Should you wish to be clear about the Ares Conventions perhaps you should clarify exactly what you are proposing in a new forum, and then collect your votes.
Fair enough, but the Terran Hegemony has not, nor will it be, the driving force behind the acceptance of these rules. The Hegemony is not the Inner Sphere's police men, but the Terran people are more than willing to take a ground political attack and turn it into something useful. The so-called "violations" of "commonly accepted interstellar law" or the abrogation of certain treaties has been driven primarily by your nation and the Lyran Commonwealth. Your nations broached the topic of punishment based on certain "grounds"—not other members of this board. All the Hegemony did—and continues to do—is was help direct the conversation from descending into petty bickering and turn itinto something marginally usable as a potential set of governing accords.
Since Oberon continues to act on the ground of moral and legal ambiguity, the Hegemony sees no reason to pursue this topic further if the chief so-called proponents of "commonly accepted interstellar law" seem less than enthused with its creation as a foundation of future punishment.
Lastly, if the Oberon Confederation or any other interstellar nation wants to hold itself to a standard not covered by a legally binding definition, then so be it. The Hegemony's admirals for one, will be happier knowing they can use their WarShips in any manner they see fit when protecting the Terran people.
The Hegemony will vote against an interdiction of the Draconis Combine or any other nation as long as there is no clear legal violation of any kind. Furthermore, the Hegemony will begin offering HPG information and assistance to those nations it deems fit in order to bring this absurd farce to a swift conclusion.