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Clarion Call
« on: March 09, 2010, 08:12:24 PM »


Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth
17 June 3052


The abrupt command was followed by a swift jolt and suddenly everything had changed. But how? It all seemed so real. However, his new surroundings indicated otherwise. The sudden cold, the white ceiling above, and the bed he unexpectedly found himself all felt very real.

As doctors and nurses continued to work on reviving the First Prince his mind raced. Was it all a dream? Had he seen his own death? His wife assassinated? A reborn Star League? A Clan annihilated? The disintegration of the Federated Commonwealth? The Jihad? What had happened? Did his mind generate some kind of vision as he lay dying or had he actually seen the future?

As an oxygen mask was placed over his face Hanse smiled. He must be in pretty bad shape to be thinking like some ComStar Acolyte. This must be a hospital room at the New Avalon Institute of Science. It was a good guess looking at the medical personnel and their advanced life saving equipment.

Glancing past the defibrillator his suspicions were apparently confirmed but was it possible? Joshua Marik?? He had seen the young heir to the Free Worlds League succumb to his leukemia after years of unsuccessful treatment by the NAIS. His death and the failed cover up, which Hanse had begun to plan, led to a disastrous war. He was still weak, unable to move much or speak at all. Could he undo what had been done?

Whatever happened to the Fox left him confused to say the least. While he hated to admit it, Hanse Davion would have to wait to recover. Seeing Victor and his friend Galen bought some relief to the beleaguered ruler of the Federated Suns. He remembered now. They had found him in his office watching Sun Tzu’s damned announcement. A pity Candace didn’t kill him rather than Romano, if she only knew what he would do.

Oh well, Romano deserved it for what she had done. Crazy witch. Once he got out of this darn hospital he would deal with Sun Tzu. Then he saw someone who almost gave him another heart attack.



New Foundation
New Earth, Federated Commonwealth
18 June 3052

The alarm sounded the start of another day for William York. Being home was a far cry from the hell of Tukayyid only a month distant. His battalion was part of the ComGuard’s 91st Division formerly known as the Visions of Words. After their “victory” against Clan Ghost Bear his unit received a new moniker, the Luk-y 91st. Even so he didn’t feel very lucky. Many of his men had perished in the great conflict and despite his flesh wounds William often wondered if they were the lucky ones. There were many times he wished that he could change places with them but for some reason it was not to be.

While a sense of greater destiny provided his psyche comfort William felt haunted by his recent “heroics”. Survival and a proud heritage had earned him a promotion within the Order. As the great-great grandson of Primus Hollings York, who had also been Precentor of New Earth, certain doors were opened to him that might not have for others. At least that was the unspoken accusation that hung over every opportunity he ever got on New Earth or in ComStar.

The sudden death of Primus Myndo Waterly, the elevation of Sharilar Mori, and resulting Reformation had thrown everything into chaos. William’s new appointment to his ancestor’s post was a stabilizing move politically speaking. Not that he relished the idea of playing politics. He much preferred the role of soldier to that of statesman but in these trying times he would do his best. Just like Jerome Blake did after the Amaris Coup, he thought as he rolled over to hit the alarm.

Blake’s example and organization was something very special to him. Besides being the Precentor of New Earth wasn’t so bad. The administrative post had diminished in importance since Hollings once held it. No longer a relevant member of the First Circuit it was now merely a symbolic position. “I hope the Primus knows what she is getting here, Blake knows I’m no Hollings York.” Going from the military to administration would be different and running a key HPG station presented its own challenges anyway. Rolling out of bed he said to himself, “lets get to work”.

*      *      *      *      *

“Perfect, in this kind of chaos no one will be the wiser.” Nigel Hawkins was a long time operative of ROM, ComStar’s dreaded security arm. The truest of believers he had been chosen by Waterly’s rightful successor to deal with the ‘York problem’. The Precentor of New Earth was a grave threat to all that was holy. “It’s a pity he has chosen to back the heretics. York could have been a valued ally and servant of Blake.” William was a likable no nonsense type but allowing that witch Mori to use his good name was an unforgivable sin that he could not excuse.

It had to be done and slipping into the New Earth HPG facility amid the aftermath of Operation Scorpion was easily accomplished. Hawkins had been on Terra when the Primus launched her audacious scheme to deliver mankind from itself. Unfortunately it was not to be. “I guess it is true what Blake said, you can only save those who want to be saved.” While Nigel had his own reservations about the plan it led to the unmasking of a growing sacrilege within the Order. “Blessed be Blake.” Waterly should be sainted for her holy vision, her faith in Blake, and the courage to do what must be done. Now he had work of his own that must be done.

*      *      *      *      *

All was ready for his grand entrance even if the crimson robes of a Precentor didn’t look right to William. As he stepped through the door and assumed his new role in life the stage before him was set. A large Communications Center filled with people was a big change from the close confines of a BattleMech. As York entered view the command “All Rise” echoed through the room quickly bringing the Adepts and Acolytes to attention. “The Precentor of New Earth”. Many bowed heads in silent acknowledgement as he strode to his duty station. Past installment ceremonies had been more elaborate but this simple transition of authority suited William fine.

Reaching the Central Console, which had served as an altar to Blake since the days of Toyama and Kaprov, he turned and faced the assembly. The New Earth HPG had nearly eighty dedicated personnel, not including ComGuards, because of its First Circuit status. Many of these positions were non essential but the importance of the facility dictated additional billets. Several holes had been created in the station’s roster thanks to the latest Interdiction and its consequences. Many including the former Precentor had left the Order rather than serve the new Primus. Some had even gone so far as defecting to the Free Worlds League and taking sanctuary on the planet of Gibson. He could understand those who retired or those who remained in hiding but aligning yourself with a Successor Lord who was once a ComStar Precentor was an act of sheer madness.

Clearing his mind and gathering himself the Precentor began his introductory speech. “May Blake’s wisdom guide us in the challenges that lay ahead. It is my distinct honor and privilege to take up this post once held by my forebearer. With your help we will continue to fulfill the sacred mission of our beloved Order, the preservation of knowledge. Indeed many have questioned our new direction and the very future of ComStar. To those who would doubt us or the righteousness of our actions and to those who would use the Word of Blake to justify their own twisted ideas take heed. Your ignorance will be your downfall.”

*      *      *      *      *

Following his speech, which apparently went over well, York met his personnel. Some like his two Demi-Precentors were old colleagues from the ComGuards he had requested. Joseph Calloway was a self proclaimed technophile who had been York’s Chief Tech in the 91st and jumped at the chance to run HPG operations on New Earth. Demi-Precentor Alpha’s joy was tempered by the fact he had to perform double duty. Until the ComGuards rotated back from Tukayyid he would also handle Zeta’s responsibilities. With only a small security force present this assignment wasn’t all that distracting but anything that took Joe away from his new toy made him grumble. It’s a good thing that William knew how to handle his friends when they got upset. Hermann Von Weid had almost left ComStar after Tukayyid but York had convinced him to stay. Together they could make a difference he thought. Hermann was a fine executive officer in the Guard and would make an excellent Chief Security.

The other members of his staff weren’t as familiar to him. Before today he only knew them from the dossiers which he had been presented upon his appointment. Melissa Sanders, Adept Sigma, had been assigned by the Primus to maximize York’s public relations value. William couldn’t decide if Von Weid hated or loved her as the two went out of their way to argue. Doctor Winston Graves, Adept Kappa, was another new member of the New Earth staff replacing departing personnel. Extremely knowledgeable he seemed like your typical doctor and his record was exemplary. The rest were holdovers like Emeka Azuka, Adept Phi, who had in addition to his fiscal responsibilities ran the station in the interim. No small feat and Azuka had done a fine job keeping the operation despite the situation. The oldest member of the staff was Chetan Singh, Adept Eta, whose sage advise always helped those in need. Yeva Petrov, Adept Nu, was full of infectious enthusiasm and incredibly seemed un-phased by the Reformation. Instead she was caught up in the ‘heroics’ of Tukayyid.

There was a familiar face in the crowd not on his staff, not even from ComStar, who claimed ‘real authority’ over the HPG. Simon DeGrason was the Federated Commonwealth’s Planetary Consul on New Earth and an old friend of York’s. Their families once influential and still somewhat rich were now old news. They were forgotten by many powerful ‘modern’ nobles as has beens. “A lovely ceremony, congratulations on your new position here in the Federated Commonwealth”. York smiled at the not so subtle reminder that alluded to their claims of ownership over HPG facilities in their territory. “Thank you Consul DeGrason, it was an honor to have you and your armed guards here again today”. Such chiding was the norm for them but others had more serious matters to resolve. Von Weid got right to the point. “Yes Consul, I must protest these are ComStar grounds maintained since the fall of the Star League”. Simon shot back “Your Order’s recent actions have done much to sully their former impartial status. The New Earth HPG is now under the protection of the Federated Commonwealth”. York’s childhood rejoinder “Whatever Simon says” got everybody laughing and won him the initiative. “We have many issues to discuss and I’m sure things will get worked out between our respective employers”. About half way through his sentence an incoming transmission would alter the status quo.

*      *      *      *      *

A damaged courier jumpship had arrived with news of Prince Davion’s heart attack. The message was a divine master stroke thought Nigel Hawkings. The assassin who was masquerading as the aptly named Doctor Graves simply smiled at the bulletin. York’s “accidental” death won’t even be noticed by those outside of New Earth. At most it would be a tragic afterthought. All was ready. The Precentor had an interview with Tau Ceti Broadcasting, a planetary news network, tonight. His limo was due for some unexpected difficulty he thought. “What a tragedy” he muttered.

It is a shame the Fox isn’t dead. While the Davions were always a thorn in Blake’s side this one had been particularly troublesome. Hanse had nearly conquered the Human Sphere with his Lyran allies and made an effort to cut into ComStar’s sacred monopoly over interstellar communication. Only the coming of the Clans seemed to derail his plans, thank Blake. Perhaps he would pass into the great beyond and spare us any further suffering.

News of the Prince’s condition would likely spread slowly with the HPG net in complete state of disarray. The Federated Commonwealth’s “Black Box” system simply could not match the speed and efficiency of the Word of Blake. This crude device operated like a fax machine and could only transmit limited messages like a text or still picture. Added to the fact that its services were not widely available reliable information could take weeks, if not months, to travel. Had recent events not conspired to disrupt the status quo reports would appear instantly via the HPG from one end of the InnerSphere to the other.

Thanks to the heretics everyone would have to wait for updates. Sure the House Lords might find out most of the details but the masses would be subject to more uncertainty in these troubled times. Just as well. Suddenly York emerged from the Precentor’s office with Consul DeGrason. As they walked to Central Console it looked as though the Precentor was going to address the station personnel once again. What was going on? Was he going to brief everyone present on the situation? Did  Hanse die? No, they looked serious not mournful, almost united in purpose. His eyes widened, NO!

York spoke “Can I have your attention please. The captain of the FCS Hermes has asked us to relay a priority message from New Avalon to Tharkad. As you know First Prince Hanse Davion has suffered a heart attack which could threaten the stability of the InnerSphere. The Hermes was badly damaged in a misjump which likely resulted from a quick charge of their KF Drive. As such an unacceptable communications delay has arisen which could spark a renewed Clan invasion. Effective immediately, I am ordering the restoration of HPG operations here on New Earth for the express goal of maintaining stability.”

Hawkings silently fumed as York paused. This heretic will surely burn for these actions. The Master was wise to want him dead. York continued “I have spoken with Consul DeGrason and have reached a temporary service arrangement based upon pre-Tukayyid rates to establish a link between New Avalon and Tharkad. So lets go to work. We have to repair the HPG and contact our fellow stations including Terra. Adept Sanders will you please contact Tau Ceti Broadcasting and tell them I won’t be able to make it tonight.” Blake’s Blood! Hawkings was so livid he had to stop himself for a moment and regain his composure. You may have escaped for now York but I will not fail. You will certainly die.


Tamar City
Tamar, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone
19 June 3052

Phelan looked over the capital city of the Wolf Clan Occupation Zone. It was a horrific reminder of what continued conflict with the InnerSphere could bring. Sadly the ancient birthplace of the Tamar Pact was reduced to rubble less than a year ago. The defenders had waged a brutal house to house campaign trying to stop the Wolves advance. Their effort proved futile but was costly to the urban center which incurred immense collateral damage. While the lower castes had worked hard to rebuild what they could much remained devastated. Further destruction had to be avoided.

WorkMechs, excavators, wheel loaders, bulldozers, and laborers continued to toil even as life for the denizens of Tamar City went on. It appeared more like a construction site than a city with few buildings standing. Aside from prefab living quarters scattered near the city’s edge only the Bloodnamed Hall of the Wolves was standing and even that was incomplete. All of these Clan constructs were unimaginative copies of existing structures which was the norm. Clan architecture seemed so monolithic to Phelan especially compared to what had been there before.

At least the streets were cleared and passable Phelan thought. saKhan Ward glanced over at his new aide, Star Colonel George Kerensky, as they approached the Council Hall. He wondered what this trueborn Clan warrior thought of all this destruction. A Wolf ristar Star Commander George had been a member of Alpha Galaxy along with Phelan during much of the invasion. His combat accomplishments included various intra-Clan trails, Operation Revival, and of course Tukayyid. In addition George was an ardent Warden who proudly pointed to the Clans’ heritage and rightful duty as guardians of the InnerSphere.

When Phelan was elevated to the rank of saKhan and command of Beta Galaxy he tapped George as the new commander of the 352nd Assault Cluster. As Phelan’s right hand man he had not disappointed winning his Trail of Position as a Star Colonel and his bloodname shortly afterwards. Together they had begun the difficult task of reforming Beta Galaxy, which had been fervently Crusader, along Warden lines. Many Beta Crusaders like saKhan Garth Radick had been killed or severely wounded like Star Colonel Erik Kerensky. The former commander of the 352nd was so badly hurt that Clan warriors considered him dead.

As the officers from Beta Galaxy strode into the Khan’s Chamber they were greeted by the ilKhan. Ulric Kerensky had called this meeting to come up with proactive solutions to the Crusader threat. It had only been a week since the impromptu Grand Kurultai on Diosd had settled on the fall out from Tukayyid. By the slimmest of margins the Clans decided not to abrogate the Truce in light of ComStar’s actions. For now a fragile peace had been established but just how long this status quo would last was anybody’s guess. The Crusaders would surely press for a resumption of hostilities as soon as possible.

The ilKhan had gathered some of the Wolf Clans finest to formulate a Warden strategy that would counter the inevitable challenge. Those in attendance included Khan Natasha Kerensky, now commander of the Wolves Alpha Galaxy, whose legendary presence needed no introduction. Her top aide, Star Colonel Marco Hall, had recently been promoted to command of the 13th Wolf Guards Cluster also known as the feared Wolf Spiders. Star Colonel Jera Carns the commander of the 4th Wolf Guards Cluster was also present despite being wounded at Tukayyid. Her determination made her a fearsome presence in nearly any environment. As the consort of the ilKhan her input would not be ignored.

These were the top figures representing Alpha Galaxy who were now Phelan’s chief rivals in the Wolf Clan touman. Despite his Alpha Galaxy origins he looked forward to renewing the traditional competition between the Galaxies. Of course, saKhan Ward wouldn’t rest until Beta had bested his old Galaxy. Galaxy Commander John Ward of Delta and Galaxy Commander Anton Fetladral of Epsilon were invited to give their opinions. The only front line command not represented was Gamma Galaxy where Crusaders held sway.

“Please be seated” the ilKhan began “thank you all for coming on such short notice. Over the next fifteen years we are obligated to uphold the Truce of Tukayyid but threats to this momentary peace abound both from within and out.” Galaxy Commander John Ward perhaps the haughtiest Warden wasted no time stating “Our ultimate goal should be an end to this foolish invasion, Operation Revival is a failure.” While the comment was accurate the thought of losing was distasteful to any Clansman that it drew sharp rebuke. “What do you propose Galaxy Commander Ward, that we meekly tuck tail and run, quineg?” said Khan Natasha Kerensky.

Such a comment from a lesser officer would have sparked a Trail of Grievance undoubtedly but not even Clan warriors were so quick to challenge the Black Widow. Biting his lip Galaxy Commander Ward responded “Neg, Khan Kerensky I did not mean to imply such a cowardly course of action”. Phelan interjected “Unfortunately we are saddled with this Crusader nonsense and must stay the course”. “Sir, I respectfully disagree.” Shocked many present starred down Star Colonel Kerensky but the ilKhan motioned for him to continue. “Operation Revival is a failure, we should say so, and develop a new operational scheme to achieve our goals.”

Incredulous, Galaxy Commander Fetladral spoke up “The Crusaders will not lay idly bye and watch us end their holy Crusade to restore the Star League.” “I was not suggesting we should Galaxy Commander but we have to beat the Crusaders at their own game, quiaff?” As the room was clearly his Star Colonel Kerensky continued “One of the biggest flaws of the initial invasion was not all the Clans were included. The task was so significant that all the Clans should have been included from the outset.” Star Colonel Jera Carns protested “The InnerSphere would be slaughtered in such an event; I thought we were gathered here to prevent such a holocaust, aff?”

“Aff, Star Colonel, we are Wardens whose sacred duty is to protect the InnerSphere – a birthright inherited from the SLDF. Given the set of circumstances that lay before us I am trying to outline the best plan forward.” “I think I see where Star Colonel Kerensky is going” Star Colonel Hall said “he is redefining the invasion into a Warden instrument”. “Oh, I like it” said Natasha with a devilish smirk. “I am afraid I do not understand” exclaimed a puzzled Galaxy Commander Fetladral “why include all the Clans it intensifies the conflict, quiaff?” Before George could respond saKhan Ward interjected “If a portion of the Clans are defeated then others could mistakenly believe they could succeed.”

Star Colonel Kerensky nodded “All the Clans must participate in the Crusade or they will not learn that its very concept is flawed.” With an approving gesture the ilKhan turned to him “So how would we precede Star Colonel? You seem to be on a roll.” Smiling the Star Colonel rose to assemble his notes remarking “ilKhan, I did indeed come prepared.” The remark drew laughter from the assembly. “May I present Operation Restoration for your review? Essentially we will steal the Crusaders thunder and give them a painful series of lessons to keep them occupied during the Truce.”

“Phase one would see the Invading Clans square off for the right to command an invasion corridor which would remain unaltered from Operation Revival. The main contest for these routes designated Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta would likely be between Jade Falcon/Steel Viper and Smoke Jaguar/Nova Cat. Trails to settle this issue could take as much as a year. These primary Clans would have twenty front line Clusters to advance their claim as the ilClan along with any number of Garrison Clusters they require to maintain their holdings. After the issue of corridor leadership is determined the Home Clans would be bought in as allies.”

Clearing his throat he continued “These Clans would have five front line Clusters to forward their position in the InnerSphere along with Garrison Clusters. These pairings will likely result in a series of Territory Wars that will establish each Clan’s holdings in the InnerSphere. It will likely take a year for these forces to assemble and reach the Corridors. It could be some time perhaps three to five years for the Trails of Possession to shake themselves out. Also during this time the Home Clans would receive training and possibly undertake raids into the InnerSphere.”

“Finally after these territorial squabbles have been resolved we launch the final wave of Operation Revival which will take the Clans right up to the Truce line. This large scale action will allow us to gauge the Spheroids response and help us prepare for a renewed invasion. Stacalkas-Nomen as the Jags call it would begin May 21, 3067 – fifteen years to the day after ComStar’s victory on Tukayyid.” Natasha looked over at Phelan “I should not have let you take him from my Galaxy.” saKhan Ward chuckled “I will defend any attempt to retake the Star Colonel with all my available forces.”

Galaxy Commander John Ward had his doubts “Seizing the initiative in this way could prove dangerous and this plan is anything but full proof. I could very well see this spinning out of control and devolving into an orgy of Crusader bloodlust. Better to stay the course and deal with problems as they come.” Phelan realized “We can not just sit on our hands, the Clans our warriors and will demand chances for combat. Some outlet must be provided, quiaff? Operation Restoration will provide that.” Galaxy Commander Fetladral chimed in “Aff, but what then? This may keep the Crusaders busy for fifteen years but what then?”

“Hopefully,” spoke Star Colonel Kerensky “it will be enough time for the InnerSphere to defend itself adequately, the Warden cause to grow, and Crusaders to understand the great error of their ways.” “Perhaps the opportunity will present itself to enact such a plan in the near future Star Colonel” said ilKhan Ulric Kerensky. “It is an interesting proposition and it would anger the Falcons and Khan Crichell. Yes, perhaps one day we shall see how we can execute Operation Restoration. Seyla.” The gathering unanimously stood and shouted “Seyla” in unison. Everyone apparently satisfied that the options had been discussed.


Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth
24 June 3052

Doctor Lara Hampton was at her wits end. “Would you please sit down” exasperated by her patient she almost forgot the honorific “your Highness. You have to slow down or risk another heart attack!” Despite the fact he was extremely tired Hanse was up and moving “Thank you Doctor but I’d like to get the hell out of here.” Victor stepped in between the two combatants “Come on dad, take it easy”. “Take it easy” Hanse shot back “you let your sister run the government for the past week!” Victor frowned “Katherine is the Regent of New Avalon and is quite adept at managing the press. You did approve her little news conference in this very room yesterday.” Hanse slumped down in a chair “Victor you are the heir to the throne, the Archon Prince of the Federated Commonwealth, it should be you running things in my absence not Katherine.”

Victor didn’t speak and Hanse sighed “I know you like politics as much as I like being in this hospital son.” Dr. Hampton shot back “Well your out of danger now Prince Davion and if you follow my instructions you’ll be out of here that much sooner. Your in pretty good shape for seventy years old and surgery has corrected your immediate heart problems. Heck before I know it Archon Steiner will be here to take you home, thankfully.” Hanse laughed as Victor said “I can’t wait until mom gets here so I can pass the buck again.” The door to the room opened revealing two familiar figures whose youth matched the Fox’s. Wearing a big smile Quintus Allard quipped “I hope he isn’t giving you too much trouble Doc”. Ardan Sortek snickered “I’m sure she would rather have the Plague at this point Quintus”.

“Mind if we take him off your hands for a while” Quintus asked. Victor who had spent all week at his father’s bedside stood “I know I could use a break, try to take it easy on these guys pop.” As father and son exchanged an embrace, Hanse looked up “I’ll be fine now son, thank you.” “Try and get him to rest gentlemen” as the Doctor departed “the Prince needs it”. As the door closed Ardan mumbled “We’ll need an Atlas to get you to rest”. The Fox’s old friends both smiled but Hanse was quick to get to the point. He had to tell somebody. Hanse had to share these remarkable memories that he had with someone. “I’m not sure you guys are gonna believe this but I’ve got to tell you what I’ve seen.”

*      *      *      *      *

Looking at each other in sheer disbelief Sortek and Allard didn’t know what to say. The Fox had gone on for an hour in detail about his horrifying vision of the future. General Sortek broke a long pause “That’s quite a dream.” Without hesitation the Prince replied “It wasn’t a dream.” Recognizing the quizzical expressions of his friends Hanse went further “At least it didn’t feel like one. It was all so real and there is still so much I haven’t told you.” Quintus Allard hated to sound like a therapist but the approach seemed appropriate if anything could be so in this situation. He asked “So what would you call this episode if not a dream?”

Unflinchingly Davion replied “A premonition of things to come.” Again Ardan and Quintus looked at each other with quizzical expressions wondering if their sovereign, their friend, had lost his mind. “I’m not crazy” Hanse said “I know what I saw.” Skeptically Sortek replied “It sounds a little thin. I mean how does the Word of Blake amass such a military unnoticed?” Allard interrupted before the two men could engage in a further debate about the veracity of a prophecy he barely believed. “I think what we need is something solid to confirm or dismiss this vision then” said Quintus.

Sortek looked at Allard like he was going mad as well. “Prince Davion gave us some intriguing specifics we can investigate – like the true identity of the Captain-General” Quintus said. Continuing “We can do some discreet inquires on Thomas Marik and if we can substantiate that key piece than we’ll go from there.” Visibly encouraged by the course of action Hanse nodded “Right, sounds good, let’s do it.” Allard held up his finger and continued “If this tale doesn’t square then I want to you to forget about this.” Hanse shot back “It will check out!”

“Your Highness, we are trying our best to safeguard your position” Sortek said trying to make the Prince understand the real world consequences of having such visions. Davion seemed to get the message. Rising from his chair the Prince touched both men on the shoulders. Acknowledging their concerns Hanse simply said “I know, thank you both for listening.” The door to the room opened and a clearly exasperated Doctor Hampton scolded the visitors “I thought I told you the Prince needs his rest!” Allard smiled and have heartedly replied “Sorry Doc, we were just finishing up.”

“Feel better Highness” Sortek said as both men exited the room at the doctor’s urging. Hanse lay down in his hospital bed once again and stared at the white ceiling above. After Doctor Hampton was satisfied her patient was in bed to stay she turned off the lights and sternly said “Get some rest.” However, Prince Davion knew he wouldn’t get any rest until his visions were proven real. He was certain he was right but would anyone else believe him?
*      *      *      *      *

As Sortek and Allard walked down the corridor of the NAIS Hospital they quietly contemplated a singular question. Had the Prince of the Federated Suns really gone mad?
It was an agonizing prospect for them to contemplate as the pair walked to the elevator. As the doors closed Ardan Sortek blurted out “If it wasn’t Hanse Davion I’d say that poor bastard had gone batshit. What do you think about all this Quintus?” Allard sighed heavily “I don’t know. Perhaps this is part of Capellan plot having to do with his abduction. Did the Maskirovka create a sleeper agent long ago that Sun Tzu has now activated?”

“I thought all the effects of the Doppleganger Program were well documented” Sortek said “besides the Federated Commonwealth is in good order. Archon Melissa Steiner had rapidly authorized the creation of a command circuit of jumpships after learning of Hanse’s condition. Morgan Hasek-Davion was traveling to Tharkad to ensure the Lyran State was secure especially along the Clan front and Peter Steiner-Davion was in place as the Regent of Tharkad. Plus there has been no overt Capellan action whatsoever in the past week”. Quintus acknowledged all of those facts but in his business anything was possible. “I’m still gonna give that message from the Chancellor a once over” he said.

Allard continued “I hate to sound like a psychiatrist but even if it is a dream the Fox has remarkable insight. Perhaps his subconscious mind has accurately analyzed the current situation. After all no one would dispute his strategic acumen and much of what he said doesn’t seem to be totally impossible.” Sortek frowned “Just extremely unlikely.” Quintus shot back “This is Hanse Davion you remember; I don’t need to recount all of our adventures.” Ardan frowned “Of course not but I think your ignoring the fact he is a seventy year old recovering from a devastating heart attack. Unfortunately I think we have to consider that our friend has lost some of his mental faculties.”

As the doors opened Allard replied “I realize that but Hanse Davion has never lead us astray and if he says he can see the future now then who the hell am I to say that he can’t.” As they exited the building Sortek said “Well that’s good enough for me, I guess, can’t hurt to do some due diligence on it.” Quintus laughed “Besides who knows what we might turn up”. Ardan chuckled but was given pause by a few random thoughts that entered his mind. As both men got in their vehicles what if Hanse was right and what would that mean if he was? “Nah” Sortek quickly disabused himself of that idea.


New Foundation
New Earth, Federated Commonwealth
25 June 3052

Demi-Precentor Hermann Von Weid was taking no chances. Even though he had checked for surveillance equipment in the Office of the Precentor just two hours ago Von Weid was meticulous. A week ago someone had sabotaged the personal conveyance of his friend and commander, William York. Luckily no one was harmed and the damage was discovered before a fatal accident occurred. Hermann had been on edge ever since, determined to find the saboteur but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Satisfied that his bug sweep was complete he took the added precaution of activating a white noise device before speaking.

“Alright” he said “nobody will be listening into our conversation”. Precentor York was anxious to find out what was happening “So do we have any idea who screwed with the limo?” With nothing solid to report on that front Von Weid tried to lighten the mood, “Somebody who wants you dead”. Somewhat amused by the comment William sarcastically shot back “Wow, you figured that out already - thanks for vindicating my faith in you as Chief of Security”. Wiping away his smirk Hermann spoke about the only thing he did know for certain, the current security situation. “We’ve increased security especially since you’re a higher profile target now, a consequence of the HPG restoration.”

Frustrated York followed “But no clue who did this?” Still scanning the interior of the office Von Weid replied “Oh I have plenty of ideas who did this, our friends the Wobbies come to mind. Obviously they have motive, means and opportunity. Evidence is another matter as the sabotage was fairly generic and left no trace material behind. This indicates a high degree of professionalism eliminating most with an axe to grind against you and the Order.” Hermann ceased his scrutiny of the room to smile at his old friend, “So you know of any rogue ROM operatives?”

Snickering the Precentor though aloud “Just a couple of hundred”. Shaking his head in agreement Von Weid admitted “Unfortunately the Reformation has left our security so full of holes that any Blakist agent has a high potential for success.” Frowning York uttered one word in disgust “Wonderful.” While he was the resident security expert Hermann felt almost powerless “It seems that the best trained and equipped assassins in the Human Sphere seem to be going over to the Word.” Silence hung in the room as both men thought about the dismal situation they faced. William finally asked “So where does that leave us?”

Von Weid sat up and looked his friend straight in the eye with the unpleasant news, “Regrettably we have to wait for the assassin to strike again. You got lucky the first time but we are more prepared now. Thanks to your friendship with the Consul we’ve gotten excellent cooperation from FedCom authorities.” Looking away for a moment the Precentor fatalistically responded “Great, I’m well protected bait.” Hermann said something to break the pre-funeral mood “Hey, you were the one who wanted this posting buddy; I’ll keep you alive even if it kills me.”

Shaking off the darkness for the moment York changed the subject “Are we all set for the interview tonight?” “All the arrangements have been made” the Demi-Precentor of Security said. A macabre thought snuck right out of William’s mouth “Marvelous, I wonder what the ratings will be if a Precentor gets killed on camera?” Von Weid smiled back “Probably be pretty darn good, too bad for Tau Ceti Broadcasting that won’t happen on my watch.”
*      *      *      *      *

While the response to his sabotage was laughable in many respects Nigel Hawkins could have kicked himself. The Reformation had created gapping holes in the apostate’s defense that even an untrained communications acolyte could exploit but the situation remained wildly unpredictable and very dangerous. His experience reminded Hawkins that circumstances were fluid and could work against him. Even though he’d never been in the center of such a fratricidal conflict Nigel had seen similar events destroy able contemporaries in the spy game. Besides the dumb luck that saved Precentor York’s life, it was possible that a ROM operative that he knew could turn on the Word of Blake and reveal him.

Regardless of the fallout his next opportunity would not be so easy. Now that security was alerted to the presence of an assassin any future attempt would meet resistance. His cover as Doctor Winston Graves remained intact as no link to his involvement remained. Nigel was sure he left no evidence and the suspect list could include almost anyone at this point. With ComStar and FedCom personnel mingled around the HPG there wasn’t even a way security could narrow the search. As such Hawkins continued his “medical work” with little worry that he was compromised.

Suddenly a knock on the door of the infirmary by Demi-Precentor Hermann Von Weid dashed his confidence. “Hey Doc, got a minute?”  As the Chief Security entered the room Hawkins mind raced, does he know? Carefully managing his raw emotions Hawkins responded with “Sure, what can I do for you Demi-Precentor?” Nigel was moving around pretending to be busy organizing medical supplies. He couldn’t be certain why Von Weid was here so he was preparing for war. “I wanted to talk to you about the attempted sabotage of the Precentor’s vehicle” Hermann said. Reaching for his sidearm Nigel replied “Have you identified a suspect yet?”

For a moment there was nothing but silence as the ROM agent thought his number was up. He was relieved to hear a sigh from Von Weid followed by “Unfortunately no, I was hoping you could help”. Turning Hawkins could hardly hide his relief and sudden joy “How can I be of assistance?” Hermann didn’t see the reaction as he was looking over the infirmary “Well right now I’m marshalling my resources and I see you have some experience with criminal investigations.” Recalling his alternate identity’s profile Hawkins recalled “I’ve done a little bit of forensic work in the past if that is what you mean.”

The security officer laughed “I think your being a little modest Doc, your record is exemplary, and you’d be a valued asset as a part of my team.” With a little grin Hawkins said “I’ll do whatever I can to help.” “Great” Von Weid replied “I’ll be in touch.” As the Chief of Security exited the infirmary Doctor Winston Graves returned to his duties. This is better than I ever could have hoped for Hawkins quietly thought to himself. As a trusted part of the investigation I can not only get inside information but mislead these heretics. Blake does reveal his path in strange ways. Who knows maybe I can even give them a fall guy for York’s eventual murder.
*      *      *      *      *

“Good evening, I’m Russell Ferris of Tau Ceti Broadcasting. Tonight on the Idea Exchange we are sitting down with Precentor William York of ComStar.”

“Thanks for having me, sorry I couldn’t make it last week”

“We’re just glad you could be here with everything that transpired. Is there any truth to the rumors that you were the target of an assassination attempt?”

“We are looking into an alleged case of sabotage but the investigation is ongoing so I really can’t comment on the incident any further.”

“Was this a consequence of your directive that restored the HPG network?”

York smiled “While I showed some initiative during the emergency the Primus authorized the restoration of the network for the express purpose of transmitting news of Prince Davion’s condition.”

“But you laid the ground work with Consul DeGrason?”

“I just did my job. After all Jerome Blake’s original mandate from the Star League High Council was the restoration and maintenance of the HPG network.”

“So you see yourself following in Blake’s footsteps?”

“I do my best to uphold his legacy”

“You have quite a legacy of your own. The York family has ancient ties to New Earth stretching back to the first extra-solar colonists. They were the founders of the Terran Hegemony whose service to the Camerons was valued throughout the Star League era. Then there is your great-great grandfather, the legendary Hollings York, who became the eighth Primus of ComStar. That’s a lot of history right there.”

“I take great pride in the accomplishments of my family and humbly hope to add my own chapter one day.”

“So why ComStar? The life of a wealthy noble didn’t suit you?”

“As strange as it may sound I always wanted to be part of the Order. While it’s holy traditions and righteous actions appealed to me from a very young age it went beyond that. Call it destiny if you’d like, somehow I knew that service with ComStar was what I would end up doing.”

“All those chants and robes never bothered you?”

“Actually outsiders fail to understand those incantations serve a real world purpose. In order to safeguard basic knowledge Acolyte’s were required to recite the principles of operation for all machinery they operated. This policy which was recently made optional by the Primus insured the survival of scientific information during the depravity of the Succession Wars.”

“How do you feel about the reforms undertaken by Primus Sharilar Mori?”

“I think the Reformation was long overdue in many respects. Our new direction spreads the wisdom that Jerome Blake protected since the fall of the Star League. Hopefully this will enable us to fight of the tyranny of the Clans.”

“You were wounded on Tukayyid fighting against the Clans, what are your feelings towards the descendants of Kerensky?”

“I lost a lot of good friends during the Clan Invasion, so I think you can imagine what my feelings would be. It is a tragic legacy for the SLDF who once embodied the best spirit of cooperation to return after centuries in self imposed exile as would be conquers. General Kerensky realized the folly of such conquest over the entire Human Sphere which many lesser men have not.”

“How about women like Primus Myndo Waterly?”

“Certainly, Operation Scorpion was a very ill conceived example of such futility that ComStar continues to suffer for. Like the Star League our Order is at its best when it works to foster cooperation rather than imposing its authority.”

“Some have accused Precentor Martial Focht of executing his own takeover in the wake of Tukayyid. As the top three Techs including yourself are now ComGuards at the New Earth HPG I have to ask, has there been a military coup within ComStar?”

“No, absolutely not. Many disaffected Blakists have spread such lies in the wake of the Reformation. Demi-Precentor Holloway and I transferred out of the ComGuards following Tukayyid. We received our assignments from the Primus who, in spite of scurrilous rumors, remains the Chief Administrator of the Order.”

“It doesn’t sound like your too happy with the dissidents who have departed for Gibson.”

“That’s because I’m not. I will not sit idly bye and watch this Brotherhood divided. I can understand the doubts which many have about our Order’s new direction. For those True Believers I hope that we can one day reconcile these differences in good faith. However, there are some fanatics who have managed to escape justice that I think we have been far too kind to.”

“Well unfortunately I’ll have to end it there as we are out of time. I’d like to thank you for coming in today Precentor and hopefully you’ll join us again one day.”

“That would be great, thanks again Russell.”

“I must say I approve of ComStar’s new openness, we’ll be right back.”


Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
27 June 3052

Tiny battlemechs moved across the simulated swamps of Wolcott, nibbled away at by hovercraft, wasting their firepower against decoys while the real enemy struck from cover. "Fools." Khan Virgilia Truscott managed a smile. “Obviously the Smoke Jaguars learned nothing from the experience.”

The Star Adders had studied the strengths and weaknesses of the Inner Sphere since the Dragoon Compromise. They carefully analysed the intelligence sent back to the homeworlds, training their touman for the challenges of the invasion. But when the time came ilKhan Leo Showers ignored her counsel for a broader more powerful assault. Virgilia challenged the ill-conceived Operation Revival on the grounds it endangered the Clans.

Unfortunately the Star Adders were narrowly defeated in a Trail of Refusal by the Smoke Jaguars. Using the dezgra tactics of the InnerSphere the 417th Adder Sentinels of Kappa Galaxy nearly bested the Jaguars who ruthlessly defended the ilKhan’s plan. Only the Jaguars sheer aggressiveness won the day, a fact that Virgilia would not forget.

Her warnings had gone unheeded by the Invading Clans - in fact their response to the Trial was a galling move by Leo Showers to censure the Star Adders which only added to the rivalry between the two Clans that dated back to the Mongoose Absorption. - and now they were bound by a fifteen year truce. It gave her small satisfaction that the Jaguars had gone onto suffer reversals on Wolcott, Luthien, and Tukayyid.

Tapping a control on her computer switched the display from recordings of Wolcott to the latest folly, against the ComGuards who also defeated the Diamond Sharks, Nova Cats, and Steel Vipers. Only the Wolves and the Ghost Bears won any sort of victory in her opinion while the Jade Falcons were awarded a draw. After computing various scenarios Virgilia found herself wishing she could have been there. “Precentor Martial Focht might be a rare challenge.”

But it was not to be. Such depressing thoughts were becoming more common place for the aging Khan of the Star Adders. Even by Clan standards thirty four years of age was not old but the passage of time seemed particularly cruel to her. Virgilia had been Khan for almost five years now and the daily reports from the invaders served as a constant reminder that she had missed an opportunity. It was not something she was accustomed to: Virgilia had passed her Trial of Position as a Star Commander and won a place in Alpha Galaxy. Her early accomplishments won her recognition as a ristar and mention as a candidate for Adder Keeper. Virgilia had upset those plans when she won her Bloodname only a year after earning a place in the Touman. By 3041 she was a Star Captain and who commanded a trinary of the Adder Command Keshik. Disagreements with Khan Cassius N'Buta, who considered her naïve, led to a transfer back to Alpha Galaxy. Any thoughts of a career slide were quickly dashed when Truscott won command of the 5th Assault Cluster in 3045. When Khan N'Buta died in battle against Clan Burrock two years later Virgilia was able to secure leadership of the Star Adders with backing from younger warriors.

While many outsiders expected her to be displaced for failing to secure a place in the Crusade her predictions of disaster were proven all too accurate winning her wide spread support in the wake of Tukayyid. Virgilia kept the Star Adder touman strong, channeling her warriors' frustration into fighting off frequent challenges made by other Clans seeking to 'punish' her for opposing the ilKhan.

As Virgilia picked up her glass to drink some water a slight buzz alerted her to an incoming message. She was surprised to see a recording of the ilKhan on her vidscreen. Unlike the Smoke Jaguars, the Wolves had learnt from the Wolf Dragoons reports, and their victories on the Inner Sphere were an impressive contrast. They were also realists: Virgilia had continued preparations for action outside the Homeworlds by creating a base of operations in the Deep Periphery. While some protested the move ilKhan Ulric Kerensky had been grateful to the Adders for volunteering to establish such a presence. Patrolling the Exodus Road for pirates or undiscovered colonies was hardly considered prestigious but like Khan Truscott, the new ilKhan realized the value of proper logistics.

Pressing play Truscott sat back in her chair and listened intently. “Greetings Khan Truscott, no doubt you are monitoring the progress of the invasion and realize that recent events have altered the Crusade forever. A young Star Colonel reminded me of your pre-invasion objections and counter-proposals which seem particularly useful at this time. We are currently developing a contingency plan named Operation Restoration that I would like to get your input on.”

A short pause followed as the old gray Wolf smiled, “And yes Virgilia, you were right. Operation Revival was ill conceived but I doubt you will hear that from the Crusaders. It would be my honor to get your thoughts on a renewed operation. Please let me know as soon as possible.” As the ilKhan’s image faded from view she realized that the Star Adders' time had come. No doubt Ulric was playing some kind of political game but that did not matter to Truscott. Warden or Crusader it mattered not. This was her second chance to join a new invasion and this time she would get it right.

*      *      *      *      *

The hastily assembled gathering considered the possibilities that now lay before them. “We should align ourselves with the Jade Falcons” said Adjutant Tabitha Paik. This trothkin of Virgilia was a fierce warrior who was without a doubt fit for the Khanship. While stymied by the rise of others Tabitha had risen to become Adder’s Adjutant which oversaw the civilian castes. “The Federated Commonwealth presents a worthy challenge for us to overcome and the Falcons are fellow Crusaders. A partnership with them would be the most advantageous perhaps even leading to a greater role in the future.”

"The current Falcon Khans are far too nefarious for my taste - best not to get near to their dark talons," Loremaster Dagmar Lahiri was quick to retort. One of the last of the old guard his words could always be counted on to carry wisdom and special insight. "Our Clan took Arcadia along side the Ghost Bears, we should take the Inner Sphere alongside them as well. They are more pragmatic Crusaders, much like ourselves, who have shown steady improvement throughout the invasion.”

“Even the Wolves could prove to be good allies,” proposed saKhan Roderick N'Buta, his face not revealing how serious he was about the notion: it would not be unlike him to raise an idea in order to ensure that it was rejected. Elected following his successful challenge of then saKhan Delton Lahiri’s inept command in 3047 this well-built Mechwarrior was three years Virgilia’s senior. While the two of them did not always agree she valued his counsel in all matters. “The ilKhan maybe suggesting as much through this message, his leadership of his Clan and the invasion gives every indication that it will be the Wolves will be the best placed to seize Terra once our effort resumes.”

Silence hung in the air as the room looked to their Khan. “You have mentioned three of the leading Invading Clans, what of the Smoke Jaguars?” she asked, a faraway look in her eyes.

Many began to laugh as the mere thought of pairing with that hated Clan was incomprehensible. Ever since the Mongoose Absorption neither Clan could stomach the other even though both became leading members of Crusader movement working together was beyond the realm of possibility. The young Adder Keeper Hannibal of the Banacek line recovered his composure enough to say “I do not think that would be an ideal cooperative, quineg?”

“Neg,” agree Khan Virgilia Truscott with a nod. “But who said anything about cooperation with the Jaguars?”

The amusement of the Adder’s High Command was replaced by bewilderment. “What exactly are you proposing?” saKhan N’Buta asked with a quizzical expression.

Standing before the assembly Virgilia smiled thinly. “I like the look of their Invasion Zone, my trothkin. Surely the warriors of the Draconis Combine have proven themselves worthy foes and many of their most valued worlds were nearly reached during the invasion, so we could be sure of glorious battle to prove our might to all the Clans, and the Nova Cats already share the path - unlike the Smoke Jaguars, they are strong in the arts of war, not merely those in battle: worthy allies, quiaff?"

Cutting off any responses she continued: "Aff, I like the corridor very well. But as you say, I like the Jaguars not at all. However, there is an obvious solution to that: look at the heavy losses the Jaguars have suffered just recently on Tukayyid and on Luthien. Combine that with their loss on Wolcott and it tells me one thing. Our age old rival is vulnerable and we should exploit this weakness. It is my intention that we should challenge Clan Smoke Jaguar for a Trial of Possession for their Invasion Corridor and for their status as an Invading Clan.”

“Thanks to our preparations since the invasion began we have remained at a near constant state of readiness. Logistics Adjutant Alexander LeFabre has worked tirelessly to establish a supply network that includes our forward bases on Absalom. This habitable world which lies along the Exodus Road can be used to harass any Jaguar resupply effort. Naval Adjutant Samuel Guidice probably knows that area of space better than most thanks to our bandit hunts. Meanwhile Intelligence Adjutant Roland Turgidson can pinpoint vital Jaguar industry for such efforts here on the homeworlds. Finally Defense Adjutant Vanel Talasko has assured me that our Provisional Galaxies can be quickly reorganized to support such operations.”

Adjutant Paik hesitated, weighing the alternatives. “It might be better to strike at the Diamond Sharks as they are by far the weakest Invading Clan,” she offered cautiously.

"Do not mistake their small forces in the Inner Sphere for a weakness of spirit, Tabitha." The Khan walked over to her chief competitor. “I tell you, the Jaguars are the key to this all."

Puzzled Paik now face to face with her Khan inquired: “Just what exactly are your intentions Virgilia?”

Raising herself as tall as she could Khan Truscott exclaimed “We shall reveal their weakness, the rot that threatens the entire invasion and for the good of the Crusade we shall replace them. Our Clan will not only take part in this renewed invasion, we shall lead it!”


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2010, 08:14:29 PM »

Ok folks after a long hiatus its back. I reposted the old stuff above and here is the first part of chapter 7. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Cleaned up, thanks again to my chief collaborator on this drakensis ;)


Avalon City
New Avalon, Federated Commonwealth
29 June 3052

“Ahh, it's good to be home.” For a time it seemed as though Hanse would never return to the Prince’s residence. To him years had pasted during a near death experience that in reality must have only lasted hours. While the vivid experience had some what faded from his focus the memories remained. Thankfully many of those horrors had been replaced by the far more cheerful presence of his family. Everyone save Peter, who remained on his annually scheduled trip to Tharkad, had gathered to spend time with their father who was recovering from a devastating stroke. After two decades spent as a mere ghost it was a role that Hanse was more than happy to settle into once again.

“Thank you, that will be all,” his beautiful wife Melissa said lovingly to the household servants who had faithfully assisted Hanse to his bedroom. It was unusual for him to rely on such assistance but the Fox was in no position to refuse such help even though he hated to admit it.

As his attendants filed by wishing him well Hanse realized just how glad he was to be out of the hospital. Settling into his own bed he smiled at his family affectionately. “It's great having you all back together again.” The demands of the Federated Commonwealth super state made such gatherings far too infrequent – a dilemma that he vowed to correct.

The expressions of concern from his family jolted Hanse back into the moment. Rather than thinking of his next move as the future ruler of the Inner Sphere he realized for the first time that his family was still in shock from seeing their father hobbled by a near fatal condition. Besides what were his dreams if the results would one day end in the nightmare he had foreseen? If any of his plans to undo what he envisioned bore fruit it was here in this room with his wife and their children that the foundation would be laid.

“We thought we had lost you dad,” said young Arthur.

“Lose me? Not a chance,” Hanse retorted. “I told you I wouldn’t miss your birthday.” As Arthur embraced his father he couldn’t know that a few helpful reminders from his staff had told Hanse that his little boy would soon be fifteen.

With all that had happened it was a wonder that the Fox could even discern what day it was. Hugging a son that he once thought dead was just another in a long line of confusing events. His wife smiling nearby had not been so lucky but that was then and this was now. As Hanse sat up in bed Melissa helped arrange his pillows. “I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

“Oh my love to gaze upon your beauty again is enough to get my blood flowing.” The sentiments brought a wry smile to his face and then to hers.

“There is my Old Grey Fox,” she replied.

As Yvonne started to giggle Katherine asked: “Should we give you a little privacy?”

“Actually I wanted to talk to you all.” Hanse admitted. “When a man comes face to face with death he wants to know that his future is secure. And to be quite honest I have my doubts about the unity of the Federated Commonwealth.”

Victor chimed in immediately. “You should. In the wake of the Clan invasion Separatist groups are screaming bloody murder. Lyrans think that Davion did nothing to help them during the invasion and people from the Federated Suns really don’t see the Clans as their biggest problem – other traditional enemies like Liao or Kurita draw more of their ire. Hell, much of the Draconis March still wants to use the Clan invasion to help finish off the Dragon.”

“Watch your language in front of the children!” Melissa scolded Victor angrily.

“Oh mom I’ve already heard much worse than that."

Arthur's response only made Melissa more upset. “That isn’t the point – your brother should be able to control himself.”

Victor shook his head. “You're right mom but those people just make me so darn mad."

“We should really talk about this later,” said a concerned Melissa. “You should get some rest, love,” she told Hanse.

“Dad is alright mom;" Katherine objected. "We need to do something to get the press on our side.”

Victor snorted. “Unfortunately many of those ba-, uh, people are already spreading lies while treating dad like a glorified corpse.”

Hanse interjected “Naturally son, I think people who get into the press just like to stir the pot. Remember they have their purpose and you can use their tendencies to your benefit.”

Katherine smiled, “Well said, father. What we have to focus on are supporters of the Federated Commonwealth not its detractors.”

“Sadly many of our most ardent supporters fell during the Clan invasion or now reside with the Occupation Zone,” said Melissa despondently.

Like an epiphany the idea hit Hanse producing a large smile. Of course! Such an operation would utilize all of our best traits. He leaned forward and kissed his wife lovingly. “You’re a genius, my sweet. We will retake the initiative and make certain we leave no one behind.”

*      *      *      *      *
« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 06:07:04 AM by Takiro »

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 02:43:15 PM »

The Fox is back.  ;D

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Rainbow 6

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2010, 04:54:48 AM »

Sure looks like it.


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 06:55:12 PM »

As they walked through the Royal Palace both men were still in a state of shock. Information on Isis Marik had just been introduced to the public and was still coming in to the Federated Commonwealth intelligence apparatus. The healthy albeit illegitimate alternative to the ailing Joshua Marik was quickly paired the new Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation to establish a new alliance with the Free Worlds League. Luckily her blood work had just arrived at NAIS as a potential donor for her sickly half-brother which would have been a long shot anyway given their relationship.

Incredibly the outcome was just as the Fox had predicted. Ardan and Quintus had double then triple checked the results of the test. Sortek shook his head “I still can’t believe it”. “What part” Allard asked dispassionately “the fact that Thomas Marik isn’t Thomas Marik?” The glib matter of fact response bought a smile to Ardan’s face. “Yeah for starters” he responded “but the fact that Hanse knew before we even got a hint of this”. The accuracy and lucidity of their friend’s recollection had been enough to convince them to check things out but neither had foreseen the consequences of their investigation.

Approaching the final security check point before reaching the Prince’s Chambers Quintus had to admit “The implications are profound to say the least”. Presenting their credentials to the guards each was thoroughly vetted per standard procedure then allowed to enter. “Can you imagine the advantage this gives us” Sortek said quietly as they continued “if he knows everything that will happen for the next twenty years…” His voice trailed off as a servant passed them by. “Let’s just start with what we do know and can confirm” Allard asserted “there is no need to engage in pointless speculation”.

Arriving at Hanse’s quarters at the prearranged time the duo knocked before entering careful not to disturb the Prince if he was resting. Of course he was waiting for them in spite of his condition “You two are right on time come in”. Closing the door behind them
Ardan became exasperated with his old friend “You should be resting! If Melissa knew about this meeting she’d kill us.” Of course the Fox only smiled at this scolding “You sound just like her Sortek, now what did you find out?” Quintus spoke as he sat down “Before we go into the specifics I think we should bring Melissa and other trusted individuals into this.”

The Prince nodded in approval “Providing the results of our investigation bare out the Archon will be the first individual we will involve in these continuing efforts”. While all three men were anxious to discuss the results Quintus held up his hand to forestall that discussion just a moment longer. Carefully choosing his words he whispered “I’ve also had some thoughts on making all of this more plausible to the general public and our adversaries. Many would use these discussions against the Federated Commonwealth especially if they knew they came from the Prince”. Hanse mused at the insinuation “So I’m not crazy?”

General Sortek couldn’t help himself from making the obligatory snide remark “No, this certainly proves you’re crazy like a Fox.” That comment bought laughter from all three men but Allard eventually recovered his train of thought. “The foundation of a new intelligence group, possibly an unofficial unit of the Intelligence Secretariat but certainly one dedicated to the continued unity of the Federated Commonwealth, would make an adequate umbrella for the gathering and analysis of such unusual information.” The Prince picking up on his friend’s lead followed quickly “Such a band of mystic patriots would insulate me from any scurrilous rumors of psychic forecasting and allow us to make effective use of my vision.”

“That is how I see it” Quintus said. Hanse agreed “Good, I have further thoughts on the formal unification of the Commonwealth but lets get to it – how did your search turn out?” Still in disbelief Sortek raised his eyebrows “Your information on Thomas was spot on.” He handed the Prince the electronic reader with all the details they had uncovered adding “Your vision was disturbingly accurate enough to make a believer out of me or any who hears it”. Allard stood up and placed a small recording device near Hanse’s bedside “It certainly makes me curious in what else you can recall in detail”. As his friends sat Hanse placed the reader down and lay back trying to gather up all his revelations once more. Ardan calmly spoke “Tell us everything you remember.”

*      *      *      *      *

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 05:17:02 PM »

But the future will change along the way, no?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 06:42:42 PM »

And if a butterfly flutters on Sian...
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2010, 05:47:40 PM »

a storm will rise on New Avalon  ::)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2010, 09:28:36 PM »

Well hope you like the conclusion of chapter 7 gang. Special thanks to Notsonoble and SteelRaven for working to create an insignia for Operation White Knight. Enjoy!

      *      *      *      *      *

Entering the Fox’s Den as the direct representative of the sovereign was an experience for Victor. He had previously visited the military headquarters of the Federated Suns several times before but this would be his first time as “the guy”. While the twenty two year old Kommandant was a veteran of the Clan Invasion and heir to the throne of the entire Federated Commonwealth he still felt out of place. Historic stories of younger now legendary rulers repeating in his mind didn’t replace a natural sense that he just didn’t belong. Brushing aside further thoughts of nervousness the young Duke of the Sarna March proceeded to the head of the table. Placing his notes down Victor came to attention and saluted the assembly “Good evening everyone”.

“Highness” was the general acknowledgement that followed along with a crisp return of proper military etiquette. Victor continued “At ease, please be seated – thank you all for coming on such short notice. I will be acting as the Prince’s Champion temporarily until General Sortek concludes a personal matter.” Looking up he saw a giant holographic display that broadcast a live feed from Asgard on Tharkad. The military headquarters of the Lyran Commonwealth was located beneath Mount Wotan hundreds of light years away. Thankfully the temporary agreement between ComStar and the Federated Commonwealth had been extended until contract talks could be commenced. This enabled the HPG link between the capitals and their respective military HQs.

Marshal of the Armies Morgan Hasek-Davion spoke from Tharkad “Your really burning the midnight oil there Victor” his smile grew “how is your father?” The youthful Prince couldn’t help but grin when delivering his response “Oh I think you’ll see by these new orders that the Fox is recovering nicely.” Morgan laughed “Yeah I figured he’d be giving the doctors hell” which caused further chuckling as he continued “so do you need our finest lance of Mechs to restrain him”. Victor smirked but managed to proceed with the formalities of the impromptu meeting of the AFFC High Command “Additional verification for these orders authorized by the Archon and the Prince will follow through secure channels”.

This thinly veiled reference to the Black Box network operated by the FedCom Intelligence Command got the conference back on track. Exhaling before he continued Victor knew the extensive reorganization that his parents outlined had to be in place fairly quickly. Many of their reforms were discussed previously but their sudden execution today was sure to bring objections. Victor began reading from the notes his family had only recently compiled “The immediate implementation of Operation White Knight, and its supporting directives, are paramount to the security of the Federated Commonwealth. Our goal is to successful rescue our brave warriors from the clutches of the Clans.”

Recognizing the stress the young heir was under made the mood somewhat tense. Morgan nodded his head “Understood, could you elaborate on the supporting directives.” Victor looked straight ahead “Several organizational changes with the AFFC are desired by the sovereigns to promote greater unity and efficiency by utilizing natural strengths in both realms thus aiding in this vital operation.” Field Marshal Jackson Davion, the State Commander of the Federated Suns, questioned “Are we talking about a departure from the successful AFFS model?”

“Hah, the Davion military structure did little to halt the recent Clan advance” retorted State Commander of the Lyran Commonwealth Field Marshal Nondi Steiner. An annoyed Field Marshal Toni Reynolds who ran the Department of Military Education “Several independent reviews and innumerable studies conclusively found that the Davion model was the best available for the new AFFC”. As further widespread grumbling began to erupt for the membership Morgan intervened “Order! This is not a debate society. Continue Highness.”

Victor merely glanced down continuing to read from his notes which appropriately addressed many of the concerns raised “Building upon the effective structure currently in place the First Prince and the Archon direct the High Command to apply the following changes to the FedCom military. One, the Department of Military Intelligence (DMI) is to be fully integrated with the AFFC becoming the nation’s first joint intelligence agency staffed by personnel from both nations.” Field Marshal Ivar Bergstrom the current head of the AFFC Department of Military Intelligence raised his hand to comment “Highness, how is this to be achieved? The prospects of such an enormous amalgamation seem to raise many questions that should immediately be resolved.”

The Prince shook his head in acknowledgement “Your smaller existing Department will be merged with Davion Military Intelligence creating a single organization. That DMI structure will remain largely unchanged with the exception of the Rabid Foxes. That special operations branch will be attached to MIIO which will require the formation of a new MI6 commando unit. Personnel will be determined on a voluntary basis. Davion operatives will be given a choice to serve in the new combined agency or join MIIO which will remain in the service of the Suns. Lyran operatives get the choice to remain with LIC in much the same fashion or join the newly united DMI.”
Not completely satisfied Field Marshal Bergstrom asked “Despite the name of my Department some personnel just don’t fit the mold of DMI. Military Police and JAG officers fall well outside the bounds of that organization.” Victor quickly responded “Quite correct Field Marshal, that is why the second directive ordered by the sovereigns establishes a Department of Military Justice which will incorporate those parts of the AFFC’s current Military Intelligence.” Mollified by this development Bergstrom simply nodded “Well you’ve addressed all of my concerns on the issue, thank you Highness.”

As he smiled in acknowledgement Victor thought to himself that won’t be the last objection unfortunately. Returning to his notes he read out loud “Thirdly, the sovereigns desire an expansion of the Department of Mercenary Relations to encompass a wide range of Military Affairs. DMA will become home to the liaison branches of the AFFC which will work to enhance our operations with independent allied commands as well as domestic troops who have retained their local autonomy.” The Chief of Mercenary Relations, Marshal Grissom Miller, seemed pleased “Basically this combines our responsibilities with the LCAF’s House Troops Liaison that oversaw corporate and noble troops throughout the realm.”

Not everyone was as pleased as Miller. Field Marshal Jessup Winston seated just to Victor’s right ran the Department of the Army and Navy stood to lose some authority. “Sir, I must protest. My Department handles these concerns quite adequately now.” Prince Victor looked directly at the Field Marshal “You won’t like the final directive any better. To improve AFFC military operations in space it has been decided that an independent Navy is necessary and proper.” Enraged by the order Field Marshal Winston rose to his feet “This is outrageous!”

Despite the sudden indignation Victor refused to be intimidated. Rising deliberately to his feet the Prince faced the Field Marshal who suddenly seemed to remember his surroundings and gave space. Still he did not return to his seat. Victor spoke “Field Marshal if you can not abide by the wishes of the First Prince and the Archon you may of course resign”. While the Field Marshal stewed inwardly he returned to his seat saying only “No sir.” The Prince remained standing “Good, I expect all of these directives to be implemented as quickly as possible”.

“Yes sir!” the assembly universally responded. Satisfied with the accord Victor exclaimed “Excellent, dismissed!” As the meeting broke up Morgan remained behind to speak to the young Prince “I was worried about you for a while but you did well seizing command”. Victor finally relaxed sitting back down in the chair “I felt awful chastising Field Marshal Winston – we are asking a lot of him all at once”. The Marshal of the Armies smiled “Asking the impossible is the business we are in Victor, such is the burden of command.” Laughing just a little Victor said “Right you are.”
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 07:50:52 AM by Takiro »


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2010, 11:47:26 PM »

Nondi is such a pain.
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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2010, 03:00:15 AM »

One nitpick: Victor was a Kommandant, not a Hauptman


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2010, 03:11:46 AM »

Nondi is such a pain.
Just depends on whose writin' her bro.
Captain Bruce Gilmour
13th Assault Company "The Black Cats"
90th Heavy Assault Regiment

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2010, 03:17:11 AM »

Interesting ideas but reforms while planning a major operation...

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2010, 04:48:00 AM »

I'm liking the changes to the AFFC's structure especially the Mercenary relations department, one question though wasn't Grissom Miller a General?


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2010, 07:48:53 AM »

Poor Nondi, I thought she came out alright here. I had actually planned to get into more detail in this chapter about the plan itself but it didn't turn out that way. Instead I wanted to address the tension that already existed between the Lyrans and the Davion in the wake of the Clan invasion. Hopefully this demonstrated some of the stratification of the AFFC towards a Davion mind set. The reforms which will show up in greater detail in the next chapter are meant to be more even handed. Did have the same thoughts Ice but if not now, when?

I'll make the change on Victor's rank now drakensis. Wasn't sure about that to be honest. In fact after all he did I could argue that he is only a Kommandant. Six - Grissom Miller is a Marshal according to 20 Year Update and the lowest ranking member of the High Command. I believe he was originally from the Marauders so he could have been a different rank at one time. Do you guys know if Jessup Winston was mentioned elsewhere before?? Thought he was but could find any info.

Was wondering if you guys could help determine something for the next FedCom chapter. As part of Operation White Knight I'll be establishing a new unit in the AFFC. I have three possible insignias which are attached below. 1. Blue 2. Red 3. Multicolor. Please tell me which you like the best.
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