I think the Hellions were written from the start to fail. Not only did their Touman contain a mere 22 Clusters in 3059 (and did not expand that number at all from that time until the destruction of their Clan!), but virtually all (save one) of their Clusters was under-strength! One "Cluster" even had but a single Trinary (sure, they added two more by 3067, but both of those were Flurry Trinary!).
Just SIXTY-SEVEN (67) Trinary in 3059!!
Or less than thirteen-and-a-half full strength Clusters! (I.e., full strength being 5 Clusters, since the Hellions are noted for following the standard Clan Cluster organization: three 'Mech Trinary, one Elemental Trinary, and one Fighter Trinary.
See, this bugs the hell out of me! With this type of force strength, the Hellions should have been absorbed by someone (anyone!) before 3060!
I mean this is a smaller Touman than the Ravens . . . yet, the Ravens were denied a chance to participate in the Revival Trials due to their small Touman strength . . . but the Hellions were permitted to do so?
It really strains my ability to look at these numbers and believe that the Hellions could have survived long enough to invade the Inner Sphere! (Which did get them virtually wiped out, so there is that!)
Sure, later publications had some of these Clusters at higher strengths . . . but almost all of those Trinary were Flurries.
So, how the devil did they survive as a Clan? Especially being so aggressive and possessing so many enclaves?
Just some thoughts (well, questions anyway) on the matter.