I'm just going off of the preview up on DriveThruRPG (Forgive me, I just bought FM3145 and FR CC 2765 the other day, my budget is limited!), but I like the overall tone of the work. It fits in with the Combine military as we know it and serves as a good bridge between H: RW and the original House sourcebook. That said, I have a few nitpicks.
1) The general blandness of the DCMS in general. I guess this is a problem I've always had with House Kurita's regiments, even back in the day. The DCMS is defined by it's general philosophy rather than it's individual parts. You have the great mass of district regiments, the Sword of Light as the pinnacle, the Prosperpina Hussars as the mobile reserve, the Sun Zhang Cadres as training units, and the Arkab Legions as a unique subforce that provides an alternative to the 'samurai in giant robots'. Very conventional compared to the more colorful brigades of the other house armies. In 3025 and beyond you had some units that broke this mold (The Legion of Vega, Ryuken, Genyosha etc.) and give the Dracs some color, but I guess in this era there's no room for that... even with 114 regiments to flesh out. Is the Otomo even listed or are they not a full regiment?
2) The section on the training academies. No mention of An Ting Academy, I guess it was not formed for a few more years, so that leaves the usual suspects like Sun Zhang. Can't there have been at least one academy that existed exclusively in the Star League era? Sometimes it feels like the writers want to play it safe on the issues that have the most wiggle room. (And then retcon long-established canon with no warning. Looking at you planetary populations.)
3) Why define the size of the conventional and aerospace forces? They don't define it in the report on the Capellans, and who wants to bet that they won't on the other states? I remember that TPTB said at one point they were moving away from such things to prevent the setting from becoming too limited, but that concept is violated again, and not even in a consistent manner. You either get your writing staff to define these things for every faction or not at all. This problem goes back to FM: SLDF as well, but I'm not going to start getting into that one right now.
Overall I'm pleased with what I read despite my harsh words above, and getting this PDF will definitely be on my New Year's resolutions. Maybe by that time the AFFS report will be out too. I'd like to think this series will be finished by the end of spring at the latest so we can move on to the early Succession Wars material by late Summer or Fall. The size of the House Armies in 2785 is something worth spending at least a chapter or two of ink on.