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  • Kavallerist
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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:03:32 PM »

     I love a good mystery story. Some of you might be surprised to hear that, but it's true; I love stories of strange happenings and unexplained disappearances. I guess that in my line of work you see enough strange things cross your desk that it starts to bleed into the rest of your life. I like everything from locked-room murder mysteries to classic tales of hard-boiled, pre-Diaspora private detectives. I love trying to work out the mystery before the final chapter, testing my wits against some often long-dead writer; helps keep my mind in shape. So yes, I have heard about Tartarus Station, although I'd bet good money that many if not most of you haven't.
     If the stories are to be believed,
Tartarus Station is the code-name for a secret anchorage that the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns has maintained somewhere in the Crucis March since before the fall of the original Star League, is plays home to a so-called 'Ghost Fleet' of badly damaged but possibly repairable warships that the Davion's have been hoarding down the centuries in the hopes that they might one day be repairable, as well as discarded prototypes and secret-builds.
     So grab your favourite magnifying glass, pipe and deerstalker hat as we delve into yet another mystery...


                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Tartarus Station
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3067
Vessel Type:       Space Station
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              1,000,000 tons
Hull:              Bowie E2
Length:            2,000 meters
Sail Diameter:     1,500 meters
Power Plant:       Stark Industries ARC-IV
Safe Thrust:       0
Maximum Thrust:    0
Armor Type:        Bowman JK3 Improved Ferro-aluminum
    8 Defiance 1001 ER-PPC's
    8 Holly LRM-20+ArtIV
    8 Generation Streak SRM-6
    8 BlazeFire Sweetshot ER Large Lasers
   20 BlazeFire Longshot ER Medium Lasers
   24 ChisComp 32 Small Lasers
    4 Defiance Disintegrator LB 20-X Autocannons
Manufacturer:   SLDF Engineering Corps.
  Location:     CLASSIFIED
Communications System:  KAT 701
Targeting & Tracking System:  ASTROC 4-b
     "I hear the entire place is actually jump-capable, and they move it
around from system to system, so that no one can ever find it unless they're
meant to. And, if you do happen to stumble upon it, DMI black-bag you faster
than you can say Jackalope's G-spot!"
-Unnamed senior AFFS Navy Warrant Officer
     According to the legend, Tartarus Station was originally built by the
Star League Defence Force as a safe anchorage deep within the Federated Suns.
The official reason given to House Davion was that it could repair and
resupply SLDF warships taking part in the Reunification Wars without taking
yard-space away from AFFS ships. Unofficially, it was so that the Star League
had somewhere secure to base ships from should they ever need to move against
the Davions.

     Based on the hull of an Olympus class recharge station, Tartarus Station
was heavily modified down the years to include a pressurised repair bay
capable of handling even a Farragut class Battleship. This required massive
expansion of the station to include new gravity-decks, expanded crew quarters,
machine-shops, cargo space and additional DropShip docking collars. Oddly,
while the armour was extensively upgraded and expanded upon, little was done
to increase the stations defensive armament, and it remains primarily reliant
on its anonymity for protection.
     Given that the crew are expected to remain on the station for years at a
time, additional quarters were added for family members, as well as vastly
expanded recreational facilities; Tartarus Station is one of the few stations
left that actually boasts its own swimming pool, as well as a regulation-size
zero-gravity rugby court. A small school tends to any children on the station,
and there are a small number of shops, a bar and even a four-star restaurant.
Despite all this, many complain that being assigned to Tartarus Station is
more of a punishment than anything else.
     The station originally housed its own dedicated HPG array, but without
access to replacements parts and technical know-how, it failed centuries ago.
After that the station was reliant on a small number of highly trusted courier
ships to remain in contact with the High Command on New Avalon, but the
station has since been fitted with a Black Box, or 'K-series' transmitter
equipped with the most advanced encryption software that the Department of
Military Intelligence has ever devised.

==Battle History:==


     Originally built at great expense by the SLDF, Tartarus Station fell into
Davion hands at the start of the Star League Civil War, when the commander
sort their support and protection after their supply lines to the Terran
Hegemony were cut-off. A deal was struck that saw the AFFS granted the right
to jointly garrison the station and its host system in exchange from
supplying, food, water, oxygen, parts and other necessities, as well as
pledging to defend the station from any attack by forces loyal to the Usurper.
No attack ever came; indeed, it is believed that any records attesting to the
station exact location were destroyed in the initial chaos following the
murder of the ruling Cameron family.
     At the wars end, the Star League crew were ordered home, but by then many
of them had grown to see the station as their home, some even starting
relationships with locals, and about half chose to remain behind. Orders to
blow the stations scuttling charges were ignored, although false reports that
they had been detonated were sent back to Terra, along with a strongly worded
letter of complaint from the AFFS High Command and First Prince John Davion.
     With the dissolution of the Star League and the start of the Succession
Wars, the future of Tartarus Station seemed bleak indeed; as an isolated
outpost of advanced technology, it would be easy prey for any raiding force.
Fortunately, help arrived in the form of a small flotilla of ex-Star League
ships looking for safe haven. Unlike the bulk of the SLDF, these units had not
followed General Kerensky into exile, but instead had decided to try and stand
their ground against the growing storm of war. Unfortunately, they had proven
to be outnumbered and unprepared for the cruel savagery of the First
Succession War. Having been forced back time after time, they had found
themselves cut-off from the now defunct Terra Hegemony, and unwilling to
submit to the new order that had arisen on Terra without first at least
testing the waters.
     With little left in the way of supplies, they had made their way to
Tartarus Station, a location only known of because one of their senior
officers had been stationed there as a freshly minted Ensign. Arriving with
little hope of finding anything but spare parts, they were surprised to
discover the station intact and still manned. A deal was quickly struck with
the Federated Suns; the ships and their crews would help man and defend the
station from any outside attack, and in return they would be granted safe
haven until they could decide what to do next.
     Weeks became months, months became years, and it soon became clear that
no one with the means to reach the station new of its exact location, and no
attack would be forthcoming. With the rise of ComStar and their mysticism, the
exiles chose to remain on Tartarus Station, which had gained a limited form of
autonomy from Federated Suns, who were more interested in using the system to
keep a secret stash of warships that had been badly damaged during the
fighting. While the station lacked the means to repair them, it was possible
to run at least basic maintenance, and to stop them from degrading any
further. Soon Tartarus Station became home to what was known as the Ghost
Fleet, a collection of warn-out and battle-damaged warships, held in readiness
for the day when the Federated Suns might regain the ability to repair them.
     Decades passed, and Tartarus Station began to develop its own strange
culture: additional habitats were constructed to house the growing population,
many based on the transports that had brought the exiled SLDF troops and their
dependants. The systems asteroid fields were rich in raw materials, and a
number of mobile mining platforms and specialised DropShips left behind by the
Star League allowed for their easy exploitation.
     Centuries passed, and as critical components wore out and failed,
replacements were crafted, the outward appearance of the station changing as
sections were remodelled or replaced. While Tartarus Station was an oasis of
advanced technology, what remained was essential to the stations continued
survival, and her inhabitants guarded their birthright jealously. It wasn't
until the renaissance made possible by the recovery and decoding of the Helm
Memory Core that Tartarus Station began to return to its former glory; long
dormant systems were reactivated, and entire sections of the station returned
to life.
      With the rediscovery of the knowledge needed to construct and repair
warships, work was started at assessing the ships of the Ghost Fleet, to see
which could be salvaged and how quickly. The first to be repaired were those
that had brought the exiles to the station; while they had been technically
crewed and operational the entire time, it had been an open secret that they
had been operating at minimal power levels for centuries. Returned to fighting
trim, they remained on-guard, their crews made up almost entirely of locals
unwilling to leave their home and families undefended. Fearing that they might
resist the activation and deployment of more of the Ghost Fleet, the AFFS
assigned two warships of their own, the existence of which had been carefully
concealed through forged paperwork and redirected shipments.
     The Fed-Com Civil War rocked Tartarus Station; most of the population
cared little for who sat on the First Princes throne, so long as they were
left to lives their lives in peace. Unfortunately, the Ghost Fleet represented
a prize unlike any other, and for the first time in its history, Tartarus
Station found itself under a state on near siege. While neither side in the
war was willing to risk attacking the station with its guard ships remaining
close-by, they did find other ways to try and make life difficult for them by
cutting back on the supplies that were still shipped in from outside.
Fortunately, the inhabitance of Tartarus Station were able to make do with
what they had, and saw out the war without a single shot being fired in the
entire system. It did however sour relations between Tartarus Station and New
Avalon, and work on repairing the ships of the Ghost Fleet slowed to a near
crawl. Tensions continued to rise, wit accusations flying back and forth,
until the beginning of the Jihad.
     Suddenly reminded just why their ancestors had agreed to work together,
peace was made between House Davion and the citizens of Tartarus Station, and
work on making the Ghost Fleet ready for action went into top gear. While the
Word of Blake made several attempts to locate Tartarus Station throughout the
Jihad, they were never able to determine its exact location, and it remains a
closely guarded secret to this day.

Class/Model/Name:  Tartarus Station
Mass:              1,000,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                       12,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 0
      Maximum Thrust: 0
Structural Integrity: 1                                             10,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    220 Double                                         21.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   5,100.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              1,000.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (361 days supply)                                     2,741.50
Armor Type:  Improved Ferro-aluminum  (300 total armor pts)            499.50
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 50
   Fore-Left/Right:                   50/50
   Aft-Left/Right:                    50/50
   Aft:                                  50

   Bay 1:  Press Repair Facil. (1,700,000 T Capy, 1 door)          127,500.00
   Bay 2:  Fighters (36) with 8 doors                                5,400.00
           Small Craft (12)                                          2,400.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 10 doors                                 705,000.00

DropShip Capacity:  10 Docking Hardpoints                           10,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (1490-meter diameter)                            1,000.00
Grav Decks #3 - 6:  (500-meter diameter)                             2,000.00
Grav Decks #7 - 8:  (100-meter diameter)                               200.00
Life Boats:  300 (7 tons each)                                       2,100.00
Escape Pods:  300 (7 tons each)                                      2,100.00

Crew and Passengers:
    254 Officers (210 minimum)                                       2,540.00
  1,000 Crew (0 minimum)                                             7,000.00
     50 Gunners (14 minimum)                                           350.00
     84 Marines                                                        420.00
    132 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 ER PPC                   Nose     2(20)  2(20)  2(20)     --   30     14.00
2 LRM 20+ArtIV(240 rounds) Nose     3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   12     62.00
2 Streak SRM 6(300 rounds) Nose     2(24)     --     --     --    8     29.00
2 ER Large Laser           Nose     4(36)  4(36)  2(16)     --   24     10.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              20      4.00
4 Small Laser              Nose     1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
1 ER PPC                   FL/R     1(10)  1(10)  1(10)     --   30     14.00
1 LRM 20+ArtIV(120 rounds) FL/R     2(16)  2(16)  2(16)     --   12     62.00
1 LB 20-X AC(100 rounds)   FL/R     1(12)  1(12)     --     --   12     68.00
1 Streak SRM 6(150 rounds) FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8     29.00
1 ER Large Laser           FL/R     2(23)  2(23)   1(8)     --   24     10.00
  3 ER Medium Laser                                              30      6.00
4 Small Laser              FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
1 ER PPC                   AL/R     1(10)  1(10)  1(10)     --   30     14.00
1 LRM 20+ArtIV(120 rounds) AL/R     2(16)  2(16)  2(16)     --   12     62.00
1 LB 20-X AC(100 rounds)   AL/R     1(12)  1(12)     --     --   12     68.00
1 Streak SRM 6(150 rounds) AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8     29.00
1 ER Large Laser           AL/R     2(23)  2(23)   1(8)     --   24     10.00
  3 ER Medium Laser                                              30      6.00
4 Small Laser              AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
2 ER PPC                   Aft      2(20)  2(20)  2(20)     --   30     14.00
2 LRM 20+ArtIV(240 rounds) Aft      3(32)  3(32)  3(32)     --   12     62.00
2 Streak SRM 6(300 rounds) Aft      2(24)     --     --     --    8     29.00
2 ER Large Laser           Aft      4(36)  4(36)  2(16)     --   24     10.00
  4 ER Medium Laser                                              20      4.00
4 Small Laser              Aft      1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (10.00%)                                         100,000.00
TOTALS:                                              Heat: 444   1,000,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        86,756,050,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      13,510
Cost per BV:       6,421,617.32
Weapon Value:      10,974 (Ratio = .81)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 534;  MRV = 301;  LRV = 75;  ERV = 0
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 154,622
                   (59,350 Structure, 88,000 Life Support, 7,272 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 1,570,350  (1016% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

     So there you have it; the legend that is Tartarus Station. There are many who still consider it a myth, despite the fact that the Federated Suns has been able to field a number of warships of types long-considered lost. They have to be coming from somewhere, so why not Tartarus Station?
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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 09:29:28 PM »

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 01:32:07 AM »

ver nice story, love it.

BTW from which game system is the mini?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2014, 07:02:58 AM »

ver nice story, love it.

BTW from which game system is the mini?

It's thunderbird 5 lol

Awesome story
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2014, 05:06:27 PM »

BTW from which game system is the mini?
As Dragon Cat says, it's an old Thunderbird 5 miniature I picked up at a local second-hand toy and collectable shop:
Once is an accident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is an enemy action


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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2014, 05:22:31 PM »

The Ghost Fleet

     I'm not sure if I find this next part easier or harder to believe than the existence of Tartarus Station. If the stories are limited evidence is true, then the Federated Suns has been secretly maintaining a hidden cache of warships since the fall of the Star League. While these ships were reportedly badly damaged and in no way combat capable when they were hidden away, they still represent the single largest concentration of naval fire-power in the Inner Sphere.
     We know some of these ships exist; many have been seen operating during the Jihad, or were prototypes that were officially scrapped when their programs were cancelled. However, no matter how well any organisation tries to keep a secret, there's always a paper trail if you know where to look. So, just what are the Davion's keeping hidden?

32nd Pursuit Squadron, Third Fleet, Star League Defense Force
SLS William Halsey (Texas class Battleship)
SLS Port Hope (Black Lion class Battlecruiser)
SLS River Plate (Black Lion class Battlecruiser)

     Perhaps the biggest surprise supposedly hidden at Tartarus Station, the 32nd Pursuit Squadron (also known as the The Battle of Surigao Strait Squadron), was at the time the Star League fell assigned to guard the shipyards in orbit of New Rhodes III. These ships and their crews decided to remain on station even as the Star League fell, hoping to protect the critical important world in the hope that the Terran Hegemony might somehow recover and survive.
     Unfortunately for them, it didn't, and the chaos and brutality of the First Succession War saw New Rhodes III attacked multiple times by the navies of the Successor States and independent, pirate factions. With the shipyards lost, the survivors of the 32nd Pursuit Squadron gathered as many JumpShips and DropShips as they could and fled the system, taking their dependants and other former SLDF personnel and civilians with them as they could.
     Staging a fighting retreat, these survivors found themselves pushed out of the former Terran Hegemony and deeper into the Federated Suns, further and further away from Terra. It was then that Captain Constanza Stark of the SLS Port Hope realised that they were within a few jumps of Tartarus Station, where she had served as a young Ensign. Expecting to find little more than an abandoned station that might provide some spare parts, the 32nd Pursuit Squadron and their attendant flotilla of transports slowly made their way to the hidden system.
     It is hard to say who was more surprised at their arrival; the members of the 32nd or the SLDF crew still manning Tartarus Station. There was a tense stand-off that lasted almost three days, with neither side sure if they could fully trust the other, but in the end the common bond of being former officers in the Star League Defense Force won out. The agreement between the remaining Star League personnel on Tartarus Station was extended to include the new arrivals, and they integrated with their fellow expatriates.
     Part of the agreement between the crew of Tartarus Station and the Federated Suns meant that the ships of the 32nd were to be treated as units of an allied power, outside of the normal chain of command, free to operate as they saw fit. As such, none of the surviving ships has left the system in three centuries, instead limiting themselves to short in-system jumps and sub-light transits to keep their crews trained. Over the years questions have been raised by the AFFS about the true combat readiness levels of the 32nd, but given the lack of operational warships amongst any of the other Great Houses, the Davions seemed content to just accept and file away the reports they were given.
     All this changed in 3050, with the arrival in the Inner Sphere of the Clans, and for the first time in over two centuries, the Federated Suns faced the very real risk of facing hostile warships invading their territory. An urgent survey of the ships in the Ghost Fleet was ordered, at the same time that questions were raised as to the loyalty of the inhabitants of Tartarus Station; if it was true that the Clans were indeed the descendants of General Kerensky's army, possible inheritors of the SLDF mantel, would the descendants of the 32nd switch their loyalties?
     While fears as to the loyalty of Tartarus Station proved unfounded, fears as to the combat readiness of the 32nd were not; without access to certain key replacement parts, the engineering crews had been canonicalising many of the other ships just to keep the 32nd running. None of the ships had left the system since their arrival, and it had been almost forty years since any of them had performed even an in-system jump. The AFFS felt a certain betrayal of trust, but pledged to provide as much help and support as they could, using technology and knowledge recovered from the Helm Memory Core to start a crash-program of upgrades and repairs.
     By 3055, the three surviving ships of the 32nd Pursuit Squadron were declared fully operational for the first time since the fall of the Star League. Despite their new status, and the raw concentration of naval fire-power each ship represented, their crews still refused to leave Tartarus Station. Instead they pointed to the clause in their ancestors original agreement with the Federated Suns that stated that they were to be treated as units of an allied power, outside of the normal chain of command and free to operate as they saw fit. There were some in the AFFS High Command who felt that this was a case of rules-lawyering, but were in no position to try and force the matter while Tartarus Station remained the only shipyard capable of repairing the warships stationed there.
     The 32nd remained in the Tartarus System through the Clan War, and a select few AFFS officers slated to command the new warships being built were taken there to experience a real warship in operation, a rare honour that came with a strict oath of secrecy. Less than a dozen officers were allowed aboard the ships of the 32nd before the start of the FedCom Civil War.
     Both Victor and Katherine Steiner-Davion attempted to sway the 32nd and Tartarus Station to their cause, but neither succeeded. Indeed, the 32nd moved to stop the reactivated warships from departing the Tartarus System out of fear that their existence and location might become more widely known. Some within both of the warring factions claimed that this was a sign of treason on the part of the 32nd, but again it was pointed out that they were neither FedCom citizens nor members of its military. Unable to sway the 32nd or amass a large enough force to take Tartarus Station, both sides in the Civil War simply did their best to impede the shipment of supplies and parts to the Tartarus System. Partly this was to limit the damage that would be done if they went over to the other side, and partly to punish the 32nd and Tartarus Station for refusing their call to arms. This in turn lead to a sowing of relations between the inhabitants of the Tartarus System and the Federated Commonwealth, which lead to an unofficial work-slow program that threatened to bring the reactivation of the ships in the Ghost Fleet to a grinding halt.
     Perversely enough, it was the Word of Blake and their Jihad that remedied the situation; the officers and crew of the 32nd had all grown up on stories of the atrocities their ancestors had witnessed during the fall of the Star League, including graphic videos and first-hand testimonials of survivors. Realising that they'd be just as much at risk as the rest of the now reborn Federated Suns, the 32nd re-avowed to defend the Ghost Fleet, while work on repairing them went from almost non-existent to round-the-clock shifts. While it is true that the 32nd never left the Tartarus System through the Jihad, and indeed that their existence officially remains a secret, they did help train the command crews for the reactivated warships. There are many amongst the AFFS Navy who have spoken of working alongside crew-members who were unusually tight lipped about where they were from, spoke with an unusual accent and seemed to know a lot more about warship operations than was the norm at the time...
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 05:23:52 PM by Starbug »
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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2014, 05:30:04 PM »

Federated Suns and Rule lawyering in the same sentence... REALLY??? too good an opportunity  ;)
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2014, 05:33:12 PM »

Federated Suns and Rule lawyering in the same sentence... REALLY??? too good an opportunity  ;)
I know, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, something I say as a long-time Son of the Suns
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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2014, 09:47:16 PM »

About 5 paragraphs up from bottom (Ghost Fleet section)

canonicalising should be cannibalizing if I understand the context

Last sentence, Two paragraphs up from bottom:   This is turn led to a slowing of relations not sowing of relations...

edit:  I really like your idea.  The only problem I have is that the longer you have the Federated Suns know about Tartarus existance, the more unlikely it is this place remains a secret.  And if its known of, why haven't attempts been made to seize it? 

It seems like soemthing should happen here during the Jihad, rather it just continue to remain a secret. 
If you continue the history into the Dark Age, you are going to have a hard time explaining why the Republic of the Sphere hasn't at least tried to seize it. 
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 10:20:19 PM by ds9guy »


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« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2014, 06:12:47 AM »

If you continue the history into the Dark Age, you are going to have a hard time explaining why the Republic of the Sphere hasn't at least tried to seize it.
Because it's deep in the Crucis March, only a jump or two from New Avalon?

I know everyone got hit around the head with the idiot bat after the Jihad to go along with the 'Mech's-into-plowshares idea, but I can't see the Federated Suns just giving up a military base that they have managed to keep hidden for centuries and is located in the very heart of their territory, within striking distance of their capital. The Star League got away with it because, well, they carried a big stick known as the Star League Defense Force, and the Great Houses were pretty much their bitches. The Republic of the Sphere? Do they even have enough warships to try and challenge the 32nd? Let alone the ships the FedSuns keep there?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 06:14:04 AM by Starbug »
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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2014, 06:27:45 AM »

1st Independent Security Squadron, AFFS Navy
FSS St. George (Avalon class Cruiser)
FSS Morgan Hasek-Davion (Longbow class Cruiser)
FSS Lionheart (Lionheart class Destroyer)
FSS Nikolai Rostov (Fox class Corvette)

     Officially put in place to supplement the 32nd, many claim that the true purpose of the 1st Independent Security Squadron is to keep an eye on the 32nd and Tartarus Station. The first ship to arrive was the Fox class Corvette Nikolai Rostov, built in secret at the Port Simon Naval Shipyards in orbit of Galax. The Department of Military Intelligence managed to keep her existence hidden even from most who worked on building her, by playing a complicated shell game that involved moving ships around between different parts of the Galax Megaplex, changing hull-number, falsifying paperwork and ultimately having the ship removed from the yards and jumped out of the system by way of a secure pirate point during a public holiday, when all non-essential staff at the shipyard had the day off. DMI remains very proud of this fact, and a similar ruse was used to cover the Avalon class St. George, which serves as the Squadrons flagship.
     The prototype Lionheart class Destroyer Lionheart was officially disassembled when the project was cancelled in favour of the ultimately defunct Durendal class. In truth, DMI had the ships sub-light and KF Drive completed and moved her amid the uppermost secrecy to Tartarus Station, where she was completed and fitted with Lithium Fusion Batteries at the expense of some of her cargo space. While declared operational, the Lionheart remains untested in actual combat.
     Much like the Lionheart, the Longbow class Cruiser Morgan Hasek-Davion was a prototype from a program that was ultimately cancelled. However, unlike the Lionheart, the work to complete the Morgan Hasek-Davion was official and public, only halting when the still incomplete ship was damaged during the FedCom Civil War. Damaged further during an emergency in-system FTL jump, the Morgan Hasek-Davion sat out the remained of the Civil War while the New Syrtis Shipyards worked to make her operational. She was almost completed at the start of the Jihad, but her weapons systems were still off-line. Given the risk posed to New Syrtis and the shipyards there by the Capellan Confederation and the Word of Blake, the High Command decided to move her to Tartarus Station to undergo her final outfitting and acceptance trials. Upon completion she was assigned to the 1st Independent Security Squadron.
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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2014, 09:02:45 AM »

1st Battle Fleet, AFFS Navy
FSS Pegasus (Columbia class Battleship)
FSS Liberator (Federation class Battlecruiser)
FSS Ascendant (Covenant class Cruiser)
FSS Nicolas Davion (Nike class Cruiser)
FSS Sulaco (Conestoga class Light Cruiser)
FSS Cynthia Davion (Davion II class Destroyer)
FSS John Gordon (Davion II class Destroyer)

     Representing the bulk of the ships recovered from the Ghost Fleet to date, the 1st Battle Fleet represents perhaps the single largest concentration of naval fire-power in the entire Inner Sphere. Which is odd, as despite its size, only a handful of its units have been actively deployed to date, and always on solo operations or at most paired with a second warship. The first ships to make their public début did so dramatically, to say the least.
     With the capital world of New Avalon under effective siege by Blakist warships, the AFFS was forced to try and run in fresh troops and supplies in from pirate points, often losing several to enemy ships. Then, in February 3070, they allowed word to leak out of a convoy of JumpShips bring in the equivalent of an entire RCT, including the rough area where they would be jumping in. believing that they had the opportunity to deal the Davions a crushing blow, the Blakists deployed a number of pocket-warships and a pair of Pinto class Corvettes to intercept.
     To their great surprise, far from facing lightly armed transports, the ambushers where themselves the ambushed in what became known as the Second St. Valentine's Day Massacre. The Columbia class Battleship Pegasus and the Federation class Battlecruiser Liberator jumped in and immediately deployed seven Overlord A3A class pocket-warships before turning their guns on the Blakist ships. Massively out-gunned, the Blakist's were immediately routed and thrown into disarray. Both of the Pinto's and a number of pocket-warships were taken out within minutes, swarmed by fighters and pounded by the far larger guns of the massive battle wagons. Having decimated the supposed ambushers, the two Davion ships and their attendant DropShips then burned hard for New Avalon, performing the same slingshot manoeuvre that the Liberator had famously pulled off back during the First Succession War, firing upon several Blakist ships before heading back out system for a second pirate point and jumping back out.
     While overall damage done to the blockading forces was limited, the raid had a massive physiological impact on both sides, helping to remind the people defending the besieged capital that they hadn't been forgotten, and that the Blakists weren't the only ones with a surprise or two up their sleeves. Both the Pegasus and the Liberator would continue to carry out similar boom-and-zoom attacks through the Jihad, often acting as heavy escorts for relief or raiding forces. The Liberator gained additional fame on the Capellan front, where both Capellan and Blakist propaganda reported her destroyed more than once, only for her to show up again safe days latter. This earned her the nickname The Galloping Ghost of the Capellan Coast.
     Another famous, or some might say infamous member of 1st Battle Fleet is the Covenant class Cruiser Ascendant. Along with the gifting of the Kirishima class Cruiser that became known as the FSS Covenant to the Federated Commonwealth, the DCMS also handed over the classes full design specifications to the New Syrtis Shipyards to allow them to maintain the vessel. It should be of no surprise that the Department of Military Intelligence was a potential advantage at building a secret Covenant class warship that could be potentially used in False Flag operations. Thus the Ascendant was commissioned at one of the more isolated satellite yards attached to the New Syrtis Shipyards. The Ascendant had a somewhat troubled birth; the need for secrecy meant that DMI had to go to extraordinary lengths to cover their tracks in acquiring the parts needed, and the ship took twice as long the build as a standard Kirishima. Indeed, the Ascendant had been launched just days before the start of the Jihad, and was still undergoing top secret acceptance trials in the outer system when the fighting started. Deciding that New Syrtis was too exposed, the Ascendant joined the Morgan Hasek-Davion on its journey to Tartarus Station for completion and commissioning.
     What followed remains highly contentious to this day, at least in part because the Federated Suns has never openly admitted it happened: Operation BLUE DRAGON.
     Realising that they had in their hands a warship of a type designed and used by the Draconis Combine, and with open hostility along their boarder with that nation, DMI devised a series of False Flag raids to be carried out against Clan Snow Raven forces in the Outworlds Alliance. The Ascendant was repainted in DCMS colours and markings, her transponder reprogrammed to broadcast DCMS codes. Her fighter bays were loaded with aerospace fights commonly used by the DCMS, and she was assigned a trio of Achilles class Assault DropShip that had been acquired from the Combine during Operation: BULLDOG. Thus equipped, the Ascendant was moved to the boarder world of Haynesville, which was selected as a forward staging ground. From there the Ascendant stuck at Crestoblus, Dormandaine and Ramora, attacking merchant shipping and military transports, before crossing over into the Draconis Combine at Niles.
     The second phase of Operation: BLUE DRAGON saw them strike at shipping around Kinkaid II and Sevon, before attempting to strike at Mitchella in a bid to make it look like the Combine was aiming to attack Alpheratz itself. Unfortunately they encountered much stiffer resistance than expected, and two of the Achilles' were lost. Unable to pick up survivors, and under strict order to not allow anyone to be taken prisoner, the Ascendant was forced to fire upon the handful of escape pods that had managed to get away before the Snow Raves could pick them up. Having helped to stir up tension between the Draconis Combine and the Snow Raven forces in the Outworlds Alliance, the battle damaged Ascendant returned to Haynesville before making the journey back to Tartarus Station for repair and refit.
     The Ascendant continued to be operated by DMI through out most of the Jihad, making several False Flag attacks to keep the DCMS off balance, before the 'newly built' cruiser was unveiled during the lead-up to the Liberation of Terra in 3078. While the Ascendant did take part in the assault on the Sol system itself, it did take part in taking the Blakist fleet anchorage Ross 248 and the second attack on Luyten 68-28. She suffered extensive damage during the assault on Luyten 68-28, and withdrew back to Tartarus Station for an extensive period of and refit. It was during this time that the DCMS and Raven Alliance started making enquiries into the ships origins and exact date of completion.

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Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2014, 08:00:55 PM »

1st Battle Fleet, AFFS Navy (Cont.)

     In contrast, the FSS Nicolas Davion has a far less impressive battle record. Work on designing the Nike class cruiser had started just before the fall of the Star League, but the Nicolas Davion didn't launch until after the start of the First Succession War. Ordered away from the New Avalon Shipyards to conduct its acceptance trials, the Nicolas Davion narrowly avoided getting caught by a massive attack force sent by the Draconis Combine with the aim of taking the Federated Suns out of the war by taking out the First Prince and the High Command. This raid saw the destruction of the New Avalon Shipyards, meaning that no further Nike class cruisers could be built.
     Ordered to head for Robinson to take part in fighting along the boarder with the Combine, the Nicolas Davion got as far as Croydon before running into the Admiral Perry, a Congress class Frigate formally of the Star League Defence Force, but turned pirate in the chaos following the fall of the Star League and the departure of General Kerensky and the bulk of the surviving SLDF units. While the Nicolas Davion out-gunned the Admiral Perry by a not insignificant margin, her crew was green, untested in actual combat. The crew of the Admiral Perry was quick to press this advantage, getting in close where their Naval Autocannons were of more effect than the Nicolas Davion's missile-heavy armament.
     The Nicolas Davion attempted to use their superior acceleration to open the range, but several hits to their sub-light drive all but crippled them. Sensing easy pray, the Admiral Perry backed off and prepared to deploy DropShips and assault shuttles, intent on taking their prize intact. Unfortunately for them, this was just the opportunity the captain of the Nicolas Davion was waiting for; with the range to the Admiral Perry opening, she gave the order to load two of their White Shark missiles with Alamo nuclear warheads. It is not known if the crew of the Admiral Perry failed to detect the radiological signature of the warheads, or if their point-defences were badly damaged. Either way, they were unable to shoot down either missile, and both struck the frigate amidships, detonating on impact.
     After-action examination of gun-camera footage and sensor logs from the Nicolas Davion show that while the first missile, which stuck the Admiral Perry on the port side, did extensive damage, it was the second missile, that hit further forward on the starboard side, that ended the fight. Secondary explosions ripped through the frigate, following the path of the thruster fuel lines, before reaching the magazines for the forward naval autocannons. The resulting explosion utterly destroyed the forward third of the Admiral Perry, and the resulting stress on the hull blew out several bulkheads further back, exposing much of the ship to the vacuum of space. One of the two DropShips that had been attached to the frigate was also caught in the second nuclear detonation and was utterly destroyed, along with three of the four shuttles. The captain of the Nicolas Davion issued an immediate call for any survivors to surrender, or face further nuclear strikes. Records indicate that this was a bluff, as the Nicolas Davion had only been carrying two Alamo warheads at the time.
     All survivors of the Admiral Perry were transferred to Croydon, while the Nicolas Davion, her sub-light drive damaged beyond her crews ability to repair, was ordered to Tartarus Station, shipwrights there discovered that she had suffered extensive damage to both her hull and her keel, something they leaked the specialist equipment to repair. There was talk of scrapping the Nicolas Davion outright, but in the end it was decided to mothball her in the hopes that she could be taken to a better equipped facility after the war ended. Unfortunately, no such facility within the Federated Suns survived the First Succession War.
     With the recovery of the Helm Memory Core, the Federated Suns regained the knowledge and technology needed to repair the Nicolas Davion. She was declared operational in 3065, but stopped from leaving the Tartarus System by the 32nd Pursuit Squadron, who did not want to risk the sudden an unexpected appearance of the supposedly long destroyed cruiser from tipping people of to the existence of their haven. Given that he only had a skeleton crew aboard, the new captain of the Nicolas Davion decided that it was not worth risking the ship, and agreed to remain on station with their weapons locked down.
     During the Jihad, the Nicolas Davion was primarily assigned to the Pleiades Cluster and the boarder with the Taurian Concordat. She saw little action, with few Taurian units willing to stand and fight a cruiser, and covered the eventual Davion withdraw from the Cluster in 3075. She later saw action against Blakist holdouts in the former Chaos March, and joined the Ascendant in retaking the fleet anchorage at Ross 248. As with most ships assigned to the 1st Battle Fleet, after the Jihad she was returned to Tartarus Station for rest, repair and refit.
     Unlike the Nicolas Davion, the Conestoga class Light Cruiser FSS Sulaco saw plenty of action during the First Succession War, taking heavy damage while fighting against the Capellan Confederation. She survived the war, but was badly damaged shortly after by a commando raid that crippled the dockyard where she was being repaired. With no way of repairing the already badly damaged ship, the Sulaco was officially listed as destroyed in the attack and covertly moved to Tartarus Station, a journey that took a considerable length of time due to damage to her Lithium-Fusion batteries.
     One of the more lightly armed and armoured ships in the Ghost Fleet, the Sulaco would have likely been overlooked if not for the fact that her damage, while extensive, was quick and easy to repair. She was ready for action in 3061, but held in the Tartarus System while the Department of Military Intelligence worked on a cover story to explain where the ship had been for almost three centuries. This delay led to her being detained in the Tartarus System by the 32nd Pursuit Squadron upon the outbreak of the FedCom Civil War.
     The AFFS was about to unveil the reactivated Sulaco when the Jihad started. Her light armament made her ill-suited for front-line combat, and instead she was used as a high speed transport for senior officers and dignitaries, her high acceleration rate allowing her to outrun most true warships and many pocket-warships. More than once the Sulaco managed to evade pursuers, running blockades and bypassing ambushes thanks to her fully rebuilt sensor and electronics suites that put her on a par with the Conestoga's that had served with the Star League Defence Force. To supplement this, it was common for the Sulaco to carry a pair of Overlord A3's, a Leopard CV and a Titan class DropShip that had been salvaged by the 32nd Pursuit Squadron during the fall of the Star League. This turned the Sulaco into a mini-carrier and advanced scout.
      The Block II Davion class Destroyers Cynthia Davion and John Gordon were brought to Tartarus Station towards the end of the First Succession War, having suffered extensive damage in combat. While not the only Davions held in the Ghost Fleet, they were the only two considered repairable, a process that took an extended period of time. It was not until 3062, when a small engineering team, disguised as naval historians, were allowed on-board the ISS Fire Fang, a captured Whirlwind class destroyer, that any real progress was made. Based upon their observations and technical data they were able to recover, work on the Cynthia Davion and John Gordon was renewed, and both ships were declared fully operational and battle ready in early 3070. Their crews, having already trained on other ships held at Tartarus Station, were immediately sent to the front lines. The addition of Lithium-Fusion batteries at the expense of some of their cargo space made them more strategical mobile, and they spent much of the Jihad acting in support of the Liberator and the Pegasus, although the latter was actually faster than either of the destroyers.
     Both ships took part in the assault on Terra, acting as part of a distraction force aimed at asteroid mines and other isolated targets in the outer system. Unfortunately, this forced them to face the Caspar II System that the Word of Blake had put in place. The Cynthia Davion was ambushed by a swarm of Aeshna drone AeroSpace Fighters and suffered extensive damage. It was only the intervention of the John Gordon that stopped the Cynthia Davion from being totally destroyed, and her crew was forced to abandon her when her life support systems failed.
     This in turn lead to a bitter and long drawn-out legal dispute between the Federated Suns and the newly born Republic of the Sphere: both sides wanted to recover the Cynthia Davion in order to bolster their diminished fleets. The Republic claimed that, as she had been abandoned in the Sol system, which they now controlled, she was rightfully theirs by the laws of salvage. The Federated Suns counter-argued that, as they had never officially declared her as abandoned, but merely disabled, that she was still a commissioned warship in their fleet. It wasn't until 3082 that the case was finally settled in favour of the Federated Suns, and they worked to recover the Cynthia Davion.
     It was during this time that they discovered a number of concealed transmitters and beacons hidden on the Cynthia Davion, apparently placed there by the Republic of the Sphere in a bid to determine the location of the Tartarus system. This caused a fresh round of not-so-diplomatic accusations and complaints by the Federated Suns. In the end of the Cynthia Davion was taken to the Kathil Shipworks for preliminary repairs and a in-depth sweep for further hidden surprises before being returned to Tartarus Station for final repair.
     The John Gordon was returned to active service in 3083, but it was 3089 before the Cynthia Davion was able to rejoin her sister-ship.
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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2014, 08:17:57 PM »

The cheek of the Republic!

The 32nd have quite a pull detaining Federated Suns ships within their own borders.

I like the story of the Rogue Congress I'd have liked to hear a canon one like it maybe if we ever get a First Succession War sourcebook
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Tartarus Station & The Ghost Fleet
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2014, 11:44:20 PM »

Very Very Cool
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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