This was designed by marauder648 and JA Baker for my Alternate Timeline and then modded a little bit more by me.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Bergen class Destroyer
Tech: Clan / 3106
Mass: 650,000 tons
Hull: Ripscale Type 3
K-F Drive System: KF King LX
Length: 675 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,400 meters
Power Plant: Rolls Royce Kraken Standard
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Forging C629/j Ferro-carbide
6 Kreuss XX Heavy Naval Particle Projection Cannon
6 Hellion-55 Series Naval Laser
28 Hyperion class-30 Hyper Gauss Rifle
24 Series 7Ja Extended Range Large Laser
40 Beamsplitter Laser Anti-Missile System
14 Ceres-N Medium NPPC
6 Magna-35 Naval Laser
4 Auto Rotating Capital Missile Launcher
16 Piranha Fighterswatter sub-capital missile launcher
Manufacturer: Alshain Naval Yards
Location: Alshain
Communications System: JF Integrated
Targeting & Tracking System: Series VI Integrated TTS
Designed to be an escort for the larger Conqueror and Leviathan Class vessels
and fill a precieved gap in the Rasalhague Dominion WarShip fleet.
The Bergen design calls for a heavy escort for the Conqueror class ships and
those of Project Eclipse once they are complete. Based in part on the Draconis
Combine’s Tatsumaki class destroyers the Bergen had the typical Bear/Dominion
approach to a problem when presented, they added mass to the 675 meter long
vessel making it balloon from what could be classed as a Destroyer into a larger
At 650,000 tonnes the Bergen is more a cruiser but for political reasons it was
called a Destroyer for overseas consumption. With an escort role in mind the
ship lacked extensive launch bays for OmniFighters but does retain two docking
ports for DropShips and carries ten fighters allowing for some independent
operations. A large shuttle compliment is fitted to allow boarding craft loaded
with Elementals to be used against hostile WarShips with twenty small craft being
carried in total.
The weight saved on fighters went into armament, cooling systems, armour and
engines. The anti-shipping punch comes from half a dozen Heavy Naval PPC’s and
half a dozen NL-55’s. Supporting these weapons are fourteen Medium Naval PPC’s
as well as six NL-35s and a quartet of AR-10’s with deep magazines. In a mirror
of its design inspiration the Bergen class features an extensive and heavy anti-
fighter armament that can produce enough fire to threaten DropShips and even
WarShips at closer ranges.
A staggering twenty-eight HAG-30’s supported by twenty-four ER Large Lasers and
sixteen Piranha Sub-Capital Missiles provide an anti-fighter and DropShip barrage
that few small craft risk facing.
Well armoured with over 900 tonnes of Ferro-carbide armour and with a heavily
reinforced hull structure that allows the ship to take repeated hits despite its
comparatively small size. Forty Laser anti-missile systems provide the ship with
extensive anti-missile defences which combined with the Piranha and Barracuda
missiles makes it near impossible to strike the Bergan with Capital Missiles.
The Bergen is not a speedy craft, its engines can push it at a flank speed of a
solid 3G and a pair of 150 meter grav decks are fitted to keep the crew healthy.
Of note is the interior design of the ship, its large corridors and walkways
allow for easy access for Elementals in any current battle suit in the Dominions
Tourman up to and including the Golem battle armour which can be carried aboard.
A total of 75 Elementals give these ships a fearsome boarding capacity as well
as formidable defences against any would be border. Initially designed to be
cheap vessels as the design grew in expense, especially once a Lithium Fusion
Battery II which puts the ship on par with most cruisers in price.
The first two Bergan-class Destroyers were introduced to the Rasalhague Dominion's
Touman in 3106 begining their trials over Alshian.
Class/Model/Name: Bergen class Destroyer
Mass: 650,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 117,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 14) 294,125.00
Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II 13,000.00
Jump Sail (Detachable): (Integrity = 4) 62.00
Structural Integrity: 70 45,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 2,600 Double 2,072.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 3,060.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 1,625.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Hyperpulse Generator: 50.00
Food & Water: (287 days supply) 638.00
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide (861 total armor pts) 909.50
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 160
Fore-Left/Right: 143/143
Aft-Left/Right: 143/143
Aft: 129
Bay 1: Fighters (10) with 2 doors 1,500.00
Small Craft (20) with 5 doors 4,000.00
Bay 2: Cargo (1) with 4 doors 67,657.50
DropShip Capacity: 2 Docking Hardpoints 2,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2: (150-meter diameter) 200.00
Life Boats: 35 (7 tons each) 245.00
Escape Pods: 35 (7 tons each) 245.00
Crew and Passengers:
50 Officers (40 minimum) 500.00
160 Crew (125 minimum) 1,120.00
40 Gunners (56 minimum) 280.00
75 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals 525.00
120 Bay Personnel .00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 Heavy NPPC Nose 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 NL55 Nose 11 11 11 11 170 2,200.00
4 HAG 30*(40 rounds) Nose 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) -- 24 62.00
4 ER Large Laser Nose 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 48 16.00
5 Laser AMS Nose -- -- -- -- 60 7.50
1 Heavy NPPC FL/R 15 15 15 15 450 6,000.00
1 NL55 FL/R 6 6 6 6 170 2,200.00
4 HAG 30*(40 rounds) FL/R 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) -- 48 124.00
4 ER Large Laser FL/R 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 48 16.00
4 Piranha(120 missiles) FL/R 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12 (120) 36 3,200.00
5 Laser AMS FL/R -- -- -- -- 120 15.00
3 Medium NPPC L/RBS 27 27 27 27 810 10,800.00
3 Medium NPPC L/RBS 27 27 27 27 810 10,800.00
3 NL35 L/RBS 11 11 11 -- 312 4,200.00
2 AR10 (40 KW, 40 WS, 60 B)L/RBS * * * * 80 11,800.00
4 HAG 30*(40 rounds) L/RBS 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) -- 48 124.00
5 Laser AMS L/RBS -- -- -- -- 120 15.00
1 Heavy NPPC AL/R 15 15 15 15 450 6,000.00
1 NL55 AL/R 6 6 6 6 170 2,200.00
4 Piranha(120 missiles) AL/R 12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12 (120) 36 3,200.00
4 HAG 30*(40 rounds) AL/R 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) -- 48 124.00
4 ER Large Laser AL/R 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 48 16.00
5 Laser AMS AL/R -- -- -- -- 120 15.00
2 Heavy NPPC Aft 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 NL55 Aft 11 11 11 11 170 2,200.00
4 HAG 30*(40 rounds) Aft 10(96) 10(96) 10(96) -- 24 62.00
4 ER Large Laser Aft 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 48 16.00
5 Laser AMS Aft -- -- -- -- 60 7.50
1 Lot Spare Parts (2.50%) 16,250.00