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Author Topic: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion  (Read 9260 times)

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2012, 10:09:51 PM »

Did something like this in an RPG campaign. The Clans took their Holdfast at the center of a new Star League as they squared off against a greater distant threat.  ;)


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2012, 02:13:36 AM »

Oh yeah more
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2012, 04:43:54 AM »

Instead of taking all of the upper 4 castes, perhaps limit it to the top 5% of the other castes, which is about 140,000,000.  Still huge, or just the top 5% of the Sci/Mer/Tech and 1% of the Lab.  That is only about 20,000,000.  Far more manageable and still a good cross section.  You only need 32 Arks then. any extra and you just take more people.

Hence my Trial idea.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2012, 04:50:32 AM »

Another alternative:

Clan Wolf takes a long look at the situation on hand turns to it's allies (Scorpions and Coyotes) to develop an effective response to the crisis at hand (aka pooling resources) with perhaps a deal made with either the Sharks or Ravens.

The first move in typical clan fashion is to pick a target to take apart and use for resources.   My suggestion is the Fire Mandrill's who get torn apart as Trials of Possession are called for individual Kindras, alternatively Cloud Cobra could work as well.

Using the resources gained a large shipyard focused on production of jumpships and a small frigate (Concordit for example) is built over the Wolves Capital

At the same time say the Star Adders, seeing the success of the Wolves move gather a group of like minded Clans and smash another Clan (Blood Spirits) and start building another shipyard

Trouble and Trials soon follow as the Jaguars and Falcons use their forces to gain resources for the evacuation and several unaligned Clan's get reduced to shadows by combat losses, and with them a number of enclaves just die from starvation.

The Clans get reduced to say 12 with 3 factions of allied Clans, and 3 standing alone (SJ, JF, GB). 

By this time the Clan population has been dropped to say 500 million due to attrition and sheer death tolls.   Additionally most of the losses have been in the Labor Caste (Merchant and Techs as well) as more and more resources get driven into building a massive Exodus fleet



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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2012, 04:46:25 PM »

The Diaspora, Part One

In 3012 a massive surge of gamma rays obliterates the ozone layer of the Fire Mandrill homeworld, Shadow. Without this protection exposed plants and animas begin suffering high rates of cancer, blindness and genetic damage. Normal solar radiation causes severe, life threatening sunburns. By the end of the year more than forty million Clansmen - more than half of Clan Fire Mandrill's entire population - are dead or dying. While Clans Burrock, Coyote and Hells Horses are gleefully absorbing the rest of the Clans are directing their Scientists to see if other worlds may be threatened.

Early the following year the Grand Council receives reports from the Scientists of a dozen clans. They report that the source of the gamma rays is a Hypernova that took place in 2918, located between the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster. Judging by the magnitude they predict that every world in clan space will be so affected over the next two hundred years. The response is calm and measured... no, sorry, we're talking about human beings here. The response is panicked and furious.

When challenged to explain why there was no warning of this, several scientists are able to prove that astronomers had requested permission to survey the nova in question to determine its magnitude but their requests had been denied either by the geneticist heavy Scientist Councils or by the Clan Councils as wasteful. (This leads to a number of executions of scientists and Trials of Grievance ).

The scientists' preliminary reports indicate that Shadow's ecology has been gutted and until the ozone layer replenishes itself it will not be habitable again for thousands - perhaps tens of thousands - of years. Khan Kerlin Ward asks if this will happen to the Inner Sphere as well, but is reassured that between their much greater distance from the Hypernova and the shielding effect of the Protector's Nebula, it is unlikely that the Inner Sphere will even notice the event as anything but an astronomical curiousity.

Debate takes place over the best course of action. The basic courses of action suggested by the Scientists involve either burrowing all clan enclaves underground (which they admit would have some problems for agriculture) or evacuating more than a billion people and millions of tons of industrial, scientific and military infrastructure from the Clan Homeworlds. The latter option is divided in potential destinations: some advocate destinations as close as possible to the existing homeworlds to reduce travel time, while others are inclined towards returning to the Inner Sphere where there are sure to be abundant resources for new enclaves to use.

This division proves sufficient to derail efforts to elect an ilKhan to oversee the crisis since the Grand Council is divided into three factions, loosely labelled Burrowers (Blood Spirit, Coyote, Goliath Scorpion, Nova Cat), Colonists (Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Snow Raven, Star Adder) and Invaders (Hells Horses, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Steel Viper, Wolf). For the moment this is judged to be less critical than the information that there is now only five years before the next planet is struck by the gamma rays: Arcadia, a world of 52 million inhabitants from four clans bridging the political spectrum.

Clan Blood Spirit responds by launching trials of possession for mining equipment and setting about the creation of massive hydroponic facilities shielded underground by layer after layer of iron-rich granite, to feed their civilians. The Star Adders, Ghost Bears and Steel Vipers concentrate on evacuating their enclaves - or as much as possible - to other worlds. In the former two cases they also send out a wave of dropships looking for potential colony worlds that will be a safe distance from the Hypernova. The Steel Vipers, on the other hand, look to their Invader allies to plan a suitable long-term destination in or near the Inner Sphere.

Two other efforts are underway at this time: Clan Burrock and Clan Cloud Cobra had both picked out the Tanite Worlds as the most practical refuge and agreed to a collaberative evacuation. Each despatched a convoy of technicans escorted by a frontline galaxy to establish strongholds that could protect their key assets such as gene stocks and the extensive Cloud Cobra libraries. Both had the advantage that they had a decade or more before any of their enclaves were threatened and in the case of the Burrocks they were able to call on the support of their Dark Caste allies who were only too glad to assist in return for being able to also evacuate to Tanis.

At the same time, Clan Snow Raven was engaged in attempting to evacuate the next two worlds endangered: Circe and Lum, which were major strongholds for them. While they had some aid from Clan Wolf, whose enclaves on Circe were similarly threatened, it was Clan Diamond Shark (who hold modest enclaves on Lum) who gave the most assistance, realising that the huge Snow Raven fleet will be invaluable in evacuating worlds. Strained by two seperate evacuation efforts, the Snow Ravens were in no position to refuse help and agreed to co-operate in the creation of a transport sufficient for massive movement of personnel and hardware. The design they came up with involved space stations barely small enough to be carried by a jumpship, each crammed with forty-thousand civilians or two hundred and fifty thousand tons of hardware.

Although all critical members of the warrior and scientist castes were evacuated from Arcadia within two years, at no point in the five years of evacuation did any of the three involved clans manage to evacuate more than one million of their clansmen in a year  although the Ghost Bears might have managed to if this fact hadn't been evident to clansmen still on the planet. Riots and organised attempts by paramilitary sections of the Warrior Caste as well as armed civilians to seize dropships and jumpships were a problem from 3016 to 3018. Clan Blood Spirit avoided most of this by over-stating the number of places available in their shelters until the last few weeks when 'evacuation' convoys proceeded to strand millions of civilians not selected for entry in areas too remote from the shelters to easily reach them.

Twelve million people were evacuated from Arcadia before the gamma rays arrived in 3018 and an estimated five million were crammed into the Blood Spirits' underground sheltered. The remaining thrity-seven million died either from radiation sickness, side-effects or from trying to fight their way into Blood Spirit shelters. Much of this was documented and observed by spacecraft and remote transmitters, to the utter horror of the rest of Clanspace. The sheer numbers surviving in Blood Spirit shelters gave credence to the Burrowers cause (although their long term prospects remained uncertain) but there were massed riots on worlds thought to be in danger that were put down brutally and the delicate threads of the Clans' command economy were being torn away with consequences that no one was sure of since the death toll just on Shadow and Arcadia had been eight percent of the total population of Clans.

While there was only a brief period before the next world, Circe, would be affected, very little progress was made on plans as the Clan leadership were focused more on retaining control. Clan Snow Raven began production of their transportation stations and were increasingly desperate about finding places to go to. They traded their new design to other clans in order to rent shipping from other Clans to help with the evacuation of Lum and Circe. For lack of alternatives their small colony of Hellgate, furthest of their enclaves from the Hypernova was being expanded on an emergency basis to house refugees and support relocated shipyards.

And then the Invader Clans split ranks. In 3020 Clan Smoke Jaguar abruptly staged irregular Trials of Possession for dozens of jumpships over Strana Mechty, in several cases landing Elementals on the hull before the civilian crews even knew they were there. This fleet leapt to Huntress where hundreds of dropships were waiting for them and by the time vengeful warriors from the deprived Clans arrived, the Smoke Jaguar warriors, along with supporting technicans and scientists were gone along with virtually every factory and facility of immediate military use.

Shortly after the fleet arrived at Eden where it was met with every warship and jumpship in the Smoke Jaguar fleet, having just finished stripping their enclave there. The armada made no secret of their destination: they were heading for the Inner Sphere and specifically for Terra. Behind them they left wastelands of starving civilians (all food stocks had been seized for the voyage), wrecked infrastructure (fusion generators and water purifiers would be highly valuable setting up in the Inner Sphere) and betrayed 'allies' who had been planning nothing more ambitious than a combined assault on the fringes of the Inner Sphere.

The burning of Circe, with almost half the population still unevacuated was little more than a punctuation: when push came to shove it would be every clan for itself.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2012, 05:06:50 PM »

Very nice.

Well done, Drakensis.



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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2012, 05:36:03 PM »

Wow The Worlds end in fire
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2012, 05:36:16 PM »

Indeed shows the fractured nature of the Clans, the isolationism of the Blood Spirits and the brutality of the Smoke Jaguars
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2012, 10:44:57 PM »

Having scoured through Wars of Reaving, I think I have found all of the named WarShips left in the Clan Naval Caches (plus several unnamed ships destroyed without being given designations or classes).  This is what I managed to gather:

McKenna-class BB (McKenna's Pride), Texas-class BB (Prinz Eugen), Du Shi Wong-class BB (Quicksilver Mongoose), Riga-class CV (Hetherington), Sovetskii Soyuz-class Ca (Budapest; Damascus), Aegis-class CA (Silver Snake), Kimagure-class CA (Admiral Russell Nga), Mako-class Corvette (Fuchida; Stone Crab; Ingrid Bucharev), Davion-class DD (Nikolai Tesla), Essex-class DD (Marseilles), Baron-class DD (unknown), Samarkand-class CV (Yorktown; Deal Breaker; Beijing), plus at least 9 others.

There are probably more that simply are not listed in the book.  But that is another 26 ships that are confirmed as being in the Caches (well, the McKenna's Pride is the Flagship of the Clans and the Prinz Eugen is a penal ship).

Some will probably be activated for the evacuation of the Homeworlds.

Master Arminas

« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 12:30:50 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2012, 03:11:29 AM »

The Diaspora, Part Two

Despite the poor omen of Huntress, the Snow Ravens and Diamond Sharks continued to co-operate in evacuating Lum. The new 'cylinder' transports proved highly valuable - use of lithium-fusion batteries on jumpships meant that a pair could be carried from Lum to Hellgate and back in a single month. The first such convoy made that journey fifty times before the end, singlehandedly carrying more than four million refugees to Hellgate. The hard decision had to be made however was that the next four cylinders would have to be cargo transports to move almost irreplaceable tooling in order to support the Snow Raven and Diamond Shark fleets.

This was little comfort to the fifteen million people - mostly laborers - left behind. Having learned from the evacuation of Circe however, the Snow Ravens elected to be - as they saw it - merciful. Two days before the rays hit, a number of technican volunteers (offered priority in the evacuation for their families) introduced several SLDF chemical weapons into the major water sources of Lum's centres of civilian populaton. By the time of the irradiation 95% of Lum's remaining population was dead.

It was not a fact that the Snow Ravens or Diamond Sharks advertised, aided by the controls that the Grand Council voted in on reports from worlds being abandoned. Those same controls prevented the discovery that in the first five years in their shelters on Arcadia, infighting and suicides had led to more than a million deaths among the Blood Spirit population there.

There were also more attractive matters to focus upon. In 3021 the leading elements of the Clan Wolf and Steel Viper invasion forces had departed. While the Hells Horses had intended to join them in force, the evacuation of their Eden enclaves was placing an increasingly heavy drain on their fleet and they could only participate by bidding a few clusters to fight under Wolf control. Clans Ice Hellion  and Jade Falcon were also nearing readiness - in the case of the Ice Hellions by measures almost as harsh as those of the Smoke Jaguars. Neither clan would be co-operating with the other invaders however, a legacy of the Jaguar's breaking ranks.

News was also arriving from the Inner Sphere. The Smoke Jaguar armada had reached the Terran system and boldly - some said arrogantly - declared their intention to take the world while still several days away. ComStar, under the leadership of a 'Primus' Julian Tiepolo had attempted to negotiate but this was presumed to have been dissimulation as three warships had jumped in at a pirate point to orbit Terra. While small detachments of the Smoke Jaguar touman had been assigned to take Venus, Mars and the Titan yards, the bulk of the fleet made a crashing descent upon Terra. The naval battle was short, with Clan crews blasting apart the old SLDF battlecruiser and two frigates of unknown origin for the loss of the destroyers Sabre Cat and Dark Claw.

This was not the end of the fighting however as SDS batteries on the surface of Terra fired on Smoke Jaguar dropships - not distinguishing between troop transports and the freighters carrying civilians desperate to leave the confines of their dropships and breathe the air of Terra. An estimated 70,000 Smoke Jaguar civilians died as ships crashed to the surface barely ahead of Smoke Jaguar warriors. Most of Terras defenders, the ComStar Guards and Militia fought valiantly but were inexperienced, outnumbered and using inferior equipment. They were massacred, as were ComStar's senior leadership, as Jaguar clusters stormed SDS bases and HPG compounds.

Terra belonged to the Jaguars. According to the Wolf Dragoons, the Clans' observers in the Inner Sphere, it was an ordeal for the motherworlds in par with the atrocities of Amaris. Khan Kerlin Ward ordered them not to take employment with House Kurita as had been expected but to gather their full forces including advanced equipment, and take a short contract somewhere near Terra in readiness to support the other Invading Clans in liberating Terra from the Smoke Jaguars.

The next world to burn was Foster. Shared by the Coyotes and Ice Hellions (and previously the Fire Mandrills), Foster was ill-prepared. The Ice Hellions were focused on preparing for their invasion and had evacuated only the assets they needed for that. Clay Coyote were burrowers and had established large underground shelters for their population but rumours abounded (incorrectly) that there was not enough space for all their people and for the former Fire Mandrill clansmen on the planet.

More than a dozen shelters were stormed by frantic members of Kindraa Payne. The remaining warriors sacrificed their lives to ensure that their civilians were able to enter and in attempts to stop Coyote warriors from fighting their way in. Hundreds of thousands of abandoned Ice Hellion civilians also tried to make their way in, only succeeding in a handful of places where the Coyotes had secured quick victories. Dozens of shelters were breached and left non-viable for long term occupation while others were left under-occupied. Fewer than one and a half million were in viable shelters and the Coyote survivors ruthlessly eradicated the Fire Mandrills although they were willing to absorb the former Hellions, the fighting killing a third of those few. At least they would have plenty of space in the shelters.

In the Inner Sphere the fall of Terra had sent panic through the Inner Sphere. While ComStar's other infrastructure was intact, they had lost critical factories and and their leaders. The Successor Lords were quick to recognise this, and the menace posed by the Smoke Jaguars warships and advanced warmachines. In retrospect it was no great surprise that Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner decided to 'offer aid' to ComStar's branches in their states, which quickly became taking control of them. Their need for HPG communication, particularly connecting their two states, was obvious. The other three successor states, needing some means of continuing the ongoing negotiations to form a counter-weight pact, quickly followed suite although a significant number of HPGs in the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine were damaged in the process.

The question of what to do about Terra - and whether there were any similar groups - added a new and troubling element to interstellar politics in the early 3020s. The Third Succession War had tailed off and for now the Great Houses were more concerned by rebuilding than more fighting, but Smoke Jaguar raiders began to strike at their new neighbours from 3023 onwards, although Terra was still not entirely pacified. Efforts to build up a force of warships to counter the Smoke Jaguar fleet were underway but it was clear that it would take years to bear fruit.

The following year the Inner Sphere learned that there were other Clans when the Wolf/Steel Viper fleet arrived at New Earth and brushed aside the LCAF garrison with insulting ease. Although Wolf Dragoons joined them, they were assigned to protect the civilians setting up enclaves on humanity's first and oldest colony world while the elite of three clans made their final preparations to invade Terra.

Khan Royce Chapman of Clan Steel Viper made the first diplomatic contact between the Clans and the Inner Sphere with a brief message a week after the conquest of New Earth. "We are the Clans of Kerensky. We will re-establish the Star League and its glories. You may decide if you will exist as Member-States alongside our Hegemony or as territories under our domination."

While the Inner Sphere began to fight for their domains around Terra, the Clans moved against each other. Smoke Jaguar was not known for passivity and their fleet struck at the Wolf and Steel Viper flotillas over New Earth before they could depart for Terra. The battle was furious, with more than a dozen warships destroyed, but the tide was turned by the arrival of five Wolf Dragoon warships and their destruction of the battlecruiser Streaking Mist.

Not wanting the handful of surviving Smoke Jaguar warships to have time to repair, the Wolf/Steel Viper fleet pursued and engaged them over Terra, Mars and Titan. Although successful in seizing Mars, they were lured into range of Terra's once-again-restored SDS and took heavy losses there. The battle at Titan was also a victory for the Wolf naval star sendt there but the shipyards took shattering damage, as did the dozen warships from ComStar's caches that were being restored there.

The Steel Vipers and Wolves ran the gauntlet of the SDS network with severel losses, but nonetheless landed strong forces in the southern hemisphere. The Hells Horses had taken relatively minor losses and were able to secure control of Australia while the Wolves surged north out of Africa into the Middle East and the Steel Vipers tried (and failed) to smash past the Smoke Jaguar forces holding Panama.

The fighting was still ongoing when Clan Jade Falcon task forces arrived over Apollo and seven nearby worlds, establishing their new domain on the bones of the Rim Worlds that Kerensky had occupied in the late 2760s. This diverted the attention of the Lyran Commonwealth from Terra and had everyone looking to the Periphery. It didn't help them very much. By the end of the year, the Steel Vipers had driven the Smoke Jaguars out of North America and seized much of the infrastructure that they had set up there. Controlling more people and resources than the entire Clan Homeworlds, the Vipers showed no inclination to cross the Bering Strait and aid the Wolves in Asia.

And then the Ice Hellions fleet arrived over Rasalhague and launched a blitzkrieg that tore through the DCMS almost effortlessly. They could have made a calculated bid for support by the Rasalhague independence movement, but such a political gambit escaped the Hellion leaders and the result was a three-sided fight for the region.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2012, 06:13:05 AM »

Out of curiosity I mapped the bugger. Not quite accurate to the Hypernova's location, but close enough.  1st red ring is about 85LY at 5LY and then 10LY expansions on that.

One question this raised in my mind, and the only twinge in on otherwise first rate AU, how the hell did the Clans miss the effect of this beast on the Cluster/Pentagon transit systems?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2012, 06:44:02 AM »

The actual site is just a hair 'west' of due south of Brim and further 'south' than you have it (100 light years from Arcadia). For reference, check one of the CCS Maps. on the distance scale that's marked between the Pentagon and what they call the Clan Homeworlds it's at the bottom of the second hundred light year mark counting from the left.

I had to doublecheck the location of Tanis. Not where I thought it was at all. Problematic since that would probably make it nearer to the hypernova than Shadow. Bother.

As for the clans not noticing it, check the third paragraph of the first part. Clan astronomers were aware that there had been a nova, but they didn't know it was anything like as large as it proved because requests for funds to check were squashed by more senior scientists (because it wasn't productive investment in improving the genetics of warriors) or of it got past that by the Clan Councils (because it wasn't seen as a hazard). In fairness, since all spacecraft have to be protected against radiation to the point they can ignore this as a threat, that's not entirely unfounded.

It wasn't of any practical concern until evidence that the effects would reach their inhabited worlds arose. Of course, that evidence was more than 40 million deaths. This is a stellar cataclysm on a scale the human race has never before encountered, the sort that might not have happened in this part of the galaxy for half a billion years or so.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2012, 07:15:02 AM »

Cool, it is all a rush job between tests for fun. I did read the explanation, but it did not sink in.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2012, 09:31:45 AM »

This is Pretty awesome brutal is not the word

What the Clans do when having fun, at this rate they will wipe themselves out and have little more than Terras garrison left

Like the Dragoons power play, still hoping the Nova Cats don't dig a hole for themselves - plenty periphery realms going
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2012, 07:46:24 AM »

The Diaspora, Part Three

While the fighting was going on in the Inner Sphere, the Colonist Clans were increasingly desperate. This fear was expanded on when Cloud Cobra scientists determined that the Tanite Worlds were not in fact sufficently screened by the Veil of the Protector to be safe from the Hypernova. This meant that the Burrock and Cloud Cobra refugees there would eventually have to be relocated, although fortunately not for almost two decades.

In 3025 the Star Adders recommended to the other Colonists that they seize control of Nueva Castile. Although the Periphery state was a considerable distance away, the seven hundred light years would ensure that they were safe and unlike the Tanite Worlds they could be sure that the Veil of the Protector would shield them from the Gamma Rays. The disappointed Cloud Cobras and Burrocks agreed to a joint invasion to depart in 3030 after all that could be salvaged from Brim and Babylon was removed.

In the meantime the Diamond Sharks had learned from contacts in the Jade Falcon merchant caste of a small colony that the Invasion force had come across roughly halfway to the Inner Sphere. Although the Jade Falcons were using St-Jean as a waypoint, there was plenty of room. The Sharks shared the information with their Snow Raven allies and the Ravens with their long term allies in Clan Ghost Bear.

The Snow Ravens approached Blood Spirits and offered them a trade of resources from Priori, one of the few remaining enclaves they had, in exchange for more ships. While the Blood Spirits had few ships to give, they were willing to trade a number for the Snow Raven enclave and began building undeground shelters there. The Diamond Sharks were more successful, contacting the Goliath Scorpions. In exchange for aiding in the consolidation of the modest Goliath Scorpion holdings to Roche and Dagda, the Scorpions would hand over all their ships: their plans for the future did not include space travel.

In 3026 Clan Goliath Scorpion announced their division, assigning all personnel and assets on Dadga to a newly formed Clan, the Ocean Crabs. This caught the attention of the rest of the Clan Council, who found that like the Blood Spirits, the Scorpions were establishing shelters against the radiation. However, where the Blood Spirits were digging underground shelters, the Scorpions were instead establishing underground cities and counting on the oceans of Dagda and Roche to provide both shelter from radiation and a source of food since life beneath the waves would survive far better than that above it. The division was due to the undeniable difficulty in maintaining contact between  two parts of the Clan that would be so geographically removed. (In fact, the Scorpions and Crabs would retain minimal spaceflight capacity with a handful of dropships based on small islands. Underground docks for submersible transports to connect to underground hangers were under construction).

Clan Nova Cat and Clan Coyote were also retreating into shelters. Where the Scorpions had looked to the seas, the Nova Cats were instead looking to space, perhaps inspired by the correlation between their name and the calamity that was upon the Clans. Spacecraft, by their very nature, must be screened against radiation and therefore were unthreatened by the gamma rays. The Nova Cats had therefore elected to construct large space stations to house as much of their population as possible. Although vast, it was obvious that not all the Nova Cat population would be housed in the stations, but they had also begun quietly sterilizing the majority of their labourer caste and up to half of all the other civilian castes. As much as possible they would allow the population decrease to be natural.

In the Inner Sphere, the fighting on Terra had diminished as the Wolves, Smoke Jaguars and Steel Vipers dug in. Elements of Clan Hells Horses were arriving to reinforce the Wolves but they still lacked the ability to push the Smoke Jaguars out of Asia. The evident divisions between the Invaders had given the Inner Sphere some hope of playing them against each other but their own rifts were a serious obstacle. For example, Hanse Davion might have been inclined to agree to a suggestion by Takashi Kurita (who was well known to be fascinated by the Fox) to reduce garrisons along their shared border so that the DCMS could more effectively fight the Ice Hellions but this would leave the DCMS focused on the Rasalhague region, positioned to threaten Hanse's Lyran ally and leave the AFFS with a chance of liberating New Earth or even Terra (whose SDS was known to be badly damaged by two successive invasions), giving it a great advantage. And of course, neither Janos Marik nor Maximilian Liao wanted that either.

In the event, modest forces were withdrawn and seven AFFS regiments - mostly mercenaries - were sent to support the LCAF fighting the Jade Falcons, while five DCMS regiments were moved to Rasalhague. The entire matter was against a backdrop of economic crisis: interstellar finance had been highly dependent upon HPG communication and Terran banks had taken advantage of being at the hub of affairs. The Lyran economy was wealthy enough to only be moderately damaged and the austere Draconian economy was less interconnected and thus less affected, although the needs of being on the frontlines against the Clans more than made up the difference.

Some attempt was made at diplomacy: Janos Marik and Hanse Davion both made approaches to Clan Wolf by using the Wolf Dragoons as intermediaries. This gave them their first insights over what had sparked the invasion. Marik even indicated that he might be willing to cede certain worlds (such as the troublesome Sirian region) to the Steel Viper's proposed Clan Hegemony. This was mis-interpreted as encouragement and Khan Chapman launched a sudden invasion that crushed a regiment of the Sirian Lancers and very nearly overran Sirius entirely before reinforcements arrived.

Not that reinforcements did much except increase casualties. By 3026 not only Sirius but also Procyon and Graham IV had fallen to the Steel Vipers. The Draconis Combine had managed to take an advantageous position in Rasalhague by offering substantial concessions to the local population. While the Ice Hellions had not been driven off, they had been pushed back to Rasahague itself, having lost hundreds of warriors. DCMS losses however were believed to be five to ten times as high and most successes had been managed by 'low war'. The one good note was that the heir, Theodore Kurita, had proven himself as a military leader and by mobilising every part of Combine society against the Clans. Of course, for Takashi Kurita this was a mixed blessing.

The Jade Falcons were experiencing runaway success against the Lyran Commonwealth. They had completely stripped the defenses of Ironhold and Eden enclaves, reasoning that anyone who wanted territory on those doomed worlds was welcome to them. On their other main holding, their Tokasha enclave, they had unwittingly followed the example of the Nova Cats and ordered the mass sterilization of more than half the civilian population (which had swollen with refugees from other holdings). Their actions came to light when they extended the practise to Strana Mechty and riots by their civilians in Katyusha came close to damaging some genechapels before being put down.

The reward for having essentially all their warriors in the Inner Sphere had allowed them to overrun Trellshire and Chahar Province and were beginning to expand beyond it. Of course, with only five million clansmen in the Inner Sphere, they were a drop in a well. While the Clan's warriors stormed deeper and deeper into the Lyran Commonwealth, crushing all in their path, their civilians were abandoned to the temptations of the liberal society around them - something that shocked the conservative Jade Falcons but inevitably lured some astray as well.

Four years were long enough to let some forget the fires awaiting the Clan homeworlds but in 3028 Brim burned - literally, for the atmosphere literally ignited under the radiation it was now exposed to. Though the modest population had been entirely evacuated the images exemplified the scale of the catastrophe for the Clans and sparked panic on Babylon, which was next to go. There, the Coyotes had dug themselves deep beneath the Snaefell mountains while the Cloud Cobras and Diamond Sharks had managed by herculean efforts to each removed more than ten million civilians.

What had not been addressed was the Ice Hellion population. In 3028 a blazing row in the Grand Council broke out between the Diamond Shark Khans and those of the Ice Hellions, violence averted only by the fact that the Hellions were attending via HPG relays from the Inner Sphere and out or reach. As far as the Hellions were concerned, they had taken everyone they were concerned with out of the Clan Homeworlds - less than two million souls - and considered the others, including ten million on Babylon, to be dispensable given the demands of fighting against the Combine.

It was of course far too late to do anything and almost all of those ten million died. In response, other Clans swept across the Ice Hellion enclaves, stripping them of anything and anyone they considered of value. Many of those not taken away were sterilized or executed outright (considered an act of mercy under the circumstances). The exception was the Ice Hellion capital of Kirin, which Clan Coyote seized with most of their touman. Resistance to this was negligible since the Hellion civilians were willing to accept anyone who would save them, something the Coyotes promised readily. Within weeks work was underway on several massive shelters.
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