A little more than a year ago you helped me elect a Smoke Jaguar saKhan for my alternate Battletech universe. That was so much fun I've decided to make it two years running with the election of not one but two Coyote Khans.
My original idea for this was based on a couple of lines in Field Manual: Warden Clans (FASA1711) page 48 under Khan Sullivan Koga. “When Steele finally retired in 3052, Sullivan Koga and three others were named as potential successors. By the time the vote was called. After a week of debate in Clan Council, Koga had rallied most of the Clan's warriors behind her and was elected Khan.â€
Further work on the Coyotes as part of my ongoing Quicksilver Trial design contests lead my group (Jeremy, Gus, and myself) to run a simulation on Saturday February 24, 2018 which was basically a rerun of canon. After making a few changes here and there I wanted to recreate and see what the results would be before actually writing up the battle.
So please vote! This time around you will have two votes – please cast one for the Khan and one for the saKhan candidate you’d think is the best choice. Voting and the debate will run for a week here and on the main forums. Folks voting here are allowed to stuff the ballot box for their favorites by journeying over to the other forum and casting another ballot. Please join in and enjoy!
Khanship of the Coyotes
June 3052
Following the Tukayyid the elder Khans of the Coyotes both opted to retire rather than lead their Clan through that battle’s tumultuous aftermath. While Khan Robin Steele had spent nearly two decades in office saKhan Tain McTighe had been there for just four short years. The former Loremaster was a contemporary of the Khan who had simply moved up after the severe combat injuries sustained by Pazi Tchernovkov had left him unable to fulfill his duties. Their mutual decision to step down in favor of new blood bought forth numerous contenders and opposing factions for the leadership of their Clan.
Mood of the Clan
Despite their Warden stance many warriors are upset by the Clan loss at Tukayyid to the inferior forces of the InnerSphere. This defeat inflicted by the ComGuards forces a 15-year truce on the Clans threatening the success of the invasion and perhaps their very way of life. Ever calculating the odds, the Coyotes know this time will enable the barbarous forces of the Great Houses to arm themselves in preparation for a renewed offensive. This will make any effort to enlighten the Spheroids in the just concepts of the Honor Road much costlier and could even result in an attack on the Clan Homeworlds.
Some blame their Khans who while vocally Warden ultimately voted for the Crusade and in turn did not stand by Wolf in the Refusal Trial that followed. Others were disappointed that the Clan finished was a distant eighth to eleventh in the Revival Trials leaving them well out of the invasion. They blame the failed series of trials against Clan Snow Raven in 3047 which sapped the Touman of valuable resources. No one argues that the Coyotes have seen significant setbacks for a century with territorial losses like Homer, Brim, Priori, Marshall, Hoard, and finally Albion marking a great decline.
Many desire Khans who can make Coyote great again and restore strength to the Warden cause. How this will be achieved is another matter entirely as many units remain woefully understrength even though the Clan still fields a dozen Galaxies. Even with fresh sibkos graduating and new equipment rolling of the production line these shortages cannot be resolved. Reforms are needed which most warriors realize but each clings to their proud Clusters with their own distinct record of glorious combat. Still a contraction might be unavoidable.
The Nominees for Khan
SULLIVAN KOGA Rank/Position: Star Colonel / Commander of Golden Keshik
Year of Birth: 3022 (29 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 0/1
Profile: Approaching thirty years of age Sullivan Koga is the finest Mechwarrior in her Clan. She has spent most of her career in the Golden Keshik as the young protégé of Khan Robin Steele. Koga learned much from her mentor as she served first as her adjutant then as her champion when Steele’s physical condition declined. Considered the odds-on favorite to ascend to the leadership of the Clan she stands ready to begin the difficult reforms needed to return the Coyotes to greatness.
BROOKE STEELE Rank/Position: Galaxy Commander / Commander of Lambda Galaxy
Year of Birth: 3004 (48 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3
Profile: Despite nearing her fifth decade Brooke Steele is a beautiful blonde Mechwarrior whose slight gray hair is the only small clue to her advanced age. Thriving on conflict she maintains her fighting edge constantly dispatching those who would challenge her. She was placed into second line service for speaking out against her Clan’s leadership and was a rival of the old Khan. Derided as a Shadow Crusader for her support of the invasion this superb counter puncher now aims to assume her rightful place among the Coyotes.
TOMAS MCKIBBENRank/Position: Galaxy Commander / Commander of Beta Galaxy
Year of Birth: 3018 (34 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 1/2
Profile: The second youngest candidate for Khan has many nicknames including CoyWolf and the Inquisitor. Behind his rugged appearance lies a strategic genius whose detailed oriented approach has led to many battlefield successes that seem to almost contradict the Coyotes’ decline. While a little socially awkward and stubborn he has a good sense of humor which earns him many friends. After witnessing freeborn heroism in battle he has become the foremost champion of their training in the Clan.
VIDYA LEVIENRank/Position: Galaxy Commander / Commander of Gamma Galaxy
Year of Birth: 3007 (45 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 1/2
Profile: While decanted as an aerospace pilot a tragic training accident in sibko threatened to end her career before it began. Despite never being able to fly again cybernetic replacements helped her regain a place in warrior training as a Mechwarrior. Visibly scared and weathered Vidya looks older than she actually is leading to many challenges from those who suspect weakness. None have survived an encounter which this bladed weapon specialist and once avid blood sport participant where she earned the nickname Lobo. Her cold analytical approach leads most to think she is more machine than woman but none question her skill.
The Nominees for saKhan
PAZI TCHERNOVKOVRank/Position: Galaxy Commander / Commander of Alpha Galaxy
Year of Birth: 3013 (39 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 1/2
Profile: Three and a half years ago Pazi Tchernovkov was the saKhan of the Coyote Clan. Despite his Warden views Pazi voted for the invasion following the Outbound Light’s discovery of the Clan Homeworlds. During the invasion debates he spoke at the Grand Council in favor of a five Clan operation to adequately subdue the InnerSphere. Tchernovkov sought to lead his Clan to victory in the Placement Trials and thus prove the Coyotes deserved to fight alongside their longtime Wolf Clan allies in Operation Revival. To that end he assumed personal command of the 38th Assault Cluster in the Placement Trials urging his warriors onward from the front. Unfortunately, during the opening round against the Fire Mandrills he was severely injured in combat. Near death and clearly unable to fulfill his duties the Coyotes quickly selected a new saKhan to serve their Clan as Pazi fought for his life. Luck, a strong will to live, and superior Clan medical technology bought him back from the edge a year and half later. Returning to the warrior caste he quickly regained his position in the Clan recently earning command of Alpha Galaxy. His rapid revival which including his election as Bloodhouse leader no doubt contributed to his Khans decision to retire. He now stands ready to regain all that he lost.
MASON JERRICHO Rank/Position: Galaxy Commander / Commander of Pi Galaxy
Year of Birth: 3011 (41 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 2/2
Profile: This veteran second line commander with thick brown hair and a large beard is a former ristar whose promising career was derailed somewhat by his political viewpoints. Always looking to the gloried past Mason is an avid student of military history and regularly uses lessons taken from long ago on the modern battlefield. His successes apparently were overlooked by former commanders who he insists stole his triumphs. Suspected of being a sympathizer for the invasion and expressing Crusader viewpoints in an ardently Warden Clan earned him instead a garrison posting. While bitter about this treatment Jerricho has not allowed it to affect his performance becoming one of the best reserve commanders in the Clan. Quite adept at defensive warfare this senior officer and Bloodhouse Leader has become known as ‘the Wall Builder’ within the Coyote Clan.
GREGOR NASH Rank/Position: Loremaster / Commander of Bronze Keshik
Year of Birth: 3009 (43 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 1/1
Profile: Elected Loremaster by the Clan Council after the Revival Trials this bald blue-eyed warrior monk maintains a slight beard and calm demeanor. Radiating a sense of serene tranquility even in the most chaotic situations imparts a natural leadership ability which draws followers to him. Leading a spartan lifestyle Gregor is utterly devoted to Dana Kufahl’s spiritualism and widely respected throughout the Clan. Most tend to focus on this deep faith or his dry personality but none should overlook his better than elite status in an OmniMech. It is this martial prowess along with a superior strength of belief that won him his current positions as Bloodhouse Leader and Loremaster of the Coyotes.
ELAM TCHERNOVKOVRank/Position: Star Colonel / Commander of Silver Keshik
Year of Birth: 3020 (32 years old)
‘Mech Gunnery/Piloting: 1/2
Profile: This tall Mechwarrior with brown almost jet-black hair combed straight back has piercing steel blue eyes and an almost unmatched wit. Birthed from some of the Coyotes’ finest blood heritages much was expected from Elam and his sibkin. Though he was the only warrior to graduate his remarkable performance in his initial Trial of Position defeating all three of his opponents justified his pedigree. This promising ristar soon won his bloodname and was posted to Albion as one of his Clan’s foremost dueling experts. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts the Burrock Clan was successful in winning exclusive possession of their homeworld sullying his otherwise unblemished record. Wanting to fully understand the loss and the Coyote’s decline Tchernovkov has since become obsessed with utilizing technology to reverse his Clan’s flagging fortunes. The protégé of former saKhan and Loremaster Tain McTighe worked his way back to command Silver Keshik despite tales of clandestine Watch missions and extensive fraternization with the Scientist Caste. In spite of this gossip and certain compulsive behavior he successfully served as Champion for his mentor until McTighe choose to retire following Tukayyid. While many traditionalists would like to see him abjured this dark horse candidate could well succeed McTighe as saKhan of the Clan.
Successors (Sullivan Koga and Pazi Tchernovkov)
Faced with several difficult decisions and hardships this faction insists Khan Robin Steele did her best but reforms are necessary going forward in order to revitalize the Clan. These hardline Wardens insist that the Truce of Tukayyid must be honored and the weight of the defeat should be placed squarely on the Crusaders who foolishly squandered every advantage to their opponents. They remain cautiously optimistic on the news of Operation Restoration but want to see more details before they fully endorse that new plan to restore the Star League. Internally they want to explore options that would allow trueborns a second Trial of Position if they should fail their first. These seconds, if successful, would serve in garrison units bolstering the Clan’s defenses while the Touman is restructured. While details on this reorganization are vague the understrength nature of many commands and the current top-heavy nature of the Coyote rank and file are likely to be challenged. This problem has grown with some even reviving the ancient saying about the Coyotes having too many Chiefs and too little Indians as some units have more officers than troops. Diplomatically and territorially this faction remains committed to maintaining the status quo until these reforms can be carried out.
Reactionaries (Brooke Steele and Mason Jerricho)
Longing for a return to the glory days of the Coyote this faction blames much of the downturn on Khan Steele and her predecessor, Khan Terrence Kufahl. Strict adherents to zellbrigen they insist the Truce of Tukayyid should not be honored because of the duplicity seen during Operation Scorpion and the innumerable dezgra tactics used by the InnerSphere against the Invaders. If possible, they would like to join the invasion themselves in order to shorten the inevitable liberation of the Great Houses. While Operation Restoration appeals to them on this level there are parts of Operation Revival they actually prefer such as a limited number of proven Clans. Perhaps their most controversial call is to reactivate those Bloodnames Reaved following the Blood Scandal. This incident which happened more than 75 years ago has cost the Clan some of its best legacies for far too long. Propagating those heritages would allow the Coyotes to expand sibko production and grow once again in their opinion. For these beliefs some call them Shadow Crusaders despite their insistence that they are a traditional Wardens. They also wish to reclaim Coyote legacies lost to other Clans and trade some Warships (perhaps 2 or 3; Potemkin, Sovetskii Soyuz, and Essex) for ground forces. As the OmniMech Clan which is usually dominated by Mechwarriors this is an interesting idea to many. They are whole uninterested in territorial expansion in the Homeworlds or undertaking any caste reforms whatsoever preferring the status quo position of this conservative Clan.
Spiritualists (Tomas McKibben and Gregor Nash)
Urging a return to the faith which binds their Clan together the Spiritualists believe that the Coyotes must fundamentally change their thinking. Insisting that the Clan never should have voted for the invasion in the first place or participated in the Revival Trials whatsoever they would actually want to recall the Invading Clans back to the homeworlds. For these reasons they wholeheartedly support the Truce and are not interested in Operation Restoration whatsoever. They favor homeworld expansion particularly against the Invading Crusader Clans whose assets will serve to strengthen the Coyotes and force their adversaries back to the Kerensky Cluster. They are also for warrior caste reforms like the second Trial for trueborns and increasing freeborn sibkos. The Spiritualists propose the biggest diplomatic initiative of any faction which would have Warden Missionaries deepen ties to friendly Clans (Wolf, Goliath Scorpion, Snow Raven, Kindraa Payne, and even old enemies like Cloud Cobra), while spreading their message to others (Blood Spirit, Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Hell’s Horses, Nova Cat, Steel Viper), and cutting ties with ardent Crusaders (Burrock, most Fire Mandrill Kindraa, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Star Adder).
Technologists (Vidya Levien and Elam Tchernovkov)
The key to overcoming the challenges facing the Clan is technology according to this radical faction. Embracing a new approach based on greater cooperation with the Scientist Caste will allow the Coyotes to build on their greatest strength. Warriors should facilitate scientific endeavors of the Clan by challenging for key research assets to supplement technological gain. Other castes like the merchants should also help support the Scientist Caste for the greatest possible advantage by obtaining InnerSphere tech for study and possible innovations. Working with other Clans especially like Diamond Shark and Wolf on research could further these endeavors. They think the Truce of Tukayyid is a horrible idea because the InnerSphere will be able to close the technological gap and be able to bring greater numbers to bear against the Clans. For these reasons they are eager for Operation Restoration to begin as soon as possible and they would lift the ban on Freeborns to augment the Touman. These warriors can ideally serve in second line units ably defending the Clan but would not be eligible for front line service. They also favor the establishment of a second trial for Trueborns and the creation of additional Reserve Clusters to bolster front line Galaxies. Older OmniMechs which are currently cached like the Coyotl, Lupus, and Woodsman could be activated for these units. Restarting their production could also help the Clan achieve ‘total modularity’ eliminating standard BattleMechs from service altogether. Additionally, they say the combat arm has grown too heavy and that the Clan has forgotten about its lighter weight forces. Finally they favor exploration and exploitation of resources in the Deep Periphery which could aid the invasion and add valuable resources to the Clan.