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Battlezone: Chaville
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:01:34 PM »

Takiro Battlezone: Chaville « on: March 19, 2007, 09:24:19 PM »

Star Type: K8IV
Position in System: 1 (of 3)
Number of Moons: None
Days to Jump Point: 3.5 (@ 1G)
Surface Water: 62% (75% of which is ice cap)
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.87G
Equatorial Temperature: -10°C
Highest Native Life: Mammal   
Planetary Ruler: Duke Michael Desjardin

Chaville is a small, cold world orbiting a dying sun. Originally settled in 2308 as a scientific outpost to study the star of the same name, it flourished there for over 20 years. This brief renaissance of scientific exploration helped to expand humanity’s knowledge of stellar life and death.  Unfortunately, because of a clerical error, all funding was cut off and appropriated elsewhere. Within a month, the outpost was abandoned. There it languished, forgotten for almost 80 years.

In 2376, independent trader Francois Desjardin made an emergency jump to escape bandits. In his haste, he transposed some digits and appeared over Chaville’s sun. After triangulating his coordinates, he realized where he was and found no records on this system. While his JumpShip drive was recharging, Desjardin made his way to the closest planet, hoping to find fresh water and foodstuffs to restock his stores. To his surprise, he found the previously abandoned scientific facility. Incredibly, there was very little deterioration of the structure or remaining computer systems. The cold, calm environment of Chaville preserved virtually everything. Recovering jump point and planetary data from the station and some preserved rations, he made his way back to his JumpShip and proceeded on with his trading route.

One year later he came back, realizing Chaville’s location was perfectly situated for trading routes into the Draconis Combine. With a couple of business partners, he founded the Chaville Trading Collective, making the planet the home base. Desjardin also formally laid claim to the planet, as his research found that the previous title was abandoned and never reclaimed. Eager for development on new worlds, the Terran Hegemony granted him title to the planet, once the proper paperwork was filed and a few well-placed bribes were quietly given. Over the course of the next two years, he was able to refurbish the old science station into a habitable and comfortable business complex. The CTC’s fortunes steadily advanced over their rivals, catching the government’s eye. The Hegemony now realized what Desjardin had and wanted in on the action. In return for upgrading the dilapidated spaceport, the CTC paid a token tax and agreed to allow other trading companies to base their operations on Chaville. The prominence of the planet soared and soon became a local hub for trading of all kinds. The planet now possesses an extensive spaceport as well as hundreds of warehouses and business offices.

This affluence attracted business-savvy individuals with large disposable incomes. They found Chaville’s cold but calm climate perfectly suited for all sorts of winter activities, of which skiing is the most popular. The planet quickly became a popular tourist destination and a haven for those rich enough to afford it. Currently, Chaville is a booming, fast-paced trading center handling goods to and from the Draconis Combine. Many enclaves have sprung up on the outlying areas where the elite meet, greet, and have a decadent time.

The planet is ruled as a monarchy by the Desjardin family; Michael Desjardin is Francois’ son and also the Chairman of the Chaville Trading Collective. The government has a minimal impact on the residents, only possessing enough officials to maintain necessary functions. The businesses employ their own security forces, so the well-equipped local constabulary is able to focus their attentions on the populace, keeping the crime rate very low.

The overall climate of Chaville can be best described as cold, very cold. Though it is close to its parent sun, the dim light cast by the dying star does little to add heat. Combined with an axial tilt of just over 2°, the weather varies little on a daily basis. Gentle snowfalls happen every evening on the equator, where the spaceport and the majority of the enclaves are found. The temperature on the equator rarely exceeds 5°C at the hottest part of the day. The planet is geologically dead, so there is no internal heat or volcanic activity to disrupt the extensive ice caps that come as far south as 15° of the equator. In fact, the ice caps are growing at a rate of over 50 meters per year.

The largest continent, Cativilla, extends over the southern pole and is totally covered by an ice cap hundreds of miles thick. Inchadivilla, the smallest continent, is located in the northern hemisphere and is also entirely covered in a heavy sheet of ice. Only Viroflay on the equator has enough exposed land on which to build any permanent buildings. Drinking water is hard to come by as any fresh bodies of water stay frozen year-round, and the oceans are similar to Terra’s in salt content. However, the ice caps are composed of fresh water and mined for not only the residents’ use, but are also shipped off-world via IceShip. The vegetation is of the evergreen scrub variety and not edible. The indigenous life consists of small herbivorous mammals that are also not edible due to toxins absorbed from the plant life that interact unpleasantly with the human nervous system.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #1 on: March 20, 2007, 03:03:18 PM »

Defenders of Chaville

Billing’s Bandits Elite/ Fanatical CO: Colonel Jeff Billings
AeroBandits (Wing) Regular/ Fanatical CO: Major Mark Hastings
Chaville SDF Green/ Reliable CO: Colonel Michelle Desjardin
17th Interceptor Wing Green/ Questionable CO: Lt. Commander Michael Wynn

SitRep: Billings Bandits are still learning the terrain and players of Chaville as they have only recently been deployed to defend this system. Despite his inexperience with locality Colonel Billings was named the military commander of Chaville by Premier General Arnold Collins. Placing a mercenary in command of their homworlds defense hasn’t sat well with many in the SDF who continue to be resentful over their posting. The Desjardin family have publicly come to the Bandits support but have so far been unable to effect real change. As a result command and control problems between Chaville’s defenders remain a very dangerous problem. Some have accused Colonel Michelle Desjardin of being the source of the problems and even go so far as to speculate that the ruling family is hedging its bets. Worse yet seems to be the complete apathy of Lt. Commander Michael Wynn who cares only about his bottom line. Since his unit’s posting to Chaville the 17th Interceptor Wing has gotten “fat” and may even be allowed in smuggling activities. Terran authorities are investigating the situation but the current situation has kept the 17th from being disciplined as of yet. CIB fears that the Draconis Combine may have infiltrated Chaville already thanks to smuggling activities that still continue. There is one Castle Brian, Fort Holton, located to the north of the planetary capital Neufrancios.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 04:56:31 PM »


5th Taskforce (the Castoffs)
Commander: Brigadier General Peter Sobiroff
Force Skill/ Loyalty Ratings: Regular/ Questionable
Description: Whatever was left from the formation of the other Ronin Taskforces went into the widely derided Fifth. To fill out this combat unit the dregs of the Combine’s military force were tapped for “problem cases who might volunteer”. Many including native military prisoners and other undesirables were forced into service with the Fifth as a result. The warriors of this command are primarily concerned with their own survival and could careless about battlefield glory. Not surprisingly there is little unit cohesion among the Fifth which has taken to calling themselves the Castoffs. What does shock many is the effectiveness of this rag tag band in exercises with their fellow Ronin perhaps due to their personnel’s complete and total desperation. Despite their adequate performance in some initial combat drills they are still considered a questionable formation by many throughout the Draconis High Command. Without a doubt they are the lightest BattleMech unit among the ronin who must utilize their mobility to survive. Easily the worst supplied taskforce taking part in Operation Katana they are completely bereft of tech upgrades. Brigadier General Peter Sobiroff is an unusual ronin to say the least. He volunteered for service with the SLDF after the Amaris Coup and fought to restore the Star League during Operation Liberation. While this seems to confound many some say he joined because he was a devoted supporter of Draco Kurita. Whatever his reasons he returned to the Combine following the Coordinator’s recall and was assigned to command the Fifth. Despite his excellent combat record many ronin including some in the Fifth distrust him but his success with the Castoffs have only further enhanced his leadership and combat abilities.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #3 on: May 20, 2007, 07:16:05 PM »

Battle of Chaville

   On September 6th 2785 the 5th Ronin Taskforce escorted by elements of the Draconis Sixth Fleet. This hodgepodge flotilla included a Hegemony class Battlecruiser, 2 Mogami class Light Cruisers, 3 Cloud class Destroyers, a Lola I class Destroyer, and 2 Vigilant class Corvettes. These warships were protected by an expanded aerospace regiment making it the smallest invading force utilized by House Kurita during this Operation. Their jump into system at standard points went without any dramatic event. The force then began its three day journey in system making it the first Ronin force to arrive on planet.

   Colonel Jeff Billings orders his forces to alert status and informs the planetary authorities of the threat. The Desjardins’ mobilize their SDF in accordance with protocol as the 17th Interceptor Wing reports readiness for battle. As the Ronin enter orbit the Seventeenth reports sabotage by Draconian infiltrators preventing their immediate deployment. Despite being outnumbered the AeroBandits perform well but are ultimately forced from the skies by Kurita fighters.

   This left the Fifth Ronin Taskforce to land unopposed to south of the planetary capital Neufrancios. During the Draconis advance towards the capital Billings decides to strike at Morgan’s Pass which halts their progress. With sheer numbers the Ronin forge ahead to Levis a wealth resort town where order among their forces breaks down. Some of the less desirable elements of the Fifth began to loot and pillage this opulent suburb completely disregarding a devastating counterattack by Terran forces. Incredibly the Combine forces had to withdraw and regroup after the utter chaos that ensued.

   Sensing a chance to seize the initiative Colonel Billings orders an all out assault on the grounded Draconis dropships. The attack looks to be a huge success at first but the Seventeenth which is covering the assault withdraws to deal with Draconis looters as ordered by Duke Desjardin. Kurita aerospace forces concentrate on driving the now exposed Bandits back from their dropships. Despite the best efforts of Brigadier General Peter Sobiroff wide spread brigandage erupts from elements of the Fifth. In certain cases Ronin battles Ronin over this dishonorable behavior.

   Colonel Michelle Desjardin furious over the looting of her homeland orders her troops to engage the Ronin. The Ronin are overwhelmed by looters, Terran militia and the returning force of Billing’s Bandits. Colonel Sun Moon Jung a Ronin regimental commander at the front is struck amidst the absolute turmoil. General Sobiroff is able to command his loyal forces to withdraw and regroup again while the undesirables are left to defend themselves against the Terrans. Now led by Robert Bellach these renegade forces escape Republic troops and run wild across the continent pillaging as they go.

   Now reinforced by their conventional auxiliaries the Ronin attack Neufrancios en masse. Duke Desjardin manages convince Colonel Billings to carry on the struggle without involving the city proper in further combat. The Chaville SDF covered by the Bandits fell back to the Castle Brian, Fort Holton, to prepare for one last stand. Push back by a renewed and invigorated Draconis force the Bandits were forced to retreat to the Castle Brian. Expecting safe haven they found instead a trap laid by the traitorous SDF and the Internal Security Forces of the Draconis Combine. Annihilated to the last man by this ambush and the Ronin assault few members of the Bandits escaped alive. One of those feared dead is Colonel Billings who is currently listed as missing.

   While the final chapter in the conquest of Chaville was unfolding the Draconis renegades led by Bellach apparently joined forces with the Seventeenth Interceptor Wing. These criminals used their underworld contacts to escape planet via undiscovered smugglers who resided in system. The group named the Kaizoku has dropped off all known stellar routes but is rumored to be heading for the Periphery. Both Terran and Draconis authorities stand united in the fact that they want these outlaws put to death. Their force strength is currently estimated at a battalion of ‘Mechs and two flights of aerospace fighters with appropriate dropship and jumpship support. These pirates are also believed to escape system with a horde of booty and several valuable prisoners.

   The Fifth Ronin Taskforce lost two BattleMech regiments to desertion or outright attrition on the battlefield. Aerospace loses were mostly negligible to the Combine but their other support ground forces suffered somewhat. A total of one battalion of armor and two battalions of infantry were lost in combat to Terran forces. However, Chaville joined the Combine willingly eliminating any possible resistance for the moment. It is rumored that traitor Desjardin will be elevated to the rank of Prefect by a grateful Coordinator for his service to the Dragon.

MechRat Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 11:22:28 PM »

Interesting twist... but not unwelcome

I figured that the Desjardins would fight back since the Combine doesn't appreciate the wealthy as much as say, the Lyrans. Wink Seems it will be a fairly easy transfer of govenment.

The Kaizoku should be able to get away fairly easily. The Terrans can't spare the resources to search and the Combine has bigger fish to fry.

Takiro Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #5 on: May 20, 2007, 11:45:44 PM »

Yeah I didn't see the pirates coming but hey it worked out as the conflict evolved.

I figure many worlds change hands like this but the Terrans will have to thanks the Desjardins.

Walegrin Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 12:50:59 AM »

Quote from: Takiro on May 20, 2007, 11:45:44 PM
I figure many worlds change hands like this but the Terrans will have to thanks the Desjardins.

Well if thanking them involves gunfire or big explosions then I'm on board.

Rainbow 6 Re: Battlezone: Chaville « Reply #7 on: October 30, 2008, 03:51:32 PM »

Pity about the Bandits.
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