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The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:45:13 PM »

I was reading some stuff over on CBT, and this one idea just kind of popped out of the discussion:  what if instead of invading from the outer edge of the IS in, the Clans instead just took over the former Terran Hegemony worlds?

Well, I started taking a look at it.  Let's suppose in 3040, the Scientist caste discovers that there are several very old, very BIG stars interspaced in the Homeworlds and the Pentagon.  All of these stars are getting ready to go BOOM (supernovas and novas ahoy!).  Although it will take years, the increase in radiation from this chain reaction of stars will eventually (not immediately) render life in the Kerensky Cluster and the Pentagon even harsher, killing off crops, animal species, interacting with the planetary atmospheres.

I know, it is far-fetched.  But having forewarning of this disaster, what choice do the Clans have but to migrate back to the Inner Sphere?  The debate finally decides that the Clans will seize the old worlds of the former Hegemony, traveling through non-populated systems in a Third Exodus, with JumpShips and WarShips fully laden with vital members of their Scientist, Merchant, and Technician castes (laborerers will be . . . ah, acquired . . . once they arrive.  There is no way to transport all of their civilians, so that means 85-90% will be left behind to fend for themselves (under the rule of the Dark Caste, perhaps?).  Their factories will be disassembled and taken with them; same for their shipyards and orbital facilities.

So, we've got seventeen Clans and 146 former Terran Hegemony worlds (not including Terra).  That means 10 Clans get nine worlds, and the other 7 Clans get eight worlds.  Would they even know that some TH worlds have dropped off the map?  Maybe, but those worlds could have resources, so they get divvied up to.

Each Clan must secure their own province (for want for a better word) against counterattack from the Great Houses (which is certain to come).  Once their worlds are secure, then the bidding for Terra itself begins.

But before we get that far, is this even possible?  Can it be accomplished?  And what happens to aggressive Clans that are torn between Terra and those oh-so-ripe targets in the Five Houses just dangling in front of their eyes?


Master Arminas



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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2012, 11:18:22 PM »

I think it would be great to see the old Terran Hegemony come back into play. Though, I do not like that the clans would leave behind that many people to needlessly die. They could build ark ships. Clan Ghost Bear built the Leviathen Battleships and used them as ark ships. If they want to claim a new Star League how could they with that stain on there honor of letting 85-90% of there civillian laborers die.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 11:22:32 PM »

The would need a lot of Arks, Dgb11o6.  The Clans have . . . what?  A total population circa 3050 of about 1.2 billion?

Master Arminas

My numbers were off by several orders of magnitude.  Sorry.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 11:51:52 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 11:30:26 PM »

I think it can't be accomplished, but if pushed the discovery should come around 3000, with the Dragoons mission a chance to scout the TH, routes and resources.

This gives the Clans five decades to prepare, time likely needed to uproot so many and mount a 1300 LY campaign.

These are the 3050 population figures for the Clans, based on 3062 number in Warriros of Keresnky and backed up to 3050 using the 2.35% anual growth figure Phelan gives there.

Code: [Select]
Caste Percent Number 3062 Number 3050
Warrior 0.01% 110,500 83,620
Scientist 6.41% 73,820,500 55,863,110
Merchant 18.58% 213,976,500 161,925,113
Technician 7.87% 90,635,000 68,587,357
Labourer 67.13% 772,979,000 584,946,066
1,151,521,500 871,405,266

Even leaving the labourers behind, it is still heading towards 300 million people.  Fifty times the Exodus.  You would require, based on those numbers, 67 500 jumpships and 250 000 DropShips, based on the numbers from the Exodus.

The Clans better get busy building Ark ships.  Perhaps modified Newgarnge hulls, like the Levithan Tranpsrts capable of lifting huge numbers in one go.
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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 11:41:00 PM »

I see that would be alot of people to move. What if they did it once they got to the new Terran Hegemony. They could do it once they conquered all the worlds they could of the old Terran Hegemony. Once there new worlds were secure they could send for the rest of the people on the Clan Homeworlds.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 11:53:22 PM »

Most humane thing to do would have the scientist caste create a painless, leathal biowepaon to kill those left behind and prevent them suffering after all thier industry, power and most food production and transport assets are taken away.

Yes, I am well aware I just advocated the killing of over 700 Million people, but from a clan Warriors point of view, it is efficient.

A couple of questions:

1.  Will each Clan have a slice of worlds from the TH border to the core, or more globular holdings.  As the pie slice allows access to Terra and access to a ready enemy.

2. After a few decades of holding the Hegemony, the Clans could be well positioned to actually strick out from interior lines and actually take huge portions of the Inner Sphere.  Do you have plns this way?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 12:10:19 AM »

I see that would be alot of people to move. What if they did it once they got to the new Terran Hegemony. They could do it once they conquered all the worlds they could of the old Terran Hegemony. Once there new worlds were secure they could send for the rest of the people on the Clan Homeworlds.

Two waves?  Could be done.  But you might well get that panic reaction of humanity going.  "You all just wait three years and your ship will be back to get you.  No, we aren't leaving any Warriors behind."

And that still leaves the problem of the 871 million laborers.  Who don't get a golden ticket.  You would SIX more round trips to bring the laborers along; that is with upwards of 33,750 JumpShips and 125,000 DropShips.  The final wave wouldn't leave for 21 years after the first wave.

Frankly, to be blunt, in Clan society laborers are the lowest on the totem pole.  Important, but not AS important as Techs, Merchants, and Scientists.

I would imagine that the migration would consist of (approx) 100,000 Warriors (bit more than stated, but then we have 3 more Clans); 5,000,000 Scientists (the top 10%), 10,000,000 Merchants (6% of the population), 10,000,000 Techs (about 15%, but we have to get those factories set up and running), and probably 25,000,000 laborers (about 2% of the total, but they are indoctrinated into Clan society):  that gives us a total of 50.1 million, or about 8.3 times the size of the Exodus.

Okay, we can probably grow that to 10 times the size of the Exodus Fleet (60 million total, with only 13,500 JumpShips and WarShips and Arks, and around 50,000 DropShips).

Now, if we start at 3000 with the planning and build cargo/passenger Leviathans, how would that change the evacuation numbers?  Didn't it take 10 years to build the first three ships?  How many people could they carry?  Don't forget that the Warrior caste is bringing their ENTIRE touman, so we need room for spart parts and munitions; plus food and water and air and everything else needed.

It will be, at the best, a massive undertaking.

Master Arminas


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 12:16:07 AM »

Most humane thing to do would have the scientist caste create a painless, leathal biowepaon to kill those left behind and prevent them suffering after all thier industry, power and most food production and transport assets are taken away.

Yes, I am well aware I just advocated the killing of over 700 Million people, but from a clan Warriors point of view, it is efficient.

A couple of questions:

1.  Will each Clan have a slice of worlds from the TH border to the core, or more globular holdings.  As the pie slice allows access to Terra and access to a ready enemy.

That is what this discussion is for.  If it is feasible, and if we can come up with some reasonable numbers, then we can take a look at each Clan's assigned sector (province, enclave, whatever) in the Old Hegemony.  I thought that perhaps it would be best to have seventeen slices each with either 8 or 9 worlds, so that every Clan borders Terra and every Clan borders one of the Great Houses.  Might not work out in practice, but I leave that you to guys.

2. After a few decades of holding the Hegemony, the Clans could be well positioned to actually strick out from interior lines and actually take huge portions of the Inner Sphere.  Do you have plns this way?

Ahem . . .

"We are the Clans.  We are restoring the Star League which fell to honor the Great Father Aleksandyr Kerensky, the man who led our forefathers into exile long ago.  Join us or die, barbarian scum.  Resistance is futile."

Or something like that.  And it probably won't take more than few months before one or more Clans sends that message, not a few decades.  They are a . . . little bit arrogant, aren't they?

Master Arminas

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 03:12:13 AM »

I think it would be a difficult ask however it could be interesting.  Maybe the invasion is delayed to 3060?

I think that the only real way for the Clans to move that kind of population and infrastructure would be for all the Clans to have a Leviathan as an ark and all the Potemkins modified to the point of the Diamond Sharks of the Dark Age era.

Even then maybe they could carry a couple of hundred thousand in each Potemkin maybe.  Abandoning a large portion of their population wasteful and slightly unclan-like but survival of the Clans is most important.

Once they arrive in the Inner Sphere securing areas each around Terra they have the firepower to take the worlds and around the 3050s or 60s.  If that was the case the first IS WarShips could be active by then, ComStar could have more WarShips active, far more SL-era tech active in the region.  The Clans would have a far harder time of it, although all 17 working together would be able to carve out a very significant portion of the Sphere if they pushed it.

The problem would be having their population and infrastructure in harms way - far more likely the IS would capture some of their technology, their equipment and their Scientists.  We never really say Clan civilians or scientists in the IS before the Bear, Cat and Exiles relocation.

An idea I'd maybe have instead of an immediate invasion of the Hegemony why not assault the Nueva Castile territory - closer to the Clan Homeworlds and maybe easier to transport a massive population and support.  After they've got the majority of their important assets in the Castile's former territory they could send their elite forces ahead to secure the beach-heads then have their populations transferred.

The Castile move would probably buy the Clans the most important thing - Time
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 04:03:29 AM »

Something I looked into a while ago was a means of moving a lot of people and equipment at a time. The answer I came up with is a space station right at the top edge of what can be jumped at one time. A Potemkin can carry six and a Monolith can carry two. Each station can carry 16,000 people with food and other life support rated for a year, plus over a quarter million tons of cargo. The price tag is approximately 1/30th that of a Leviathan and of course they can be built in much smaller yards. It would be relatively straightforward to alter the design to carry 40,000 people and only 30,000 tons of cargo. The advantage of these is that on arrival they can simply be left to be towed into orbit, without having to worry about delivering to a planetary surface or even planetary orbit.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Transit Station
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 3067
Vessel Type:       Space Station
Rules:             Level 1, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              400,000 tons
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       0
Maximum Thrust:    0
Armor Type:        Standard
Armament:          None
Class/Model/Name:  Transit Station
Mass:              400,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                        4,800.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 0
      Maximum Thrust: 0
Structural Integrity: 1                                              4,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    142 Single                                           .00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   1,548.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                400.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                   .00
Food & Water:  (370 days supply)                                    30,000.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (606 total armor pts)                         1,514.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                101
   Fore-Left/Right:                  101/101
   Aft-Left/Right:                   101/101
   Aft:                                 101

   Bay 1:  Cargo (1) with 10 doors                                 250,000.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (20) with 4 doors                             4,000.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 1 door                                     3,000.00

DropShip Capacity:  4 Docking Hardpoints                             4,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 16:  (50-meter diameter)                               800.00

Crew and Passengers:
     21 Officers (20 minimum)                                          210.00
    104 Crew (104 minimum)                                             728.00
  1,000 1st Class Passengers                                        10,000.00
  5,000 2nd Class Passengers                                        35,000.00
 10,000 Steerage Passengers                                         50,000.00
    100 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
TOTALS:                                                Heat: 0     400,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        937,397,340 C-Bills
Battle Value:      10,804

This version and the 40,000 person version are built in equal numbers. The Clans set up a command circuit of Monoliths/pairs of Star Lords from the Clan Homeworlds to a point in the near periphery that they can use as a staging area, reducing the distance to evacuate across. Allowing time for docking an undocking, this can reasonably reduce the transit time to 1 week, followed by a week of jumpships moving back in the other direction to reset. So two Transit Stations plus a dropship or three can be moved every fortnight.

That's still only 1,456,000 people moved in a year. Not very efficient.

So let's assume that all those jumpships instead are matched up with warships, carrying as many such stations as possible. Assuming fifty Monoliths, that's potentially 100 Transit Stations at once. Assume that the Clan Warship fleet can be converted for personnel transport, working on a basis of steerage accomodations and 400 days food etc that's 7 tons per person crammed into the cargo bays. (Ship numbers taken from sarna.net). Plus as many of the stations as possible on their dropship collars. Let's assume the 40,000 people 30,000 tons cargo versions.

24 Carracks (9,000) = 216,000
18 Vincent (13,000) = 234,000
3 Whirlwind (9,000) = 27,000
7 York (9,000) = 63,000
12 Essex (17,000) = 204,000
19 Lola III (15,000) = 285,000
16 Aegis (12,500) + 16 Transit Stations (40,000) = 840,000
6 Volga (27,500) + 6 Transit Stations (40,000) = 405,000
5 Congress (22,500) = 112,500
5 Black Lion (9,000) + 5 Transit Stations (40,000) = 245,000
14 Sovetskii Soyuz (29,500) + 14 Transit Stations (40,000) = 973,000
3 Liberator (10,000) + 3 Transit Stations (40,000) = 150,000
7 Cameron (25,000) = 175,000
7 Night Lord (23,500) + 7 Transit Stations (40,000) = 444,500
31 Potemkin (53,000) + 186 Transit Stations (40,000) = 9,083,000
5 Texas (41,000) + 5 Transit Stations (40,000) = 405,000
7 McKenna (36,500) + 7 Transit Stations (40,000) = 535,500

This adds up to 18,222,500 people and 10,470,000 tons of cargo being moved. It would require 349 transit stations, something that would need to be built up to over time, and could still only carry this many over a single 1 year journey, before then needing another year to go back and collect the next load (preferably with new transit stations built over that time).

It would take more than a hundred years (127) to relocate the entire Clan population (assuming that population remained static) and thirty years if Laborers are left behind. Still it's somewhat feasible.

And of course they need to keep a lot of manufacture - shipping mostly - in place to build all this shipping.

Probably the sane thing - since they can't just announce "we're leaving most people behind" is to declare that they're going to be relocating parts of their civilian castes to worlds closer to the Inner Sphere as staging grounds for the Invasion. They then commence the build up of shipping (converting warship cargo bays and building transports) while scouting for a suitable world or worlds that they can take quickly. Probably somewhere in the Periphery. They also begin a quiet cull of the civilian castes, secretly sterilising a proportion of the children assigned to the Laborer Caste (and to a smaller extent, members of other civilian castes). Advance expeditions with relatively balanced populations from all the Clans set out as soon as possible to start laying the groundwork.

With great fanfare the first major shipping expeditions set out carrying the frontline forces of every Clan, along with factories and shipyards to support them and (secretly) a large fraction of the warrior breeding programme and associated scientists. Two years later most of the fleet returns and reports that things are looking good, initial scouting indicates the Inner Sphere will have little chance of repelling them. It loads up another huge shipment of garrison forces, supplies and colonists for the 'paradise worlds' of the Inner Sphere (plus most of what remains of the warrior breeding programme). Quietly, more marginal Clan worlds are being left increasingly to their own devices - stripped of space transport and communication, the upper castes having departed, much of the population now aging and childless.

The invasion begins with the Clans using frontline forces and only those warships with minimal cargo capacity (destroyers and corvettes). The first year probably goes very well indeed for them - the Terran corridor of the FC is well fortified, as are nearby Kapteyn worlds, but this is before they've seriously upteched and they have no experience against the Clans so losses will be terrible for them. And of course, the two halves of the FC are divided, probably with the ruler of one side stuck on the other.

At least one more convoy will be sent back to collect more of the upper castes, leaving less-valued warriors, scientists and merchants to run the diminished Homeworlds while the rest of the Clan breeding programme, weapons research, and what manufacture they can't replace from their new acquisitions is removed. The Homeworld population will be beginning to drop naturally as the relatively high death rate exceeds the new, much reduced birthrate among the laborers. More worlds are dropping out of contact as they are stripped of spacefaring resources and abandoned. The convoys keep coming but get smaller and smaller as shipping is needed for relocating from the staging world(s) to the Hegemony and as shipyards in the Homeworlds are torn down and shipped off.

After twenty years and with 120-150 million Clanners shipped to the Inner Sphere, the last convoy leaves Strana Mechty, leaving no jumpships or HPGs and few if any dropships or shuttles behind. For that matter, fusion reactors and other valuable infrastructre have been taken so there's little in the way of power and water left for those abandoned.

The lights are going out...


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2012, 08:41:00 AM »

One important point we are missing here is that Clan infrastructure and technology stagnated beacuse 17 different groups were duplicating a lot of each others work.  If the Clans cooperate on such a project, even only partially, what they could accomplish, when allied with thier single minded drive, would likely be beyond what is considered normally possible.

A simple design, that is specifically set up to carry one of four things could be mass produced.  You could have personal, resource, factory and military versions.

I have tried to design a 750 000 ton pure lifter, with OK standard Clan armour, 2/3 thrust, some ER PPC/MPL/AMS and a dozen NL55.

The rest is devoted to 5 collars, a single grav deck and then passangers and cargo, but without a decent program, its not happening.

Does someone want to try and belt one together.

Although I like Drakensis's idea of the stations, I am against the for one simple reason - aethetics and carrying capacity.  Although they would be easy to produce as they have no core.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2012, 01:38:42 PM »

Would they compete for the "Provinces" to conquer?

A solution for the overpopulation would be to "simply" make Trials...

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2012, 04:00:05 PM »

One important point we are missing here is that Clan infrastructure and technology stagnated beacuse 17 different groups were duplicating a lot of each others work.  If the Clans cooperate on such a project, even only partially, what they could accomplish, when allied with thier single minded drive, would likely be beyond what is considered normally possible.
Or they might launch 17 independent project to evacuate their Clan and devil take the hindmost. Plus probably squabbling over the best ships and yards.

A simple design, that is specifically set up to carry one of four things could be mass produced.  You could have personal, resource, factory and military versions.

I have tried to design a 750 000 ton pure lifter, with OK standard Clan armour, 2/3 thrust, some ER PPC/MPL/AMS and a dozen NL55.

The rest is devoted to 5 collars, a single grav deck and then passangers and cargo, but without a decent program, its not happening.

Does someone want to try and belt one together.
The main problem with this is that on a quick work up it would be able to carry perhaps 45,000 passenger OR 300,000 tons cargo internally. That's not huge (compare to the Leviathans) and at best it'd cost over 6 billion per unit.

Although I like Drakensis's idea of the stations, I am against the for one simple reason - aethetics and carrying capacity.  Although they would be easy to produce as they have no core.
I'm not quite sure I follow the aethetics point. On the carrying capacity, I look forward to seeing how you plan to get equivalent capacity without requiring considerably more tonnage and/or resources.


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2012, 04:43:54 PM »

Stations or Behemoth-style 'evacuation' transports with a thrust of 1/2 or 2/3 seem to be the way to go here.  Additional JumpShips would be have to be produced as well, but single 100,000 evacuation Behemoth should be able to carry 7,500 passengers, plus 5 tons of cargo per passenger, using steerage compartments (you could cram a lot more in using infantry bays, but spending a YEAR in an infantry bay?, bad form old chap).  That is with a 2/3 thrust.  Four of these (and a Clan Odyssey) could carry around 30,000 passengers and take far less time to produce than a compact core transport, and cost far less even with a L/F battery.  A Clan Monolith with L/F batteries (with 6 or 7 docking collars; you can't get more than that I believe) would be a little more expensive, but allow for 45,000-52,500 passengers per ship.  You'd still need 7,000+ JumpShips to evacuate ALL Warriors, Scientists, Merchants, Technicians in one go.

But on the bright side, if you aren't aiming for a total evacuation, and are instead looking at only (say) 60 million evacuatees, that would only require 1,500 JumpShips and 15,750 DropShips.  Of course, the evacuation DropShips also need to be able to land (once) and will probably be designed to be dismantled and provide equipment for Clan enclaves.

So, anyone have any clue as too how many JumpShips the Clans have at this time?  Civilian and military?

Master Arminas


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Re: The Clan Hegemony: An Alternate AU for the Invasion
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2012, 07:19:06 PM »

I think we are attacking this one back to front.  Let's think about what they can lift to start with.

Exisiting Assets
The Exodus arrived with 1300+ JumpShips, 5000+ DropShips and 400+ WarShips. 

We know the Warships numbers have stayed fairly stable with losses and new build, but may have dropped a little, so lets say, once the caches are emptied (not to hard when looking at what was done in Wars of Reaving) that there are 300 WarShips.

For JumpShips and Dropships, if we go for a conservative doubeling of numbers since the Exodus, it means building about 10 jumpships a year over the cousre of clan history, not an impossible figure.

So how do we use these vessles. Well, number one, the WarShips carry the Warriors and much of thier equipment, knocking out about 2,000,000 Warriors and Technicians when all is siad and done.  Of course, the Techs are going to be slumming it most of the way.

The existing JumpShips and DropShips are tasked with moving the Clans Industry and the technicians needed to service them.  Another 10,000,000 bodies and the heavy lift.

Why that assumption? Well, the Exodus fleet carried 6,000,000 and the equipment of dozens of SLDF Divisions and the equipment needed to start a new life.  This time, all they need to take is the people and the specialised research and heavy industry equipment of the Clans.  The resources, powers and food is already at the other end, ready to be taken into the Clan system.

So, we still have to move 275,000,000 people. Time to rethink that design again.  Even with a 2.5MT ship moving 250,000 at a time, that is still 1,100 Ark Ships. If the yards are flat out from 3010 to 3050, 27.5 need to be built per year.

Instead of taking all of the upper 4 castes, perhaps limit it to the top 5% of the other castes, which is about 140,000,000.  Still huge, or just the top 5% of the Sci/Mer/Tech and 1% of the Lab.  That is only about 20,000,000.  Far more manageable and still a good cross section.  You only need 32 Arks then. any extra and you just take more people.
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