Still looking for the Barcella reference Blacknova, thanks. Figure I'll go world by world and Clan by Clan.
Blood Spirit (2)
Territorially, the Blood Spirits have been among the smallest Clans never holding more than five worlds throughout their combined history. In the early 2830s the Spirits were forced off Albion and Homer thanks to the malevolent efforts of Burrock and Mongoose. During the mid 2800s the Spirits briefly attempted to expand its holding by colonizing Foster. This mineral rich enclave was raided incessantly by the Burrocks resulting in its exchange for OmniMech technology with Kindraa Smythe-Jewel. Since then this time the Spirits territories on York (90%) and Arcadia (22%) have remained relatively static. While they are reclusive at this point in their history they have not taken up the extreme isolation that followed the Absorption War.
is it a political balance table, or a territorial balance table you are looking for?
a clan with very few holdings can hold impressive political sway. one would argue that was the Mongooses downfall.
The title is something of a misnomer JP. I want to replicate the Tables seen in the Clans – Warriors of Kerensky and the Wars of Reaving which show the territorial breakdown of the Homeworlds. Unfortunately we do not have one for the early 3050s. Canon examples of the Political Balance Table can be found in the following locations;
The Clans – Warriors of Kerensky / page 113 (3062)
Wars of Reaving / page 228 (3067), 248 (3075), 249 (3085)
You can see the note on the bottom; the numbers in this table represent the percent of each world a Clan controls.