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Author Topic: The Expedition Begins Early  (Read 2818 times)

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The Expedition Begins Early
« on: February 12, 2017, 12:32:01 AM »

In 3085, with the end of the Republic's conflict with the Capellans, the republic began getting it's affairs in order. Though the Jihad was well over, many were afraid of the Manei Domini lurking out in unknown places possible building up to strike terror and destruction into the Inner Sphere once more.

That year Universal Exports made an unprecedented donation to Interstellar Expeditions of eight Magellan JumpShips to it's Deep Periphery Operational Area. Universal Exports spoke with the Dr Naomi Wilson and the Board of Directors for Interstellar Expeditions, intent on funding expeditions to find places that the Word of Blake extremists might have gone to ground, outside the boarders on most human controlled space.

By 3086, much of the logistics for these expeditions were set up, and Interstellar Expeditions approached Devlin Stone and the Republic of the Sphere with a request for coordination in the search effort. Stone agreed with the proposal, and ordered IE to be supplied with reports recovered from Blakist databases about various locations in the periphery. The Republic further aided in the expedition by supplying escorts and muscle in the case of actually finding such a hostile group.

By 3087 several expeditions had been sent in various directions, to check on locations from the databases. Another one was preparing to leave, and this one was to check on a Nebula named for an ancient Terran state 'California'.

The Expedition left with:

3 Magellan
  • IES Enterprise
  • IES Hood
  • IES Grissom
2 Scouts
  • IES Intrepid
  • IES Livingston-Destroyed in 3090s investigating Toreel's unique technology.
1 Invader
  • IES Excelsior

And surprisingly, WarShips:
1 Fox
  • RRS Indomitable - Surprisingly able to be salvaged and rebuilt after the Jihad, once recommissioned, this ship was sent on the expedition to help ensure the survival of the RRS Necessitas.
1 Carrack
  • IES Memory of Twycross (Formerly CDS Devourer) - Supposedly lost in an accident at Twycross in 3084, this was actually a cover for what actually happened. The Devourer was actually sold to Interstellar Expeditions by Clan Diamond Shark in exchange for working with that clan's Watch, giving information to the merchant clan
1 Faslane
  • RSS Necessitas - Added to the Expedition by the Republic in order to extend the operational duration of the mission.
1 Bug-Eye
  • IES Adean Dulcimer - A Bug-Eye vessel that was owned by Interstellar Expeditions, departing from canon, this vessel was included in the Nebula California Expedition several years before it otherwise would have been destroyed by Clan Diamond Shark.

All carrying a total of 18 DropShips:
  • IES Constellation - Mammoth
  • IES Explorer - Mammoth
  • IES Ranger - Mammoth
  • IES Rover - Mammoth
  • IES Pilgrim - Mammoth
  • IES Kelvin - Mammoth
  • IES Crockett - Mammoth
  • RRS Paine - Model 97 Octopus
  • RRS Equinox - Model 97 Octopus
  • IES Clark - Mule
  • IES Venture - Mule
  • IES Pathfinder - Mule
  • RSS Galaxy - Behemoth
  • RSS Concorde - Behemoth
  • RSS Constitution - Tiamat
  • RSS Constantinople - Arondight SCC
  • RSS Repulse - Arondight SCC
  • RSS Challenger - Colossus

In addition numerous small craft and escort fighters, along with numerous volunteer warriors who brought their own vehicles, 'Mechs, fighters, etc.

The expedition left midway through the year in 3087, however the once they reached the Nebula (which they managed to do without mishap), no further reports were received until 3089.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2017, 01:30:43 AM by Cryhavok101 »

Ice Hellion

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Re: The Expedition Begins Early
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2017, 01:35:10 AM »

Why go for the private sector?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: The Expedition Begins Early
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2017, 10:13:59 AM »

The Republic was willing to share with the private sector, because it functioned as an extension of resources, at a time they badly needed them, allowing them to gain intelligence in the deep periphery for much less that it would have cost them to do it themselves. Also it was much closer to the end of the Jihad and fear of the disappeared Manei Domini shadow divisions was still relatively high. Still, they sent along several of their own units, including 2 WarShips and 8 DropShips.

Clan Diamond Shark was willing to work with the private sector, because it means things will be handled in a business-like fashion, rather than FUBAR'd in a mess of divided loyalties and anti-clan prejudice. Also because gaining further intelligence for their watch will help with their own deep periphery activities, with the intention of using the intelligence to reach new markets first, allowing them to expand past the other clans, and possibly past even the great house's ability to handle.

Universal Exports, at the beginning of the Republic Era, was still trying to maintain it's facade of being an innocent little civilian corporation. They wanted to quietly push someone else into discovering any Word of Blake operations, so that such things weren't coming directly from them. This would eventually not last, and the IE Expedition into the Nebula California would ultimately come back to haunt them, in a bad way.

I hope I covered anything you were asking about, if not, please explain your question further.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 10:17:00 AM by Cryhavok101 »


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Re: The Expedition Begins Early
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2017, 04:28:34 PM »

When the expedition entered the California Nebula, events proceeded as detailed in the book, with the team hitting Toreel (they stopped calling in Lawrence once they knew it's proper name), then visiting the system of the Star Empire and the People's Rebellion, though that system was much larger than the report they sent back, having hundreds of stellar bodies, and multiple suns and protostars. After their brief time dodging Star Empire plasma fire, the group moved on to Syberia system, where they found the autonomous robotic drones warring with each other over the system, but still no sign of Manei Domini presence. From Syberia, the expedition traveled further into the nebula and encountered the world claiming to be 'Earth' which after several encounters, the expedition decided to avoid entirely.

By this time they were discovering that they HPG signals weren't leaving the nebula. Concerned, they dropped all survey tasks, and bent the whole force (or as much as was able) to the task or getting a message out of the nebula. During the course of this endeavor they also discovered that nothing could leave. Eventually they succeeded at getting a signal out in 3089, delivering the report you can download free here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/146982/BattleTech-Welcome-to-the-Nebula-California

With some corruption entering the data (names and dates, and the full extent of the Star Empire's system) being unavoidable, they also attempted to send the information necessary to contact the expedition back. This included all of their research on the phenomena causing the interference, and their current theories, along with what they had to do to get the signal through at all. With the report finally sent, and no working theories about how they will ever exit the nebula, the Expedition gather together, and decided to settle on the most welcoming world they had found, Toreel, while they awaited the any reply from Interstellar Expeditions.

Back in the Inner Sphere, the CEO and Board of Directors received the report, and then also shared it with the Republic, and with Clan Diamond Shark, as per their prior agreement. It was decided that they would not be sending any further ships into the California Nebula, and that it was unlikely to be a place the Word of Blake would purposefully retreat to. For their part, the Republic began Project ARK, ordering the RSS Necessitas to construct a data center, which would be essentially used as an Off-Site back-up of the full knowledge of mankind. Working with the successor states, and even the Clans, the project was simple, and ultimately successful, with the data being held and managed by a group that was theoretically neutral to the goings on in the Inner Sphere, since they could no longer be a part of it. Each group putting information into it was able to only access information they had entered, or that they had the access codes to. Not only did state of the art ECCM defend the facility, but much of the data was also on different networks, and there was no way to break from one network into the others. This facility was built as a space station in the Toreel system.

This also served as the best relief the Republic could offer to those trapped in the Nebula, all the information they could possibly use to make the new life that has been forced on them better. Once the facility was completed, and techniques for transmission into and out of the nebula refined, The Expedition gathered together once more to discuss their fate. The Republic crews felt abandoned, while the volunteers felt they had betrayed themselves via hubris. The explorers and scientists were the calmest, excepting their fate, and presenting theoretical models of plans for proceeding. Everyone still felt bound to stick together though, and lines between IES and RSS vessels blurred.

After a great deal of debate on the matter, the Expedition Leader delivered the following message:

"My bothers and sisters of this expedition, through these trying years when we have come to terms with being severed from all we knew, you have chosen to remain together and you have chosen to keep me as your leader. It is a humbling thing for so many great minds and hearts to turn to oneself for guidance. Now we are without a home, we are like a tribe wandering in the wilderness. This accursed nebula is full of worlds who are so far behind us technologically that some go so far as to praise us as divine messengers. So I say that we will not drift as vagabonds through the dust of space, begging for the scraps of worlds that don't even see beyond their own skies. This California Nebula is Our home now. It is the home of The Tribe. It is ours, and every one of us will stand at the apex and our home. We will unites these broken worlds and bring them back into the fold of humanity, guide them, until they too are ready to join The Tribe. Then together, we shall see if the boarders of this prison we shall make a home can still contain us!"

With that speech the newly formed 'Tribe', as they began calling themselves from that point on, began the 'liberation' of Toreel from the disparate city-states dotting that world. The citizens rose up and joined in this, overthrowing monarchies across the planet, in favor of the 'saviors from the sky', who had already demonstrated their ability to protect the citizens. It took mere weeks to subjugate the whole planet.


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Re: The Expedition Begins Early
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2017, 01:19:22 AM »

The Tribe would stay on Toreel for a little over a decade. They grew their numbers by inducting the locals, and educating them. Using indoctrination techniques developed over the centuries, the already loyal citizens turned into a powerful base that welcomed the new status quo. The Tribe in turn increased the standard of living of the locals all the way to an industrial society, over the course of a few years. The social upheaval this caused brought about some conflicts, but over all there was peace over the general human population.

The supposed creatures that were at first believed to be mutated fauna, turned out to be something simpler. Once specimen were captured, and tests run it was determined that these were actually Gene-caste humans who breed true. The advanced genetics that allowed this must have come from the same pre-apocalyptic society that the strange technology on the planet originated from. Some of these groups were able to be inducted into the Tribe's forces as well. Primarily the warrior types, whose civilizations were based around following the strongest leader. After only a small number of battles were fought it was very clear who was stronger, and when we offered them a place in The Tribe, the fight was over.

These Gene-Caste groups are overseen by Star-Captain Terrance, and former Ghost Bear Elemental who had thrown in with the Republic, before being assigned to this ill-fated expedition. Already in charge of The Tribe's battle armor forces, whether elementals or not, placing these Gene-Caste under his command as well turned out to be quite fortuitous, as clan sensibilities were of considerable help in dealing with those somewhat volatile groups. The elemental worked closely with scientists in The Tribe to create an indoctrination program for these people as well, and within a few years, they were well on their way to full indoctrination into The Tribe. This included educational requirements, necessary for an technological society.

Any humans or gene-caste who proved adept at it was educated fully in the workings of modern 31st century technology, and became full members of the tribe. Eventually some of these even rose into leadership positions.

The unique technology of Toreel was also studied. With rewards offered for any such devices turned in for study, and individuals and groups who had studied them from the local perspective for most of their lives offered rewards for collaborating, work progressed in unlocking their secrets. Unfortunately one of the first things discovered was that these devices would not survive the trip through hyperspace... and neither would the JumpShip carrying them. Finding that out cost The Tribe the IES Livingston, as the initializing K-F field tore the scout class JumpShip apart in what is universally recognized as interference from a nearby K-F core. That put a dampener on much of the desire to unlock the secrets of this technology, but it also drove those most interested in it to explore it further.

As time when on, The Tribe made further plans for expansion, preparing to deal with "Earth" (everyone in the Tribe makes quotation gestures with their fingers when naming the planet, even the local inductees do this, as they just assume it is the proper way to denote that world's name). Part of that preparation was to construct a full shipyard in the system Toreel called home. This was done as an expansion of the ARK project, and with the RSS Necessitas' aid this was completed to the point of being able to repair ships in a single year, and being able to construct small craft and DropShips a couple years later. This facility is continually expanding, and was expected to be able to construct full JumpShips and possibly even WarShips eventually.

The original expedition's forays onto "Earth" were disastrous, and one of the reasons Toreel was chosen was that the expedition believed that world's technology might be the key to a decent method of dealing with "Earth" on equal terms. In the end they were correct. The Tribe had been sending the IES Adean Dulcimer to monitor "Earth" as safely as possible, and the rest of The Tribe's fleet was engaged in setting up another colony on an uninhabited planet near Toreel, this one designed from the get-go to be the main facility for inductees. The Tribe believed that with how well that had worked on Toreel, it would be a good plan to try on more worlds as well.

While that was going on, one of the scientific teams discovered something. A message was sent to The Ark as the system's space facility was being called, "I have discovered the answer, but I must test it to confirm before I share everything." What followed the receipt of that message was possibly humanity's most horrific hyperspace "accident". The entire planet was suddenly generating a K-F field, and quickly disintegrated under the stress of it. Within minutes Toreel was a barren rock, devoid of life.

Hours later The Ark received an HPG transmission from the IES Adean Dulcimer describing an identical event occurring on "Earth", ending the same way. The problem The Tribe had predicted having with the mutant humans there were ended that quick, but no one felt easy about it. Fully a quarter of the scientific staff of The Tribe died with Toreel, so they felt great loss as well. Still, they were more determined than ever before to make the Nebula theirs.

Knowing they needed a new home, and a new place to recruit, and with the additional manpower provided by the survivors of Toreel, they set their sights on the Star Empire and the People's Rebellion. Plans were drawn up, the quickly-becoming-vital IES Adean Dulcimer was sent ahead to gather intelligence, and in 3100, at the turn of the century, the attack began.
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