Bradshaw: I see what you mean. An interdiction was already underway by Com Star under Operation SCORPION. However, Due to the warning from Mori to Theodore Kurita the Combine warned the Federated Commonwealth. Hanse and Melissa ordered all of the compounds taken and they were being operated by the two nations without incident. I do foresee problems with spare parts however, I don't think that will become an issue for several years. Maybe by then the Nova Cats and the Wolves in Exile would come into play and be able to help with this issue. Hell maybe even the Diamond Sharks.
Takiro: I think with Focht out of the way it would be harder for Ulric to maintain the truce. However, even Vlad Ward held the truce until the 15 years expired but that was more of a fear of a repeat of the Smoke Jaguar Annihilation. I could see a general resumption of the Clan invasion without a Star League Trial of Annihilation against one of the Clans. I do believe the FedCom could muster the strength to annihilate the Jade Falcons or at the very least push them from the Inner Sphere. The Combine while smaller could probably do the same to the Jaguars. Or following the Falcon Offensive, Victor moves with a force to Combine Space to help remove the Jaguars. One thing a lot of people don't read into is that most of the forces fighting during Operation Bulldog are FedCom (Lyran/Suns), Combine and Mercenary. A few Capellan, Magistracy, League and so forth do participate in the offensive but not more than a couple of regiments.
I made the Clan and Inner Sphere Force Charts based off of the Field Manuals the scale of the Inner Sphere militaries is massive. I think the major factor would be the Inner Sphere allies (FedCom, Combine, Compact, "FRR" and possibly the Confederation depending on the mood of Sun Tzu) would be watching ComStar and either in a full blown war to eject them from their space or a very active Cold War. The Inner Sphere Axis powers (Com Star, FWL and possibly Confederation as he plays both sides against the middle ejecting ComStar and Word of Blake almost yearly looking for better deals on communications) will move to retake control of the HPG Network.
If I was the FedCom I would locate a world near Terra and begin building a new central station similar to Hilton Head. (although that is not what made Terra the center of the HPG Network it was all of the ground and orbital HPG's to act as relays)
I might write this as a FanFic as soon as I am done with the story I am writing.
Clan Combat Breakdown:!AjdKrlT1nk_CgaJCdWeK09GHwHgKGQ?e=2S1OEtInner Sphere Combat Breakdown:!AjdKrlT1nk_CgaJMp8iQbRdAY8peqA?e=wllu8V