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Atlantia Luxury Yacht
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2017, 05:19:40 PM »

Atlantia Luxury Yacht

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Atlantia Luxury Yacht
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Standard
Class/Model/Name:  Atlantia Luxury Yacht
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                50.00
Controls:                                                             1.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 19                                              19.00
Total Heat Sinks: 8 Single                                            0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    12.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                7.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (80 total armor pts)                           5.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 39
   Right:                                39
   Left:                                 39
   Aft:                                  39

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Cargo (7 tons) 1 Door                                        7.00
Crew and Passengers:
      8 First Class Quarters                                           80.00
      1 Life Boat                                                      7.00

Equipment                                                              Mass
Communication Equipment (8)                                            5.00
Feild Kitchen                                                          3.00

Universal Exports was actually surprised when the Magistracy of Canopus approached them to negotiate for the services of the Project Yamato Engineers. They had purchased rights to manufature Hamilton Consortium's Atlantia Luxury Yacht, and wanted to instead build a small craft version of it, for Pleasure Cruises through space.

This was actually the simplest project they had worked on. Designed to be operated by the people taking the pelasure cruise, it came with a full suite of Fisrt Class accomodations, a fully stocked Banquette Hall, and even a state of the Art Entertainment system capable of picking up a wide array of broadcasts.

With it's entry into the Canopian Entertainment industry, it has become wildly popular. Often rented as the equivalent of a hotel suite for a party, these craft have made the Magistracy much, much more money than they were built for. The Renter is able to traverse the system from one sight to another, in the greatest comfort the depths of space can offer.


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Skye Skimmer Aerospace Fighter
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2017, 05:23:12 PM »

Skye Skimmer Aerospace Fighter
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Sea_Skimmer)

Code: [Select]
Skye Skimmer Aerospace Fighter
IS experimental
25 tons 
BV: 337
Cost: 2,374,369 C-bills

Movement: 10/15
Engine: 200 Light
Heat Sinks: 10 [20]

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 39 (Heavy Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose                       10
Left Wing                  10
Right Wing                 10
Aft                         9

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
Flamer                         NOS     3
Flamer                         LWG     3
Flamer                         RWG     3
MML 7                          NOS     4

Ammo                           Loc Shots
MML 7 LRM Ammo                 NOS    17
MML 7 SRM Ammo                 NOS    14

Equipment                      Loc
Heavy Ferro-Aluminum           AFT

A venerable defender of waterways throughout the Isle of Skye, the LAAF contracted the Project Yamato to work their magic on the little hydrofoils, and turn them into support fighters for their other Project Yamato ships.

The Engineers decided to strip the machine guns in favor of flamers, which use discharges from the plasma drive to cause damage rather than carrying the volatile machine gun ammo bins. Though running hotter, they work equally well as point defense, and allow the fighter to handle enemy missile fire. They also also the fighter to clear swaths of infantry in single strafing runs.

The Coventry 4 Tube Short Range Missile System was stripped in favor of newer MMLs. Thanks to the light engine the engineers included in the design, they were able to fit a 7 tube wrack and two separate ammo bins for both LRMs and SRMs, giving the fighter a strong punch at short range, but also a long reach.

Originally the fighter was designated Sky Skimmer, an obvious nod to it's origins, however the LAAF being what it is renamed it Skye Skimmer for political reasons. No one is really sure what to make of that, least of all Skye itself. While it remains untested for the moment, both the LAAF and the Project Yamato team have high hopes for the light fighter, and both are looking forward to the first run coming off the line.


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Ahab "Whaler" Small Craft
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2017, 05:27:43 PM »

Ahab "Whaler" Small Craft

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Ahab
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       2
Maximum Thrust:    3
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
Class/Model/Name:  Ahab
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                26.00
Control:                                                              1.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 2
      Maximum Thrust: 3
Structural Integrity: 4                                               4.00
Total Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Double                                      0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    4.50
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (40 total armor pts)                 2.00
                               Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 14
   Right:                                14
   Left:                                 14
   Aft:                                  14

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Infantry Compartment (6 Tons) 1 Door                         6.00
   Bay 2: Cargo (1 tons) 1 Door                                        1.00
Crew and Passengers:
      3 Crew Quarters-Steerage                                         15.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass

Other Equipment                                                        Mass
Naval Tug Adapter                                                      120.00
Booby Trap                                                              20.00

After a few months without any pending assignments, the Project Yamato engineers presented plans to Universal Export leadership for a small craft "Whaler" built with a look very reminiscent of the old blue water Ahab Whalers.

The plans were essentially for a 200 ton naval tug. As the engineers went over the finer points of the ship, it became clear that this was the little boat it's name sake would take to the skies in to hunt down his nemesis.

Designed to appear to be a salvage and/or civilian operations vessel, the Ahab "Whaler" small craft is actually designed to catch dropships (or larger) by surprise. The surprise is met when the little ship conducts a boarding action on the larger vessel. It can also haul away it's catch if the boarding crew can disable the engines... often the first target of the marines involved.

In a more benign role, the ship can deploy large technical teams aboard salvage it is moving, and work to restore it even while under transit. This is possibly the smallest "yardship" ever built.

The idea the engineers sold EU leadership on was for a small cheap unit that could take out enemy mech transports as a way for less defended systems to protect themselves... or at least prevent things from happening again. As a last resort, the small craft's crew can detonate the ship causing severe damage to any ship it has attached to. plans call for a yield on the self destruct equivalent to the most powerful of naval autocannon hits.

Since production has begun, this vessel has been responsible for the defeat of several pirate forces as they were trying to make their escape. In one such case, the vessel's self destruct was set and the crew joined the marines as they fought to escape pods and escaped, just in time for both ships to be consumed in a ball of fire.

There are two major variants of the Ahab. One replaces the infantry compartment with an internal bomb bay, and is used to deploy anti-ship missiles. It was used by a small backwater colony who couldn't support a marine contingent but due to happenstances, had a supply of the missiles available. After it's successful action, several other backwater systems created similar customization.

The other major variant is a butcher's job of ripping off the Naval Tug Adapter and bolting on a full 10 forward facing LB 10-X ACs with 10 tons of ammo, and then encasing the mess in a shell that tries to give it the same profile as the standard variant. While still far too fragile for real front line combat, the massive attack from the cannons is enough to make anything worried. This variant has only ever been deployed successfully once, and unsuccessfully dozens of other times, as it is both trivial to destroy it, and vital to destroy it at the same time. The one successful deployment of this variant was it's first, when no one really knew what it was.


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Baleena Rescue Craft
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2017, 05:30:24 PM »

Baleena Rescue Craft
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Baleena)

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Baleena Rescue Craft
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Standard
Class/Model/Name:  Baleena Rescue Craft
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                50.00
Controls:                                                             1.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 10                                              10.00
Total Heat Sinks: 7 Single                                            0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    10.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                22.50
Armor Type:  Standard  (80 total armor pts)                           5.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 30
   Right:                                30
   Left:                                 30
   Aft:                                  30

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Cargo (22.5 tons) 1 Door                                     22.00
          Light Vehicle Bay (1)                                        50.00
Crew and Passengers:
      11 Steerage Quarters                                             80.00

Equipment                                                              Mass
MASH unit 1 operating theatre                                          3.50
Feild Kitchen                                                          3.00
Paramedic Equipment (2)                                                0.50

With most of the blue water vessels converted to the black, Project Yamato turned to Bluefin. Manufacturers of the Baleena Transport Sub. With the success of their Atlantia luxury yacht, Project Yamato didn't want just another passenger vessel though, they wanted something more from it. With the recovery and rescue aspects or their Rapier dropship in mind, Project Yamato set out to produce a spaceborne ambulance, designed to quickly recover escape boats and life pods, saving as many lives as possible.

The vehicle bay is specially designed for these efforts, with special grapples designed to interface with common life boats and draw them aboard. Once on board, rescued individuals will find ready medical treatment, and a kitchen ready to give them the comfort of a hot meal. Typically, a single Baleena will be able to recover 3 such life boats or escape pods, while recovering the pods themselves. If they have a mothership nearby they can recover a 4th, but that many passengers in the cargo bays can be a dangerous drain on life support if they aren't brought somewhere else quickly. If needed, they can ditch the life boats after reclaiming the passengers, in order to save as many people as possible. In this case, they first strip the pods of anything of value. In that case a single Baleena can rescue hundreds of individuals.


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Jonah Salvage Armor
« Reply #34 on: March 11, 2017, 05:34:27 PM »

Jonah Salvage Armor

Code: [Select]
Jonah Salvage Armor
Mixed (Base Clan)
Assault Battle Armor

BV: 487
Cost: 8,426,250 C-bills

Movement: 1/1/3

Internal: 5
Armor: 75
                     Internal    Armor
Trooper 1                   1       15
Trooper 2                   1       15
Trooper 3                   1       15
Trooper 4                   1       15
Trooper 5                   1       15

Equipment                      Loc
Cutting Torch                  Right arm
Salvage Arm                    Right arm
Handheld Searchlight           Right arm
Heavy Battle Claw              Left arm
Modular Equipment Adaptor      Left arm
Space Operations Adaptation    Body
Jump Booster (IS)              Body
Fuel Tank                      Body
Laser Microphone               Body
Fire Resistant Armor           1 Body, 2 RA, 2 LA

When the Project Yamato Engineers got a hold of the Jonah JN-002 Submarine, they were initially baffled as to what to do with it. One of the brilliant minds had an idea though, and after pitching it, they went back to school. Literally. None of them had an experience in battle armor design, and rather than searching for new talent, or even simply pull in more people from other Universal Export divisions, they decided to get degrees in the relevant fields themselves.

They sent five of their engineers to schools across the Inner Sphere, and a sixth would intern on Glengarry in an apprenticeship program. After nearly eight years of schooling they returned and collaborated on the Jonas subproject of the Yamato Project. While the rest of the team worked on other subprojects. Eight months later they had a working plans, and nearly a year after that a fully functioning prototype. The finalized design did require pulling in some all-too-eager expertise from Clan Sea Fox.

With the intended purpose, performance trials lasted much longer than most battle armor designs... but then most battle armor designs are merely meant to handle the simple rigors of combat. On the other hand the Jonas Battle Armor is designed to allow an expedition to enter into the most dangerous places in space and work. Often in salvage operations that were before deemed too risky or dangerous to deal with.

The Terran Belters purchase nearly half of the yearly production runs of the Jonas, with the Sea Foxes having a significant portion reserved for themselves. Clan Snow Raven also showed considerable interest, and purchase a large portion through the Sea Foxes. The remaining get quickly sold off to a myriad of buyers from civillian groups like Interstellar Expeditions to house governments.

Though it has never seen battle, the design has proven itself through many harrowing adventures in salvage. One story gets used by the sales team all the time about a salvage crew that survived the reactor explosion of the dropship they were trying to bring back online, thanks to the fire resistant technologies of the suit. That story has never been confirmed though (and the design team will tell you it is likely B.S.).



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Monitor Aerospace Fighter
« Reply #35 on: March 11, 2017, 05:37:49 PM »

Monitor Aerospace Fighter
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Monitor_(vehicle))

Code: [Select]
Monitor Aerospace Fighter
Inner Sphere
75 tons 
BV: 1,629
Cost: 3,887,881 C-bills

Movement: 3/5
Engine: 75
Heat Sinks: 19 [38]

Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 248 (Heavy Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose                       62
Left Wing                  62
Right Wing                 62
Aft                        62

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
Ultra AC/20                    NOS     8
Ultra AC/20                    NOS     8
MML 3                          LWG     2
MML 3                          RWG     2
MML 3                          AFT     2

Ammo                           Loc Shots
Ultra AC/20 Ammo               NOS    40
MML 3 LRM Ammo                 AFT    40
MML 3 SRM Ammo                 AFT    33

Equipment                      Loc
Heavy Ferro-Aluminum           None

Habeas' Monitor was never a big seller. Often overkill for it's intended market, supporting the ones that had sold was more of a drain than anything. So when Project Yamato offered to purchase the rights to it, they were happy to sell. Within a year, Project Yamato was selling "Planetary Defense Upgrade Packages". These consisted of a rebuild of the vessel into a heavy aerospace fighter, and training for a crew to operate it.

The Aerospace fighter is relatively slow. This is not a real problem for it's intended purpose. It is designed to meet an invading dropship and put holes in it until it can't invade any more. The Dual Ultra Class 20 Autocannons are the primary enforces of the Monitor ASF's will, and they are effective. Supporting those are a trio of 3-Tube Multiple Missile Launchers, one on each wing and the third in the aft. This gives it the ability to hit things that are trying to keep their distance, or out maneuver it, helping to prevent it from being totally helpless against the vast number of aerospace fighters that can easily out maneuver the Monitor.

Despite it's shortcoming in maneuverability, the Monitor is relatively cheap for it's fire power, and most militias that have received these upgrade packages have not regretted it. Suddenly being able to swat Unions out of the sky has been a major boon to more than one desperate militia force.


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Mauna Kea Command Fighter
« Reply #36 on: March 11, 2017, 05:41:06 PM »

Mauna Kea Command Fighter
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Mauna_Kea)

Code: [Select]
Mauna Kea Command Vessel
IS experimental
85 tons 
BV: 1,332
Cost: 6,309,995 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 340
Heat Sinks: 10 [20]
Cockpit: Command Console

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 240
Nose                       60
Left Wing                  60
Right Wing                 60
Aft                        60

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
Large VSP Laser                NOS    10
Rocket Launcher 15             NOS     4
Rocket Launcher 15             NOS     4
4 Heavy Machine Guns           LWG     0
Heavy Machine Gun Array        LWG     0
4 Heavy Machine Guns           RWG     0
Heavy Machine Gun Array        RWG     0
4 Heavy Machine Guns           AFT     0
Heavy Machine Gun Array        AFT     0

Ammo                           Loc Shots
RL 15 Ammo                     None     1
RL 15 Ammo                     None     1

Equipment                      Loc
Comm. Equipment (7 ton)        AFT
Recon Camera                   NOS
Angel ECM Suite                AFT

It was very easy to pick up a license to produce the Mauna Kea, so much so that Project Yamato's negotiating team was disappointed at not being able to flex their muscles, metaphorically.

While converting it to an aerospace role, the design team had to strip most of the cargo space and fill it with the reactor and plasma drive systems that power such machines through the sky. Creatively fit around those systems are 6 additional tons of communications equipment and an Angel ECM, designed for ECCM use. The ship's crew compartment was shortened into a two seat cockpit and command console. In the nose was added a recon camera.

The turret was stripped of it's autocannon and missile launcher. In their place, the turret was formed into a steering mechanism consisting of vertical and horizontal stabilizers, rudders, and elevators, helping to easily compensate for the lack of aerodynamics applied to the fighter's hull. Meanwhile a Large Variable Speed Pulse Laser and 30 rocket tubes were added directly to the front of the machine.

The side and rear mounted machine guns were upgraded to heavy machine guns, and increased to a total of 12, set up in 3 arrays, one on each wing, and the last in the aft. These are designed with software that will track and engage missiles, even of the capital variety with enough damage to put serious dents in them, a rare feature on fighters.

While it does provide a command platform safe from most ground attack, over-all the Mauna Kea was never very well received. It tries to be too many things, from escort, to ground support, to recon, to command. As a result it is not very good at any one thing. Often the recon camera, command console, and communications equipment will get stripped in favor of more weapons. Large Aerospace commanders have learned to greatly appreciate the value of it's machine gun arrays though, as such protection from capital missiles is not nearly common enough since the rise of the pocket warship.


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Neptune Seahunter Fixed Wing SV
« Reply #37 on: March 11, 2017, 05:45:24 PM »

Neptune Seahunter Fixed Wing SV
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Neptune)

Code: [Select]
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Fixed Wing Support Vehicle

Mass:              100 tons
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:       
    1 LRM 20 (clan)
    2 SRM 6 (clan)
    1 ER Large Laser
    1 Vehicular Mine Dispenser
    1 Internal Bomb Bay

Mass:              100 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control: Tech Rating F Fusion Engine                          14.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 5 Armored, Amphibious, VSTOL, Propeller Driven  41.50
Total Heat Sinks:    12 Single                                        12.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    0.00
Armor Type:            Standard (104 total armor pts)                 6.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                26
   Right:                               26
   Left:                                26
   Aft:                                 26

Weapons and Equipment      Loc                                  Heat   Mass
1 LRM 20 (clan)            Nose                                  0     5.00
2 SRM 6 (clan)             Nose                                  0     3.00
1 ER Large Laser           Nose                                 12     4.00
1 Vehicular Mine Dispenser Rear                                  0     0.50

LRM/T-20 12 Salvos                                                     2.00
SRM/T-6 30 Salvos                                                      2.00
4 Minefields                                                           2.00

Other Equipment
Internal Bomb Bay (5 Torpedo Bombs)                                    5.00

The Neptune submarine was designed to defend Hanse Davion's underwater command centers from attack by battlemechs. When the CCAF approached the Project Yamato team with their still functioning captured Neptune Submarines, they requested a fighter that could hunt the remaining Davion Neptune subs, and the bases they guarded. They were told cost is no issue.

The result was the Neptune Seahunter. It had a very similar armament to the vessel it was designed to hunt, however, these missile launchers were clan technology. This decision was made for one, very specific reason: to have launchers compatible with clan multi-purpose missiles. This allows the fighter to carry a full payload that can engage even underwater targets. Further, while the submarine carries a Large Laser, the fighter upgraded this to an Extended Range version of the same, but also clan tech.

While most of Project Yamato's products were designed to operate in space, this is the one exception. In order to properly engage underwater targets, to the fullest extent, the Engineers needed to make the Neptune sea worthy. They were not able to make it both sea and space worthy. Instead, the vehicle can land in water and fire it's missiles at targets under the waterline, then fly away again. It was also given the capacity to deploy maritime mine fields, and torpedo bombs as well.

While it can't operate in space, it can deploy from fighter bays on dropships, once they hit the atmosphere. This allows an attacking force to quickly engage the underwater command centers, and their guardians, without having to do dangerous water landings with their dropships, or spend excessive time trying to deploy wet navy vehicles from those dropships either.

The Capellans found them to be effective at their task, however the small number needed couldn't justify the expenses of keeping the line running. Fortunately, forces looking to deal with the DCMS's Triton Missile Submarines were also interested in the design, so production, while slowed, is not entirely stopped.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 05:46:30 PM by Cryhavok101 »


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Columbiad Colony Ship
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2017, 05:50:00 PM »

Columbiad Colony Ship
(Original: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Verne)

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Columbiad Colony Ship
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              10,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    6 Hyperspectral Imager
    1 Large NCSS
Class/Model/Name:  Columbiad Colony Ship
Mass:              10,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                1,950.00
Control:                                                              75.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 150                                             2,236.00
Total Heat Sinks:    55 Single                                        0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    2,040.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (10,714 total armor pts)             540.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                               2829
   Right:                              2828
   Left:                               2828
   Aft:                                2829

   Bay 1:  Hydroponics and Survey Equipment-Cargo (650 tons, 1 door)   650.00
   Bay 2:  Insulated Consumables-Cargo (287.1 tons)                    330.00

Crew and Passengers:
     17 Officers and Crew-1st Class Quarters                           170.00
     140 Passengers-Steerage Quarters                                  700.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
Hyperspectral Imager       Nose       --     --     --     --   0      7.5
Hyperspectral Imager       FR/L       --     --     --     --   0      15
Hyperspectral Imager       AR/L       --     --     --     --   0      15
Hyperspectral Imager       Aft        --     --     --     --   0      7.5
Large NCSS

The Columbiad dropship was surprisingly developed in conjunction with a group of belters, who under the Republic's government, wished to begin a new life outside of the Sol system. With the belters having a longstanding relationship with Universal Exports dating back all the way to their founding, and the prior success of the Project Yamato, they had determined that this was the best course of action.

Having already purchased doxens of Verne submersibles before approaching the Project Engineers, the belters had some specific requirements they needed for the new ship. It was to be a combination Survey ship and passenger liner. It was to be able to sustain it's population for up to a year or more without resupply.

To the first point, the engineers equiped the ship with one of the most powerful sensor suites available, and augmented that with powerful Hyperspectral imagers around the hull. Whatever this ship searches for, it is pretty likely to find. The ship carries over 150 people on board, and has enough insulated cargo space to sustain them off of rations for a little over a year. The remaining space is taken up by spare parts, various scientific equipment and laboratories, and a large hydroponics system, that if properly maintained, can sustain the crew virtually indeffinitely.

One of the most surprising features is the armor. With use by belters in mind, the Yamato team decided to reinforce the structure even further than required for aerospace flight, and armored it well beyond even the limits of mighty vessels like the castrum. Even warships would have to spend some time penetrating the thick hull of the ship.

The Belters were well satisfied with the ship, and use the design regularly as the start of new colonies. With it's ability to sustain the people aboard for long durations, and it's durability, coupled with it's scientific equipment, it has been just what they needed. Unfortunately belters are relatively small in number, so to justify costs, Project Yamato was forced to find additional buyers.

Their largest market is  surprisingly the Hansa, who while attempting to prepare for clan invasions, have been seekig a relatively cheap scout ship. That the vessel can also double as a colony ship for the merchants to expand their holdings with is also appealing to them. The second largest buyer is Interstellar Expeditions, for whom the vessel is ideally suited, able to hold large scientific complements for long studies.

*For anyone who doesn't pick up the reference, the name Columbiad is a reference to one of Jules Vernes books, From the Earth to the Moon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_Earth_to_the_Moon


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Space Battleship Yamato
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2017, 05:53:23 PM »

Space Battleship Yamato

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Space Battleship Yamato
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       WarShip
C-Bill Cost:       $23,702,500,000.00
Magazine Cost:     $6,881,480,000.00
BV2:               379,834

Mass:              2,500,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  Compact K-F drive
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Lamellor Ferro-Carbide
    24 Heavy Naval PPCs
    24 Medium Naval Guass Rifles
    17 Killer Whale Launchers
       170 Peacemaker Missiles
    12 Manta Ray Launchers
       120 Manta Ray Missiles
    12 Large Variable Speed Pulse Lasers
    24 Medium Variable Speed Pulse Lasers
    58 Screen Launchers
     8 AMS
Class/Model/Name:  Space Battleship Yamato
Mass:              2,500,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                450,000.00
Controls:                                                             6,250.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Compact K-F Drive: Integrity 48                                       1,131,250.00
Jump Sail: Integrity: 9                                               155.00
Structural Integrity: 150                                             375,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:     3614 Double (7228)                              2,621.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    3,060.00
Fire Control Computers:                                               10,312.05
Cargo and Consumables:                                                220,494.90
Armor Type:  Lamellor Ferro-Carbide  (8,250 total armor pts)          7,500.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                1390
   Fore-Left/Right:                   1390/1390
   Aft-Left/Right:                    1390/1390
   Aft:                                 1390

   Bay 1:  Dropshuttle Bays (4 Dropshuttles)                           22,000.00
           Fighter Bays (12 Fighters)                                  1,800.00
           Cargo (220,494.9 tons)                                      220,494.90
           6 Doors                                         

Escape Pods: 50 Escape Pods, 50 Life Boats (7 tons each)               700.00

Crew and Passengers:
     90 Officers-1st Class Quarters                                    900.00
     461 Crew, and Bay Personel-2nd Class Quarters                     3,227.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
17 Killer Whale Launchers  Nose       **     **     **     **   340     2,550.00
46 Screen Launchers        Nose       700                       460     1,840.00
3 Heavy NPPC               Nose       45     45     45     45   675     9,000.00
3*Medium NG                Nose       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      16,500.00
3 Heavy NPPC               FL/R       45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                FL/R       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
3 Manta Ray Launchers      FL/R       15(150)                   63      960.00
2 Large VSP                FL/R       20(2)  14(1)              20      36.00
4 Medium VSP               FL/R       28(3)                     28      32.00
2 AMS                      FL/R       10(1)-PDS                  2      1.00
3 Heavy NPPC               LBS/RBS    45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                LBS/RBS    25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
2 Large VSP                LBS/RBS    20(2)  14(1)              20      36.00
4 Medium VSP               LBS/RBS    28(3)                     28      32.00
6 Screen Launchers         LBS/RBS    90                        60      480.00
3 Heavy NPPC               AL/R       45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                AL/R       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
3 Manta Ray Launchers      AL/R       15(150)                   63      960.00
2 Large VSP                AL/R       20(2)  14(1)              20      36.00
4 Medium VSP               AL/R       28(3)                     28      32.00
2 AMS                      AL/R       10(1)-PDS                  2      1.00
3 Heavy NPPC               Aft        45     45     45     45   675     9,000.00
3*Medium NG                Aft        25e    25e    25e    25e  45      16,500.00

Peacemaker Missiles-170                                                 8,500.00
Screen Cannisters-580                                                   5,800.00
Medium Naval Gauss Rounds-2400                                          960.00
Manta Ray Torpedoes-120                                                 2,160.00
Anti-Missile Salvos-480                                                 40.00
Other Equipment
Naval C3                                                                35,312.05
Large Naval Comm Scanner Suite                                          500.00
Communication Equipment (15 tons)                                       10.00
Mobile Hyper Pulse Generator                                            50.00

With only one other thing left to convert, I wanted to fulfill the request someone made early on in the thread and make an attempt at converting the Space Battleship Yamato. This is the result.

First some explanations:
  • The Yamato gun is not really possible to replicate entirely, on a legal (legal in this sense is following rules that appear in one of the current books, not necessarily tournament legal) BattleTech design. Not even the gargantuan mass drivers really do it justice. For this reason, I used multiple weapons that work in conjunction to simulate the Wave Motion Cannon. The First component of it is the large bay of 17 killer whale missile launchers. Loaded with Peacemaker Nuclear Missiles, this can erase a large swath of capital ships from the universe rather swiftly. If can either concentrate on one target of on multiple, and devastate even Castle Brians. The second half of this ship's 'wave motion gun' is a bay of 46 screen launchers. Even peacemaker nuclear missiles aren't AoE on the space map, the only weapon that is, is the screen launcher. So I decided to use them to get the AoE destructive abilities on the wave motion gun. That bay can deliver 70 capital damage to everything is a space hex (18 km across), and though short range, will clear the skies of anything close by that isn't a large aerospace unit, and do severe damage to even those.
  • Like most of Project Yamato's ships, the Space Battleship Yamato has turrets, and those don't translate well to BattleTech. Instead I attempted to make the ship able to point the same number of main weapons in any given direction as the original's turret's allowed. This is why it's capital bays are set up they way they are.
  • The main guns of the Space Battleship Yamato were someone odd weapons compared to the variety found in BattleTech. At some points shooting energy blasts, and at other points using solid projectile ammunition. For this reason I included both Naval PPCs and Gauss rifles, to simulate both aspects of those guns. As a result, this can fire twice the number of weapons as the original, though the same number of each type of attack from these 'Main Guns'
  • While it has the Killer Whale Launchers as part of the Wave Motion Cannon, the Manta Ray launchers are my chosen representative of the original's torpedo tubes. Similarly the Variable Speed Pulse Lasers are my chosen equivalent of the defense turrets on the original as well.
  • The AMS and broadside Screen Launchers are stand-ins for the Rotating Asteroid Defense and defensive side missiles.
  • There are several points where it appears to me that fighters get in close to the enemy, mark targets, and deliver the targeting data to the Space Battleship, for it's main guns to take out the enemy with. This is the reason for both the Naval C3, and the DropShuttle Bays on the ship. I determined that the bomber type ships the Space Battleship launched were DropShuttles equipped with Naval C3, allowing them to do precisely that for the Yamato.
  • I wasn't sure how many fighters or bombers the ship carried in total, so I went with a number that sounded good to me.

Now on to fluff:
The Original Yamato, raised from the sea floor and converted by the retired ancestor of the ship's original captian into a primitive JumpShip, had gone missing. After some time, the Belter population got proof that the Word of Blake had captured the ship, killed it's crew and dissected it, using the knowledge gained to develop the subcapital weapons they employed. The Belters had referred to the crew of the ancient vessel as 'House Yamato'. They were well respected, and the Sol system's most forgotten colonies mourned with it's passing.

With one of it's founders descending from the Belters, and many Belters having joined them over the years, Universal Exports had maintained close ties with the estranged colonies of the Sol system. When the Project Yamato engineers were invited to aid in the design and construction of the Columbiad, the Belters found something else out. Several members of the Project Yamato staff were directly related to House Yamato.

With this revelation, Belter Elders approached Project Yamato with a proposition. Help them build a fitting tribute to the fallen Yamato, incorporating pieces of the original ship's hull that had been recovered, and do it in secret. The plan was to construct the ship well outside the main system, in the Oort cloud. That far out, even the Republic wouldn't be very aware of anything happening. The ship would not only be a tribute, but it would stand sentinel against any other group that tried to break faith with the Belters.

With no true loyalty to the Republic, for Universal Exports, this was not a moral dilemma. The project would require the companies primary aerospace development arm, Black Sky Industries. Since they also specialized in espionage, they were well suited to building the Ship under the republic's nose. With Project Yamato already engaged in the Columbiad project, there was nothing to draw suspicion.

Upon the ship's completion, Several personnel from Black Sky Industries, Universal Exports, and Project Yamato were invited to remain as permanent crew on board the titanic vessel, both as living remnants of House Yamato, and as Liaison to their organizations. With the opportunity to strengthen the bonds with one of the most medically advanced groups known to man, Universal Exports helped to facilitate this arrangement.

To date, the ship has never seen combat. With 'House Yamato' reborn, the ship fulfills a limited version of the task the original ship had set itself, to patrol the Belter colonies and deter piracy against them. With the need for utmost secrecy however, this is limited in scope, since it needs to stay away from areas that might be watched. The times it has encountered pirates, their surrender was immediate, knowing they were not even remotely capable of matching a warship, not to mention one of such size. It's massive nose armament, and various main guns have only ever fired dummy-rounds, and powered down test-blasts to ensure the mechanisms and electronics continue to function. Fortunately, despite it's lack of combat, the ship is kept in fighting order, with constant drilling and maneuvering, and it has also successfully kept hidden, with neither the republic, nor it's enemies being aware of the Titan Waiting in the Dark.

Personally, I want to have this ship duel with the WoBS Erinyes in a cat-n-mouse game of "destroy/defend the sol system."

I hope this satisfies those wanting to see me bring in the Anime Warship.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 06:02:15 PM by Cryhavok101 »


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Space Battleship Andromeda
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2017, 05:55:42 PM »

Space Battleship Andromeda

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Space Battleship Andromeda
Tech:              Clan
Vessel Type:       WarShip
C-Bill Cost:       $33,564,036,000.00
Magazine Cost:     $88,680,000.00
BV2:               408,475

Mass:              2,500,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  Compact K-F drive
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Lamellor Ferro-Carbide
    80 Light Naval PPCs
    30 Heavy Naval PPCs
    30 Medium Naval Guass Rifles
     4 AR-10 Launchers
     8 Thunderbolt-20 Launchers
     4 Large ER Pulse Lasers
     6 Medium ER Pulse Lasers
Class/Model/Name:  Space Battleship Andromeda
Mass:              2,500,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                450,000.00
Controls:                                                             6,250.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Compact K-F Drive: Integrity 48                                       1,131,250.00
Jump Sail: Integrity: 9                                               155.00
Structural Integrity: 150                                             375,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:     7,841 Double (15,662)                           6,838.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    3,060.00
Fire Control Computers:                                               59,125.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                220,494.90
Armor Type:  Lamellor Ferro-Carbide  (8,250 total armor pts)          7,500.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                1390
   Fore-Left/Right:                   1390/1390
   Aft-Left/Right:                    1390/1390
   Aft:                                 1390

   Bay 1:  Fighter Bays (24 Fighters)                                  3,600.00
           Small Craft Bays (12 Small Craft)                           2,400.00
           Cargo (86,031 tons)                                         86,031.00
           6 Doors                                         

Escape Pods: 50 Escape Pods, 50 Life Boats (7 tons each)               700.00

Crew and Passengers:
     4 Docking Collars                                                 4,000.00
     121 Officers-1st Class Quarters                                   1,210.00
     615 Crew, and Bay Personel-2nd Class Quarters                     4,305.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
8*10 Light NPPCs           Nose       70e    70e    70e    70e  8400    112,000.00
3 Heavy NPPC               Nose       45     45     45     45   675     9,000.00
3*Medium NG                Nose       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      16,500.00
3 Heavy NPPC               FL/R       45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                FL/R       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
2 AR-10 Launchers          FL/R       **     **     **     **   **      1000.00
3 Heavy NPPC               LBS/RBS    45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3 Heavy NPPC               LBS/RBS    45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                LBS/RBS    25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
3*Medium NG                LBS/RBS    25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
2 Large ER Pulse           LBS/RBS    20(2)  20(2)  20(2)       26      24.00
3 Medium ER Pulse          LBS/RBS    21(2)  21(2)              18      12.00
3 Heavy NPPC               AL/R       45     45     45     45   675     18,000.00
3*Medium NG                AL/R       25e    25e    25e    25e  45      33,000.00
3 Heavy NPPC               Aft        45     45     45     45   675     9,000.00
3*Medium NG                Aft        25e    25e    25e    25e  45      16,500.00

Medium Naval Gauss Rounds-2400                                          960.00
Killer Whale Missiles-40                                              2,000.00
White Shark Missiles-40                                               1,600.00
Barracuda Missiles-40                                                 1,200.00
Thunderbolt 20 missiles-900                                             300.00
Other Equipment
Large NCSS                                                              500.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                       10.00
Mobile HPG                                                               50.00

Since people seemed dissatisfied with, this design uses my next idea for how to represent the wave motion gun. The Andromeda carried a dual dispersion wave motion gun though (double the fun), so this system gets pretty big. For each half I decided to use 4 bays of 10 Light Naval PPCs. Each bay hits for 70 capital damage. Just 2 bays does more damage than a single heavy mass driver (though it doesn't threshold as high), and since I am have having 4 bays represent each half, this has 8, for a total of 560 capital damage, just from this system. For those who want a giant gun, I'll point to the total weight of the system, including the weapons and the massive fire control system needed to put more than 80 capital weapons in a single fire arc, the system all together out-weights a heavy mass driver. Further, since it is made up of multiple bays it can target multiple enemies, and since it has multiple weapons per bay they can bracket fire, which in this case is as close to AoE as anything like this can get. It also happens to be energy based rather than projectile based.

The rest of the ship is mostly an upgrade from the Yamato, gaining an extra grouping for the shock cannon analogs (HNPPC and MNG bays). It does lower the number of anti fighter weapons. It also upgrades the sub-capital missiles to AR-10s. There is a price for all that though, the ship had to drop Naval C3, and lower the cargo capacity to possibly dangerous levels. This ship really wants to stay close to support. Without the C3 I traded the dropshuttle bays for a bunch of small craft bays, and I took the liberty of adding 4 docking collars.

Unlike the original, this version of the Andromeda has a larger crew than the Yamato. With a massive influx of gunners due to the 80 Light Naval PPCs used to make up the dual dispersion wave motion gun.

Developed by the combined efforts of the House Yamato personnel from both Universal Exports and the Belter colonies, this design was created as a theoretical replacement for the Space Battleship they currently have paroling deep in the outer oort cloud of Sol. None have currently been built at this time, and the Belters do not have the capacity to build one one there own. Universal Exports is currently deciding whether to help the belters develop a navy, or only maintain enough to defend themselves. Currently the Board of Directors is evenly split on the matter.

Loyalty to the Republic and placing a possibly serious threat so close to them is of no concern to the Board. The issues under consideration are being drawn into a side in a possible conflict within Sol on one side. The other side is the benefits that could come from stronger ties to the belters, and a foothold in the system if it comes time to take Terra away from anyone. Part of the resistance is that some on the board are wary of their Sea Fox allies, and it has yet to be determined if they are behind the push to militarize a group so close to Terra as some convoluted scheme to claiming Terra as their own.

As it stands the debate in the Board continues, and the ship remains a design built only in engineering simulations.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 06:09:54 PM by Cryhavok101 »


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Moray Small Craft
« Reply #41 on: March 11, 2017, 06:00:02 PM »

Moray Small Craft

Code: [Select]
Moray Small Craft
140 tons 

Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 13 [26]
Fuel: 5 tons

Structural Integrity: 15
Armor: 319 (Heavy Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose                      100
Left Wing                  95
Right Wing                 95
Aft                        89

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
2 ER Medium Laser              R/LS    5
4 MML 9                        NOS     5
2 MML 5                        AFT     2

Ammo                           Loc Shots
MML 9 LRM Ammo                 NOS   104                 
MML 9 SRM Ammo                 NOS    88               
MML 5 LRM Ammo                 NOS    40
MML 5 SRM Ammo                 NOS    33

Equipment                      Loc
Heavy Ferro-Aluminum           AFT
Shielded ASRCS (Elite)          AFT
     (5 steerage quarters/robotic equipment)

The Republic itself invited Project Yamato to Terra to undergo the transformation of the Moray heavy attack submarine into a capable part of the planet's aerospace defenses.

Though relatively slow, and little more than a target in the atmosphere, in space the vessel takes on the same fire support role it had in the ocean. It is not incredibly notable by itself. Shortly after completing this, the PY engineers were tasked with another project on Terra.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 06:04:06 PM by Cryhavok101 »


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Manta Fast Dogfighter
« Reply #42 on: March 11, 2017, 06:05:39 PM »

Manta Fast Dogfighter

Code: [Select]
Manta Fast Dogfighter
50 tons 

Movement: 8/12
Engine: 300 XL
Heat Sinks: 10 [20]
Fuel: 5 tons

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 367 (Heavy Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose                      100
Left Wing                  90
Right Wing                 90
Aft                        87

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
ER Large Laser                 NOS    12
MML 3                          NOS     2
MML 3                          NOS     2

Ammo                           Loc Shots
MML 3 LRM Ammo                 NOS    40
MML 3 SRM Ammo                 NOS    33

Equipment                      Loc
Heavy Ferro-Aluminum           AFT
Shielded ASRCS (Elite)          AFT

After the Moray small craft production began in earnest, the Project Yamato engineers were tasked with completing the complementary Manta attack submarine's transformation as well. This resulted in a medium weight fast dogfighter, with both long and short range capability. It is also relatively heavily armored compared to it's contemporary aerospace fighters.

The robotic systems controlling the fighter allow it to perform high-g maneuvers without worry about the pilot's health, only the structural capabilities of the design.

Once this project was completed, the PY engineers were ordered to one more project on Terra.


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Wyrm Caspar II Assault Ship
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2017, 06:14:48 PM »

Wyrm Caspar II Assault Ship

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Wyrm
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              100,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
   108 9-tube Multiple Missile Launchers
    24 Extended Range Large Lasers
    54 Large VSP Lasers
    18 Silver Bullet Gauss Rifles
    12 Class 3 Sub-Capital Lasers
     6 AR-10 Capital Missile Launchers
    12 Manta Ray Sub-Capital Missile Launchers
Class/Model/Name:  Wyrm
Mass:              100,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                26,000.00
Controls:                                                             750.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 150                                             30,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    1295 (2590) Double                               1,092.00
Fire Control:                                                         1,571.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    2,040.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                2,355.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (4018 total armor pts)               540.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                 1158
   Right:                                1155
   Left:                                 1155
   Aft:                                  1150

   Bay 1:  ARTS Fighter Bays (24) 9 Doors                              1,125.00
           ARTS Small Craft Bays (6)                                   1,500.00
           Battle Armor Bays (18 4-man)                                144.00
           Cargo (2,355 tons)                                          2,355.00

Crew and Passengers:
     187 Officers, Crew, BA Marines & Bay Personel-Steerage Quarters   935.00
      40 Escape Pods                                                   280.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV   Heat   Mass
6*3 MML 9+Artemis IV       Nose       44(4)e 21(2)e 21(2)e --    15e    126.00
4 ER Large Lasers          Nose       32(3)  32(3)  32(3)  32(3) 48     20.00
3*3 Large VSPL             Nose       30(3)e 21(2)e --     --    30e    81.00
3 Silver Bullet Gauss      Nose       27(3)  27(3)  27(3)  --     3     45.00
2 Sub-capital Laser-3      Nose        6      6     --     --    64     500.00
1 AR-10                    Nose       **     **     **     **    **     500.00
2 Manta Ray Launcher       Nose       10     --     --     --    42     320.00
6 Laser AMS                Nose       30(3) PDS                  42     9.00
6*3 MML 9+Artemis IV       FR/L       44(4)e 21(2)e 21(2)e --    15e    252.00
4 ER Large Lasers          FR/L       32(3)  32(3)  32(3)  32(3) 48     40.00
3*3 Large VSPL             FR/L       30(3)e 21(2)e --     --    30e    162.00
3 Silver Bullet Gauss      FR/L       27(3)  27(3)  27(3)  --     3     90.00
2 Sub-capital Laser-3      FR/L        6      6     --     --    64     1,000.00
1 AR-10                    FR/L       **     **     **     **    **     1,000.00
2 Manta Ray Launcher       FR/L       10     --     --     --    42     640.00
5 Laser AMS                FR/L       25(2.5) PDS                35     15.00
6*3 MML 9+Artemis IV       AR/L       44(4)e 21(2)e 21(2)e --    15e    252.00
4 ER Large Lasers          AR/L       32(3)  32(3)  32(3)  32(3) 48     40.00
3*3 Large VSPL             AR/L       30(3)e 21(2)e --     --    30e    162.00
3 Silver Bullet Gauss      AR/L       27(3)  27(3)  27(3)  --     3     90.00
2 Sub-capital Laser-3      AR/L        6      6     --     --    64     1,000.00
1 AR-10                    AR/L       **     **     **     **    **     1,000.00
2 Manta Ray Launcher       AR/L       10     --     --     --    42     640.00
6 Laser AMS                AR/L       25(2.5) PDS                35     15.00
6*3 MML 9+Artemis IV       Aft        44(4)e 21(2)e 21(2)e --    15e    126.00
4 ER Large Lasers          Aft        32(3)  32(3)  32(3)  32(3) 48     20.00
3*3 Large VSPL             Aft        30(3)e 21(2)e --     --    30e    81.00
3 Silver Bullet Gauss      Aft        27(3)  27(3)  27(3)  --     3     45.00
2 Sub-capital Laser-3      Aft         6      6     --     --    64     500.00
1 AR-10                    Aft        **     **     **     **    **     500.00
2 Manta Ray Launcher       Aft        10     --     --     --    42     320.00
6 Laser AMS                Aft        30(3) PDS                  42     9.00


MML 9 LRM Ammo-5616 salvos                                              432.00
MML 9 SRM Ammo-4752 salvos                                              432.00
Silverbullet Gauss Ammo-576 salvos                                      72.00       
Barracuda Ammo-90 missiles                                              2,700.00
White Shark Ammo-90 missiles                                            3,600.00
Killer Whale Ammo-90 missiles                                           4,500.00
Manta Ray Ammo-240 missiles                                             4,320.00

Other Equipment
Caspar II DTAC (30 seats)                                               7,500.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                      12.00

When the Manta and Moray projects completed, the Project Yamato engineers were brought in secret to an underwater facility and tasked with bringing the Wyrm SDS platform into spaceworthiness. This was done in secret, even from Universal Exports, the company that Project Yamato was a part of. The Engineers, despite their protests, were not allowed to leave before completing this task.

Surprised at the uncharacteristic betrayal of the ideals the Republic was supposed to stand for, but unwilling to directly oppose the ones holding them captive, the team began work.

The torpedo racks were stripped of the design and replaced by multiple missile launchers rather than a variety of SRMs and LRMs. The ship would have the ability to fire a full array of whichever type of missile it needed.

The Arrow IV launchers were stripped and replaced by Manta Sub-Capital Launchers, and the team added a few more as well. The barracuda and Killer Whale Launchers were replaced by AR-10s allowing the ship to tailor it's capital missile attacks to the needs of the moment.

The anti-fighter defenses were consolidated into only a few types, to easy logistical concerns, but generally the same number of weapons appear. The Medium Pulse Lasers were replaced by more Large Variable Speed Lasers, the ER PPCs were replaced with more ER Large Lasers. The team decided to pull all of the LB 2-X ACs entirely, at the same time they upgraded the Gauss Rifles to the relatively new Silver Bullet Gauss Rifles, and doubled their number, using the newly vacated LB-X mountings, giving the ship considerable anti-fighter flak.

The machine's Naval Lasers proved another problem, with High-G maneuvers the that were common in space, simulations were showing that the naval lasers were simple not able to be supported in the vessel's hull and were ripping free. The team was able to replace those lasers with multiple Sub-Capital Lasers, which due to their small size, and being spread further across the ship, allowed the engineers to continue.

The vehicle bays were pulled out, and the spaces they were in expanded, before being replaced by Advanced Robotic Transport Systems for both small craft and fighters. This was combined with a Direct Tactical Analysis Control System that could control upto thirty different Caspar II drones, or even SRCS units like the Morays and Mantas the team had recently designed for the perfidious Terrans.

The massive engines the design called for would not only support the vessel in the air, but also gave it the speed to out run most warships, and it out guns most other ships.

Though not carrying nearly as much capital scale ordnance as some Pocket Warships, the Wyrm is still a dangerous foe, even to ships much larger than it. The Robotic Manta and Moray vessels it carries give it an edge that can bring it on par with contemporary dropships.

With the first Wyrms reaching the skies, and their need for the Project Yamato Engineers coming to an end, but knowing that their captors wouldn't want the truth reaching anyone's ears, the Project Yamato team was afraid of what the future would hold in store for them.
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