Moving on from the still forming Circle of Masters I really want to talk the next six months for Clan Coyote which will make up their section of the new catchup tome bring us to the Trial of Restoration in January 3053.
With our newly united leadership of the Coyotes under Khan Tomas McKibben (Spiritualist), saKhan Elam Tchernovkov (Technolgist), Loremaster Sullivan Koga (Successor), and Wardmaster Mason Jerricho (Reactionary) these months are filled with activity. My early read on these characters is that all four are willing to do what is best for the Clan, of course I'd like to see what you all have to say about that.
The first thing I envision Khan McKibben doing is dispatching Warden Missionaries to certain Clans as described under the Spiritualist description.
The Spiritualists propose the biggest diplomatic initiative of any faction which would have Warden Missionaries deepen ties to friendly Clans (Wolf, Goliath Scorpion, Snow Raven, Kindraa Payne, and even old enemies like Cloud Cobra), while spreading their message to others (Blood Spirit, Diamond Shark, Ghost Bear, Hell’s Horses, Nova Cat, Steel Viper), and cutting ties with ardent Crusaders (Burrock, most Fire Mandrill Kindraa, Ice Hellion, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Star Adder).
I could also see incorporating Scientific Liaisons as the Technologists suggested in their campaign for office. Speculation on how these endeavors work out is welcomed!
At the same time a new Scientist-General comes to power within the Clan, former saKhan Tain McTighe. Instead of committing bondsref or ritual suicide as I envision former Khan Robin Steel doing (something Khan Hazen did just before the invasion) he opted to retire and join the Scientist Caste. This sort of mirrors Angus Labov from canon Diamond Shark who retired from military service and quickly became the head of that Clan's merchant caste. In much the same way I had thought McTighe could take control of the Scientist Caste and start to reshape it as I wanted. This is different from Elliot McKibben in canon who during the Wars of Reaving went from Scientist to Khan thanks to the Society. And yes this indicates a major change from canon for me as I want the Coyote's to become more of the Scientist Clan like Diamond Shark is the Merchant Clan in this universe then canon's Society.
Reformation (Bare Bones)
This is a big one where the Coyote Touman is completely reorganized over this time. On paper the Coyotes fielded an impressive force of a dozen (12) Galaxies and fifty-two (52) Clusters that could match any of the strongest Clans right up to our Khan Trials. We all know they are undermanned and underequipped (canon numbers indicate 7 Galaxies and 35 Clusters) which indicates 67% or two-thirds were actually combat ready. So first question for you all is how did Khan Robin Steele keep this a secret or conceal this weakness? Binaries instead of Trinaries?? I don't think anyone in the Clan or outside it realizes how bad things really are.
The foundation of the 316th Assault Cluster (Spirit Walkers) is a big change for me from Sullivan Koga's reformation. This is more combat oriented and Clan like IMO. I see this new unit founded on the glorious tradtions of the past beginning Trials of Absorption for Clusters understrength enabling them to continue as part of the 316th. Trials for Keshik mergers into Galaxies would also result in some notable match ups as older Galaxy Commanders have to square off against the saKhan (Beta - Anna Skyes) and Loremaster (Gamma - Vidya Levien). Alpha Commander Pazi Tchernovkov was already killed leaving Khan McKibben to assume command there.
Five frontline Galaxies (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon) remain with four Clusters each one of which is a Reserve Cluster. This alteration from canon will mollify some of the outrage over the reorganization of the Touman. There are OmniMechs in second line galaxies (Zeta would be a good place) the Clan can draw from to strengthen forces here.
The big change to the touman would be the disbandment of two garrison galaxies (Xi and Pi), downgrade of Zeta to Sigma, and the addition of 4 new clusters (316th, a Reserve Line Cluster, and two Solhama Clusters). So 39 Clusters instead of 35. Now where are we getting new personnel and equipment from? Freeborns activated from Police Clusters (Third Line) and Second Trials for Trueborns would present a new pool of talent. Spiritualists and Technologists both called for Freeborns and Second Trials for Trueborns so this is a campaign promise. Equipment would be ancient OmniMechs (Coyotl, Lupus, Woodsman) activated as well as Vehicles for the Solhama Clusters. Thoughts??