The Federated Commonwealth took a different approach to upgrading the venerable Clint. Having no lack of resources, plans were developed to restart production at Hesperus II in the Lyran Commonwealth (Defiance Industries) and Quentin in the Federated Suns (Independence Weaponry). Although actual production was still years away, when the Draconis Combine successfully took Quentin, they gained the design schematics as well as preliminary development data for restarting production. Never one to take any such gift lightly, Theodore Kurita ordered the CLNT-4-1FC intended for the Federated Commonwealth to enter service with the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery as well.
The new CLNT-4-1FC utilized many of the advanced recovered technologies that had been unlocked from the Helm Memory Core. While the speed of these new Clints remained the same, the old Pitban 240 fusion engine with replaced with newly produced Pitban Extra Light 240 fusion engine, saving some six tons of overall mass.
New internal skeletal components were crafted from Endo-Steel (saving two more tons), while 7.0 tons of Durallex Super Medium Ferro-Fibrous armor plating was installed (three tons more than the that carried by the common CLNT-2-3T).
Both Martell Medium Lasers (left arm) were retained, but the troublesome Armstrong J11 Class 5 Autocannon was removed and replaced with a Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle! Ammunition storage was doubled in size (to two tons) and moved to the right arm alongside the Gauss Rifle to eliminate the old problems with the ammunition feed linkages.
Both the Raidon R1 communications array and the Sloane 220 Lockover tracking and targeting system were retained from the original Clint.
However, weight and internal space restraints forced the Federated Commonwealth design team to remove the six Andoran Model JJII jump-jets.
Although unable to jump, this new Clint remained fast enough to serve as a heavy Scout leader . . . and with the Gauss Rifle as a primary weapon it proved quite able to support the lighter scouts under its command. The LCAF in particular was pleased at how well the design complemented their own Commando in the field.
The loss of Quentin to the Draconis Combine delayed the introduction of this BattleMech into the AFFS by several years, but the DCMS quickly rushed their newest Clints into deployment with veteran and elite Combine regiments already fielding fast light and medium units (the Arkab Legions, the Properina Hussars, the Nightstalkers, the Genyosha, and the Sword of Light among them).
In the LCAF, the new Clint is often assigned three Commandos (or two Commandos and a Hermes II in some regiments, primarily on the FWL border) to form a Recon Support Lance. It is occasionally assigned to a heavy weight lance instead to provide to provide a "spotter" that is quite well armed.
The AFFS, on the other hand, still lags behind the LCAF in deployment due to the loss of the Independence Weaponry plant on Quentin. The few CLNT-4-1FCs available have all been assigned to the Kathil Uhlans, the 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry, and the Davion Light Guards. As more (slowly) become available, the First Prince plans to incorporate them into more line regiments and RCTs.
The DCMS also uses the Clint as a scout leader, often teamed up with Kurita variants of the Phoenix Hawk providing long-range fire support for the actual light-weight scouts. It also sees extensive service in combination with the Dragon (especially the Grand Dragon with whom it shares the same ground speed) in fast strike lances.
Clint CLNT-4-1FC
Mass: 40 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3053
Dry Cost: 6,296,080 C-Bills
Total Cost: 6,336,080 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,286
Chassis: Andoran Model IIII/ES Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Pitban 240 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Super Medium Ferro-Fibrous
1 Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle
2 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries, Independence Weaponry
Primary Factory: Hesperus II, Quentin
Communications System: Raidon R1
Targeting and Tracking System: Sloane 220 Lockover
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 67 points 2.00
Internal Locations: 1 CT, 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 240 6.00
Walking MP: 6
Running MP: 9
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 10 0.00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 HD
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 125 7.00
Armor Locations: 1 CT, 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 17
Center Torso (rear) 5
L/R Torso 10 15
L/R Torso (rear) 5
L/R Arm 6 12
L/R Leg 10 15
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Gauss Rifle RA 1 7 15.00
2 Medium Lasers LA 6 2 2.00
@Gauss Rifle (16) RA - 2 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 2
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 13
6 3 3 2 0 2 0 Structure: 2
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA