Force Organization
Battlemechs represent the main striking power of the AFFS. Deployed by the Regular Army, RDCs and March Militias, the AFFS uses everything from the most advanced battlemechs to some of the earliest primitive designs. There is preference for designs that are manufactured inside the Federated Suns, which ensures a ready supply of replacement parts, but the AFFS will import foreign designs on occasion, especially advanced ones from the Terran Hegemony.
The Regular Army units are generally the best equipped units in the AFFS. The Davion Brigade of Guards deploy some of the most advanced battlemechs outside of the Terran Republic. The Avalon Hussars and other units in the Regular Army are also well equipped. While a large number of different designs can be found in the AFFS the more common ones include the Wasp, Locust, Stinger, Javelin, Black Jack, Phoenix Hawk, Dervish, Wolverine, Griffin, Rifleman, Jagermech, Cestus, Hammerhands, Warhammer, Marauder, Victor, Battlemaster and Longbow.
The Regional Defense Commands are a very mixed lot when it comes to equipment. The equipment used by these forces ranges from the Kestrel Grenadiers, who are almost as well equipped as the Avalon Hussars to the Point Barrow Bulldogs who use primitive battlemechs dating back to the 25th Century. As each region is responsible for determining how much they will spend on supply their RDC it does not seem likely that this situation will change anytime in the near future.
The March Militias are in much the same boat as the RDC's, being dependent on older equipment that was cast off from other units. However unlike in the RDC's where the quality of this equipment can range from modern to ancient, the March Militias are assigned a uniform quality of equipment, typically about 1 generation behind the mechs deployed by the Avalon Hussars. While not state of the art, these designs are still combat effective.
While Battlemechs may draw the most attention from the public, they are greatly out numbered by conventional armor. Like their battlemech counterparts, the armor forces are organized into regiments. On occasion they may be formed into brigades. Brigades are typically assigned to defend key worlds or may be attached to a battlemech regiment as part of an RCT for a particular mission.
The AFFS armor formations are divided into Regular Army and Militia forces. The Regular Army formations are assigned front line combat duties, either independently or along side the AFFS' mech forces. These forces are some of the first to see action and can expect to bear the brunt of any fighting if war should break out.
As with their battlemech counterparts, the AFFS' armored regiments come in a variety of sizes. Armored Cavalry, Recon and Scout Regiments are typically equipped with hover tanks or light scout tanks such as the Beagle Hover Scout, Lightning Attack Hovercraft, Chevalier Tank and Galleon Tank. Armored Regiments use a variety of tanks and heavy hovercraft, including the Bulldog, Manticore, Zephyr, Condor and Von Luckner. Heavy Armor regiments are usually built around the Alacorn, Rhino, Puma or Fury. The AFFS Armored Forces also deploy a number of artillery units, these are typically equipped with Chaparral Artillery Tanks, Marksman & Thumper Artillery Vehicles and the Mobile Long Tom. While the Regular Army does not deploy large numbers of conventional fighters, there are a number of VTOL regiments that are equipped with the Cyrano Gunship, Ripper VTOL and other designs.
The AFFS' Militia armor forces are similar to the Regular Army regiments. The biggest differences are the equipment that they use and their deployment. The Militia armor regiments are part of the Planetary Guards, as such they are rarely deployed off of their homeworld, the exceptions are those regiments which are chosen to serve as part of the March Militias.
While the Militias Regiments follow the same organization and unit types as the Regular Army regiments, they deploy older equipment. Instead of Manticore and Von Luckner tanks, many militia units rely on the venerable T-12 Tiger, while hovertank regiments use the aging LTV-4. Scout forces might rely on the Stoat Scout Car or other Age of War or Reunfication War designs. Very few of the Planetary Guards units possess artillery, those that do typically use towed, rather then self-propelled units. The one area where militias are very generously equipped is their conventional fighter wings. While unable to stand up to aerospace fighters, the conventional fighter wings are effective in the ground support roles. Mosquito, Vendetta and Bullfrog fighters are among some of the most common designs in the Federated Suns.
The largest component of the the AFFS is the Infantry branch. While infantry are generally looked down upon in most militaries, the AFFS has recognized that the infantry fulfill a number of vital roles, even on the modern battlefield. Rather then being treated as simply glorified police and mop up forces, the AFFS trains it's infantry to effectively serve along side armored and even Battlemech regiments.
Infantry regiments come in several varieties. The most common are foot and motorized units. Lacking high mobility, these regiments are used mainly in defensive roles. While some foot and mechanized regiments are assigned to the Regular Army, these formations are far more common in the March Militias and Planetary Guards formations, where they are used to man defensive fortifications. Those regiments assigned to the Regular Army are used as follow up forces, and would be used to help secure newly captured territory. The most common formation in the Regular Army is the mechanized infantry regiment. These units are equipped with APC and armored units, making them formidable combat formations. The AFFS also deploys a number of Jump Infantry regiments in the Regular Army, which have significant mobility thanks to their jump packs. There are also several special formations, including airmobile, mountain and marine regiments.
Unlike most other regiments in the AFFS, Infantry units are largely recruited from a single world or group of worlds. Typically a soldier can expect to remain assigned to their regiment for their entire career. The exceptions are those regiments assigned to the Davion Brigade of Guards, the Avalon Hussars and the Ceti Hussars. The infantry assigned to these units are recruited from the best infantrymen in the AFFS. In addition to being some of the best soldiers in the AFFS, members of these regiments are tested to ensure their loyalty to the Federated Suns and the First Prince.
While front line combat formations make up the bulk of the AFFS' Infantry forces, there are a number of supporting elements that can be found on the AFFS' rolls. The most common are the combat engineering battalions. These units specialize in the destruction of enemy defenses and the construction of fortifications and defensive positions. Engineering Battalions are usually assigned by the Operational Area Commander based on the needs of the units in the region.
Aerospace Fighters
Aerospace fighters in the AFFS are divided into 2 basic groups, Regular Army and Naval wings. The Regular Army deploys a number of fighter wings that are used to protect the ground forces from enemy fighter attacks and conduct close air support missions. These wings are further subdivided into 2 different types, regimental wings which are permanently attached to a particular Battlemech regiment and independent wings which are assigned to missions on an as needed basis. Expected to operate from ground bases, Army wings include all of the support forces they need to establish operations on a planet. A base construction battalion includes engineers and all of the heavy equipment which is need to build and maintain an airfield. A fight control detachment is responsible to running the airfield, including all aspects of mission planning and running the tower and flight operations. The ground crews are responsible for repairing, rearming and maintaining the fighters assigned to the unit. Each Wing also typically has a security detachment assigned to it, this usually consists of an infantry battalion and some supporting light armor. In high threat areas, additional defenders will be provided by the Mech and Armored regiments that are being supported by the wing.
The bulk of the aerospace fighters in the AFFS are assigned to the Naval Wings. The Naval Wings have a variety of roles that they fulfill. The largest concentration of Naval Wings in the Department of Naval Defense. Assigned to protect the borders of the Federation, these wings specialize in attacking and destroying enemy dropships and warships. In many cases these wings are found assigned to one of the Independent Patrol Squadrons or Heavy Patrol Squadrons which protect the borders of the Federation. Other wings are permanently assigned to protect key worlds. These wings may be planet based or assigned to space stations in the system.
The Department of Naval Transport is the 2nd largest operator of aerospace fighters in the AFFS. These fighters are assigned as convoy escorts for the many cargo ships that used to move the supplies and personnel of the AFFS. These wings are specially trained to carry out defensive operations, both in and out of the atmosphere. Heavy emphasis is placed on air to air combat as the wings are expected to deal with enemy fighters while the escort dropships assigned to the DNT deal with the larger vessels.
The Department of Naval Assault deploys the smallest number of aerospace fighter wings, but at the same time has some of the best pilots in the AFFS. As the offensive arm of the FSNS, the Department of Naval Assault will be at the forefront of any planetary invasions or naval operations. During these missions, the fighters of the Dept of Naval Assault are used to fly CAP for the fleet, protecting the FSNS warships and dropships from enemy fighter attacks. The wings may also be given an offensive role to engage and destroy enemy fleet vessels. During planetary landings, the fighters of the Dept of Naval Assault play a key role. They are responsible for escorting the troop ships into the atmosphere and protecting them until the Army wings can establish an airfield planetside and begin operations.
Naval Vessels
The AFFS possesses a large fleet of Dropships, conventional Jumpships and Warships. These vessels are assigned to the Department of Naval Transport, the Department of Naval Defense and the Department of Naval Assault. While some of these vessels, particularly those of the Department of Naval Transport, may be attached to Regular Army formations on a semi-permanent basis, they remain under the command of the FSNS.
The Department of Naval Transport is equipped with large numbers of conventional jumpships, cargo ships and troop transports. The Dept of Naval Transport tends to deploy larger vessels, as they are more efficient at moving the huge amounts of cargo needed to support the AFFS. For defense, there are a number of assault dropships assigned to the DNT, mainly Leopard CVs, Achilles and similar vessels. The DNT also handles the fleet logistics, the large Catalyst Tankers handle the fuel needs of the fleet, while the Vulcan Tenders perform fleet maintenance and repair. A number of cargo ships are assigned to the fleet train to carry spare parts, while Model 96 Octopus dropships are used to aid in repair and recovery operations.
The Department of Naval Defense is tasked with defending the Federation's borders. The core of the DND is the Independent Patrol Squadron. These are typically built around a single Star Lord, carrying 2 Leopard CVs, 2 Achilles, an Intruder and a large cargo vessel. For tougher missions, the DND deploys Heavy Patrol Squadrons. Each Heavy Patrol Squadron is led by a Congress-D Frigate and supported by 1-2 destroyers, either Davion II or Baron Class and 2-3 corvettes, either Daring, Audacious or Vigilant class. Dropship support includes a number of Leopard CV, Achilles and Intruder class vessels.
The Department of Naval Assault has the bulk of the AFFS warship fleet. There are 8 main fleets, 3 are assigned to the Capellan March, 3 assigned to Draconis March and 2 held in reserve. Each fleet is built around 6 of the Iron Duke Battleships. Supporting the Iron Dukes are 4 New Syrtis Carriers, which carry the bulk of the Fighter Wings assigned to the DNA. Each fleet also contains 4-5 Emerald Class Battlecruisers, 5-7 Rodney class cruisers and 2-3 Congress-D Frigates. There are also large numbers of Destroyers (mainly Davion II class) and Corvettes (mainly Daring class) assigned to support the fleet. The AFFS fleet contains several Kirov class command cruisers, these vessels are assigned to fleets on an as needed basis. New vessels such as the Ascalon class Battleship and Crecy class Destroyer are being to be assigned to the fleet, replacing older vessels.
In addition to the 8 main fleets, the Department of Naval Assault maintains a number of Assault Transport Squadrons. This force is used to transport troops into combat zones which may be defended by enemy warships. These squadrons are led by a Furious class Destroyer/Carrier and supported by a Musketeer or Defender class Battlecruiser. The bulk of the squadrons were composed of St George and Robinson class transports and these were escorted by a mix of Aegis cruisers, Baron and Davion Destroyers, and Daring and Vigilant Corvettes. The assault squadrons did not possess any dropships, rather troop transports would be assigned on a temporary basis from the Department of Naval Transport based on the requirement of the mission.