Prime configurationMagnum (IS Thor Clone) MAG-O
Mass: 70 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped Omnimech
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Dark Ages
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3096
Cost: 19,920,458 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,049
Chassis: Crucis Type Vii-R Reinforced
Power Plant: Magna 350 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Aldis Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
24.0 tons of pod space.
Manufacturer: Kali Yama Weapons Industries Incorporated
Primary Factory: Kalidasa
Communications System: Irian Orator-5K
Targeting and Tracking System: Irian 511
Ever since Operation Revival the Inner Sphere has attempted to replicate the
omnimechs of the Invading clans. Starting with the Black Hawk, Avatar, and
Sunder and later followed by the Rakshasa the copies suffered from comparisons
to the clan originals. Inner Sphere technology simply could not equal the
performance of the original technology.
As part of the ongoing reconstruction following the Blakist Jihad Kaliyama
made the decision to reenter the omnimech market. Leveraging the new
technologies that had matured over the last few decades the manufacturer made
another attempt at emulating the clan omnimechs. Choosing the Thor as the basis
Kaliyama created the Magnum heavy omnimech.
What gave the Thor its notoriety was the blend of speed and power; in some ways
the Thor gave birth to the heavy cavalry concept that flourished in the wake of
the original clan invasion. The Magnum captures the essence of the clan
omnimech. The MAG uses various technologies to produce a chassis that recreates
the blend of speed and striking power of the original, but without sacrificing
protection. Heavy Ferro-fibrous plating on top of a reinforced skeleton gives
the Magnum excellent staying power.
As an omnimech the payload depends greatly on the specific mission guidelines.
While the Magnum has less pod space available than other omnimechs such as the
Avatar or Perseus it is still sufficient for the task at hand, and is in fact
greater than its clan counterpart. The Primary cofiguration emulates the
classic Warhammer, with PPCs and a secondary array of lasers and missiles. The
other common configurations run the gamut from skirmishing to siege missions.
It is notable that the base chassis lacks the integral jumpjets of the original
Thor; it was decided early on that enhanced mobility would be pod mounted on an
as-needed basis.
Battle History:
Given its now four decade service record the Magnum ironically rarely stands
out. Despite its popularity among mechwarriors the omnimech exists in too few
numbers to stand out among the array of heavy mechs prowling the modern
battlefield. Nevertheless, the mech never fails to deliver sterling performance.
The successful blend of speed and power gave the Lyran regulars no end of
trouble during the fourth battle of Tamarind in 3142. The Lyran assault mechs
were initially favored by the open terrain. But as the Lyran forces attempted
to redeploy cavalry lances employing several Magnums of the Tamarind Regulars
initiated a series of hit and run strikes, bringing the Steiner forces to a
halt and leaving them vulnerable to the assault mechs of the Regulars. In
those engagements the Magnums shrugged off the enemy fire while slashing
mercilessly at the slower assault mechs.
The sophisticated chassis of the Magnum, as well as the extra complexities of
omnimech production has limited output ever since its beginning in 3096. As a
result the Magnum labours under a broad yet shallow distribution among the
reconstituted FWLM. Both the Oriente Hussars and Atrean Dragoons have the
largest concentrations of the MAG omnimech, while the Marik Militia has
recently begun to pressure Kaliyama to increase output. Outside of the reborn
Free Worlds League the mech is largely absent, as other realms tend to prefer
homegrown designs and mercenary commands generally lack the resources to
acquire and maintain frontline omnimechs.
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
Captain Jacob Stern:
Piloting a Magnum omnimech for the Fourth Tamarind Regulars for nigh ten years,
Cpt. Stern has seen extensive action against Lyran and clan Wolf forces.
Initially a response to a reduced supply chain, Stern created his own pod
configuration using what was on hand at the time. The success of the "Bully,"
as he named it, spread the configuration through the rest of the Fourth
Regulars. The Magnum configuration has combined well with the unit's penchant
for high-mobilty, skirmish tactics.
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Reinforced 107 points 14.00
Engine: XL Fusion Engine 350 15.00
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 10(20) 0.00
Gyro: XL 2.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 215 12.00
Armor Locations: 1 HD, 4 LT, 3 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 9
Center Torso 22 32
Center Torso (rear) 10
L/R Torso 15 22
L/R Torso (rear) 8
L/R Arm 11 22
L/R Leg 15 30
The Prime emulates the venerable Warhammer. While the old school PPCs lack range on the modern battlefield the reduced heat burden compensates.
Loadout Name: Prime Cost: 21,532,271
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,799
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
CASE Locations: 1 RT 0.50
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
ER Small Laser RT 2 1 0.50
Streak SRM-6 RT 4 2 4.50
ER Small Laser LT 2 1 0.50
PPC RA 10 3 7.00
ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1.00
PPC LA 10 3 7.00
ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1.00
@Streak SRM-6 (15) RT - 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 12
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 18
5 3 3 2 0 3 2 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
The Alpha combines Plasma Rifles and jumpjets to deadly effect.
Loadout Name: Alpha Cost: 21,870,146
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A BV2: 2,078
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Jumping MP: 4 (Standard)
Jump Jet Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT 4.00
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
ER Medium Laser RT 5 1 1.00
ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00
Flamer LT 3 1 1.00
Plasma Rifle RA 10 2 6.00
Plasma Rifle LA 10 2 6.00
@Plasma Rifle (20) RA - 2 2.00
@Plasma Rifle (20) LA - 2 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 11
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 21
5/3j 3 2 0 0 3 1 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, HT1, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
The Beta mounts an array that is effective at all ranges. The effectiveness of TAG and a supercharger shouldn't be overlooked.
Loadout Name: Beta Cost: 28,967,858
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-F-A BV2: 2,052
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
CASE Locations: 1 RT 0.50
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Supercharger RT - 1 1.50
TAG LT 0 1 1.00
Targeting Computer LT - 1 1.00
Enhanced LRM-20 RA 6 9 12.00
4 ER Medium Lasers LA 20 4 4.00
@NLRM-20 (18) RT - 3 3.00
Free Critical Slots: 4
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 21
6 3 4 2 0 3 0 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, TAG, CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, LRM 1/1/1, IF 1
The Delta mounts the tried-and-true mix of Gauss Rifle and an array of lasers. delta is the new black: suitable for any occasion.

Loadout Name: Delta Cost: 21,322,958
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A BV2: 1,981
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
ER Medium Laser RT 5 1 1.00
ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00
Gauss Rifle RA 1 7 15.00
ER Large Laser LA 12 2 5.00
@Gauss Rifle (16) RA - 2 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 16
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 20
5 3 4 3 0 3 0 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
The Epsilon harkens back to the classic Thor. PPC and heavy autocannon for the win.
Loadout Name: Epsilon Cost: 22,185,708
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-F-A BV2: 2,022
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
CASE II Locations: 1 LA 1.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
ER Medium Laser RT 5 1 1.00
ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00
ER PPC + PPC Capacitor RA 20 3 7.00
ER PPC + PPC Capacitor RA 5* 1 1.00
Rotary AC/5 LA 1 6 10.00
@Rotary AC/5 (40) LA - 2 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 11
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 20
5 3 3 1 0 3 1 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, CASEII, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors: Captain Jacob Stern:Piloting a Magnum omnimech for the Fourth Tamarind Regulars for nigh ten years,
Cpt. Stern has seen extensive action against Lyran and clan Wolf forces.
Initially a response to a reduced supply chain, Stern created his own pod
configuration using what was on hand at the time. The success of the "Bully,"
as he named it, spread the configuration through the rest of the Fourth
Regulars. The Magnum configuration has combined well with the unit's penchant
for high-mobilty, skirmish tactics.
Loadout Name: Bully Cost: 22,098,583
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A BV2: 2,022
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Jumping MP: 4 (Standard)
Jump Jet Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT 4.00
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 11(22) 1.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA R: SH+UA
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Flamer RT 3 1 1.00
Flamer LT 3 1 1.00
4 ER Medium Lasers RA 20 4 4.00
ER Large Laser RA 12 2 5.00
Plasma Rifle LA 10 2 6.00
@Plasma Rifle (20) LA - 2 2.00
Free Critical Slots: 10
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 20
5/3j 2 2 1 0 3 2 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: OMNI, ENE, HT1, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
Epsilon configuration,at the testing grounds
The Bully, piloted by Cpt. Stern
What would you do with the chassis? Comment away!