Would the League's monopoly on necessary spare parts really cripple the Concordat and other Periphery powers?? Or require their industry to switch over to civilian production during wartime (aka the Succession Wars)??
I will go back to what I have always said about the Periphery - going all the way back to Periphery 1e and why I like it so much. The introduction of the book says the periphery is all a bunch of pirates or people struggling to survive. And then you read each entry- the TC is a well educated industrial powerhouse, the MOC has some of the most advanced medtech, the OWA is some of the best aerospace pilots anywhere. Even Oberon was striving towards some level of legitimacy. Sure there are failed states and pirates but the generalizations of the periphery are just wrong.
Then FM:P and 1st SW went even further. Periphery 1e talked about how the SL controlled spare parts for Fusion Plants and Water Purification systems- so that no system could stockpile more then a 6 month supply. Yet we don't see that in 1st SW. The info on page 107 shows that the MOC did not lose a single world during the 1st SW. The Concordat only lost 3 worlds, 1 to famine, 1 to disease and 1 to other disasters. Where's all the worlds dying off due to lack of water and power? You can't tell me that every world in the MOC was a natural paradise that needed no terraforming. So I will argue that the TC and the MOC were not falling apart during the 1st SW era (and even the 2nd SW era).
Then we have the Concordat Aerospace Limited Shipyards at Taurus. It survived the uprisings- since it is listed as a casualty of the 1st SW. But who destroyed it? How did someone get into the Hyades Cluster to take it out? Why is this event (which should be a big deal- I mean they invaded the cluster- something the SLDF had a hard time doing) totally ignored?
When I first starting writing up the Periphery states for Shattered Dawn I wanted to make them stronger, but I tried to be reasonable- based on FR:P 2765 and 1s SW I was too conservative.