I am working on a general summary for this Clan (and the rest) circa June 1, 3052 for Fanbook 1 and general discussion going forward. Should be up soon!
Still working on this but here is what I have so far.
Clan Ice Hellion (June 3052)The Leaders (Khans, Loremaster)
Khan Asa Taney (Pilot, Visigoth Prime, 2/2)
saKhan Weiland Cage (Mechwarrior, fastest, on par with Pilots, Crusader first)
Loremaster Jonas Cage (entering his mid-forties, which makes him nearly twice as old as most warriors in the Touman, while his reflexes have held up well like many venerable Hellions he has been slowed by age, still highly regarded, position generally held by the senior member of the Cage bloodhouse in deference to the Clan’s founder, chiefly concerned with training, wise, suggested and justified the establishment of the Flurry Clusters by citing the founders history.)
VIPs (6+)
Star Admiral Nicholas Drake (* Fleet Commander, flamboyant, raider)
Star Colonel Graham Moore (*Elemental, on par with others throughout the Clans, strong, fast, a target of discrimination, overcoming the Hellion’s poor view of this phenotype in his sibko makes him a champion down trodden in the Clan, this leads him to advocate for Flurry)
Star [Colonel] Danielle Lienet (former saKhan and one of the fastest warriors ever seen badly injured in the bandit raid on Londerholm, initially crippled and feeling permanently slowed by the traumatic attack, missing multiple testing cycles, she considered bondsref, humbled, 1st Blizzard Cluster)
Star Captain Connor Rood (Mechwarrior, Kit Fox, youngest Hellion ristar)
Star Commander Sellen Cage (Mechwarrior, Linebacker Prime, 3/2, Hellion ristar)
Star Commander John Wick (* Mechwarrior, Quicksilver, Hellion ristar)
Troop Strength13 frontline clusters & 10 second line clusters (+ Flurries)
Alpha Galaxy (The Blinding Keshik)
7th Attack Cluster (CO: Khan Asa Taney) Elite Londerholm
150th Hellion Lancers (CO: Star Colonel Phillepe Lienet) Elite Londerholm
77th Hellion Lancers (CO: Star Colonel Freed Hasbrin) Veteran
40th Hellion Lancers (CO: Star Colonel Raina Montose) Elite
78th Hellion Lancers (CO: Star Colonel Grace Lienet) Veteran Foster
Beta Galaxy (The Lithe Kill)
200th Attack Cluster (CO: saKhan Weiland Cage) Elite
121st Hellion Lancers (CO: Star Colonel Magda Moore) Veteran
90th Striker Irregulars (CO: Star Colonel Marcus Wick) Veteran
19th Striker Irregulars (CO: Star Colonel Cadence Klien) Veteran Homer
Delta Galaxy (Dauntless Hunters)
2nd Assault Cavaliers (CO: Galaxy Commander Drew Norizuchi) Veteran
33rd Striker Irregulars (CO: Star Colonel Damon Hawkins) Veteran Marshall
45th Striker Irregulars (CO: Star Colonel Scott Moore) Regular Hoard
53rd Striker Irregulars (CO: Star Colonel Perry Taney) Regular
Zeta Galaxy (Guardians of the Lair)
3rd Hector Cavaliers (CO: Galaxy Commander Curtis) Regular
7th Hector Cavaliers (CO Star Colonel Lillith) Regular
150th Attack Cluster (CO: Star Colonel Vik Horn) Green
45th Hector Cavaliers (CO: Star Colonel Gertwin) Green
Zeta Prime Galaxy (Freeborn Fanaticism) (+ a cluster?)
175th Attack Cluster (CO: Galaxy Commander Eld) Regular
176th Hector Cavaliers (CO: Star Colonel Solomon) Regular
52nd Hector Cavaliers (CO: Star Colonel Rilla) Regular
Theta Galaxy (Caste Saviors)
180th Attack Cluster (CO: Galaxy Commander Renold) Regular
43rd Hector Cavaliers (CO: Star Colonel Balfour) Green
44th Hector Cavaliers (CO: none) Green
Warships (13)
1 McKenna class Battleship: Cage’s Pride
1 Potemkin class Troop Cruiser: Coterie
2 Aegis class Heavy Cruisers: Taney, Chaos Sailor
3 Lola III class Destroyers: Cold Hunter, Impaler, Radiant
1 Essex class Destroyer: Moore’s Honor
1 York class Destroyer/Carrier: Pack Leader
1 Carrack class Transport: Maker
3 Fredasa class Corvettes: Swift Bait, Hellion’s Pride, Whelp
Territory (9+)
Babylon (23%)
Atreus (30%)
Foster (30%)
Hector (100%) capital
Hoard (25%)
Londerholm (24%)
Marshall (9%)
New Kent (6%)
Strana Mechty (5.88%)
Tathis (30%)
Current SituationStill rebuilding from the Secret Trial almost fifty years prior the Ice Hellion Touman is only at two-thirds its greatest strength. Focus on rebuilding front line troops has paid off and if not for the Hellion’s Fury may indeed be complete but this seems to be at the expense of second line garrisons. [If my assumptions about Gamma Galaxy missing and two other unknown Provisional Garrison Galaxies once existing are correct] The gains made from the Fury campaign two years ago seem to have enriched the Clan materially but stretched its forces to the breaking point trying to cover this territory. This required the mobilization of Flurry units [number undetermined at this time, could it be less than the 6 clusters split among two Galaxies listed in FM Crusader Clans seven years in the future?] which despite some resistance have performed well. No doubt this expansionist Clan would like to continue to be aggressive but given the lack of forces to effectively defend the massive territory they already have that would indeed be difficult or impractical.
Since his elevation two years ago Khan Taney has been attempting to build a Home Clan Coalition so that the ten left behind may join in the Crusade. Word of the Truce and Operation Restoration may just fast forward these goals despite the Fury which left a bad taste in many other Clans mouths (Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Fire Mandrill, Hell’s Horses, Smoke Jaguar, Snow Raven were all struck). Khan Fletcher of the Hell’s Horses is one of Taney’s biggest supporters despite this however and the fulfillment of their invasion dreams may just overcome any obstacles currently standing in their way.