnitank, a single chassis that could provide the approximate capabilities of either the Saracen or Scimitar was completed in 2929 - well ahead of schedule. The one complaint of the DCMS was that Scarborough had failed to include a configuration capable of matching the formidable firepower of the Saladin. When presented with the estimated costs of modifying the chassis to accomodate both the super-heavy autocannon of the Saladin and the turret required by the other two designs, Coordinator Hugai Kurita gave Scarborough his blessing for the decision.

A second omni-vehicle project that began at the same time took considerably longer to complete. It wasn't until 2937 that Joint Equipment Systems was able to begin deliveries of their new JES Missile Carrier, which was proposed as a replacement for both the LRM Carrier and the SRM Carrier. This, however, began a legal war with Quikscell, the firm from which the basic design had been licensed. Already faced with a long history of seeing thinly disguised copies of their Carriers being manufactured by many other firms, the 'defection' of the one firm they felt had dealt with them in good faith was the last straw.

In 2938, Quikscell formally advised Coordinator Kurita that until such time as their license was respected they would no longer sell their products to the Draconis Combine. At first furious that mere merchants would presume to make such a threat, the Coordinator was won over when the senior representative explained that they saw the JES Carrier as an affront to their honour and offered to commit seppuku rather than change his position. Amused, Hugai declined his consent for this and instructed JES that they must license their modifications back to Quikscell for a token fee.

Armed with the Coordinator's favour, Quikscell quickly adjusted their own plants to produce the JES Carrier and launched a flurry of lawsuits against the manufacturers who were infringing upon their intellectual properties. By 2941 all such corporations in the Combine had been forced to either pay license fees or cease production. Outside the Combine, such lawsuits seemed likely to have less effect, being seen as a frivilous attack upon the concept of missile carriers in general, rather than in regard to specific copying of Quikscell's centuries old designs.

Quikscell's secret weapon was the JES Missile Carrier: the chance to get their hands on cutting edge omnitech from the Combine swayed all four of the other House Lords into granting the cases their support. Scores of manufacturers were forced out of business and Quikscell frequently bought up their properties, converting them to manufacture the JES Missile Carrier. Outraged by what he saw as a betrayal of his support, Coordinator Kurita promptly retracted his decision and all Quikscell possessions in the Combine were seized and handed over to Joint Equipment Systems. All of the officials who had presented him with the ultimatum three years before were arrested and executed along with their families, with the exception of the senior member who was permitted to fulfill his earlier offer of seppuku.

Meanwhile, Defiance executives were smarting at having their ZEU-6O so clearly upstaged by the ASO-7. Fighting against the Free Worlds League on Wing and Callison in 2924 had shown that the Zeus was certainly capable of matching up against FWLM ARC-3O and CRD-3O omnimechs but didn't have the sort of superiority that was being displayed by the DCMS' newest weapon. Archon Tatyana Steiner, who retired in 2937, had authorised the development of something to counter this with the addition that they weren't just to copy the Atlas.

With the 100 ton Atlas off the table, Defiance turned to their next largest 'Mech chassis. The BNC-3E had been markedly unimpressive over its long history, despite the success of earlier versions of the Banshee. By reducing the engine size - which lowered the top speed of the 'Mech to that of older models and left it on par with the Atlas - large amounts of tonnage and internal space were freed up.

The first BNC-3O was completed in 2950 and as with the Zeus, the LCAF decided to build up a reasonable reserve before committing them to action. The need for this came only a few years when a raid on Alexandria by DCMS-employed mercenaries escalated into a two year campaign between ever growing numbers of regiments from the LCAF and DCMS. The new Archon, Giovanni Steiner, ordered the BNC-3O be shipped to regiments fighting there.

DCMS mechwarriors had developed a dangerous level of contempt for the underarmed Banshee and it came as a nasty shock when BNC-3O lances opened fire with at least twice the expected firepower. When they petitioned for ASO-7 Atlas assault 'Mechs to counter the new threat, the high command were unable to comply.

In 2953 Hugai Kurita had clashed with ComStar over his sister's decision to join the organisation and faced with interdiction and possible military intervention by ComStar employed mercenaries been forced to back down. For the next ten years, the Coordinator retreated to his gardens and refused to be disturbed. As a result the DCMS were unable to have his previous instructions that all ASO-7 OmniMechs be assigned to face the Federated Suns countermanded. The clash of giants was averted until after Hugai's death in 2963, by which time the DCMS had developed other approaches to handling the BNC-3O.

In the Capellan Confederation, Chancellor Ingrid Liao took office in 2950. Unlike her predecessors, Ingrid was deeply interested in developng the aerospace arm of the CCAF. She authorised a number of new projects, one of which would include the Transgressor heavy fighter (completed under her son, Tormax Liao in the 2980s). The most ambitious, however, was the application of Omnitech to aerospace fighters.

The CCAF had been operating at a numerical disadvantage for decades against the AFFS and FWLM. Only a higher level of quality - both in personnel and material - could counter this and this was evidently to be an uphill struggle. Under the new Chancellor, a significant amount of resources were poured into hoped-for 'super-weapons'. The omnifighter project was built around plans for the Deathstalker fighter, an unsuccessful prototype of Andurien Aerotech under the Star League. While Andurien had long since fallen to the FWL, under the Star League it had been a Capellan system and data remained in archives on Sian.

Mujika Aerospace were granted access to the Deathstalker schematics and development began in 2955. Less agile than other Capellan fighters, the Deathstalker' design lent itself to a formidable heavy attack fighter and several configurations were developed to optimise for various targets. In 2979, a flight of Deathstalkers put on a stunning display of firepower for the now aged Chancellor only for one of the fighters to crash due to what was later identified as a complete crash of the overloaded computer systems.

While Ingrid Liao was incandescent, her heir took a more measured approach. In addition to conventional weapons the Deathstalker had carried two new weapon systems devised especially for it. The Medium Range Missile and the Rocket Launcher were simple weapon systems but for this reason they could be developed in large quantities at a large cost. Refocusing discussion on these, Tormax diverted his mother's attention to them and undoubtedly saved Mujika from her wrath. When he took office himself, a year later, Tormax commissioned one further round of improvements to the Deathstalker before accepting it for service in 2990.

Unwittingly, by fielding new and previously unseen weapons Tormax had sparked interest by both Janos Marik and Ian Davion in doing likewise. As the Third Succession War wound to a close, a new phase of weapon developments had begun.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2016, 03:27:13 PM »

Could you make an overall timeline?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2016, 03:56:42 PM »

Grumble grumble, all my nice writing isn't good enough?   ;)

More seriously, that would take quite a while, I'd basically have to write it out again. And as a choice between that and hopefully working on a Fourth Succession War section...


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2016, 10:26:21 PM »

It is an interesting idea drak which I've seen you have done work on over at the CBT forum.

As a general overall comment I would have liked to have seen ComStar as the ones who came up the OmniMech perhaps after deciding to execute the original Silver Shield. Seizing all the old Hegemony worlds they could might bring them into the Succession War and during these engagements such advancements could be developed as a distinct tactical edge. Continuing or perhaps starting with Herman Schwepps a more militant corporate ComStar could attempt to liberate the rest of the Hegemony (this alternate event in 2819 could also serve as the introduction for OmniTechnology).

I just have a little bit of a problem with the Houses being able to develop such modular 'Mechs because of the Succession War, its technological degradation and tightening logistics. A different more interventionist ComStar which I could.


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2016, 10:53:42 PM »

Just great story!


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2016, 03:53:03 AM »

As a general overall comment I would have liked to have seen ComStar as the ones who came up the OmniMech perhaps after deciding to execute the original Silver Shield. Seizing all the old Hegemony worlds they could might bring them into the Succession War and during these engagements such advancements could be developed as a distinct tactical edge. Continuing or perhaps starting with Herman Schwepps a more militant corporate ComStar could attempt to liberate the rest of the Hegemony (this alternate event in 2819 could also serve as the introduction for OmniTechnology).
I wouldn't see OmniMechs as providing a tactical advantage. On the battlefield they're not going to be more effective than another 'Mech. They're more of a logistic/strategic advantage: easier to repair and thus keep in the field, can be adjusted for different terrain requirements rather than needing to call in specialist units. ComStar developing them would be a possibility, but I have trouble seeing a more militant ComStar surviving: they're not large enough to withstand the Successor States and without their neutrality the Successor Lords would go "fuck the HPGs" and destroy them.

I just have a little bit of a problem with the Houses being able to develop such modular 'Mechs because of the Succession War, its technological degradation and tightening logistics. A different more interventionist ComStar which I could.
Technological advancement didn't just break off when the Succession Wars began. The Vindicator was developed during the First Succession War and the Åžoarece is a canonical development from the early Third Succession War. By bringing in Omnitech right at the tail end of the Star League and proliferate before Holy Shroud really got going I don't think ComStar would really prioritise it for destruction and the advantages for the Successor States in an extended war would be obvious with the tightening logistics you point to being a motivator.

Which doesn't make developments easy. The WVR-6O, for example, was probably developed in a decade or less - the 2790s. By the Third Succession War, despite omnitech being a proven and better understood technology, development cycle is longer. The Deathstalker was in development for thirty-five years although a decade could have been shaved off if they'd caught the computer problems before the debacle of the initial presentation.

David CGB

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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2016, 04:39:20 AM »

super story is there any way to get base stats(no configs just what pod space it would have)

Ice Hellion

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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2016, 03:14:15 PM »

Grumble grumble, all my nice writing isn't good enough?   ;)

More seriously, that would take quite a while, I'd basically have to write it out again. And as a choice between that and hopefully working on a Fourth Succession War section...

Just as a sidebar.
If you want, I can do it.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2016, 05:01:46 PM »

Some have been developed on CBT

Grumble grumble, all my nice writing isn't good enough?   ;)

More seriously, that would take quite a while, I'd basically have to write it out again. And as a choice between that and hopefully working on a Fourth Succession War section...

Just as a sidebar.
If you want, I can do it.
Okay, sure.


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2016, 01:12:51 AM »

Fourth Succession War

One of Captain-General Janos Marik's central policies during the early years of his reign were preparations for extensive millenial celebrations across the Free Worlds League, a policy that strongly boosted patriotism and the central government of the League. With military offensives low on his priorities, the FWLM was left with time to rebuild their strength.

One long term concern of the League's high command was that sources of PPCs in the League had been diminished by damage to several key factories over the last few decades. Long prized for their range and destructive firepower, the FWLM had been forced to modify several designs to replace them with alternative weapons and PPC weapon pods for their OmniMechs were becoming scarce.

Tormax Liao's new weapon initiatives greatly concerned leaders along the Capellan borders. A resurgent Capellan military would be a significant threat all along the border and provincial intelligence services were able to fill gaps in the picture provided by SAFE. The new Captain-General visited many of the provincial leaders in 2992 in a whirlwind tour of the League. With their support - moral, political and financial - he convinced Parliament to approve the creation of Free Worlds Technical Institute, with the doors to be opened in 2999.

Even before the formal opening of the institute for students, the teachers being assembled had been handed a list of civil and military projects to begin work on. Among them was an indepth study of PPC manufacture to attempt to replicate and improve upon the (largely automated) process. While it would take more than twenty years to bear fruit, by the time of Katrina Steiner's ground-breaking Peace Proposal, the FWLM was able not only to begin restoring PPCs but also to explore potential uses of the Heavy PPC on their ARC-3O and CRD-3O omnimechs and Light PPCs on the WVR-6O and SHD-2O.

As the century turned, the LCAF was coming up on a century of experience facing the Gallant omnitank and Kommandant-General Katrina Steiner - soon to be Archon - was a strong advocate of developing a new Lyran battletank, based on her ability as a junior officer in the 28th Tharkad Armored Cavalry. Alessandro Steiner was willing to take this advice and his eventual downfall was certainly no impediment to Defiance going ahead with the project.

The Guderian omnitank, a 65 ton fusion-powered chassis, reached deployment in the 3020s - too late to play a major role in the Third Succession War but at the perfect moment to make an impression on liasion officers from the AFFS. While initial reports sent back to New Avalon were less than optimistic about the LCAF, the Guderian received glowing reports and the First Prince was sufficiently convinced that an entire production run was shipped past Terra to be assigned to armoured regiments of the Davion Guards.

Both Ian Davion and his brother were enthusiastic advocates of resuming technological developments and Prince Ian had long desired a facility equivalent to the Free Worlds' Technical Institute. It wasn't until 3013 that this became possible to bring to fruition, due to the Federated Suns' generally weaker educational background. While Ian Davion was killed fighting on Halstead Station, his soldiers brought back a vast treasure trove of books and datastorage from a ruined Terran Hegemony university. Within a year, lands adjacent to the New Avalon Military Academy were being built into an ambitious new university, the New Avalon Institute of Science.

The AFFS had been noted for a fondness for the autocannon going back to the first generations of BattleMechs. One problem with this was that low calibre autocannon were still disproportionately heavy compared to missile launchers and energy weapons with equivalent weight of firepower. To try to offset this, Ian had authorised experimentation with alternative ammunition types and of alternate materials for use in the heavy gunbarrels of autocannon. The latter yielded unexpected results in 3011 when Yeffters Weapons Factory began building light-weight low calibre autocannon, saving around 20% of the mass at some loss of range. Unfortunately, Duke Salos of Gulkana - ruler of the world the factory was on - channelled production directly into his personal guards. It would take eight years for pressure from both the First Prince and from Gulkana's citizens before the situation changed and the AFFS could begin to receive these weapons.

Fortunately, various sources of alternate ammunition were available because the AFFS was in sore need of extra firepower. One of the principal limitations of omnitechnology was that a 'Mech's armour was fixed and couldn't be altered. However, Capellan engineers had devised a system of modular armoured panels that could be mounted on a 'Mech, significantly improving protection (barring the occasional lucky shot hitting the structural supports and causing all the extra armour to simply fall off).

Capellan ingenuity wasn't limited to this area however. For seventy years they had been working on developing a replacement source for heavy BattleMechs as key factories were damaged or lost to them. The CTF-1O Cataphract, developed by Earthwerks on Tikonov, used components from several existing 'Mechs that the Confederation could no longer fully assemble, such as the Marauder, Shadow Hawk and Phoenix Hawk. To bring this disparate hardware together it was almost necessary to utilise Omnitech but the handful of prototypes to see action in the 3020s convinced both House Liao and House Davion that Earthwerks had an impressive machine at their disposal.

Hanse Davion's grand offensive in 3028 - Operation Rat, dramatically announced at his own wedding ceremony - therefore had Tikonov as a major objective. Eight entire Regimental Combat Teams landed on the planet and Cataphracts were marched directly out of the factory and into battle. Unfortunately for House Liao, this was insufficient and after some repairs were carried out, the CTF-1O began to appear in shipments of replacement 'Mechs to battered AFFS commands.

With an operational tempo not seen in a century, the Fourth Succession War galvanised the militaries of the Inner Sphere. Omnitechs's huge logistical advantages were a critical factor for all sides and the surviving states  - even those not combatant - gave it due consideration. Omnitech even began to reach into the Periphery: with help from House Humphrey, the Canopians managed to copy the SHD-2O for service and the Outworlds Alliance began work on an omni-fighter version of the venerable Lightning aerospace fighter.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2016, 03:39:17 PM »

Okay, sure.

Except that I do miss a lot of info (see I read your text in detail).

Side question: since when does the DCMS go for units of 5 (4 Dragons and 1 Quickdraw)?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2016, 02:31:50 AM »

Warrior Trilogy.

There's a big symbolism to the number five in Combine culture.

This doesn't mean that the DCMS is formally using a lance of five 'Mechs, it's more a matter of commanders in the field - particularly when companies are understrength or being divided for multiple objectives - not sticking to formal lance organisations.

David CGB

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Re: Omnitechnology developed in the Succession Wars
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2016, 07:20:41 AM »

Great story so far, I am liking those changes, anything more....
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