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Battlezone: Lonestar
« on: February 18, 2010, 08:56:09 PM »

Takiro Battlezone: Lonestar « on: March 19, 2007, 09:23:27 PM »

Star Type: F1V
Position in System: 2 (of 6)
Number of Moons: 2 (Conejo, Mariposa)
Days to Jump Point: 20.25 (at 1G)
Surface Water: 33%
Atmospheric Pressure: Low (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.16g
Equatorial Temperature: 60°C (at sea level)
Highest Native Life: Reptile
Planetary Ruler: Duchess Catalina Velazquez

Lonestar was discovered in 2389 during the Terran Hegemony’s Grand Survey. It was initially settled in 2393 by prospectors searching for metals and petroleum, but not enough was found to make commercial mining profitable. Notations of the extensive grasslands and large herd reptiles were sent back to Terra, which in turn inspired several groups of ranchers to explore the option of raising domesticated herd beasts on these plains. Settlers began arriving in late 2403. The attempts to import such animals failed miserably as the native reptilian predators, previously unseen, easily eradicated the herds. Within two years, the herds were gone and the settlers were facing starvation. Daniel Espinosa, colony President at the time, realized that the large herbivorous reptiles that wandered the plains may be their only hope. In a desperate and foolhardy decision, he hunted down, killed, and ate one of these herd beasts. Fortunately, he found them to be edible and actually quite delicious. Later scientific testing confirmed they were very nutritious for humans. This meat is exported to the neighboring planets, such as Lambrecht, Dyev, and Sabik. Some of the reptilian predators are so large and dangerous that ranchers had to use military surplus combat vehicles to defend the herds. Recently the affluent ranchers have been using modified AgroMechs armed with machine guns to fend them off.

   During the Amaris Civil War, Lonestar was largely ignored by both sides of the conflict. Because it was not strategically located, only a small Rim Worlds Republic garrison was stationed here. Except for a small engagement between the RWR force and a similarly sized SLDF unit during Operation Liberation, no battles of consequence took place there.

Lonestar is a hot, dry planet with extensive plains and deserts. Two continents, Arixo and Deseret are separated by a shallow ocean almost twice as salty as Terra. Arixo is the largest and has a long, extremely high mountain range running from the northwest to southeast across the continent called “La Espina”. It spans from North to South Pole and is exceedingly difficult to cross except in a few places. It has some of the tallest mountains in the Inner Sphere, with the highest peak rising over 20,000 meters from sea level and most summits rising over 14,000 meters. The western portion is open grassland with rolling hills similar to the American Plains or Steppes of northern Asia called El Llano Grande. The eastern section is a very dry scrub desert similar to the North American southwest. The grasslands are populated by several species of reptiles, some are herbivorous species larger than Terran elephants which are herded for their meat, and others are predators that feed on them. The eastern desert is home to many poisonous reptiles and flora but many brave them for the naturally occurring metals close to the surface.

The continent of Deseret is affected by high geologic activity; many volcanoes and deep canyons cover the surface and earthquakes are common. While rare earth metals can be found, few people have attempted to mine them on this continent because of the extreme hazards.

The equatorial area of Lonestar is impassable by humans on land or sea without protective gear due to the extreme heat, except in the La Espina mountain range.

The population centers are found only on the far northern and southern portions of Arixo, including the polar areas, where temperatures average 10°C to 15°C. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is equivalent to Terran pressure at 1,600 meters, and combined with the high gravity, many off-worlders have trouble acclimating. In fact, because of these conditions, Lonestar is noted for their champion long-distance runners. Because many settlers were ranchers from the southwestern area of the North America, the population of this world has a distinctive blending of Hispanic and American cultures common to that area. Spanish is the dominant language here, with English used primarily for business and nearly all the population is bilingual. The main cities are El Puerto de las Estrellas (the major starport and trading center on the planet), Mercado (the location of the meat processing plants), and Hacienda (the planetary capital).

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 11:54:02 AM »

Defenders of Lonestar

4th Tau Ceti Rangers Veteran/ Reliable CO: Major General Samuel Brandenberg
Lonestar SDF Regular/ Fanatical CO: Colonel Jose Gutierrez
19th Attack Wing Regular/ Reliable CO: Lt. Commander Beth Hughes
35th Interceptor Wing Veteran/ Fanatical CO: Lt. Commander Simon Tain

SitRep: The Fourth Tau Ceti Rengers have only recently been posted to Lonestar along with the Nineteenth Attack Wing. Both units hail from New Earth and share an excellent relationship which led to their assignment here. Already on station here to defend against any possible Draconis incursion is the 35th Interceptor Wing commanded by Simon Tain. The Lieutenant Commander Tain is one of the best fighter pilots in the aerospace field and has been placed by Major General Brandenberg in overall command of the “Lonestar Aerospace Squadron”. Combined with the Lonestar SDF, which is one of the most capable units of its kind in the New Republic, they create a formidable defensive presence on world. Colonel Gutierrez has been working tirelessly with these units to bring them up to speed on the planetary terrain. One Castle Brian, Fort Espinosa, is located in the northern La Espina Mountains and lies some 30 miles southwest of Mercado. Efforts on the ground seem to be focusing on defense of the north and the establishment of fallback positions throughout the uninhabitable equatorial. Major General Samuel Brandenberg is one of the highest ranking officers deployed along the Draconis front and is effectively coordinating his defensives with other commanders along the border.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 04:55:03 PM »

3rd Ronin Taskforce (the True Veterans)
Commander: Brigadier General Noriaki Sugiwama
Force Skill/ Loyalty Ratings: Veteran/ Questionable
Description: The oldest Ronin Taskforce to be assembled for Operation Katana is by far the Third who choose its personnel based solely on combat experience. These true veterans are mainly made up of DCMS troopers who were run out of service because of their advanced age prior to the dissolution of the Star League. Wandering the InnerSphere as lone warriors for many years has provided them ample understanding of battle but has gradually eroded their discipline. This lack of unit cohesion is clearly visible in the Third which has more skilled personnel than some of the other Ronin Taskforces. In exercises with their fellow Ronin the Third has acted as individually rather than together as a team to defeat opponents in battle. Another sign of this organizational chaos is the unit’s refusal to upgrade technologically despite the availability of refit packages. They instead rely on their proven weapons and their superior knowledge to win the day. Many of the Third’s BattleMechs are older medium weight designs that have been handed down from their families or are otherwise privately owned. For these reasons and the persistent rumors that some veterans don’t sufficiently respect General Toyomoti like other commands they have been classified as displaying questionable loyalty. Brigadier General Noriaki Sugiwama is the oldest taskforce commander in Operation Katana. A staunch traditionalist he has a long list of military achievements dating back to outstanding service in the War of Davion Succession. Sugiwama was bounced from the DCMS despite achieving high posts for younger personnel during Amaris Coup. Noriaki vowed to carry on the struggle against the oppressive Star League and became a leader of the Ronin movement. Proudly answering the Coordinator’s recall order Sugiwama has retaken his rightful place in the Combine.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 04:41:57 PM »

Okay folks did the Battle of Lonestar out this weekend with Bradshaw (who played the Terrans) and Calderon (in charge of the Draconians). Fun time had by all and I thought it went pretty well. Bradshaw had an interesting idea afterwards. How about an online event for the next battle? So how about it. Let me know if your interested in participating here and what is the best time for said event. AOL IM would probably be a requirement. Well let me know. And enjoy the write up.

Battle of Lonestar

The invading forces of the Draconis Combine arrived in system at both standard jump points on September 6, 2785. Creating enormous emergence signatures by jumping in with their entire force at once alerted Terran defenders before Kurita troops entered system. As a result all Terran jumpships were able to flee Lonestar as the invaders got their bearings. Additionally other interplanetary traffic was diverted back to planet or managed to leave system with the jump fleet.

   The 3rd Ronin Taskforce under the command of Brigadier General Noriaki Sugiwama immediately made for planet. His dropships were escorted on the twenty day journey in system by the nine warship flotilla of Commodore Hiromichi Tsuchida. With no naval assets of their own the defenders could only await their arrival on planet. As Major General Samuel Brandenberg deployed his ground forces on planet Duchess Catalina Velazquez evacuated her people from the cities to safety in the countryside.

   In order to avoid civilian causalities and property damage the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers spread out to defend every corner of the planet. The Rangers’ 1st and 3rd Regiments (2 ‘Mech battalions along with conventional forces) were charged with the defense of barren Deseret continent. The 2nd Regiment commanded by Colonel Michelle Jax defended the “desert side” of Arixo along with the Rangers’ Artillery Battalion. Meanwhile Lonestar SDF led by Colonel Jose Gutierrez along with the Rangers’ Recon Battalion were deployed “prairie side” on Arixo to defend their homes.

   As Draconis forces entered orbit on September 26th they split up to search for and destroy any Terran defenders on either continent. While the Ronin headed for planet fall Commodore Tsuchida did what he could to support their assault. Several of his warships entered low orbit as the attack began and bombarded key military installations around the planet. These strikes took out vital infrastructure, like roads and air strips, which hampered the defenders ability to respond to Draconis advances.

Sugiwama divided his forces equally and each group made for their targets screened by a wing of thirty six aerospace fighters. Newly promoted Commander Simon Tain sent his entire Lonestar Aerospace Squadron against the Arixo invaders to contest that landing. The Terran attack was furious and cost the Combine almost one half of an entire aerospace wing. Additionally the Lonestar Squadron crippled a Dictator class Dropship sending that vessel hurtling to its doom. An entire Mech Battalion along with Colonel Junpei Hamada was wiped out in this single action.

   Unknown at the time the elimination of a Ronin commander caused Brigadier General Noriaki Sugiwama to consolidate his Arixo force into a single attack group that would land together on the desert side of that continent. A reserve wing of Draconis fighters reinforced the Arixo landing escort and managed to even out the aerospace battle. With superior numbers and their troops landed Combine aerospace forces got the upper hand in this bitter struggle for air supremacy. Unable to break contact despite their best efforts the Terran fighter group was almost completely destroyed. The entire 19th Attack Wing and their commander, Lieutenant Commander Beth Hughes, were annihilated. Only six fighters including Commander Tain’s from the 35th Interceptor Wings managed to escape and survive.

   As the Arixo Invasion Group landed they were met by artillery salvos from 2nd Regiment of the Tau Ceti Rangers. These attacks were devastating causing heavy damage to dropships that had only just landed. Responding quickly Commodore Tsuchida ordered an orbital strike on the Terran ground artillery. Draconis naval bombardments quieted the Terran guns but not before several dropships were disabled by these attacks. Unable to attack the disorganized landing force en masse the 2nd Regiment withdrew to the west to link up with the Lonestar SDF.

   At the same time the Deseret Invasion Group led by Colonel Harold Wanakbe landed in good order on the Caldwell Plateau. Ronin immediately issued challenges to any Terran defenders who were brave enough to accept. The galling offer bought a quick response by Captain William Cust and his BattleMech Company of the Rangers’ Third Regiment. This unauthorized action by Cust drew an entire Ronin Regiment to what would become known as Bloody Gully in order to participate in the duels and search out more opposition.

   Seizing on this reaction Major General Brandenberg ordered one of his BattleMech companies to accept a challenge from the other Ronin Regiment. Captain Sean Banyan attempted to lure this Draconis regiment into an ambush at Blue Stone Canyon by doing so. He and his company were largely successful as both regiments of the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers gathered for the attack. As they did the Fourth’s Conventional Fighter Squadron attempted to attack the Combine’s dropships but were easily repulsed and destroyed by the Ronin’s onsite aerospace cover.

   The fighter attack and the final stand of Cust’s Company covered the Rangers’ movements. Despite the failure of the Ronin to notice these maneuvers the ambush was ultimately unsuccessful as Kurita warriors were ready for battle. Limitations imposed by the terrain on the Terran Armor contingent were another large factor in the Ronins’ victory at Blue Stone Canyon. The Combine was relentless in its pursuit of the retreating Terran forces who lost most of their tanks to concentrated fire. Only a few scattered remnants of the Tau Ceti Rangers, almost entirely on foot and mainly infantry, escaped the withering attacks of the Ronin.

   On October 1, 2785 the situation in the Lonestar system changed dramatically as the line ships of the 3rd Terran Fleet led by Vice Admiral Michael Beserick jumped in. Their mission was to extract the Tau Ceti Rangers and save as many civilians as possible. The seventeen largest warships of the fleet arrived at a pirate point only a single day away from the planet. Commencing their burn in system the Draconis invaders were suddenly put on the defensive by the massive naval assault force. At the same time the Strike Squadron of the 3rd Fleet jumped to the standard points hoping to destroy the Draconis jumpships but was unsuccessful.

   It didn’t take Commodore Tsuchida long to call for reinforcements from his Sixth Fleet which did respond. Fleet Admiral Taro Satsuma led thirty nine of his warships into the Lonestar system at the standard jump points hoping to destroy the Third.  The Strike Squadron of the 3rd Fleet managed to escape system just after the appearance of the first Draconis reinforcements. During the next week the Terrans began to evacuate their personnel and all the civilians they could. As they did Brigadier General Sugiwama ordered an advance through the Northern Pass of La Espina to breakup Terran evacuation efforts. Met by the Lonestar SDF the Ronin expected to force their way through the Pass after a short series of duels. Instead they found themselves trapped by a stampede of native beasts through the narrow passage orchestrated by the SDF.

   After gathering up the remainder of the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers and approximately ten thousand residents of Lonestar including Duchess Velazquez the Third Terran Fleet left orbit bound for a pirate point. Vice Admiral Beserick played with the Sixth Draconis Fleet for next two weeks leading them on a merry chase through the system before jumping out without engaging the enemy. Brigadier General Sugiwama continued to pacify the planet following the Battle at Northern Pass at a cautious place. The Lonestar SDF apparently went to ground and disappeared despite Draconis efforts to locate them during these times. Facing no apparent resistance the Ronin and their supporting units secured the planet. The Draconis Combine officially announced that it had completed their conquest of Lonestar on October 31, 2785.

   The attack cost the Draconis Combine almost a full regiment of BatteMechs and cost House Kurita some valuable of interplanetary transport for the 3rd Ronin Taskforce. Additionally the taskforce lost nearly thirty aerospace fighters which will certainly effect future operations. While these losses are significant the time in which the Dragon seized Lonestar will certainly help the Ronin prepare for their next conquest with an approximate strength of three Mech regiments and two reinforced Draconis aerowings. While new transport has to be found for some of the Third this shouldn’t be a problem for the next wave.

   The 4th Tau Ceti Rangers took heavy causalities in the fighting on Deseret where the First and Third Regiments were mauled. Only two lances of Mechs from the First and one lance of Mechs from the Third managed to withdraw intact. Both units’ vehicle contingents were utterly annihilated by the Ronin although some crews did escape. These crews joined twenty Mechwarriors rescued by the remaining four companies of Tau Ceti infantry. Major General Brandenberg was among the wounded rescued by the infantry. Only six aerospace fighters from the 35th Interceptor Wing survived to see the evacuation. All these troops and civilians were bought to New Earth where they continue to recover.

   Even though they lost the planet the Terrans still possess a well armed and extremely motivated resistance on world. Ably led by Colonel Gutierrez the Lonestar SDF is still a very potent force who took little causalities during the Battle itself. The populace is solidly behind the efforts of the resistance although they have gone back to their homes and finally Fort Espinosa remains undiscovered by the DCMS thus far.

Bradshaw Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 08:00:07 PM »

dam we didnt get there jumpships  Huh  That suck Angry

Other then that needs some slight revisions doesnt flow very well. I think maybe should make it as SITCOM Reports one from the DCMS and one from the Terrans.

Calderon Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 09:41:25 PM »


Walegrin Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 11:52:27 PM »

Ouch.  Though I gotta say that the TR troops did a darn good job.

MechRat Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #7 on: May 18, 2007, 10:21:37 PM »

The fight may be over, but the Resistance will make life very difficult for the occupying Ronin force

Calderon Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #8 on: May 19, 2007, 12:50:44 PM »

Espically since the ronins tactics aren't the best.

MechRat Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #9 on: May 19, 2007, 11:03:56 PM »

IIRC, the DC was never known for innovative tactics, especially during the 1st SW era. Charge ahead and give your life for the honor of the Dragon.  Wink

Rainbow 6 Re: Battlezone: Lonestar « Reply #10 on: October 30, 2008, 03:49:57 PM »

Crap the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers got a hammering.
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