good morning to all... master arminas , irose , takiro ,dragon cat and stormcrow .
yesterday several of you asked which of the designs i liked best and to be honest i like them all . as i said in a previous post i want the most well rounded and balanced fleets forces i can come up with . so just call me a glutton , with your blessings i would like to use all your designs . this will make it easier to implement an idea of mine (a what if) of forming a grand periphery alliance between the tc , mc & oa to resist the new terran overlord government and it's pack of rabid dog attendant polities . like the early American patriot speaking to a group of fellow revolutionaries...we must all hang together or surely we will all hang separately . so you get the gist of what i'm talking about . fight united with a greater chance of dragging the war out so long , that the enemy starts fighting among themselves once again . ie kill the beast from within , with it's own cancerous hated of one another .
now one of you said there was a mothballed secret naval base / with major building and repair yards hidden in the hyades nebular debris fields , while another says the same thing for the badlands cluster... now just suppose due intelligence compartmentalization , your both right . i know from experience just how paranoid the security apperati of the military can be , and the extreme measures they will go to , to keep things hidden . and yes i can see both having mothballed ws ,js & ds that haven't been seen in hundreds of years just waiting to be re-activated
in the days to come i will be asking for stats of vessels you have just given the names of ,but no stats for . so please don't hate me . there is a grand design here that has waited over 20 years to be given birth to .
thank you all for your patience and forbearance .