Headhunter Missile
Introduced: 3099
Techbase: Inner Sphere Advanced Technology
Developed by: Dr Harold Lane, Defiance Industries of Hesperus II
Based off of reports of a missile concept first developed by the Star League Defence Force. The Headhunter missile launcher fires a single missile much, like the Thunderbolt Missile system, that will not fire unless the launcher achieves a lock; like a Streak Missile launcher. The Headhunter is different in that it does armour and internal damage to a target it strikes and that is will only fire if the pilot achieves a lock-on much like the Streak Missile system. The weapon's range is comparable to a Thunderbolt Missile system the largest of these weapons should be able to decapitate a BattleMech creating a true Headhunter.
Headhunter Missile–4 Heat 3 Damage (Armour 3 Internal Structure 1) Critical 2 Tonnage 4 Ammo Per Ton 12
Headhunter Missile–7 Heat 5 Damage (Armour 5 Internal Structure 2) Critical 3 Tonnage 7 Ammo Per Ton 8
Headhunter Missile-10 Heat 6 Damage (Armour 7 Internal Structure 3) Critical 4 Tonnage 9 Ammo Per Ton 6
After a hit from this weapon system roll 2D6.
On the first D6 a 1-3 result will result in the missile hitting the enemy Mech at a location determined by standard rules. On a 4-6 hit location is determined by the "Punch hit" chart.
If the target has an AMS the second D6 will determine if there is a hit.
On a roll of 1-3 an AMS system successfully engages and destroys the missile. On a 4-6 the missile hits its target.