I know Ice had mentioned putting another in-character support to this thread which I will very appreciatively add to the story but it will come too late to factor into these results.
Well folks we have come to the end of our second Khan election for my unfolding alternate universe and before I get to the results I’d like to thank everyone who took part. These forum events combined with a little in-home gaming are a lot of fun for me and my friends (Matt, Jeremy, Gus, and Steve). Really looking forward to playing out this scenario next weekend and finishing the project with a grand write up everyone can enjoy. Still we couldn’t have done it without everyone participating on the forums with their review of the info, voting for their favorite candidates, and most awesomely in character endorsements. I really love it when folks join in the debate and try to convince others to vote for their candidate. Your participation was the best birthday gift I could have received this week so I would like to thank you all once again.
Now to the vote and its totals which could be controversial so I want to explain them to you. First off on CBT there was an over vote for Khan as somebody used their two votes to support a single candidate for kaKhan rather than splitting their votes between both offices. Second issue, there were seven total under votes for saKhan (2 on OBT and 5 on CBT) meaning several folks did not make a selection for this junior leadership position when they could have. These votes were combined with Steve’s (who is not a member of either forum) and his vote was registered in the home category. These votes coming from CBT, OBT, and Home were added together producing the following totals.
Candidate CBT Votes OBT Votes Home Votes Vote Total
Khan (36)
Sullivan Koga 6 4 1 11 (31%)
Brooke Steele 2 1 0 3 (8%)
Tomas McKibben 12 6 0 18 (50%)
Vidya Levien 3 1 0 4 (11%)
saKhan (28)
Pazi Tchernovkov 3 4 0 7 (25%)
Mason Jerricho 1 0 0 1 (3.5%)
Gregor Nash 5 3 0 8 (28.5%)
Elam Tchernovkov 8 3 1 12 (43%)
Throughout the debate here I was considering adding into the vote total the In-Character Support and Canon Endorsements for two reasons. One, to reward those who went the extra mile who got into character and wrote a blurb which will be used in the overall story. Two, to balance our voting results with Canon Character Endorsements which could check alternate results. The voting results were a little extreme (winners running away from the pack and losers getting so little support that any challenge would be prohibitive) in my estimation so I added both producing the following Totals.
Candidate Vote Totals In-Character Support Canon Endorse Overall Total
Khan (60)
Sullivan Koga 11 0 7 18 (30%)
Brooke Steele 3 1 3 7 (11.7%)
Tomas McKibben 18 3 5 26 (43.3%)
Vidya Levien 4 2 3 9 (15%)
saKhan (52)
Pazi Tchernovkov 7 1 6 14 (26.9%)
Mason Jerricho 1 0 3 4 (7.7%)
Gregor Nash 8 1 5 14 (26.9%)
Elam Tchernovkov 12 4 4 20 (38.5%)
The biggest winners from this combination were the lowest finishers and this math did not affect the order. This made the final results closer and next week’s combat a little more competitive which is desirable.
This outcome is far different from our first simulation which had the Successors (Sullivan Koga and Pazi Tchernovkov) come out on top. They had their choice of OmniMechs which were a Dire Wolf and Gargoyle respectively that in large part enabled them to come out on top the first time around. This was directly in line with the canon outcome. In this alternate revote the Successors fell to second place and could still at least in my opinion win next Sundays combat trials to come out on top.
The greatest disparity between the first simulation and this alternate revote was the low totals received by the Reactionaries. Initially Brooke Steele and Mason Jerricho received a Highlander IIC and Guillotine IIC for use in the combat trials that were the second biggest. However, facing off against their larger Successor opponents made them both one of the first casualties in that combat simulation. I do have to say that their last place finishes this time around does make sense upon reflection as both candidates were second-line commanders and had views that were in large part out of order with Coyote thinking. My error I guess overrating their support base first time around but it does lead to an interesting question for me – if they elect to take second line Mechs into the combat trial again should they be larger due to their inferior nature then their vote totals indicate?
The biggest overall improvement with this vote goes to the Spiritualists whose message seemed to resonant with voters the most. While a few folks voiced support for Loremaster Gregor Nash to be the candidate for Khan and Tomas the candidate for saKhan the results would indicate differently. It was Tomas McKibben that smashed the opposition for the Khanship of the Clan which to me was somewhat surprising. I expected Koga to emerge victorious and if indeed Nash were the candidate things may have been different or closer. Regardless it was an impressive win for Tomas McKibben who goes onto defend his right by election to become the next Coyote Khan. First time around McKibben in a Timber Wolf lost to Koga in a Dire Wolf while Nash in a Mad Dog was beaten by Pazi in a Gargoyle. The shoe seems to be on the other foot next week.
Differences from the first simulation to this alternate revote event were stark for the Technologists this time around. Elam had been the biggest underdog of the first trial in his Great Coyotl indicating a last place vote total. I now wonder if he had a better chance at the top of the ticket vote wise but Koga was just to good combat wise to be defeated last time around so the decision was made to alter his spot to second billing. This paid off vote wise with a win for the Technologists and gives them a great chance to hold one of the leadership spots for the Clan going forward. Vidya Levien (aka Darth Coyote) was a big change to being elevated to the top of the ticket instead of having a Stormcrow which got lit up in the saKhan match first time around by Gregor Nash in his Mad Dog. Her third-place finish for Khan is certainly interesting. Expect to see Level Three Tech (XXL Engine, Supercharger, Streak LRMs and ER Pulses) to be used by their candidates this time around.
Combat Trials
Tomas McKibben as the first-place finisher for Khan will get the Dire Wolf (100 tons) this time around but the configuration will be up to the player character likely Bradshaw. According to my math this means that Sullivan Koga the second-place finisher is entitled to a 70-ton Mech for the combat trial. The third-place finisher, Vidya Levien, would be allowed a 35-ton Mech for the trial and lastly Brooke Steele would be allowed a 25-ton Mech for combat. Please check my math folks. What are your thoughts on Steele taking a heavier second line Mech into combat and presumably the Level 3 Adder configuration Levien will be using?
Elam Tchernovkov as the first-place finisher for saKhan will get the Gargoyle (80 tons) this time around and I have a little story to go with this. It will undoubtedly feature some of the Great Coyotl which uses a 400XXL Engine and a Supercharger but what else I will have to see. I could in theory allow Elam a Dire Wolf (100 tons) as well but think I will stick to the 80-ton ceiling for saKhan. Perhaps I will include both results and think about it. Since both Pazi and Nash finished with a tie they could take a 55-ton Mech into combat versus the Gargoyle or a 70-ton Mech against the Dire Wolf depending on what is chosen for Elam. Lastly and quite laughably Mason Jerricho would be eligible for an Elemental Suit (5 tons) against the Gargoyle or more reasonably a 20-ton Mech against the Dire Wolf. Again, this could increase depending on what you think of him using a second-line machine in this trial.
What do you think next Sunday’s combat should look like?